Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 921 The final chapter of the battle with Yueying

Yue Ying said: The last question...are you not afraid that I will really find Ziyue Lu? Will you really recover your cultivation?

Purple Moon Furnace...has been destroyed! But except for the highest level of Yanyu Tower, even the disciples of Yanyu Tower don't know.

Yueying's eyes slowly shot to the sky: A set of serial schemes, plotting, unbelievable, but also watertight. As a proud man in his early twenties, he is indeed amazing and talented. But now that the conspiracy is exposed, do you know that you will pay for it? At what cost?”

As soon as the sound fell, the entire space seemed to completely freeze.

Lin Su's hair suddenly stopped flying halfway, and Lin Su's eyes slowly closed: After all, after a game between you and me, God is not as good as man. Now I have no power to fight back in front of you, and I can kill you. It's insulting! But I still hope you can understand one thing!

Tell me!

For thousands of years, there have been many people who have taken advantage of you. However, after taking advantage of you, I am probably the only one who saved your life at the cost of my own life! Lin Su said: If you really If you think it’s pleasurable to kill your only savior, then do it!”

Yueying's hair floated halfway and suddenly stopped...

A lifesaver!

Yes or no?

Really are!

She broke into the core area of ​​Yanyu Tower and fell into the white jade cauldron. Five top masters joined forces to kill her. If nothing happened, even if she had the foundation of a saint, she would definitely die.

At this juncture, he is here!

After blocking the attack of the five people with her Wu Dao power, she had the chance to break out of the trap.

He launched his ultimate move and severely damaged the soul of the purple-clothed leader whose cultivation level was equal to his own in one blow, giving her a real chance to escape from the predicament.

Therefore, he said that he would save her life at the cost of his own life!

Is the truth!

For thousands of years, many people have taken advantage of her, but how many people have saved her?

Her hair was like a sharp blade, floating quietly on top of his head. Finally, when her hair was pulled back, the moon shadow disappeared!

As soon as she disappeared, Lin Su seemed to step out of the ice and snow after a long winter night and step into the warm spring...

A huge bet, and he still won!

Yes, what happened today is a big gamble!

Stepping into this Tianji formation, he was suddenly in front of the master on the top floor of Yanyu Tower, and with no way out at all, he faced an unprecedented dead end!

Regardless of whether it was literature, martial arts, or spiritual practice, it was impossible for him to kill these five people.

His only chance was to help Yue Ying escape, but he teamed up with Yue Ying!

Therefore, he has no power from the beginning!

It is impossible for Wu Dao to kill them directly.

Fortunately, the power of Wu Dao was not used to kill them, but to cut off their connection with the White Jade Cauldron and create opportunities for Yueying.

If these five people are quiet and don't mess around, Yue Ying will get out of trouble and he and Yue Ying will work together to kill these five people. What will happen after killing these five people? He and Yueying still have the opportunity to maintain the delicate arrangement of being wary of each other and fighting without breaking up.

However, the purple-clothed leader jumped out of his prediction and launched an attack on him from the blockade of the Wu Dao Circle. He had no other choice. The only thing he could do was to launch the ultimate move, the Sword-Destroying Style!

As soon as the Sword-Destroying Style came out, his soul was taken away!

His life was completely in Yueying's hands!

This is what he wants to bet on!

He bet that he might still be able to survive under Yueying's hands, at least a hundred times a thousand times more than under the leader of Yanyu Tower.

He won, and a life-saving grace turned into a rope, binding Yueying's hands and feet.

She left!

Today she was able to face Lin Su, a lost dog, without fighting. Then, if there were no special variables in the future, she would not take action against him.

The murder of Yueying hanging overhead has only now been truly solved.

Instead he relaxed.

Little bits of light from the Avenue God Flower in Lin Su's body flowed into the sea of ​​consciousness, and his soul was slowly recovering.

