Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 911 The Holy Poet and the Holy Treasure Peep the Manuscript

The most difficult part now is to find him! Zhuge Qingfeng said.


A smile slowly appeared on Zhuge Qingfeng's face: In the vast sea of ​​​​people, looking for a super master of disguise is an absolutely impossible thing. However, in my hands, Zhuge Qingfeng, there is no such thing. Impossible!

A smile slowly appeared on Du Bing's face: I knew you could do it!

Zhuge Qingfeng moved his hand lightly, and in his palm was a poem manuscript.

Pale yellow ancient poem manuscript.

The writing on paper will eventually become shallow, only then will you realize that you have to do things in the world!

A word in the poem flies up out of thin air, goes straight up into the night sky, and blends into the moonlight...

This character is the character 文.

As soon as this text blended into the night, a map of the entire city suddenly appeared on his poem manuscript.

On the map, there are thousands of rays of light.

Some are dark in color, some are light in color...

Du Bing's eyes shone brightly: The poet's holy treasure 'peeps into the manuscript'!

The girl is not only superior in wisdom, but also has such a wide range of knowledge. This treasure is a manuscript written by the ancestors. Within a radius of a hundred miles, all the humanities and moral cultivation are shown in the manuscript. This purple mark is the literary world. There are only seventeen people in the literary circles in the city...

duty There is someone...Nancheng!

As soon as Zhuge Qingfeng collected his poems, he suddenly stood up and said, I will meet your Majesty right now!

In the small courtyard in the south of the city, Lin Sumimei took a good nap.

When he woke up from his dream in the morning, he felt as if all the cells in his body had been washed by water, making him extremely transparent and comfortable.

Zhou Mei sat beside his bed, looking a little strange.

What's wrong?

There was news last night. There is a good side, but there is also a not-so-good side. Zhou Mei said: Which side do you want to hear first?

Lin Su smiled: Tell me about the good side.

On the bright side, the battle in Wenxin Pavilion has come to an end. Thousands of elders and nearly a million direct descendants of Wenxin Pavilion were all killed. The seventy-two pavilions of Wenxin Pavilion were also razed to the ground! Wenxin Pavilion, this one from the Great The bereaved dog that escaped from Cangshan finally completed its journey in this foreign country.

Lin Su nodded: It's neat and tidy, so what's the bad side?

The bad side is that the master of Wenxin Pavilion has escaped! Zhou Mei said: He left a message. Today, for the destruction of Wenxin Pavilion, he will pay back ten times and a hundred times. No one related to this can escape with his life. The real mastermind behind this will destroy all nine of his tribes!”

Escaped! Lin Su exhaled softly: How did you escape?

Thirty masters like Heaven and Earth blocked the sky. He glanced at him and half of him fell down. He was surrounded by a hundred thousand troops. He strode forward. The troops killed each other, but they did not touch the corner of his clothes. Afterwards, , the remaining 30,000 remnant troops recalled the battle just now, all as if they were in a dream. Some of them said they saw demons, some said they saw a sea of ​​fire, some said they saw cliffs, and some even said they saw dead enemies turning into evil spirits. Take their lives. No one saw the Master of the Wenxin Pavilion walking past them.


This is the illusion created by spiritual power!

Lin Su could predict the mental illusion, but how shocking was it to be able to wrap up a hundred thousand troops in an illusion and let them kill each other, losing more than 60,000 people in a battle?

You must not reveal anything about your entry into the Wenxin Pavilion. Zhou Mei said: If this person knows that his foundation has been destroyed by your hands, then you...even if you are not afraid of him, the Haining Lin family will never be able to bear him. revenge.

Lin Su's face was as dark as water.

This is the truth.

He faces all kinds of people, and he faces the cruelest things in the world. Even if he is walking through the edge of hell, he still treats it as a spring outing, because he has many trump cards, and because he is wiser than most people.

Therefore, he is not afraid of others' revenge.

However, how to protect relatives and friends?

The Haining Lin family has a trump card.

However, as the eldest brother is the commander-in-chief of the border area and the second brother is the magistrate of Quzhou, it is impossible for Zhang Haoran, Li Xiaotian and other relatives and friends to be in the Haining Lin family.

Each of these people has a guard, and ordinary revenge will never come back against them. However, their protection cannot deal with the soul-killing style of the Wenxin Pavilion Master.

