Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 910: Punishing the Wenxin Pavilion under the imperial edict

Suddenly, almost half of the high-ranking officials in the court appeared in Tongxin Pavilion.

Just because of one thing, the prince was killed!

The prince, the heir apparent!

Killing the prince is equivalent to regicide!

No matter which dynasty, there is absolutely zero tolerance for the crime of regicide.

Tongxin Pavilion seems to be completely solidified.

His Majesty put his hand on the prince's eyebrows and turned his back to everyone.

The second prince lay on the ground, sweating profusely.

Everyone from the Fire Tribe stood in the corner.

Mr. Gou was devastated.

Officials from all walks of life were trembling and kneeling around.

His Majesty slowly raised his head: Dear ministers, I would like to ask what should be done if Wenxin Pavilion kills my prince?

The voice was not loud, and the words were extremely clear, but a strong aura flowed from the heads of all the ministers to the soles of their feet.

The prime minister said: Your Majesty, I think this matter...

His Majesty suddenly turned around: Does the Prime Minister think that the prince deserves to die, or does he think that the Wenxin Pavilion has the right to override the imperial power and violate the law by lynching?

The prime minister trembled all over: I dare not... Anyone who dares to kill the prince should be punished!

His Majesty's eyes slowly scanned the ministers below: Since the prime minister also thinks that he should be punished, then he should be executed! Li Yunjiang, Minister of War, obeys the order!

The capital city was turbulent, but the small courtyard in the south of the city was very quiet, at least it was quiet inside the room.

Lin Su sat cross-legged, with a calm expression on his face.

As the sun set, there was suddenly and silently another person beside him.

Lin Su's eyes also opened at this moment.

There was a faint blush on Zhou Mei's beautiful face: His Majesty's imperial edict has been issued. One hundred thousand forbidden troops have left the capital. The soldiers pointed out that the Wenxin Pavilion is full of people. You have accomplished such an unimaginable thing!

A smile appeared on Lin Su's face: It's not me, it's us!

Zhou Mei breathed out softly: Okay, it's us! Although I have only collected some information from beginning to end, you have to be so generous, and I also accept this favor from you, but there are still some things I don't understand...

Tell me about it! Lin Su stood up, put his hand on the side of the kettle on the table, and started the process of boiling water to make tea.

Zhou Mei said: You just said that the Emperor of Chi Kingdom has murderous intentions towards Wenxin Pavilion, and it has just been strengthened by the people of Wenxin Pavilion themselves. However, they lack a reason to put it on the table. Without this reason, Even if the emperor wanted to destroy Wenxin Pavilion, he could not reach a consensus in the court or even mobilize the army. In the blink of an eye, the reason came out. The great elder of Wenxin Pavilion personally gave him this reason: Kill the prince! I don't understand why Wenxin Pavilion wants to Doing this? They have no reason to do this!”

Lin Su smiled: When something happens without any reason, then you have to analyze it from the root to see if it is true!

Zhou Mei's eyes suddenly lit up: The prince...wasn't he killed by the elder of Wenxin Pavilion?

Of course not! Lin Su said, Yes... He gently bent his finger and pointed at the tip of his nose.

Zhou Mei almost jumped...

After I separated from you last night, I entered the East Palace and killed the soul of Wang Changfa who was in charge of the East Palace. I disguised myself as Wang Changfa. Today, I am the one standing behind the prince to protect him...

Zhou Mei slowly closed her eyes...

She once again withstood the sweep of the brain by a Category 12 typhoon...

She thought that after she followed him... oh, after interacting with him for a long time, she would be less easily shocked by some things, but his generosity still exceeded her psychological boundaries...

He entered the East Palace in advance, and the first step was to take action on the head of the prince's bodyguard.

He killed someone and hid the body on his body, disguised as Wang Changfa.

As soon as this disguise came out, the prince's death sentence had basically been pronounced, because Wang Changfa was the prince's most trusted personal guard and was always with the prince. It would be impossible to prevent such an assassination, even if the prince had the East Palace Seal in hand. Remember, the treasure seal of the East Palace needs to be activated with thoughts. The prince has no precautions against him, and the treasure seal cannot be activated.

With just this one move, he is already a top-notch assassination master.

