Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 912 Arrogant words

Lin Su sighed softly: Brother Zhuge, do you remember what I told you when Makino asked for a bride?

Zhuge Qingfeng's heart was filled with turmoil. If someone could stab him twice in one sentence, this sentence would probably be...

The word Makino seeks a bride, without adding any suffixes or suffixes, is just one word! He lost because of the marriage proposal!

What he said: Wherever I, Lin Su, am, you, Zhuge Qingfeng, have to get used to failure. Another knife!

These two swords were enough to make Zhuge Qingfeng furious.

Lin Su also added: You claim to be a wise man, but your wisdom is lacking!

Zhou Mei almost hid her forehead. Do you know that your understatement can make people jump eight feet high? Who is Zhuge Qingfeng? He is a person who claims to be invincible in the way of wisdom. You ask him, is your wisdom lacking? !

Zhuge Qingfeng's expression remained unchanged: Oh? Then please ask Brother Lin to correct me. Where is the shortcoming?

You can see through the current situation, but you cannot escape from it. You can see the current situation, but you cannot see the variables. This is your shortcoming!

Zhuge Qingfeng's face was extremely serious: It means that you, Brother Lin, can understand the current situation and see the variables. Is your wisdom perfect?

Perfect wisdom? Who dares to say that? I just see more variables than you! Lin Su said: Brother Zhuge asked the people in the heart pavilion that he had met with the prince many times in the past. If he wanted to kill him, he should have done it long ago. This is very true. However, at this time and at that time, the Wenxin Pavilion of that day had its roots! But the Wenxin Pavilion of yesterday had its roots cut off! Once its roots were cut off, the Wenxin Pavilion did not have much time to slowly pass away, only to seek Change, and this change will happen to the prince! This is my answer to your first question, the situation has changed, and you cannot use the inherent conclusions of the day to look at Wenxin Pavilion!

Everyone's hearts are beating...

No matter how unlike Lin Su looks like a good person, this sentence is the truth!

The change of situation is enough to answer everyone's question, why did Wenxin Pavilion not kill the prince before but now? Because it has no roots, it must seize the time to do what it wants to do, he can't afford to wait!

Lin Sudao: The second question is that Wenxin Pavilion killed the prince. I said it was its only life-saving straw. Brother Zhuge sneered and asked me: Has its life been saved? This is a good question, so I will also ask Brother Zhuge One sentence: Is Wenxin Pavilion really destroyed?

Zhuge Qingfeng's whole body was shocked...

The prime minister and the bachelor were also very excited...

In terms of the pavilion alone, the pavilions in Wenxin Pavilion are probably almost flat, and in terms of ordinary members of his tribe, they are probably almost killed. But, is it destroyed? It penetrated into the court hall. Have all the people been destroyed? Has the power it sent to all the nine countries and thirteen states been destroyed? Have all the masters it penetrated into the major practicing sects been destroyed? Whether a sect has been destroyed or not, I am afraid it cannot be used to judge it. It depends on whether the mountain gate exists, but whether the power it controls is still there! Aren't these powers more lethal than a mountain gate? Once they achieve great things, where can't they build a pavilion? It is difficult to build thousands of them Why not? Why not call it 'Wenxin Pavilion', 'Buyi Pavilion', 'Remaining Life Pavilion' or 'Nirvana Pavilion'?

As soon as these words came out, everyone felt chills, especially the prime minister. Why do I feel chills on my back?

These words will definitely reach your Majesty’s ears. If Your Majesty listens to it, then the purge of the court may be imminent. The terrifying nature of this person cannot be measured by common sense. Today, we originally came to capture this trapped beast, but , the topic changed, and he actually felt a huge threat...

This is really unreasonable!

The Prime Minister sneered and said: Grandmaster Lin is really good at causing trouble. It is a fact that the Wenxin Pavilion Mountain Gate has been destroyed. Even if there are remnants, they are just a plague of mustard moss. You actually say that they can achieve great things? Could it be that you, Grandmaster Lin, still plan to use these batches of evil spirits? Are you going to write the next big article?

This is a direct attack!

Point out that Lin Su is still evil!

Lin Su sighed: If the prime minister hadn't... forget it, you are not a minister of our country after all, how painful would it be for me to worry about your position? I will analyze in detail the way to survive in the Wenxin Pavilion. Please believe me. , whether you don’t believe it or not, just treat it as a casual chat...