The secret art of spiritual power is a secret art in the world. If it is really used as a weapon of assassination, even Ji Guang, the king of the generation, may be killed, let alone these people?

Zhou Mei looked at his face and her heart was high: I'm a little worried. I'm worried that Zhuge Qingfeng will see through your identity. As long as he links your identity to the destruction of Wenxin Pavilion, the consequences will be disastrous. There is no need for him to take action personally. Someone has made you miserable!

Lin Su nodded: So, we should adjust our itinerary!

Adjust the itinerary?

Yes! Originally we were supposed to leave Chi Country today, but now we need to...

His voice suddenly stopped...

Zhou Mei's eyes suddenly raised, and a black mist rolled in her eyes. Four people fell down at the same time around the small courtyard. They were in golden helmets and armor. The people passed through the air, like golden rainbows and rocks flowing upstream. They were positioned like mountains.

A pair of golden-armored soldiers came from the street, and with a bang, the door of the small courtyard opened.

Two old men stood side by side at the front of the golden-armored soldiers. They were two great scholars, wearing first-grade court uniforms.

Zhou Mei's voice came into Lin Su's ears:

Chen Feiyan, the great scholar of the Wenyuan Pavilion of the Red Kingdom, and Ji Jianzhong, the prime minister.

In the Orchid River outside the window, the two of them were flying across the water on their poems. The man was dashing and the woman was beautiful. They were outside the window in the blink of an eye.

Zhuge Qingfeng!

Zhou Mei's whole body tightened suddenly!

They entered the Red Kingdom and accomplished a major event in three days that could be recorded in history, but the most dangerous time was right in front of them, and the biggest danger was that their identities were exposed.

But now, things are heading in the most dangerous direction.

Four sky-peeping masters fell around the small courtyard. As expected, they were all top masters of the royal family and commander-in-chief of the Forbidden Army.

There were five thousand guardsmen away, and the small courtyard was tightly packed.

The arrival of two first-rank officials at the same time represents the end of the literary and official paths.

Zhuge Qingfeng appeared outside the window, which all means that their trouble is coming. This is not a test, this is a direct lock!

Brother Lin Sulin! Zhuge Qingfeng smiled slightly: It is indeed you!

Lin Su also had a smile on his face: Brother Zhuge, you actually came to Chi Kingdom?

We meet old friends again. Brother Lin, won't you invite me in for a drink? Zhuge Qingfeng said.

Lin Su raised her hand gently: The room is small. Are you sure Brother Zhuge is drinking this reunion wine in the room?

Someone in the courtyard answered the question: How can we be so scornful when the first grandmaster of Qinglian comes to our country? You two, why not enter the 'Lixian Pavilion' together!

These words came from Chen Feiyan, a scholar of Wenyuan Pavilion.

As soon as the voice fell, a small pavilion appeared in the courtyard, rising from the ground to a height of three feet.

Chen Feiyan raised his hand gently: Grandmaster Lin, please!

Grand Bachelor, Prime Minister, please! Lin Su also raised his hand.

Chen Feiyan smiled half-heartedly: Master Lin, do you know these two old men?

That's natural! Lin Su said: Da Cang and Chi Country are neighboring countries. As the saying goes, distant relatives are not as good as close neighbors. How dare we not know something about the top people in our neighbors?

Grandmaster Lin is interested! Prime Minister Ji Jianzhong bowed his hands in salute.

Three people, no, plus Zhou Mei, entered the Lixian Pavilion together.

And Zhuge Qingfeng moved his feet, and the poem rose up and disappeared into his eyebrows. He and the beautiful woman also entered the Lixian Pavilion.

Chen Feiyan and Ji Jianzhong were in the first place, Lin Su was on the left, and Zhuge Qingfeng was on the right. In a moment, the high-level meeting began.

Zhou Mei's heart tightened, getting tighter and tighter, especially when these four masters landed around the small pavilion at the same time, and the two maids pouring wine who came from nowhere also showed extraordinary cultivation. By the time, cold sweat ran down her back.

She is the leader of Anxiang, she has full insight into the whole situation, and she is 100% sure that Lin Su's identity has been exposed.

None of the people in front of her was weak, and she had a more terrifying guess. The emperor must be nearby. With a thought, the capital's protective formation rose up, or the emperor's seal penetrated the sky.

Based on their true abilities, it is impossible for them to break through the siege.

It depends on whether he can defeat the scholars with his sharp tongue.