Lin Su took a deep breath, stared at the mystery of this house, and finally found the mystery. He opened it with a finger, and with a bang, the stone room separated, and the bright sunshine outside came into his eyes. The battle was basically over, and the whole world was a mountain of corpses. Amidst the rain of blood, Princess Xingyue lowered her gaze on a huge golden lotus in the sky, with joy in her eyes. The golden lotus flew to Lin Su's feet: It's over. Although the losses are heavy, the mission has been completed after all.

Lin Su smiled softly: How about I lend you a corner of the golden lotus and take a nap?

Stepping onto the golden lotus, his body collapsed and fell into a deep sleep.

Silently, Wei Yu stepped onto the golden lotus and pointed her finger at Lin Su's eyebrows...

The expression on her face slowly changed: The soul has been severely damaged! That stone room must be the burial place of the person on the top floor of Yanyu Tower. He just had an extraordinary battle with someone...

Lin Su didn't know how long he slept.

When he woke up, he opened his eyes and saw the corner of the Jinyan Temple. On the corner, there was a small sitting Buddha and a string of bronze temple bells. In the wind, there was occasionally a slight sound. ring.

Lin Su stood up. Under the hut outside, a nun in white slowly raised her head. In her palm was a Buddhist sutra, which was the Diamond Sutra. Turning the Sutra over, she picked up the teapot on the table and a cup of tea. After falling down, Lin Su came to her.

You slept all day and all night! Princess Xingyue handed you this cup of tea: Let's have some food first!

Silently, the light rain appeared. She bowed slightly and handed over the vegetarian food from Jinyan Temple.

While Lin Su was eating, Xingyue talked about the situation of the battle.

The Yanyulou headquarters has been destroyed.

Millions of Yanyulou disciples, elders, and accomplices were wiped out.

Almost nothing slips through the cracks.

The headquarters of Yanyu Tower, the most mysterious organization in the world that has been passed down for thousands of years, was completely extinct after this battle!

But the Ancient Kingdom of Nanyang also paid a heavy price. Half of its three million troops were lost!

But, there's something you need to know...

Speaking of this, Xingyue lowered her voice: We have not found the most mysterious place of Yanyu Tower, the Wonderful Land of Misty and Rain! I suspect that the headquarters of Yanyu Tower is just the headquarters. Its real inheritance place, the Wonderful Land of Misty and Rain, is not here. .”

Lin Su slowly put down the bowl and chopsticks, slowly raised his head, the light in his eyes moved slightly...

That's not a look of surprise on your part! Princess Xingyue said, You seem to have guessed it a long time ago.

Lin Su nodded: There have been vague speculations in this regard, but the matter can basically be over here. Although the Yanyu Tower still has the Wonderful Land of Misty Rain, its eyes and ears of the world have been cut off. It is just a wonderful realm. I want to turn it over. Making waves does not happen overnight.”

That's true!

Princess Xingyue agrees with this.

The terrifying thing about the Yanyu Tower is the countless tentacles it spreads across the world.

Now that its headquarters has been destroyed, the tentacles of the world that rely on this headquarters have finally turned into clear road signs under various interrogations and the gathering of various clues. Then follow the clues and trace them back to maximize these misty rain buildings. Once people find out, Yanyu Tower loses these and is no longer scary.

Even though it still has a misty and rainy wonderland, even though it still has its most exquisite heritage in the misty and rainy wonderland, what can it do in the huge world of rivers and lakes?

Even if it revives the idea of ​​​​distributing the world, what tricks can it play in just tens or hundreds of years?

In the vast world, there will never be a shortage of conspirators and ghost-minded people.

No matter what happens, there will always be Yanyun Tower. If there is no Yanyu Tower, there will be Yanyun Tower. If we aim at eradicating them completely, that would be paranoia.

Buddhists should not be paranoid.

But she would never have thought that Lin Su's lack of paranoia was completely different from hers.

Her non-paranoia is letting go.

Lin Su's lack of paranoia is because he has other plans!

He knew about the misty and rainy wonderland, and he even made a secret move!

Yuan Ji!

Yuanji herself knew it too!

She took the initiative to leave a lock of her hair to him!