Lin Su put down the wine glass and spoke...

Gexin Pavilion has broken its roots. In terms of their life span, they probably cannot cross the threshold of seventy years. In other words, in seventy years at most, the current people in Wenxin Pavilion will die cleanly. Wenxin Pavilion will die cleanly. This bullshit sect, Ge, was swept into the dustbin of history.

Can the people in Wenxin Pavilion see this?


What will they do?

Ask for change!


While their generation can still breathe, they can truly implement their ultimate plan.

Here is their overall plan...

Kill the prince!

What kind of chain reaction will there be when the prince dies?

First of all, Wenxin Pavilion is the first to bear the brunt, and the mountain gate must be destroyed!

However, they can make this sacrifice for the sake of eternal greatness.

Then what? Things are rather strange...

Can the second prince stay?

Obviously he can't stay. He and Wenxinge can't be cleansed no matter what. If Wenxinge dares to challenge everyone's bottom line, he will lose the foundation of his existence!

Your Majesty currently has only these two relatively competitive princes. If these two princes are eradicated at the same time, how long the Yan Dynasty can exist depends on your Majesty's longevity.

If the master of Wenxin Pavilion jumps out and joins forces with the accomplices arranged in advance by Wenxin Pavilion in the court, His Majesty's life span may not be determined by God, but by him.

Now that His Majesty has been removed, the entire court is in chaos. Outside, the Fire Tribe, the Poetry... well, some of the Holy Family have joined forces to enter Kyoto. I dare to ask who will control the Chi Kingdom's ruling and opposition parties?

I'm afraid the final result will be as follows...

In the past, the courtiers controlled by the Wenxin Pavilion controlled the imperial power, certain holy families controlled the arts, and the Fire Tribe occupied the south of the Red Kingdom, forming a true separation of powers!

I would like to ask, when the escape route is already cut off, does turning around and sitting on a country's throne count as extending the life of Wenxin Pavilion? Is this deal still a good deal?

Lin Su ended his analysis with one sentence: Of course, this is all a joke. Just think of yourself as arrogant and boring, talking nonsense just because you have the Temple's Standing Orders to protect you!

Everyone's face was black and blue, and their hearts were being swept by a Category 12 typhoon...

What he said was extremely arrogant!

But his words were extremely logical!

Everything he analyzed was convincing!

Everyone knows that Wenxin Pavilion has a disloyal heart.

Anyone can do it to conquer the world by sacrificing one mountain gate.

If the prince dies, the second prince will be implicated, and your majesty will be the same as Wenxin Pavilion, without an heir! What about His Majesty himself? Can you really escape the attack of the master of Wenxin Pavilion?

As long as the Yan Dynasty collapses, the result will be exactly as Lin Su said.

In this way, Wenxin Pavilion successfully extended their lives and even completed their ultimate goal.

Who dares to say that the people in Wenxin Pavilion don’t think so?

Therefore, the entire logic circle that even the top leaders of Chi Country couldn’t figure out was closed here! Wenxin Pavilion really has a reason to kill the prince. This is a chess game, an extremely meticulous and grand chess game!

It fits the character of the people in Wenxin Pavilion very well!

It also fits their methods!

Even the prime minister who was closest to Wenxin Pavilion couldn't help but think too much. Could everything he said be true?

As soon as he had this thought, a stream of cold sweat flowed from his back to his feet, holy shit! If it is true, that is the most terrifying thing. His Majesty heard his words throughout today! He, the prime minister, is in danger!

The court was being purged. If His Majesty had still had the possibility to let go before, after hearing his words, he would never let go!

What a great Lin Su, what was originally a killing plan against him turned into a killing plan against the court in the blink of an eye...

This is not a human, this is a ghost!

Zhuge Qingfeng's heart was filled with emotions. Before meeting Lin Su, he looked at the world like chess pieces on a chessboard. But when he met Lin Su, he felt that he was the chess piece. This feeling was too depressing.

And the beauty beside him, her vision turned black...

She was no one else, she was Du Bing, and she felt like she was going to be mad to death...

This person, who single-handedly caused the annihilation of Wenxin Pavilion, is now sitting in front of her and spreading salt over and over again, pointing the finger at the remaining power of Wenxin Pavilion. He really will not stop until Wenxin Pavilion is completely wiped out...

