Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 913: Master Wenxin Pavilion has traveled thousands of miles to die (please give me a monthly

The water of the branch river ripples under the starlight.

There is a boat on the river, which is a very common black-paneled boat on Zhijiang River. Literati often like to choose this kind of boat for spring outings.

Lin Su and Zhou Mei sat across from each other and sipped tea.

The tea is Chifeng Maojian unique to the Red Kingdom, with a fragrant fragrance. This is probably the only item from the Red Kingdom that Lin Su is interested in.

The tea is half floating and half sinking in the cup, the river is half moving and half still under me, and the beauty beside me is half asleep and half awake.

Lin Su's eyes were also half-squinted, as if he was slowly entering a half-dream and half-awake state in the turbulent river.

Suddenly, his eyes flew open!

Everything has changed before our eyes!

The river water is still there, but it is not the faint clear glow under the starlight, but a strange green color.

There is no wind, no distant city, no distant sky...

Zhou Mei shouted: What's going on?

Lin Su stretched out her hand and grabbed her hand tightly. Zhou Mei suddenly felt her body light up. She could not feel her physical existence. It was as if her consciousness had left her body and was floating outside the boundless sky.

She did not lose her way immediately because Lin Su was connected to her consciousness.

He's coming! These three words were clearly transmitted into her sea of ​​consciousness through their connected consciousnesses.

If Zhou Mei could still sweat, just these three words would make her sweat profusely, because she knew what these three words meant, which meant that the ultimate assassination they had been waiting for after ten days of spring outing in the south had finally come.

The master of the Asking Heart Pavilion has arrived!

The master of the Wenxin Pavilion is a man who walks out arrogantly in the midst of an army of 100,000 people.

He still raised his eyes and glanced, half of the thirty masters of Xiangtianfadi fell out of thin air.

His assassination methods were truly unheard of.

Now, he's here.

Haha... The laughter spread throughout the world: Lin Su, you destroyed my Wenxin Pavilion, did you ever think that you would not be able to escape from the palm of my hand?

Asking the Master of the Heart Pavilion? Lin Su raised his gaze and stared straight into the sky.

Exactly! As soon as the voice fell, a tall figure like the Nine Heavens Immortal Lord appeared in front of them. This Immortal Lord was so large and unparalleled that it almost covered the entire space. The strange sense of oppression it brought almost made Zhou Mei almost Suffocated, she knew that she was in the opponent's soul space and she had to return quickly. However, her soul had left her body and could not find her way back. If she were not with Lin Su's soul, she would have collapsed.

Welcome to death!

Four words!

Only four words!

With a bang, a finger came from outside the sky, passed through the Yuanshen wall, and accurately hit the Yuanshen like the Nine Heavens Immortal.

The soul was shaken violently and torn into pieces, and the miserable cry of the master of the Wenxin Pavilion came from the air: Distraction Technique!

Lin Su stretched out his hand, and Zhou Mei flew up with him at the same time, returning to their positions quickly like electricity!

The moment Zhou Mei felt her soul return to her position, she felt the murderous aura all around, and a long knife crossed the sky and reached her head...

The cultivation level is absolutely as good as heaven and earth!

She was shocked...

At the same time that the master of the Wenxin Pavilion launched his soul attack, there was an assassination attempt from the outside world!

And it was a strike launched by more than ten masters at the same time! And the levels are not low, there are several like Heaven, Law and Earth!

How thorough is this?

How decisive is this?

As long as Lin Su's counterattack is even half a minute slower, even if he breaks the cage of Wenxin Pavilion, his and her physical bodies will be reduced to nothing!

But they returned to their positions. Once they returned to their positions, there was a huge change in this meticulous assassination.

Lin Su and Zhou Mei flew up at the same time, standing out from the encirclement like ghosts among the shadows of more than a dozen swords and swords.


The ship they were on turned into dust, and the Zhijiang they were on had a vacuum black hole centered on the ship, and even the river no longer existed.

When more than a dozen killers were slightly shocked...

Above the sky, golden light flourished, and for a moment, it felt like a fairyland.

Two white jade peaks rise out of thin air, and a golden moon shines on the earth...

Literary world!

I don't know which killer reacted very quickly and shouted this thrilling word.