However, this is only the first step.

Lin Su's assassination of the prince was not a goal, but a means. The timing of the assassination was extremely clever.

The time he chose was when the prince and the elder of Wenxin Pavilion were facing conflict.

The assassination technique he used was to directly kill the prince's soul. This technique was exactly the same as the soul-destroying technique of Wenxin Pavilion.

If you do this, Wenxin Pavilion is the culprit in the death of the prince!

The greatest advantage of the Soul-Destroying Style is that it kills people invisible. This is the most powerful and proud skill of Wenxin Pavilion, but at a special juncture, it is precisely their Achilles heel, that is: in the face of being framed by others, they simply say Unclear.

After reaching this point in chess, he was already transcendent. However, Lin Su's chess game was still not over. As the leader of the guards, he ordered the guards to take down the five top elders in front of him. There was nothing wrong with this order, but he was accurate. These top elders with eyes above their heads cannot be captured without restraint. They will definitely resist, but the intensity of the resistance must not be high. No matter how they resist, their thoughts will be spent on the guards surrounding them from the front, while Lin Su himself will fight from behind. With one strike and one move, the heads of the five top elders were lifted off the ground!

The five top elders all have extraordinary spiritual attainments. If they were to face Lin Su head-on, any one of them could become Lin Su's formidable enemy. There are not many people in the world who can kill them!

However, Lin Su used his guards to confuse their minds and attract their spiritual power, while he broke through from behind and attacked in the east and west. This was similar to the way he used one soul to attract the elders of Wenxin Pavilion and another one on the battlefield in the north. The soul dominates the physical body and carries out sneak attacks, which are essentially the same.

With this move, today Tongxin Pavilion's plan will be considered successful and the dust has settled.

However, the subtlety of Lin Su is that he has a follow-up.

This follow-up effect may not be great, but it is the point that touches Zhou Mei the most.

Lin Su smashed through another room below. This room was the area where the other elders of Wenxin Pavilion were. He was not there to kill people. While solving his own troubles, he also gave these elders a big trouble.

His trouble is - he can't always be Wang Changfa, he has to recover his true form, and such a big thing happened, surrounded by masters from all sides in the city, he, the captain of the guard, still wants to escape, how can he change his clothes in front of everyone? If His Majesty asks him personally, he may be in disaster.

In the face of this trouble, the best way is to let Wang Changfa die!

Only the dead need no explanation.

When he broke into the room, it was Lin Su who was disguised as Wang Changfa. As soon as he entered the room, he summoned Wang Changfa's body with lightning speed, and he disappeared from the world.

At the same time, he did not forget to eliminate the possibility of tracing back with his unrivaled literary skills.

It's about relieving yourself of trouble.

In addition, he also caused a lot of trouble for the elders of Wenxin Pavilion who were not directly involved.

Wang Changfa entered the area where the elders of Wenxin Pavilion were in full view of everyone. In the next moment, Yuan Shen Annihilation was thrown from the window on the other side. Tell me, by whose hands did he die?

Wenxin Pavilion first killed the prince, and then killed the prince's guard leader. This lawlessness has not been seen in thousands of years!

How can such evil deeds be tolerated?

In the past, whenever the high-ranking officials in the Chi Kingdom mentioned Wenxin Pavilion, there would always be a group of people covering it up, even the prime minister, who would bring out a series of examples to prove the great achievements of Wenxin Pavilion.

But today, how can they argue?

Killing the prince is not allowed by national law!

The court will not tolerate it!

Even the hundreds of millions of people in the entire Red Country cannot tolerate it!

In this case, punishing Wenxinge is the only political correctness. Any words to defend Wenxinge are courting death.

Zhou Mei colluded in everything and was filled with emotion for a moment: Wenxin Pavilion has infiltrated everyone in the court. Any decision that is not good for them will be heavily opposed. Only this uncontroversial and bottomless act of killing the prince can block the world. All the opposition in the world is the reason to kill Wenxin Pavilion!


Your Majesty can definitely use this talent to get rid of Wenxin Pavilion on the one hand, and rectify the court on the other hand, right?

Borrow the east wind! Haha, little beauty, you can actually decipher the meaning of 'east wind' from the death incident. It is an anecdote for the ages... Lin Su said with a smile.