I am going to kill you!

However, this extremely hateful person is also extremely troublesome. His last sentence just now seems to be intentional or unintentional. I am relying on the Temple's standing orders to talk arrogantly and nonsense...

What does this mean?

You'd better not try to stop me. I have standing orders from the temple and I am not subject to secular imperial authority.

Even if I do evil, you can only complain to the temple.

What's more, there was absolutely no evidence of any wrongdoing during the whole process.

This is him, impeccable, wild and bold, a lot of people hate him, but when they really face him, they are all covered in sweat, and if they want to attack, he is covered in thorns...

Even Zhuge Qingfeng, whom she had just met formally yesterday and whom she felt could compete with anyone in the world intellectually, completely lost his true colors as a wise man when facing him.

Lin Su stood up: If you don't have anything else to do, Lin will take his leave!

Zhuge Qingfeng also stood up: Where does Brother Lin want to go?

Lin Su smiled and said: Take a walk through the mountains and rivers in the south of the Red Kingdom. Brother Zhuge, do you want to go with us?

With just one sentence, everyone was shocked at the same time...

Southern mountains and rivers?

Who is his target?

Fire Tribe?

He invited Zhuge Qingfeng to accompany him!

Zhuge Qingfeng happens to be half the son of the Fire Clan, and is deeply relied upon by the Fire Clan. If he gets close to Zhuge Qingfeng, the Emperor of the Chi Kingdom will never be able to sleep. With his ability to turn his hands into clouds and his hands into rain, God knows what he can do with the Fire Clan. How big of a wave will the clan cause?

Zhuge Qingfeng naturally saw through the crisis at a glance: I'm sorry Brother Lin, I'm not on the same path as Brother Lin, I'm afraid we can't go together!

Different way...

This is worth pondering!

Lin Su smiled: Farewell!

Together, they grabbed Zhou Mei's hand, passed by Zhuge Qingfeng, and floated out.

Du Bing also stood up to see him off...

The two first-rank officials of the court also stood up at the same time. Their eyes met at the corner of their eyes, and there was nothing they could do for a moment.

The golden-armored guards outside stood up, but there was no order to attack.

Lin Su passed by them, his eyes slid over the armor of the golden armored guard, and he nodded slightly: This armor is very gorgeous, could it be made with the wonderful method of the Fire Tribe?

Zhou Mei nodded: Probably, the Fire Tribe is also an incredible alien race!

Let's go!

Lin Su jumped into the air and led Zhou Mei southward...

After leaving the capital, he set foot on the Zhijiang River. The golden word boat came out from between his eyebrows, fell on the water and turned into a small boat. The two of them stepped on the small boat and went south on the Zhijiang River...

On the far shore, there is a small pavilion.

Zhuge Qingfeng and Du Bing stood on the small pavilion, watching the spring water flowing south...

This man's eloquence is truly beyond words! Du Bing exhaled softly.

Eloquence is based on wisdom. His wisdom is the only one I have seen in my life. Any word he says is a trap! Chi Guojing's theory will make waves again! Zhuge Qingfeng said.

What kind of waves did the young master see? Du Bing said.

Zhuge Qingfeng looked slightly sideways: You might as well talk about it first!

Du Bing said: The court is being purged! In addition, there is a crisis for the Fire Tribe!

She knew that today's meeting seemed to have only three parties, but in fact there were four parties, and His Majesty was always watching from the side!

His words reached His Majesty’s ears!

Especially his extremely arrogant analysis in the later period, whenever His Majesty hears it, he will definitely sweat on his back.

The prince is dead and the second prince is finished. As long as the master of the Wenxin Pavilion joins forces with the court officials and kills his majesty, the direction of the entire Chi Kingdom will be exactly as he predicted.

How could your Majesty not take action?

First of all, start to clear out all the courtiers who have anything to do with Wenxin Pavilion and eliminate the imminent crisis.

Secondly, he will set up defenses against the Fire Tribe.

This is the sequelae of Lin Su's words.

These words are very poisonous, why?

Because these words are half true and half false!

The murder of the prince was not done by people from Wenxin Pavilion. Lin Su lied about this.

However, after the prince was killed, when he asked about the psychology of the people in Xinge, he got it right!

The people in Wenxin Pavilion are not idiots, on the contrary, they are the wisest people in the world.