The bow is like a thunderbolt! As soon as Lin Su said these six words, thirteen golden-armored generals suddenly appeared on the white jade peak, bending their bows and setting arrows at the same time!


Thirteen arrows pierced the air, and the bodies of the thirteen masters were blown to pieces.

Lin Su waved his hand gently, and all the literary lights around him disappeared, the stars were brilliant, and the branches and rivers were rippling with blue waves. The thrilling blow just now came unexpectedly and went away quickly.

Lin Su's hair slowly floated, and he raised his eyes to look at the sky.

Silently, Zhou Mei appeared beside him: Are there any enemies?

...Not yet! A smile slowly appeared on Lin Su's face: Okay, the spring outing is over, this broken boat has been destroyed, let's embark on your cloud shuttle and return!

Return trip? Zhou Mei looked around: Where is the Master of Pavilion Asking Heart...?

Master Wenxin Pavilion, haha, it's everywhere!


Has it become a blood mist?

The famous Master of the Wenxin Pavilion, who had spent thousands of miles to come here, unexpectedly ended up with the same fate...

Zhou Mei took a deep breath: Let's go!

As soon as he stretched out his hand, a hairpin fell to the ground. The hairpin fell to the ground and turned into a boat. The two of them stepped on it, broke into the sky, and disappeared invisible.

About a quarter of an hour after they left, a piece of poetry fell from the clouds and clung to the river like flying wings. Above the poem, there were two figures, like the descendants of gods. However, at this moment, their expressions were not fairy-like at all, they were all shocked.

They are Zhuge Qingfeng and Du Bing.

Du Bing's face was truly as ice-like at this moment, cold and pale.

Is the Pavilion Master really dead? Zhuge Qingfeng raised his eyes.

His physical body has undoubtedly been destroyed, and I can't feel his vitality. Du Bing's voice was infinitely sad.

The Pavilion Master still underestimated him!

It's not that he underestimated him, but he made a fatal mistake! Du Bing said slowly: Everyone expected that he was proficient in the magical power of Nirvana, so he could be reborn in Nirvana after being killed. The direction was completely wrong. Oh! This is not the magical power of Nirvana, this is the power of distraction! He has at least two souls, one soul was killed, and the other soul dominated the physical body. With a sudden attack, even the master of the pavilion was poisoned!

The distraction technique is the most powerful and heaven-defying skill when facing the people in the Wenxin Pavilion. As long as he is proficient in the distraction technique, he will be the nemesis of the people in the Wenxin Pavilion.


Because the people in Wenxin Pavilion are best at, or even say, their only skill is mental attack.

Your greatest ability is to kill the opponent's soul.

Facing ordinary people, the Yuanshen is killed, announcing the end of the whole play.

However, when facing someone with the power of distraction, if you kill one of his souls, the other soul will suddenly activate and control his body to give you a fatal blow, killing you easily.

The person from Qingxin Pavilion has an absolute weakness in combat skills. How can he resist his physical attacks?

The distraction technique... Zhuge Qingfeng exhaled softly: Is it the high-level technique of your Wenxin Pavilion?


Is it very difficult?

Du Bing moved his eyes over and looked at him quietly for a long time, then breathed out softly: I know what you think, and I am willing to help you. However, even if I tell you the high-level spells of Wenxin Pavilion, you will not be able to do it. You may not be able to reach his level, especially the distraction technique, you can’t possibly learn it!”

She had a conversation with Zhuge Qingfeng, and she knew what Zhuge Qingfeng wanted!

Zhuge Qingfeng wanted to bring the remaining forces of Wenxin Pavilion under his control, and he also wanted the top secret techniques of Wenxin Pavilion.


Because the secret technique of Wenxin Pavilion is an irresistible temptation for those who follow the path of wisdom.

Think about it, the killing method that kills people invisible can easily set off a craze for wisdom.

If the method of distracting one's mind and seizing one's body is obtained by a person in the path of wisdom, how convenient will it be for the use of strategies?

Therefore, what Zhuge Qingfeng wants most is the mysterious technique that can assist him in his wisdom.

Why? Zhuge Qingfeng was a little dissatisfied.