I have been working with you for a long time... Oh, no, I have been working with you for a long time, and I have learned a little bit about the thinking of a wise man! Zhou Mei said: The real terror of Wenxin Pavilion lies in the two forces, the power of the court and the power of the court. With its own strength, the two forces complement each other. One is prosperous and the other is damaged. When the power of the court is blocked collectively, its own power cannot stop the attack of the army. When its power dies, the power of the court cannot stop His Majesty. One hit, huh?”

Girl, you have realized it! Lin Su raised her hand and made her a cup of tea from the boiled water.

Zhou Mei took the tea cup: This matter is so unbelievable that I have burned my brain dry. There is currently a question lingering there...

Tell me!

Zhou Mei said: Do you think you have done a great thing for His Majesty the Emperor of the Red Kingdom? Will he get rid of the shackles of Wenxin Pavilion and embark on the fast track of the development of the Red Kingdom because of your gang? In the future, he will Won’t it become another hidden danger to my great power because of this incident?”

Everything in this world can affect the whole body. Naturally, everything is possible, but so what? The struggle between countries is the same as the struggle between people. We cannot place our hopes on others who are weak. If you die, you have to think about strengthening yourself! Lin Su took a sip of tea and said: Besides, the Chi Kingdom may not be able to speed up after getting rid of the shackles of Wenxin Pavilion. I think the Fire Tribe is a bit swollen.

Fire Tribe…

The light in Zhou Mei's eyes flickered slightly: The Fire Tribe also dispatched with the army, more than fifty people were dispatched. Although the total number is not many, I think they all should be as good as heaven and earth.

Have you found out whether they sent troops on their own initiative or were invited by His Majesty? Lin Su said.

I heard that they took the initiative to send troops to help! Zhou Mei said: I guess they are trying to eliminate the negative impact of the image sent by Wenxin Pavilion in the early stage.

The Great Elder of Wenxin Pavilion just showed His Majesty a video yesterday. It was Zhuge Qingfeng talking freely with Du Bing at Wenxin Cliff about the plan of three parties joining forces to destroy the royal family of the Red Kingdom.

This news made His Majesty the Emperor deeply fearful of the Fire Tribe.

But today, Zhuge Qingfeng used an oath of heaven to eliminate most of the negative impact of this image. (The person who entered Wenxin Pavilion was not Zhuge Qingfeng at all. What credibility can the words of a fake person have?) , Next, the Fire Tribe took the initiative to send troops to help the royal family annihilate Wenxin Pavilion, aiming to eliminate the other half. The reason is: The people in Wenxin Pavilion are proficient in the secret arts of spiritual power and can kill people invisible. How can ordinary soldiers fight against them? Fire clan masters can help them clean up the top group of forces in Wenxin Pavilion to avoid further damage.

It makes sense.

However, it still felt ironic to both of them.

Wenxin Pavilion and the Fire Tribe were originally enemies on the table, but now the Fire Tribe is helping the emperor to destroy Wenxin Pavilion. I dare to ask, who is helping whom?

It's interesting to take the initiative to send troops! Lin Su said: So, the court of Chi Kingdom is still a pot of porridge. There is no sign of the peace that the emperor wants in the short term.

Zhou Mei said: The Wenxin Pavilion has been blamed. There is civil strife in the Chi Kingdom court. The external troubles in Da Cang have been resolved. Should we leave earlier? I am a little worried that the things you have done will be guessed by the wise men on the other side. . Once it is guessed that it was you, the whole court of Chi Kingdom will probably undergo great changes again.

What kind of great change? Lin Su said.

Because of your common opponent, we will be united as never before, and all the forces will turn their heads to kill the big troublemaker!

Lin Su smiled and laughed...

Zhou Mei was very dissatisfied with his attitude: Are you a little too arrogant? Do you really think your plan is perfect? ​​At least I can see the clues! For example, when it comes to disguising Zhuge Qingfeng, you have loopholes! There are no loopholes It lies in the strategy itself, in the logic... How many people in the world can write colorful poems? How many people in the world can break through the formation of Wenxin Pavilion in a moment? How many people in the world can stand up to so many high-end forces? Stirring up the situation? With these combinations, as long as their people are a little sensitive, they will point the finger at you, a world-famous troublemaker!