When the wine was served, Lin Su tapped the table to express her gratitude.

There was always a peaceful smile on his face.

Zhuge Qingfeng held up the wine glass: Brother Lin just asked me how I came to the capital of Chi Kingdom? How about you give me an answer?

Lin Su raised the wine glass in his hand and greeted him.

Zhuge Qingfeng said: My little brother was originally far away in Danfeng Valley, the home of the Holy Poet, and had not left the valley for more than a month. Suddenly, he received a message from the Chi Kingdom saying that he broke into Wenxin Pavilion and stole the ancestral lotus from Wenxin Pavilion. This little brother It’s true that people are sitting in the valley and pots are coming from the sky, so I came here to find out.”

Lin Su laughed...

With this laughter, everyone's expressions changed, and Zhuge Qingfeng's eyes fell on Lin Su's face, inquiringly.

Lin Su laughed so much that the wine in his glass emptied: Brother Zhuge, this is a joke! I want to enter Wenxin Pavilion, but it is not convenient to go there by myself, so I borrowed my brother's name to have a harmless fight with him. It’s a joke, I’m sure Brother Zhuge won’t notice it.”

Zhou Mei's breathing seemed to have stopped.


I've been struggling with whether you can withstand their questioning, but you... they didn't even start questioning, you took the initiative on your own!

Do you know the serious consequences of this move?

The expressions of the two first-rank officials suddenly sank.

Zhuge Qingfeng seemed to be confused: Brother Lin, do you admit it? You were the one who entered Wenxin Pavilion and stole the Ancestral Lotus?


As soon as these two words were spoken, the wind outside the pavilion seemed to suddenly stop blowing.

No, it's not that the wind has stopped, it's that the murderous intent is so strong that the wind can't even blow.

Lin Su knew nothing about what was going on outside the pavilion. He stared at the faces of the two court officials and frowned slightly: Why are the two adults looking like this? Lin entered Wenxin Pavilion because he was the root of Duanwenxin Pavilion. The imperial edicts issued by His Majesty the Emperor are of the same origin and we maintain the same stance. Is there anything wrong?

Everyone's mind was instantly in a state of confusion.

Yes, the chaos caused by his words.

Once interpreted, it all comes to me...

The day before, people from Wenxin Pavilion entered the capital, searching for information about the person who entered Wenxin Pavilion to cause destruction. Anyone who got even the slightest bit of information would be killed. Even the prince of the East Palace tried every means to defend himself. Even the Fire Clan is trying every possible means to capture themselves.

At that time, it was definitely politically correct not to have anything to do with it.

But now, the situation has changed drastically, and Wenxin Pavilion has been redefined!

It is a sect that has made a big mistake, and the king personally issued an imperial edict to punish it. If you have an affair with it, you will either have rotten skin or rotten flesh, but it is politically correct for you to be detrimental to it!

Lin Su said frankly that he faked the name of Zhuge Qingfeng, entered Wenxin Pavilion, and carried out a brutal attack on Wenxin. Under the current situation, it was not a crime at all, and it was even politically correct to maintain a high degree of consistency with the emperor of the Chi Kingdom!

This is how he copes.

Very arrogant and arrogant, but very in line with the current situation...

Zhuge Qingfeng was also a wise man, but he was also fooled by Lin Su's unbridled imagination. He sighed for a long time: Brother Lin is so wise that he can find excuses in absolutely impossible places. I admire him very much, but, I have something to ask, I hope Brother Lin will tell you the truth.

Brother Zhuge, you and I are old friends and we cherish each other, but you can speak out and say everything you know! Lin Su said.

Zhuge Qingfeng said every word: Brother Lin, is it too much to enter the capital of a country and cause the death of the prince of a country?

If you enter the capital of a country and cause the death of the prince, then of course you have passed it! Lin Su leaned forward slightly: Brother Zhuge, is he a little self-blame, thinking that the prince's death is because of the Tongxin Pavilion meeting you proposed?

Zhuge Qingfeng raised his hair slightly: Brother Lin, it's boring for you to talk like this!

Please forgive my ignorance for not understanding Brother Zhuge's meaning. Lin Su expressed surprise.

There were a bunch of people nearby, all gnashing their teeth...


Could he be any more shameless?

Zhuge Qingfeng said slowly: Your Excellency entered Wenxin Pavilion, stole the ancestral roots, framed the prince, and caused the prince's death. Even if you talk nonsense today, there is no way you can clear your mind!