Du Bing said: The art of dividing the spirit is different from the general mental power secret arts. Only the perfect and flawless Yuan Shen can be divided. The so-called 'unification is flawless, and separation is worry-free'. If the Yuan Shen itself is not perfect, once it is forcibly Splitting is like a house with a weak foundation. If it is divided into two parts, it can only collapse...

Many people think that all the secret techniques of Wenxin Pavilion have only one foundation, and that is the intensity of mental power.

In fact, it's really not the case. Mental strength is one aspect, but the more important thing is the flawless mental strength.

I asked the people in the Heart Pavilion, even the Pavilion Master himself, who can't practice divine arts. Is it because his mental strength is not strong enough? fart! The master of the Wenxin Pavilion must have a mental strength that is at least three levels higher than Linsu.

However, their mental strength is lacking!

What is missing?

What is missing is the connection with the body from top to bottom!

Giving up the physical body in pursuit of spiritual power seems to be filling a gap in the way of heaven, but in fact, it is also a side door to the way of heaven. The truly flawless soul is born from the flawless foundation of practice. Only when the soul and practice foundation are fully understood can one be truly flawless!

Zhuge Qingfeng looked into the sky: The flawless foundation creates the flawless soul, and only the flawless soul can achieve the top secret technique... So, I went the wrong way before? When I broke the mirror, I was eager for success, but it turned out to be impossible. To make up for the shortcomings? From now on, I will not be able to truly compete with him on the path of spiritual practice?

Du Bing bowed slightly: This is not the fault of the young master! The young master is originally a scholar. It is rare in the world to be able to cultivate both literature and Taoism. How can he demand perfection in every step?

Yes, he is a genius of literature and art. How can he strive for perfection in spiritual practice? However, isn't he a genius of literature and art? Why can he be perfect? Zhuge Qingfeng felt really depressed for probably the first time in his life, and Lin Su was entangled, and even if he was frustrated again and again, he was never depressed, because he knew that he had far more trump cards than the opponent, because he knew that his road was infinitely high.

However, today, he experienced another kind of setback, a setback that can never be made up, the foundation of spiritual practice!

The foundation of his cultivation that he was proud of was revealed by Du Bing in a few words, and a cruel veil was revealed...

It allowed him to get a glimpse of another most terrifying thing about Lin Su that the world almost ignored, that is, the foundation of his cultivation was perfect!

Young master, don't be depressed. Wenxin Pavilion still has a lot of manpower, a lot of resources, various secret techniques, and Bing'er's Jade Ice Wonderful Body... As long as the master agrees to Bing'er one thing, these things can all belong to the master! Du Bing said.

Say it! Zhuge Qingfeng's eyes lit up.

The journey to heaven is about to begin! He will participate, and so will you! The young master must know exactly what Bing'er wants the young master to do! Du Bing said slowly, with cold murderous intent flowing across her eyes.

Then it's a deal! Zhuge Qingfeng's eyes shone brightly.

The flying boat travels above the clouds and under the stars...

Lin Su was meditating with his eyes closed as usual...

Zhou Mei did not disturb him. She took it for granted that Lin Su had just had a game with the master of the Wenxin Pavilion and his soul was seriously injured. She was repairing it.

However, she was wrong.

In this game between Lin Su and the Master of Wenxin Pavilion, his soul was completely intact.


Because he directly took a more decisive approach and used the distraction technique to kill him with one move.

If there weren't murderous intentions all over the place, he could have a chat with the master of the Wenxin Pavilion and use his chat skills to make the other party angry to death. However, this old guy paid too much attention to him. Not only did he personally intervene, but he also brought A large number of spiritual masters planned to destroy him physically and spiritually as soon as possible.

What can he do?

We can only fight quickly and destroy them all in an instant!

However, after it was destroyed, there was one thing that he was reluctant to give up, and that was the spiritual power that Master Wenxin Pavilion had cultivated for decades. These spiritual powers were absorbed into his sea of ​​consciousness, which was really a great tonic for his spirit. The force index has reached another level!

Level 31!

After using the Dao Shenhua to open the door to the mystery of mental power, his mental power improvement seems to have entered a fast lane. As long as there are various rare treasures that enhance mental power, he can feel the improvement of mental power, and in the Wenxin Pavilion The human head is equivalent to a treasure of spiritual power.

It's a pity that there are not many big heads like this in the world!