They were caught off guard by the death of the prince, and by His Majesty's thunderous means, but this did not prevent them from surviving in desperate situations.

The methods of the world are generally the same.

The solution mentioned by Lin Su is also the law of winding paths leading to secluded places obtained by the wise men of Wenxin Pavilion.

Wenxin Pavilion has been destroyed, and people cannot be resurrected after death.

Then, let’s just stop at nothing and truly subvert the Red Kingdom Dynasty!

This ingenuity is not endless, but it takes time!

Therefore, what they have to do now is to stabilize His Majesty and postpone the purge of the court. As long as they are given enough time, they can complete this great cause of survival in desperate situations.

But Lin Su, the troublemaker, once again pushed the matter into a dangerous situation. He told His Majesty this ingenious plan in a joking way. After some advice, His Majesty cleared the clouds and saw the light of day, and the cleaning of the court would be advanced!

Before their grand plan even started, they suffered a disaster!

In addition, there is the Fire Clan, and Lin Su clearly presented the Fire Clan’s plot in front of His Majesty!

Before leaving, he looked at the armor on the golden armored guard outside and said meaningfully: Made with the secret method of the Fire Tribe... Damn it! These words all have meaning! This is telling Your Majesty that the people around you are not only people from Wenxin Pavilion, but also the Fire Tribe! The Fire Tribe has infiltrated into your bodyguards. As a result, His Majesty's head will definitely grow three cents larger!

Every word and action is a plan!

Such an opponent really makes people sweat!

Du Bing is a wise man, she has seen through it!

Zhuge Qingfeng is also a wise man. He slowly raised his eyes: You can see through him. So, has he seen through you?

This is a bit strange.

However, Du Bing understands!

Du Bing smiled faintly: His eyes have never stayed on me. He must not have been able to see through it. Therefore, he has not erased the mark I left on him until now!

Zhuge Qingfeng's eyes suddenly brightened: Lin Su, you imagined that I came here today to play a game of wisdom with you, but unfortunately you guessed wrong! What I want is never to give you a little trouble; what I want is Your life!

Exactly, such people should not survive in the world! Du Bing's eyes also shot out a cold light.

Wenxin Pavilion was destroyed, and I have become a troubled duckweed everywhere in this world. Wenxin Pavilion's disciples are all over the world, and everyone wants to kill him. I, Du Bing, have taken on the task of killing him!

I will sacrifice his life to millions of people!

Above the Zhijiang River, in the boat, the sun is shining brightly, and the clear water flows south...

Lin Su sat on the bow of the boat, and Zhou Mei handed a cup of tea into his hand: Have you finished the affairs of the Red Kingdom?

One more thing! Lin Su took the tea cup with a mysterious smile in his eyes.

Do you want to watch the Chiguo court truly complete the purge?

There is no need to look at the purging of the court, it is imperative! After this chaos, the Red Kingdom will not be able to unite its forces to attack our southern border for at least three years. Lin Su said.

Then what you are saying is...

Lin Sudao: What do you think is the real purpose of their coming today?

The real purpose? Isn't it just to put the crime of killing the prince on your head?

Lin Sudao: No! It's not this... at least that's not the purpose of Zhuge Qingfeng and his female companion!

Female companion? Facing an opponent of such a level, you still have the interest to pay attention to a maid with no cultivation? Zhou Mei's eyes widened.

Lin Sudao: This woman does not have any cultivation, but do you know why she has no cultivation?

Zhou Mei's whole body trembled slightly: People from Wenxin Pavilion?

Exactly! She was the one who received me when I was at Wenxin Pavilion and Wenxinya. This woman's name is Du Bing, and she is the think tank of Wenxin Pavilion. Although she has carefully dressed up today, how can it be so easy to disguise herself in front of me?

Zhou Mei's eyes flashed: As a member of Wenxin Pavilion, she dares to show up in front of the prime minister and the bachelor. She is not afraid...

Don't forget who she is with... Zhuge Qingfeng is not an ordinary person! Others avoid people in Wenxin Pavilion like snakes and scorpions, but he may have the intention of taking Wenxin Pavilion for his own use! He took in a woman, Even if others find out, will they fall out with him because of an insignificant junior?

