Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 909: Killing the Prince with One Soul-Destroying Move

Everyone on the periphery has their eyes opened.

I was really lucky today and saw this incredible scene.

There was great peace between the crown prince and the second prince.

But when the Fire Tribe met Wenxin Pavilion, sparks flew everywhere.

Wenxin Pavilion has always been gentle, but today he was angry.

The Fire Tribe has always been like a blazing fire, but today it is calm.

Everything is abnormal!

After all, the people in Wenxin Pavilion had extraordinary self-control skills. After being provoked by the Fire Tribe, they quickly calmed down. After arriving at Tongxin Pavilion, they became polite again. They first saluted the prince and then the second prince.

The prince bowed in response, while the second prince stood up: First Elder, I have heard rumors that your pavilion's ancestral lotus was stolen. Is it true?

The great elder's face suddenly became clouded: Conclusive!

The face of the second prince changed greatly: The Ancestral Lotus is the root of Wenxin. The Wenxin Pavilion has cultivated talents from all walks of life for the country, and has made immortal contributions to the red country's literature, military, and governance. Cutting off the path of Wenxin is no different. How abominable is it to close the door of our Red Nation’s talent training?”

The prince's eyebrows raised sharply...

The second prince looked at him: Brother Prince, do you agree with what I said?

The prince said: It is true that Wenxin Pavilion cultivates talents and penetrates them both inside and outside the court. However, it is not the issue today. What Wenxin Pavilion wants to ask today is the relationship between the loss of ancestor lotus and the loneliness.

The second prince's words were quite sharp, and he determined the incident from the very beginning. Those who cut off the path of Wenxin Pavilion would eventually bring harm to the entire Red Kingdom.

It's hard to argue with this. If the prince denies Wenxin Pavilion's contribution to the Red Kingdom, it's not objective, and if he kills a whole boatload of people with one bamboo pole, he will offend too many people.

Therefore, he did not deny it, but his answer was also very clever.

It is true that you asked Xinge to cultivate talents, I admit it! However, I don’t say that you train talents for the country! What you cultivate for yourself is also possible.

Penetrating inside and outside the court, this is also an objective fact. In this context, it is not a good word.

The more sensitive matters were mentioned in one sentence, and we went directly to the topic. Let’s not mention the merits and demerits of Wenxin Pavilion for the moment. The only issue today is whether the loss of Wenxin Pavilion’s ancestral lotus has anything to do with me, the Prince of the East Palace.

When they met and made their first move, both of them showed the control of the Lord at the center of the storm.

The great elder of Wenxin Pavilion said: Your Highness, Zhuge Qingfeng came to Wenxin Pavilion to do this evil thing with the road guide written by His Highness himself. Your Highness, you think you can stay out of it?

This is the second move, hitting the pain point directly.

The prince said: Someone came to the East Palace a few days ago, claiming to be Zhuge Qingfeng, the Saint of Poetry. As soon as he entered the East Palace, he wrote a colorful poem to confirm his identity. Facing a great scholar of such a level, why should I not receive him? His world of speech and literature was blocked, and he wanted to enter the Wenxin Pavilion and ask the Xinya to understand the world of enlightenment, but Gu had no reason not to allow it? Gu also believed that you, Wenxin Pavilion, had the ability to control risks and distinguish the true from the false. Unexpectedly, Gu would end up I still look down on you and ask Xin Ge, how could could you allow him to do such an outrageous thing?

The last sentence is heartbreaking!

Everyone in the pavilion has changed their color!

The Great Elder of Wenxin Pavilion felt a surge of anger rising from his heart, quickly covering it with a layer of depression.

The prince's words are so thoughtful...

On the one hand, he absolutely does not deny that he met Zhuge Qingfeng, nor does he deny that he led the way for Zhuge Qingfeng. Of course, this is something he cannot deny at all.

But what can you do?

Respecting the great Confucians is the political correctness of all countries. When a great Confucian from another country comes to our country, it is correct no matter how high-standard the reception is.

If a Confucian scholar wants to achieve enlightenment, it is right to give the green light. If you don't give the green light, it is a sign of not respecting the liberal arts. If you give the green light, it is a reflection of respecting the liberal arts.

As a prince, is it wrong for me to respect culture?

On the other hand, he severely defeated Wenxin Pavilion. Isn’t it that Wenxin Pavilion is said to have unparalleled power of control in the world? A person enters your Wenxin Pavilion, and you actually ask him to do something that you simply cannot accept. How do you show your control? You can't let me take the blame for your incompetence, right?