There is nothing more depressing than this in life...

(Everyone in the world at the head of Cangshan is spitting out blood)

However, there is also a gain. What is the gain?

From the sea of ​​consciousness of the master of Wenxin Pavilion, he searched for some useful information. He truly knew the strategic plan of Wenxin Pavilion. He also tore open the mysterious veil of Da Cang Mountain for the first time, and learned about the seventy-two divisions of Cangshan. Ancient information…

Suddenly, his eyes opened.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw the old site of Wenxin Pavilion.

Yes, they have traveled through most of the Red Kingdom and returned to the Qingpan River. At their feet is Lao Mountain, the former site of Wenxin Pavilion.

How do you feel when you see Wenxin Pavilion changed beyond recognition because of you? Zhou Mei's voice came to my ears.

Lin Su smiled softly: How can there be so many emotions? The world is ever changing, the moon rises and the stars set. There is no eternal prosperity, and there is no eternal situation. Accept this change, appreciate this variable, and deal with it indifferently. , you can just watch it with a cold eye.”

The destruction of a generation of strange pavilions that caused unrest in the world, you actually took it indifferently! If this is a cool word, it is obviously a cool word that reflects class! Zhou Mei nodded: The next step is to go straight to the capital and have a bitter relationship with His Majesty. Should I drink for three days and three nights, or should I go back to your Lin family in Haining and hold your wife in my arms for three days and three nights?

Depend on!

I am so addicted to hugging my wife for three days and three nights. I seriously doubt that this little girl of yours is going to get out of this dangerous situation, it's starting to get a little flirty.

Lin Su stood up: I'm getting off the boat!

Get off the ship? Do you also have a wife in Ningcheng? ...I understand! Zhou Mei patted her head: Qi Yao, the princess of Nanwang, right?

Hey, it's starting to be a bit gossipy... Lin Su said: Just a reminder, I am the king of one word, and King Nan is also the king of one word. How high-end and grand is it for two one-word princes to meet? You have to put some points in the middle. Lace, are you talking?

Zhou Mei curled her lips and said, The frills in your words are nothing like words, but the frills in your actions are high-end and majestic? This world is so crazy... Forget it, I'll leave and go back to Beijing!

Let's do something by the way...

Arranged something for her...

Zhou Mei raised her head and sighed: Princess Qiyao received a blessing at home in exchange for three days and three nights of reward. I traveled to a foreign country and tied my head to a belt to risk my life, in exchange for running around again without stopping for even a step. Dare I I wonder if there is such a thing as fairness in the world?

Lin Su was dumbfounded: Little girl, you can't say that. I really can't answer what you said. I can't say that I will hold you for three days and three nights in the future, right? That kind of reward is very deformed. I'm very sorry for your father...

Zhou Mei rolled her eyes and said, If an ordinary person teases me like this, I'll just get out of here. But you are His Highness, and I can't do it, so I very gently...please get out of here!

As soon as the voice fell, Lin Su's feet shook and his whole body flew away.

With a chirping sound, the shuttle flew through the air and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Lin Su stared blankly at the cold star in the sky that disappeared without a trace in an instant, a little surprised...

I underestimated this shuttle!

Even if this is not a holy weapon, it is undoubtedly not far away from it!

This sacred instrument is a bit pitiful. It was solemnly given to my daughter by a generation of enchantress. It really has no sense of existence during the trip to a foreign country. At the end of the trip to the foreign country, its awesomeness finally showed its strength in a small way, surpassing the generation of handsome Lin Lin. Someone shook the shuttle, and with a little blocking force, he fell freely to the Qingpan River.

Just when he was about to fall into the middle of the river, Lin Su straightened his waist and stood on the top of the waves. The next moment, he took the steps of a prostitute and walked towards Da Cang Mountain. He walked down one step and reached the shore. Several fishermen on the shore were stunned. He looked at him as if he were seeing a ghost.

Lin Su looked at them and smiled, taking another step. This time, he landed outside the Nanwang Mansion.

After straightening his clothes and taking the official steps, Lin Su looked at the palace guards and smiled softly: Please inform King Nan that King Wen Lin Su has made a special visit!


The guard in front knelt down immediately!

The two guards nearby ran away...