It was late at night, and the capital was still lit with lights. During the day, something happened in Tongxin Pavilion, which was regarded as a super bomb in the capital. However, no matter how powerful the bomb was, it could not cover the entire capital. Despite all the noise, the peace that should come finally comes.

In Beicheng Wanxianju, the most upscale restaurant in the capital, a young man stood on the platform, overlooking Kyoto.

He is Zhuge Qingfeng!

Today at Tongxin Pavilion, he planned to perform. His stage had been set up, his wisdom had begun, and everything was ready for his debut.

But, at the moment when he is about to launch his performance, the script is not in his control.

The prince was killed!

Once the prince dies, the stage is no longer his!

The series of things that happened next were beyond his control, and he happened to be willing to see the drama unfold, so he chose to be silent, watch quietly, and then walked away in style.

It was in the dead of night that he reflected over and over again, always feeling that there was some great mystery in it.

The door knocked softly...

Zhuge Qingfeng slowly turned around, walked to the door, and opened the door...

Standing in front of him was a stunning beauty, with a waist as young as willows and a face as fragrant as peaches and plums. The night wind passed through her hair quietly, and a wisp of fragrance seemed to be able to awaken the heat in any man's blood.

The girl is... Zhuge Qingfeng had a moving smile on his face.

The little girl Du Bing comes from Wenxin Pavilion!

The smile on Zhuge Qingfeng's face stiffened...

Du Bing smiled sweetly: Wenxin Pavilion has become a taboo now. The little girl knows that reporting her family status may bring unexpected disasters, but facing a person like the young master, concealing her identity is quite disrespectful, so she is honest with her.

The smile on Zhuge Qingfeng's face bloomed again: Qingfeng admires the girl's magnanimity, please!

Holding hands together, the door opened and closed, and Du Bing came to the coffee table.

Tea or wine? Zhuge Qingfeng asked.

Xiang Wen Da Cang has an eternal saying, a thousand miles of mortal world requires three cups of wine, and a thousand years of great achievements require a pot of tea. The little girl is willing to drink a cup of tea first, and then taste three cups of wine!

Three glasses of wine for thousands of miles of mortal life, one pot of tea for great achievements!

A strange feeling passed through Zhuge Qingfeng's heart. He knew who these two poems came from...

He also knows what these two lines of poetry refer to...

A cup of fragrant tea was served, and Zhuge Qingfeng said: A pot of tea for the great cause of Qianqiu, the girl just points out the country!

Du Bing thanked the tea with a slight bow: The young master swore to the sky at Tongxin Pavilion a few days ago that the person who entered the Wenxin Pavilion was not the young master, but someone else. Regardless of whether others believe it or not, this little girl believes it!

Zhuge Qingfeng smiled lightly and did not comment.

Du Bing said: But I don't know if the young master knows that the young master is referring to someone else. Who is it?

Does the girl have a conclusion? Zhuge Qingfeng said.

Du Bing said: Young Master has already set up a high platform today. He originally intended to point out this person. However, something unexpected happened and interrupted Young Master's shocking remarks. Don't you want to speak freely?

As soon as these words came out, Zhuge Qingfeng was moved...

Most people can't see his intentions, but the woman in front of him can actually see it...

Not simple!

Girl, keep talking!

Du Bing said: There are many counterfeiting techniques in the world, and there are even more counterfeiting things. It is easy to pretend to be an ordinary person, but it is not possible for ordinary people to pretend to be a genius who is originally a literary figure, a peerless poet, and a master of both literature and art. There are not many people in the world who can write colorful poems with just a pen. There are not many people who can cultivate both literature and Taoism. There are not many people who can break the formation with their hands. There are not many people who can stir up the world with their wisdom. There are not many people who have the motive to do this. There are only a few people who are responsible for these things, and there is probably only one person in the world who meets all the conditions! Lin Su, the first master of Qinglian!

Zhuge Qingfeng's eyes brightened.

This is like meeting a close friend.

Du Bing said: If it is really him, then it is very likely that the death of the prince was also him!