In the second round, the prince powerfully crushed Wenxin Pavilion.

He took the hat off his head cleanly.

The Great Elder said coldly: This matter still lacks a key person. Once this key person arrives, all mysteries will be solved. His Highness the Crown Prince also promised that we will see this person today, but where is this person?

This is the third tip, facing the root cause.

Your prince pretended to stay out of the matter and pushed everything aside. However, there is one person who cannot be cleansed, and that is the instigator Zhuge Qingfeng.

Prince, you promised to let Zhuge Qingfeng confront you in public today.

Once this person arrives, what kind of connection you have with him will be revealed to the world!

Elder Yi Ren of the Fire Clan smiled slightly: Elder Yunkong finally got to the point. I got in touch with Zhuge Qingfeng, a relative of our clan, last night. He said that he has been at the Holy Poet's Family this month and has never left the house. The person who entered Wenxin Pavilion half a step away from Danfeng Valley and committed such evil deeds is simply a fake!

Counterfeiting? Du Yungkong asked, After doing a lot of bad things, just saying pretending casually, everything will be fine?

Then what else can we do? You ask, if Xinge has no eyesight and does not recognize the real person, and leads the wolf into the house by himself, who is to blame? Elder Yi Ren replied coldly.

You... Du Yunchong was furious...

At this moment, a person broke through the air and arrived.

Everyone in the pavilion raised their heads...

Above the sky, on a piece of pale yellow poetry manuscript, there is a person who looks like a flying fairy from the sky, dressed in a scholar's attire, handsome and elegant, floating outside the pavilion, stopping silently.

The poem manuscript is like flying wings, flying up and down, and the scribe's belt that binds the man's hair is also blowing gently, making his whole person full of movement and literati atmosphere.

I, Zhuge Qingfeng, heard that all forces came for me, so I traveled thousands of miles under the stars and night! Zhuge Qingfeng bowed slightly.

Everyone in the pavilion gathered their gazes, and the prince's eyes flashed with light: Grandmaster Zhuge, did you really come from thousands of miles away on a starry night?

Zhuge Qingfeng turned his eyes to the prince: Your Highness, Qingfeng knows what the prince wants to ask. Qingfeng has admired the prince's name for a long time, but he has never met the prince. The person who visited the prince a few days ago was definitely not Zhuge Qingfeng!

This is a face-to-face rejection.

Master Zhuge, please come into the cabinet! The prince stood up and bowed slightly.

Zhuge Qingfeng stepped under his feet, and the poem manuscript disappeared out of thin air. He stepped through the void and came to the prince: Your Highness, Qingfeng has received a message from the Fire Tribe, saying that someone is pretending to be me, and Qingfeng cannot tolerate it. Can you take a look at what he wrote? That psalm?”

Gu Zheng has this intention! Come and present it! The prince waved his hand, and Mr. Gou took out a poem manuscript and unfolded it, filled with colorful light...

Zhuge Qingfeng firmly locked onto this poem draft...

Everyone is also staring at this poem...

The moonlight is deeper in the emperor's house, the North Dipper is tilted to the south; tonight I know that the spring air is warm, and the sound of insects is fresh and green through the window screen... Zhuge Qingfeng chanted: Original first work, a colorful poem, and what's even more surprising is that his handwriting is the same as his own. The commonly used words are exactly the same, I don’t blame His Highness the Prince, even if Qingfeng’s old friends suddenly see such a poem in front of them, they will probably think that this person is me, Zhuge Qingfeng!”

This statement has three meanings.

First, he spoke highly of this person's methods.

The second is to relieve the prince from his trap.

Third, take yourself out and clearly show again that this person is just a pretender and not Zhuge Qingfeng himself at all.

The great elder of Wenxin Pavilion frowned, but before he could speak, Zhuge Qingfeng turned his eyes to him: Great elder of Wenxin Pavilion, right? Qingfeng came here today with the same intention as everyone else, to find this traitor. , Therefore, it needs multiple confirmations. In terms of literature, this person has not shown any traces, but this is static! It is easy to imitate statically, but it is difficult to imitate dynamically. Qingfeng really wants to know, when he fought against Guige, he was exposed. If there are any clues about this thief, can you ask Guan Xinge for any traces of this thief?

Everyone's minds lighted up, yes, everyone has his or her own characteristics. Above literary skills, the test is literary talent and handwriting.