In the backyard of Nanwang Mansion, the princess was playing on the swing.

A person behind her was gently helping her push.

There was a smile on the princess's lips, a proud smile!

Because the person recommending this is extraordinary, this is Nanwang Princess Qi Yao!

Nanwang Princess Qi Yao is not the type to help people swing. No one in the world has seen her gentleness. Everyone has a deep-rooted understanding that this princess rushes into the enemy's formation and beats the enemy with three punches and two kicks. Damn it, when have you ever pushed someone on a swing? Even King Nan has never enjoyed such treatment.

But the princess enjoyed it!

It’s not just about swinging, but also about rubbing shoulders and backs, and chatting with each other...

She knew why, this girl wanted something from her!

What do you want?

She wants to go to Haining, but I won’t let her!

So, she tried to please her mother every day, hoping that her mother would let go...

The princess accepted her daughter's filial piety.

All gifts from my daughter are accepted as ordered.

She said she was a little slow and didn't receive her daughter's request...

As a result, the scene of a loving mother and a filial daughter was performed every day in the Nanwang Mansion, and several maids expressed that their horizons were opened...

Just when he was in the most interesting mood, the housekeeper ran in from outside: Mother, Your Majesty, Prince Wen is here!

The princess was suddenly startled: King Wen?

That's right, King Wen Linsu has arrived outside the palace! said the housekeeper.

Ah... Qi Yao was so excited that she lost her sense of control. With a push of her hand, the whole swing went up to the sky, and the princess let out an earth-shattering scream...

She doesn't know martial arts, she is just an ordinary person, and suddenly, her daughter flew a kite...

Amidst the screams, Qi Yao flew into the sky, hugged her mother suddenly, and placed her on the ground. Her mother was pale and looked at her blankly, while her daughter's face was red: Mom, I didn't mean it, I... I’m going to get the family law for my mother!”

In a flash, there was no trace of smoke...

The princess took a deep breath and turned to the maid next to her: Where did she go to get the family law?

The maid next to her smiled half-heartedly: The princess may have gone in the wrong direction. She went to the front door...

The princess slapped her thigh hard: This good-for-nothing guy has never seen a man in eight lifetimes?

Your Majesty, the prince is in seclusion, does the princess want to receive him in person? The maid did not dare to continue on this topic and quickly talked about business.

Before the princess could speak, there was a sudden loud earthquake in the training room, and a red light shot into the sky. It was none other than King Nan...

King Nan crossed the entire palace in one step and came to the gate. Qi Yao, who had just seen the handsome face of her husband, was in a daze and was about to rush over there when she suddenly saw her father and hurriedly Stop and hide behind the big tree, my heart pounding...

He's really here!

Really, it’s not a dream!

Since she followed him, she missed him so much, every day, but he was too busy, shocking things happened one after another, and she couldn't even see him.

Therefore, she wanted to go to Haining. No matter how busy he was, he would always find time to go home. When she got home, wouldn't she see him? However, my mother disagreed. She said that it would be disrespectful for an unmarried girl to go to a man's house, especially in a palace like theirs.

Qi Yao almost lost her words. She wanted to tell her mother that I was already his, not unmarried, and the red dot on my arm was fake...

Fortunately, she didn't really say these words...

King Nan fell in front of Lin Su, and his bull's eyes immediately grew three points bigger: Haha, you kid...oh, King Wen...

Lin Su smiled: My lord, please don't change your words. I really like it when you call me kid...

Boy! Prince Nan was not one to be polite at all. He stretched out his hand and grabbed Lin Su's shoulder: Come, let me drink with you for three rounds!


When Lin Su spoke a word, King Nan smiled happily: Good boy, after becoming a prince, your arrogance has increased even more. We will never stop getting drunk today!


Lin Su said a few words, and Qi Yao's head hit the tree lightly. It's over, there's no chance. I haven't seen him for such a long time, and I still expect to be with him tonight... After he drank the wine, nothing can be done tonight. Already...

In the Nanwang reception room, wine and food are ready.

As soon as the white clouds opened, the whole house was filled with the aroma of wine.

Ji Shang, this bastard, I have long thought that he is not a good bird. You got him down. Well done. He deserves three rounds! Drink! King Nan started his drinking game with his hands.

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