Through this strand of hair, Lin Su followed her all the way with Zhou Tianjing, but when they arrived at Yandang Mountain in Xizhou, Zhou Tianjing lost her trace!

That's where the Wonderful Land of Misty Rain is located. Wonderful Land of Misty Rain seems not to be in the world of mortals, but so what?

As long as this strand of hair is still there, she will one day reappear in his mirror!

When that day comes, where can I go in the misty and rainy wonderland?

This was also the fundamental reason why Lin Su killed Yuan Ji when he faced the Yanyulou headquarters, because he knew that his daughter-in-law was not in this area, and no matter how he killed her, he would not accidentally kill Yuan Ji.

As for whether Yuan Ji's mother would die in this catastrophe, to be honest, Lin Su didn't care!

Even if it is, then... that's okay!

Because of this mother, Lin Su knew very clearly that she was not the same person as Yuan Ji, and she was definitely the kind to die! Even his cheap mother-in-law, I'm sorry, I can't help it!

A big storm is unfolding with the ancient country of Nanyang as the center.

This is a meeting to immortality catastrophe, targeting the lucky stars who have had meeting to immortality in the early stage. In a short time, countless literary masters, spiritual masters, and court officials fell from power.

It’s not just the ancient Nanyang country.

King Chu Yunfei sent a handwritten letter to the Nine Kingdoms and Thirteen States, fully informing the layout of the Misty Rain Tower and attaching the rosters of each country. This list was found from the Misty Rain Tower, and naturally there was one for Ji Guang of Da Cang Country. , in the letter to Ji Guang of Da Cang Kingdom, he added a sentence: I jointly planned this action with His Highness King Wen of your country...

When Ji Guang heard this, his doubts were all gone!

A dragnet was laid according to the list, and people on the list in Da Cang were arrested one after another.

Theoretically, the notorious organization Yanyu Tower will be eradicated in the nine countries and thirteen states at the same time.

However, this is only theoretical.

In fact, implementation varies from country to country!

The Ancient Kingdom of Nanyang was the most determined. Anyone who had anything to do with Yanyu Tower would be killed if they could, and those who couldn't be killed would be sent to prison as soon as possible, without exception.

Da Cang's execution was the most thorough, and there were still a large number of people who fled in the ancient Nanyang Kingdom. However, when Da Cang executed it, the layout was thorough and there were very few people who escaped.

However, this is not the case in other countries.

During the execution of the Chi Kingdom, there were murmurs in the court. Some people said that the letter from the emperor of the ancient Nanyang Kingdom was only his personal judgment. Why did he make such a judgment? Why did our country listen to him? Who knows that this is not deliberately disrupting the political situation of other countries? You need to know that our country also has border disputes with Nanyang Country...

Naturally, such an argument could not be ended in a short while. After a few days, we finally made a decision. Believe it or not, we had to investigate and arrest the person!

After making this decision, the Royal Forest Army began to arrest people. Unfortunately, they arrested a lonely person. The people on the roster walked away and evaporated. For a while, no one was caught.

Ohsumi is another version.

The two slender eyes of King Osumi Li Chi flashed gently in the study room...

Long Fei, the leader of the Long Division whom he trusted the most, analyzed there: The Yanyu Tower suffered a devastating disaster in the ancient Nanyang Kingdom and Da Cang. It seems that the living space in the Nine Kingdoms and Thirteen States no longer exists. As long as there is a little bit of news, these groups with The power of a thousand years of accumulation can enter my corner and be used by our emperor, why not?

Li Chi's heart was moved...

God testifies, if it were in the past, he would not be moved.

Because he knows how much of a threat an organization like Yanyu Tower is to a monarch in a country.

However, there is an old saying that goes well. If you seek medical treatment immediately when you are ill, you will be able to grasp at straws when you are in decline...

It was so difficult for Ohsumi after Lin Su's repeated tossing!

The public sentiment has changed greatly!

The army is no longer an army!

There is a rebellion in the north, unrest everywhere, and the literati teams are leaving one after another!

Beihai Dragon Palace is also unreliable...

What other power is available?

There are probably only these powers that others dare not use!