It is not difficult to imitate handwriting at all, but it is much more difficult to imitate writing talent, but as long as the level is high, it may not be impossible to imitate.

This is static imitation.

Static imitation is easier, but dynamic imitation is much more difficult.

Where is the dynamic?

It's about fighting!

Faced with such a complicated situation in Wenxin Pavilion, why don't you use what's at the bottom of the box?

For high-level people, their skills are almost always closely related to their identity. Zhuge Qingfeng doesn't believe that someone can imitate his face and imitate all his skills. This is the real reason why he came here today. .

As the son of a holy family of poets, he can't be bothered to care about worldly grudges.

If someone wrongly accuses him, he can just respond and be done with it.

However, he cannot tolerate someone who impersonates him and does such an insidious thing. He really wants to know who the person who is impersonating him is and how he impersonates him, so he comes thousands of miles away to check this impostor face to face. The multiple pieces of information confirmed his inner judgment.

He saw the poem and confirmed it three points.

If someone else can't write my first original colorful poem, what about that person? The poems that that man cursed were all in five colors, and he had never written anything under seven colors in his life. Even if he were himself, I was probably a little far behind him in terms of poetry.

And the handwriting is a further confirmation!

Others may not know his handwriting, but he does, because when Makino asked for her bride, he was by his side and saw his handwriting with his own eyes.

Next are the traces that confirm the action...

Of course there are images of him taking action in Wenxin Pavilion...

The great elder of Wenxin Pavilion had a gloomy face, and with his hands together, a projection appeared in the sky...

In the projection, Zhuge Qingfeng held his hands together, fire came out, the two elders were burned to ashes, and the bronze door melted into copper water...

When the literary world came out, there was a fire, and there were faint fire dragons, fire phoenixes...

The expression of Elder Yi Ren of the Fire Tribe changed. Why was it difficult for him to tell the difference between the person who took action and the one who took action by Zhuge Qingfeng?

Could it be... could this really be Zhuge Qingfeng?

Zhuge Qingfeng's heart was like a bright mirror...

If his judgment was only three points at the beginning, now, his judgment has reached nine points!

The imitation of his actions in this projection can be said to be extremely similar, with almost no flaws to be found.

However, the absence of a flaw is itself a flaw!

Only those who have seen him take action can imitate it so accurately. As he is usually a scholar, he rarely uses the power of the spiritual path. The rule of fire can be used to this level only once!


Buried in Guancheng!

Can anyone see this? People who were in Guancheng at that time!

Some people may ask, is this conclusion useful? There were many people in Guancheng at that time, millions! Moreover, your projection is still played day and night in the Celebrity Pavilion. Anyone can see it and imitate it as long as they are willing.

However, there are still a few prerequisites!

This person must be a literati, the kind who can write colorful poems.

There are not many in the world.

There is another level. Zhuge Qingfeng clearly knows that the attack in this projection is disguised by the power of the literary world.

How many scholars are there in the secular world?

After all the combinations, a name clearly emerged in Zhuge Qingfeng's mind: Lin Su!

Zhuge Qingfeng slowly raised his head, and the light in his eyes flashed slightly: Your Royal Highness, elders, Qingfeng has never bothered to prove his innocence, but in view of the seriousness of the situation, Qingfeng first makes an oath of heaven!

He stretched out his left hand, and blood dripped from the index and middle fingers of his right hand. The two bloody fingers pointed directly at the sky: I, Zhuge Qingfeng, hereby swear an oath to heaven. I have never entered the Wenxin Pavilion in my life, nor have I stolen the Ancestral Lotus. However, there are If you tell half of the truth, you will be punished by heaven!

There was a soft rumble, and the sky shook slightly, indicating that the oath of heaven was established, and the floating clouds were rolling, but nothing unusual was seen.

Zhuge Qingfeng stood quietly in the pavilion, the clouds were light and the wind was gentle.

Everyone in the Wenxin Pavilion frowned...

No matter how much evidence you have, Zhuge Qingfeng will take it out.

He dared to make the oath of heaven in public.

How else can you accuse him?

Opposite Tongxin Pavilion, there is a restaurant. The third floor of the restaurant is facing the location of Tongxin Pavilion. The windows are ajar. The two women on the window sill are looking at Tongxin Pavilion quietly. They are Du Yan and Du Bing.

At this moment, the two women had different expressions.

Sister Bing, is that person really not Zhuge Qingfeng? Du Yan said.