Lin Su's eyes widened a little: Framed?

Zhuge Qingfeng said coldly: Your Excellency used my name to ask for directions from the prince. Isn't this a deliberate frame-up?

Lin Sudao: Brother Zhuge claims to be a genius in literature and art, but he doesn't know what frame-up is?

Brother Lin, please come here... Zhuge Qingfeng said.

Lin Sudao: The so-called framing means doing something bad and then putting the blame on innocent people. I would like to ask, is it a bad thing for me to seize the ancestral lotus of the Heart Pavilion? Isn't this a great achievement? ? I deliberately gave this merit to His Highness the Crown Prince for a profound reason. His Highness the Crown Prince will be in charge of the mountains and rivers of the Red Kingdom in the future, and he needs merit as support. Isn’t it a great achievement to cut off the roots of the Heart Pavilion in the Red Kingdom? Brother Zhuge actually Lin did not expect to regard such goodwill as frame-up!

Everyone’s brains were destroyed again!

He was clearly framed, but the topic turned back to the previous endless cycle!

That means the character of Wenxin Pavilion has changed!

Digging up the roots of Wenxin Pavilion is not a bad thing!

Not an evil deed, but a great achievement!

Great achievements are given to His Highness the Crown Prince. Can you say that this is a malicious frame-up? Give me a dozen of these frame-ups!

The Prime Minister was mature and prudent, took a deep breath and finally spoke: Grandmaster Lin's eloquence and eloquence have never been heard of before...According to Grandmaster Lin's words, he has given a 'great achievement' to His Royal Highness the Crown Prince of our country, but I don't know what he means. for?

The words great achievements have a profound meaning.

Lin Sudao: The Prime Minister is the head of hundreds of officials. You should know that sincerity comes first in the relations between countries. In addition to being Lin, Lin is also the prince of the Da Cang Kingdom. Naturally, he also hopes that his neighbors will live in peace. I would like to express my sincerity this time. , to help His Royal Highness win the hearts and minds of the people. In the future, His Royal Highness will naturally repay this goodwill and promise peace on the border between our two countries.

So, His Royal Highness King Wen still has good intentions for the sake of peace between the two countries? The prime minister's expression was strange, and he was obviously very depressed.

When the two countries are at war, the people are really suffering. As an official of the court and as a citizen of the two countries, is it right to worry about national affairs?

With the help of the prime minister, Zhuge Qingfeng had a moment of respite and reorganized his thoughts: Brother Lin, you know that the prince was ultimately sent to a point of no return by your clever strategy.

Lin Su said seriously: Brother Zhuge's words are not only puzzling, but also incomprehensible. Lin just saw through Wenxin Pavilion's ambition and planned to cut off its roots in advance. Such a move that benefits the people and benefits the world still needs to be undertaken. Is it a crime? Holy Cloud: If there is doubt, it will be common, and if there is doubt, it will be pardoned. Brother Zhuge accuses without evidence, but it goes against the holy words and judgments!

Zhuge Qingfeng was speechless for a moment, and Lin Su directly took out the Holy Word. The meaning of the Holy Word was clear and could be summed up in four words: Suspicious guilt is never found! You have no evidence to prove that the prince's death is related to Lin Su. Although he has made speculations, the speculations are suspicious.

Everyone present was speechless.

When it comes to Tao, each of them is a good player, but the person in front of him is even more good. His actions in Osumi a few days ago have deeply shocked the political circles of various countries. Osumi used the power of a country, but failed to achieve success in Osumi. Encircling and suppressing him made him famous all over the world for his four theories. Which four theories? Jeju discusses benevolence, Meishan discusses righteousness, Dongning discusses etiquette, and Hanlin Academy discusses loyalty.

These are all the essentials of Confucianism, and they are all shortcomings that everyone thought before his discussion, but it is precisely this shortcoming that his discussion made the entire Dayu have no response!

But now, this troublemaker has come to Chi Country. Do you want to discuss the law with him?

He was a super fierce man who wrote the Law, and his Law was judged to be an important book by the Holy Scriptures!

Speaking of the death of the prince, Lin really has some doubts.


The heads of everyone in the pavilion jumped together. Doubts?

As God testifies, there are many doubts about the death of the prince. The more people in high positions, the more they feel this way. However, no one can understand where this doubt lies. Now, the literary and Taoist master who is famous for his wisdom has mentioned the doubt. ?