As long as it can cause the greatest damage to Da Cang, that is the power he should use...

The royal families of various countries have different reactions to this great change, with different positions and different thoughts. But no matter what, the Yanyulou headquarters was destroyed. Even if some fish slipped through the net, in the face of the tide of the times, They have also been transformed into individuals, and within a short period of time, they cannot condense into a large force.

This is what Lin Su wants!

The next day, Lin Su came down from Jinyan Mountain wearing a purple shirt.

In just one day, his mental strength was fully restored again, and it seemed to have increased slightly, feeling as refreshed as a regular scholar.

He took the initiative to come to the Zhenbei Prince's Mansion and put in a kiss.

If he came to visit as King Wen, King Zhenbei would need to personally accompany him throughout the whole process, and even His Majesty the King would need to send senior officials to accompany him. However, he did not come as King Wen, he came as a close relative.

The King of Zhenbei was overjoyed and brought his prince and several sons to welcome him.

The third prince Yao Qiliang is also one of them.

He was a scholar, and he deeply admired Lin Su. As soon as he struck up a conversation with Lin Su, they became very warm, so they made an appointment to exchange literary ideas at Jinyan Temple.

After dinner that day, Lin Su and Yao Qiliang went to Jinyan Temple.

Miss Hongye's girl Xing'er was very disappointed by this. God testified that she had been very well prepared and had all the medicines ready. As long as the miss sent a message and invited Mr. Lin to come to the miss, she would borrow On the occasion of the tea, they put the medicine in their teacups and they drank the tea. The lady couldn't stand it, and neither could he. She closed the door outside and everything was fine?

But this big piece of wood that had drifted thousands of miles seemed to have forgotten the existence of the young lady. After having a serious meal at Guitang, he went to Jinyan Temple with the third prince. It was said that the things he wanted to do were also very serious, to exchange literary ideas... …

How to do this?

As soon as he complained in front of the young lady, Hongye blushed and didn't know whether he should hold her open mouth or take off his shoes and slap her ass.

In the end, he stopped talking about everything and looked into the girl's eyes and said sincerely: Myolie, I really don't know where you are wrong. Why do you have to use such shameful means? He came from thousands of miles away and said Do you really think that the academic exchange with my third brother is an ordinary exchange of academic knowledge? With his literary background, how can my third brother, who has only a little bit of literary talent, be qualified to communicate with him?

Xing'er's heart immediately went astray: You mean, when he communicated with the third prince, he asked the third prince to pull the thread? Build this bridge?


Hongye slapped his forehead and told Xing'er thoroughly...

Have you crawled between the mattresses and been unable to get out?

The communication with my third brother can also be related to this. I am really convinced by you.

He exchanged academic studies with my third brother. In fact, he was guiding my third brother's studies. The imperial examination is coming soon. This is for my third brother's scientific examination.

The Prince of Zhenbei started his career as a military general and lacked literary background. This was the biggest shortcoming of the Prince of Zhenbei and the biggest worry of his father, queen, mother and concubines.

If he single-handedly allowed the Zhenbei Palace to make up for its shortcomings, do you think my father and mother would accept his favor?

Xing'er's big eyes finally rolled: I understand completely! As soon as the prince and princess are happy, won't the matter between him and the lady be settled? This is better than me taking medicine. The lady is so smart, the servant thinks Take medicine...

Hongye rolled his eyes, he really didn't know what to do with this girl.

You can scold her, she really does it for her own good.

Don't scold her, she might even think about using some medicine, she's so polite...

Xing'er became more interested and started a series of questions around this issue: Miss, there are only more than two months left for the imperial examination. Can he really make up for the third prince's studies?

Hongye fell silent...

Lin Su's make-up lessons were the dream of any exam-taking student in the world, but Hongye didn't dare to expect this.

Because of two points, firstly, the third brother's literary background is really not that outstanding, that is, it is above average. Considering the current level, there is a 99% chance that he will accompany him in this scientific examination. Second, it is too late to make up lessons now. There are only more than two months left before the scientific examination. Even if Lin Su is the top master, even if he has the greatest sincerity and sincerely teaches everything, he cannot teach him in such a short period of time. In more than two months, a student who was originally not a top student was raised to the pinnacle of a student - a Jinshi or a Confucian scholar, which is the pinnacle of a student.