Du Bing frowned: I have a feeling that the current Zhuge Qingfeng is indeed somewhat different from the Zhuge Qingfeng of that day, but I can't tell what the difference is at the moment. Maybe it's just an intuition...

Du Yan's eyes widened: Who has this kind of ability? Can I be there and not be able to tell the flaws in his methods, but can only swear an oath of heaven to prove my innocence?

Du Bing said: I have a vague guess, and I believe that Zhuge Qingfeng also has this guess. His self-proving of innocence is not just self-proving of innocence. He is adding weight and chips to the subsequent judgment.

This is the concern of the wise.

The issues that a wise man considers are never what others expect.

When most people see Zhuge Qingfeng making the oath of heaven, they will only think that Zhuge Qingfeng is proving his innocence, but Du Bing sees another layer. Zhuge Qingfeng's drama is not over yet. He plans to make his own analysis. Before the analysis, He had to take it out first. Before he took it out, others would not believe his words. He could only cleanse himself with incomparable determination and then make an analysis.

That way the credibility will be much higher.

His gaze returned to Tongxin Pavilion.

Zhuge Qingfeng swore an oath to heaven and everything was safe, and the Fire Tribe elders all breathed a sigh of relief.

Sure enough it wasn't him!

As long as it wasn't for him, the Fire Tribe would retreat intact.

The prince also quietly breathed a sigh of relief. The person who broke into Wenxin Pavilion was the fake Zhuge Qingfeng, so the next road for him would be much easier. His shackles were never a guide for him, that road. Yin has already explained clearly that he posted it out of respect for literature and morality, and it is not a sin in itself.

His only trouble is whether it will make it difficult for the Fire Tribe to escape. The Fire Tribe is his biggest support at the moment.

As long as this person is really not Zhuge Qingfeng, the Fire Tribe will get away.

All the forces on the prince's side were relieved.

It's difficult over there at Wenxin Pavilion.

The clan's most precious treasure was lost, its roots were dug up, and the person who entered Wenxin Pavilion was decoupled!

How could they just give up?

No matter what, you have to bite the person in front of you to death, otherwise, wouldn't Wenxin Pavilion suffer a huge loss?

The Great Elder slowly raised his head: The Oath of Heaven! Under normal circumstances, the oath of Heaven is trustworthy, but most of the top forces also have some tricks to deceive the heaven. Did Grandmaster Zhuge use some peerless method, or use the holy treasure to Shield the secrets?

Everyone's hearts tightened suddenly...

A way to deceive heaven?

There is indeed some, just as Lin Su and Abbot Kongwen of Qianfo Temple said that day, the magic method to deceive the sky and the Buddhist method to mend the sky are some mysterious methods performed under the rules of heaven. These methods are more or less Shaodu can change the rules of Heaven, and it is even easier to deal with the Heaven's Oath. There is at least one way, Zhuge Qingfeng is definitely possible, and that is to use the Holy Treasure to block the secret of Heaven!

There is a holy treasure, a holy family of poets!

Even the Fire Tribe has one!

The great elder pointed out this flaw in the Heavenly Dao Oath, and the Heavenly Dao Oath that Zhuge Qingfeng had just made so majestically and so confidently changed beyond recognition in the blink of an eye.

Zhuge Qingfeng finally felt the difficulty of Wenxin Pavilion for the first time. He sighed softly: Qingfeng even swore the oath of heaven, but the great elder still doesn't believe it, what more do you want to do?

I don't believe in my oaths, I only believe in myself! The great elder said: If Grandmaster Zhuge really has a clear conscience, would he dare to accept my 'Lingtai Illumination'?

Zhuge Qingfeng's face suddenly darkened...

The faces of the people from the Fire Tribe are even more ugly...

The so-called Lingtai Zhaojing has a Zen-like name, but it is an extremely overbearing side sect.

That is to use extreme mental power to browse the other party's spiritual platform and read all the secrets in the spiritual platform.

Zhuge Qingfeng is the son of two families and is the bridge between the two major forces. He is also known as a think tank and knows all kinds of high-end situations. How can he read through his consciousness?

When you are searching, are you just searching for whether he has entered the Wenxin Pavilion?

What you are playing is the high-end game between the Fire Tribe and the Holy Poet Family!

Who in the world can agree?

Even the prince refused!

The prince suddenly stood up and his face darkened: Elder, as the elder of Wenxin Pavilion, you should know that there is a bottom line in everything. Grandmaster Zhuge is a direct descendant of the Poetic Saint's family. He has already taken the oath of heaven to prove his innocence. Do you want to use the spiritual platform to illuminate him? Sutra, don’t you think it’s too much to sweep away the secrets of the Holy Family?”