Master Lin, please come! Prime Minister Ji Jianzhong said.

Lin Sudao: Everyone should know that Wenxin Pavilion and the prince are at odds with each other, and everyone also knows that Wenxin Pavilion is famous for its insidious killing moves. At this critical moment when the two sons are competing for the throne, what is the purpose of putting the prince within the assassination range of Wenxin Pavilion? ? Is there any sinister intention to really get rid of the prince through the help of Wenxin Pavilion?

As soon as these words came out, everyone changed their colors.

Because this is too taboo, most people would never dare to say it. Probably only Lin Su dares to say it, because he is not from the Chi Kingdom, and because of his aloof status, others will be killed if they talk nonsense. No matter what he says, others can only listen!

What he meant was even more terrifying.

He pointedly pointed out that the person who facilitated the meeting with Tongxinge had ulterior motives!

The fundamental purpose of those people is to kill the prince with the help of Wenxin Pavilion!

There is no doubt that Wenxin Pavilion is the culprit.

The accomplices are those who facilitated the meeting!

Who facilitated the meeting?

Zhuge Qingfeng is one of them, the Fire Clan is one of them, and the Prime Minister is definitely one of them...

Everyone has their own little calculations.

Zhuge Qingfeng wanted to clean himself up.

The Fire Nation is about picking themselves out.

The prime minister has always been a supporter of Wenxin Pavilion. In fact, he was also supported by Wenxin Pavilion. After the prince was killed, His Majesty's attitude towards him can be seen.

Naturally, he also had a purpose. His purpose was the same as that of Wenxin Pavilion. Through this concerted meeting, he found the person who dug up the ancestral tomb of Wenxin Pavilion. Even if he could not find it, he put extreme pressure on the prince to achieve the goal they had in court. Maximum profit in the classroom.

However, Lin Su changed his mind today and they all became suspects.

The reason is very simple. You all know that Wenxin Pavilion's Soul-Destroying Style can kill people without being seen, so why would you put the prince in such a dangerous situation?

This question is not trivial. Once His Majesty has this terrible thought, judging from his current attitude of sharpening his sword against the officials of the Wenxin Pavilion faction, the Prime Minister will feel a chill running down his back.

The prime minister had to argue: The tradition of meeting with one heart has been around for a long time, but when it comes to major issues, they must be decided at a meeting. Who would have thought that such a bad thing would happen?

Others may really not think of it, but the prime minister can't think of it? Lin Su narrowed his eyes.

The prime minister's face darkened: Why did Grandmaster Lin say this?

Lin Su smiled faintly: Most people would never think that Wenxin Pavilion would dare to risk the world's disapproval and do such evil things in public. But anyone who is slightly involved in the current situation will think that this is Wenxin Pavilion's desperate attempt to survive. The only life-saving straw is that the Prime Minister is in a good position and has a clear understanding of the situation. He should be meticulous in judging the current situation, but he can't predict it?

Zhuge Qingfeng smiled and said: Brother Lin is really unscrupulous in his words in order to get away with his crime. Wenxin Pavilion has met with the prince not once or twice. If you want to kill the prince, where can you not kill him for many years? Do you have to wait until today? What you just said Yan, Wenxin Pavilion regarded killing the prince as a life-saving straw, or the only life-saving straw, but what was the result? Because of this killing, his whole family was wiped out, life-saving straw? Who was saved?

It must be said that Zhuge Qingfeng is good at catching loopholes.

His words should theoretically leave Lin Su speechless.

Because his argument really doesn't stand up to scrutiny.

You said that the Tongxin Pavilion meeting would put the prince in danger, so anyone who promotes the Tongxin Pavilion meeting is suspected.

In fact, the people of Wenxin Pavilion have not come face to face with the prince once or twice. If there is danger, shouldn't it be in danger long ago?

You said that if Tongxin Pavilion killed the prince, Wenxin Pavilion would have a chance to survive. However, the fact is exactly the opposite. Wenxin Pavilion was destroyed. Couldn't Wenxin Pavilion predict such an outcome?

Why do they do this?

Is there any reason to do this?

Lin Su raised his eyes and looked at Zhuge Qingfeng quietly.

Zhuge Qingfeng also held the wine glass in his hand and looked at him quietly: Brother Lin, do you have any excuses?

The two masters of wisdom seemed to have really started to compete against each other until this moment.

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