Zhuge Qingfeng frowned slightly: The death of the prince... The prince died in the soul-destroying technique. He has passed various re-examinations. Do you think he is proficient in the soul-destroying technique?

Unless he is a member of the Wenxin Pavilion, he will definitely not be able to master the soul-destroying technique. However, this person's weird military skills are known to the world. He has implemented the strategy of killing people with a borrowed knife many times!

Zhuge Qingfeng said: You mean, he is in Tongxin Pavilion today?

Du Bing said: Today, there are five groups of people in Tongxin Pavilion, the prince's line, the second prince's line, the Wenxin Pavilion's line, the fire tribe's line, plus you, the young master, these main characters are absolutely impossible to be What about the security team he is pretending to be? Who can really ensure that everyone in the security team is who he is, and he is not a fake person among them?

Zhuge Qingfeng said: If he is in Tongxin Pavilion and uses some kind of military strategy to make the elder of Wenxin Pavilion fall into the illusion of being attacked by the enemy, the elder of Wenxin Pavilion will naturally have to fight back. After this counterattack, he will use the borrowed knife to kill people. The attack turns to the prince...

Young master is indeed extremely intelligent and can reveal mysteries with just one word! Du Bing praised.

Zhuge Qingfeng smiled softly: Did you think of all this?


Why make that assumption?

Du Bing said: Based on one point, I asked all the elders about the situation of Xin Pavilion. There is absolutely no reason to kill the prince, not even the slightest reason! When there is absolutely no reason for something, the matter must be re-examined. Check to see if it’s true!”

Zhuge Qingfeng held up the tea cup: Qingfeng admires the girl's wisdom!

Bing'er really admires the young master's big heart! Du Bing held up the tea cup and touched it lightly with him.

What you mean is that you are from Wenxin Pavilion and I shouldn't be friends with you.

The current situation has changed. It's our instinct to seek benefits and avoid harm. How can Bing'er not be grateful if the young master doesn't question Bing'er because of his background?

Seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages, haha... Zhuge Qingfeng smiled faintly: What is benefit? What is harm? How can a mere Chiguo court have the right to do harm to me? I already understand the girl's intention. From now on, you can Stay with me.

Du Bing said: Since you and I have talked about this step, the next step should be to make a decision. I wonder what you want?

Zhuge Qingfeng sighed softly: I know what you are asking for, but it cannot be changed after all. You need to know that the reason for the destruction of Wenxin Pavilion is that the prince was killed, but the root cause is that your majesty wants to kill him!

The prince's murder was just an excuse.

His Majesty wanted to kill him, that was the real reason.

Wenxin Pavilion has touched the royal family's side. Your Majesty wants to destroy Wenxin Pavilion from the bottom of his heart. In this case, no one can change His Majesty's decision by asking for mercy.

But Du Bing shook his head gently: Before I stepped into your room, Wenxin Pavilion was destroyed!

Zhuge Qingfeng's eyes suddenly opened wide, so fast? So decisive?

Du Bing said: Young Master has also noticed that the speed of action is enough to show that His Majesty is determined to deal with Wenxin Pavilion. In this case, Bing'er will not ask Young Master to intercede for Wenxin Pavilion. It is meaningless to plead for mercy now. , Bing'er only wants one thing, let this thief be cut into pieces in Kyoto, the Red Country!

Wenxin Pavilion has been destroyed!

What she wants is revenge!

With her strength, she is like an ant, but she can use it!

The power she wants to borrow is Zhuge Qingfeng!

The only strength she can borrow is Zhuge Qingfeng!

And she also clearly understood that she could definitely borrow Zhuge Qingfeng's power. Why? Because she had done her homework in advance, she knew that Zhuge Qingfeng had had a confrontation with him in Muye, and she knew that Lin Su was a poisonous thorn in Zhuge Qingfeng's heart.

It is very difficult to deal with Lin Su. In the vast sky, perhaps no one can do anything to him. However, there is a golden opportunity in front of him. Lin Su goes deep into the capital of the Red Kingdom. As long as he finds him, he will be everywhere. All major powers will become his opponents, including the royal family, the Poet Saint Family, the Fire Tribe, and the remnants of the Wenxin Pavilion. His life and death enemies will be as many as the number of people he hurts with his grand plan. (End of chapter)

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