The great elder's gloomy eyes slowly cast towards the prince: Your Highness, the prince, is so nervous. Are you worried that I will discover the secret between you and him?

Presumptuous! You... The prince roared angrily, pointing his finger directly at the great elder...

His voice suddenly stopped and he slowly fell soft...

When he fell, his eyes were wide open, as if he couldn't believe it...

Everyone in the pavilion was shocked at the same time...

With a swish sound, the leader of the guards stepped forward and held the prince's back. Yifeng of the Fire Tribe appeared in front of the prince, and pointed his finger on the prince's eyebrows. His fingers suddenly trembled...

The prince's consciousness has been cleared! How dare you kill the prince! Yi Feng suddenly turned around, and his sharp eyes were like the fire of hell, shooting at the great elder.

With a bang, everyone in the attic left their seats at the same time, including the second prince who had been watching the show in Yun Danfengqing.

Everyone's expressions also changed.

Including Zhuge Qingfeng, as well as the five top elders of Wenxin Pavilion.

The prince is dead? what happened?

He was directly killed in a fierce confrontation with the Great Elder!

Before he died, he pointed at the great elder!

Wenxin Pavilion was so decisive that he directly killed the prince...

This killing opened a door that could never be closed!

The great elder was in a mess. Of course he was sure that he did not use the soul-destroying move, but he was not sure if any of the other four were so impulsive. What about the other four? I have the same idea as him. I promise that I will not take action, but I am not sure whether others will take action...

With a swish sound, the leader of the guards suddenly pulled out the sword in his hand: Take them all!

The guard behind him drew his long knife and rushed out...

The five top elders of Wenxin Pavilion looked at each other in confusion. Facing the murderous guards, they didn't know what to do for a moment...

Resist? Still not resisting?

When the guards arrived in front of them, the elders finally couldn't hold it any longer. Their mental strength suddenly condensed, and the guards in front of them suddenly stood still, unable to take another step forward despite a few feet of void.

But at this moment, a knife suddenly passed behind them!


Five big gray heads flew up at the same time, and the guard leader's eyes were red: You still dare to resist arrest?


Five corpses fell together!

Control the scene, no one is allowed to escape! The leader of the guards gave an order that shocked the whole place.

All the guards roared in unison: Yes!

The leader of the guards flew up and turned around in the air. The window of the room below was broken. Just as it was broken, he suddenly let out a scream. The scream stopped abruptly. With a bang, the leader of the guards burst out of the window like a broken sack. , fell to the ground silently.


More than a dozen guards descended from Tongxin Pavilion and rushed to the leader. They stretched out their hands and shouted at the same time: The commander's soul has also been destroyed...

Several big heads poked their heads out of the broken window at the same time, looking at the corpse below in surprise...

That is the room where the other elders of Wenxin Pavilion are. There are more than fifty elders who came to Beijing this time, and only five came forward. The rest are staying in another room of Tongxin Pavilion. Now they appear in front of people. These The elders' hearts jumped at the same time, because they saw the eyes of everyone, which were the eyes of the murderer.

Who killed the guard captain who just broke into their room?

They are all people who can kill people invisible, but they are not practitioners, and their five senses are not that sharp. They just vaguely saw a figure smash through the window, and in the blink of an eye, it turned into a corpse and fell from the other side. How did they die? have no idea! They only knew that they had not taken action, but they were not sure whether their companions had taken action...

In the palace, a dragon roared, and a golden seal rose across the sky. His Majesty broke through the deep palace and landed directly in Tongxin Pavilion. His fingers touched the prince's eyebrows, his face turned pale, and for a moment he was like a sculpture...

Your Majesty! Elder Yi Ren bowed: We saw with our own eyes that Wenxin Pavilion killed the prince with the soul-destroying technique.

His Majesty made no response.

Your Majesty! A golden-armored commander rose from below: There are still a group of Wenxin Pavilion elders on the third floor who just killed Wang Changfa, the commander of the East Palace!

His Majesty still did not respond.

The second prince knelt down suddenly: Father, I, I... I don't know what happened, I will investigate now, I will investigate now...

His Majesty still didn't respond.

Countless figures fell from the sky, countless courtiers landed in Tongxin Pavilion, the prime minister, the left and right officials, the six ministers, the four major literary heads of the capital, the ministers of the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of War...

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