That's true. In the court, intrigues and all kinds of weird things will happen. What does this female companion's appearance today mean to you? Zhou Mei even had some wild thoughts in her heart. Asking the Heart Pavilion Zhuge Qingfeng wants this power, but what about you, Lin Su? You do not want? Could this female companion be just a string or a key? You use this key to open a certain door?

If you have this intention, you are even more convenient than Zhuge Qingfeng, because you have had a relationship with her for a long time. According to convention, it is basically difficult for women who have dealt with you to escape your clutches.

Lin Sudao: Her appearance is a mark on me! There is reason to believe that with this mark, no matter where I hide, the people behind her can find it!

Zhou Mei's expression suddenly changed.

Became as pale as paper.

Master Wenxin Pavilion! Zhou Mei said: She placed this seal just so that Master Wenxin Pavilion could find you and kill you!

Exactly! Lin Su said: But she will never think that this is what I hope for most! Without her mark, I may need to stay in the capital of Chiguo for a few more days, but with this There is no need for a copy of the mark, we can freely walk in the southern mountains and rivers, anyway, no matter how I run, he can find it!

Then what? Zhou Mei's back was dripping with cold sweat.

Then... end the spring outing and return to Da Cang!

After the spring outing, when you return to Da Cang, will your body be sent back to Da Cang, or will your soul drift across the Qingpan River? Zhou Mei murmured.

Lin Su stared at her fiercely: Can you say something nice?

Yes! You are invincible, you live for ten thousand years, you are handsome, you know how to seduce, and you can also recite poems and sing on the Zhijiang River with clear water flowing south, okay? Zhou Mei surrendered on the spot.

Depend on!

Still want to listen to music?

I won't sing!

On this day, they drifted three hundred miles along the Zhijiang River.

On this day, great changes occurred in the Chiguo court.

The second prince was demoted for disobeying his father.

The Prime Minister takes office!

Minister of the Ministry of War becomes official!

Everyone knows that this is a purge, but the reason on the table has nothing to do with Wenxin Pavilion.

The movement was a bit loud, but it wasn't too big.

However, as long as this step is taken, it will continue to happen in the following time. Today, he will be the prime minister and the Minister of War, tomorrow he will be the minister, the day after tomorrow he will be the magistrate of various places, and then the whole world will be swept away.

When the prime minister took the first step, there was no resistance. Then, the people behind him would not resist again, because this purge was relatively mild. The second prince was only demoted, but he was still a prince. The prime minister only served as an official, and he was still a court official. As an old man, your family property has not been moved, and your account has not been banned. Why do you have to fight to the death?

As for the future, will His Majesty wait until the situation is decided and then settle the accounts with them? There are two possibilities. One possibility is: yes! Another possibility is: No!

Faced with the possibility that was not absolute, these court officials had no choice but to accept their fate.

Later, I will slowly renew my life.

This is the practice of the feudal dynasty...

In three days, the Red Country has been turned upside down...

Wenxin Pavilion, which covered the sky with one hand, was leveled.

All the officials in the court who kept their word were in panic all day long.

The two sons competing for the throne did not follow the past practice of one son losing and the other winning. One died and the other was demoted, and they were eliminated from the line of succession.

The eyes of the world are all focused on the third prince. He is a bookworm who only knows how to read. In the past, the fight between the two sons for the throne had nothing to do with him. He also knew that a huge change had occurred and that the throne was not his turn, so he simply thought about it. Don't think about it, but now, he has become the only candidate who can possibly enter the East Palace.

The teacher of the third prince looked up to the sky and sighed, lamenting the impermanence of the world.

The leader of the Fire Clan looked up to the sky and roared angrily, his eyes filled with red water.

His infiltration of the Red Kingdom's government and civilians has led to a difficult situation. Almost all officials in the court have set up defenses against them. Facing the support of the Red Kingdom's army, they used to be plundered by various ministries, but now no one wants it if it comes to their doorstep.

Don't dare to get involved in right and wrong!

There are signs that things have changed in Chi Country!

And the initiators of everything, Lin Su, and Zhou Mei traveled through the southern mountains and rivers of the Red Kingdom, tasting delicious food and admiring the beautiful scenery. They seemed to have completely withdrawn from the game in the Red Kingdom and turned into idle spring outings.

But, it just seems.

The ninth day of their spring trip to the south, the second day of February...

Night, starry... (End of chapter)

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