She has a deep understanding of literature and art.

Her judgment on literary matters is also accurate nine times out of ten.

However, she never expected that an incredible turn of events would unfold in a certain room of Jinyan Temple.

Lin Su and Yao Qiliang told each other bluntly: Brother Qi, the Zhenbei Palace is the same as the Dingnan Marquis Palace where I started as a military general. I know the palace where martial arts debuted. How difficult it is to enter the literary world. I also know that you are currently My biggest wish is to let Zhenbei Palace make up for its shortcomings. Based on the righteousness of close relatives, I will communicate with you for three days!

Yao Qiliang's head jumped: Third Young Master, are you willing to share with me your world-famous poetry?

In three days, even if I exchange poetry, the effect will not be obvious on you. Therefore, I plan to exchange with you the Thirteen Notes on the Holy Word. I said, listen. How much you can remember depends on you. The creation of...

The first thing he talked about was Annotations on Lun Yu. As soon as Lin Su started talking, Yao Qiliang's whole body was shaken, and a door that had never been opened opened...

The second is Tao Te Ching. Yao Qiliang is as drunk as he is crazy after hearing about the great road...

Then came Shangshu, Spring and Autumn...

In the Zen room, time passed. Yao Qiliang sat blankly on the chair, not moving for a whole day and night. Under the power of literature and art, he did not feel hungry, did not feel sleepy, and did not even need to go to the toilet...

He didn't dare to miss every word Lin Su said, but he forgot all about the flowing sunlight and the rising and falling stars outside the window...

His talent is not outstanding. His only advantage is that he has a solid foundation. He can really memorize all the scriptures of the Holy Word. At this moment, combined with the unheard explanations, he truly feels like he has heard the Dao, and the scriptures of the Holy Word are roaring in his brain. The sound creates a completely different and unique sound.

Another Zen room in Jinyan Temple.

Princess Xingyue and Wei Yu have also been paying attention to this scene.

Under the starlight, the two looked at each other, feeling a little emotional.

It's been a day and a night. This is definitely not a formal cultural exchange! Princess Xingyue said.

Weiyu is silent. Although she has unlocked the ability to speak, the silence in the past few years seems to have become a trait in her bones. She still speaks very little. It can even be said that she does not speak unless she has to. Get used to talking.

Princess Xingyue didn't take it seriously and continued: There is only one possibility, he is tutoring Yao Qiliang!

Wei Yu finally spoke: There are only seventy-one days left for this year's palace examination!

She really cherishes her words like gold. She only has so much to say, and the meaning behind it is there. She won't say anything that doesn't need to be finished, but of course Princess Xingyue understands.

Yes, it would be really strange if a hopeless student could win the title of Confucian scholar in such a short period of time.

The light in Weiyu's eyes moved slightly. Princess Xingyue didn't talk about the anecdote. She really didn't think any miracle had happened. But when Princess Xingyue suddenly mentioned the anecdote, she had another thought...

anecdote? Wherever this guy goes is not anecdotal?

He specializes in creating wonders!

Could it be that he could really accomplish this almost impossible thing?

However, she was not a literary person, nor was she someone who liked to discuss anecdotes, so she chose to keep her mouth shut.

Until three days later!

Three days later, Lin Su walked out of the meditation room...

Arriving outside the Zen room where Princess Xingyue is...

Yao Qiliang was still sitting there in a daze, with his eyes closed like a sculpture...

Your Highness Princess, Weiyu, I am going back, and I would like to bid you farewell!

Princess Xingyue and Wei Yu were startled at the same time, and Princess Xingyue said: Today?


Is there something urgent?

Lin Su smiled softly: No, it's just that the affairs of Nanyang Ancient Country are finished, and it's time for me to leave!

Princess Xingyue stared at him for a long time and waved her hand gently: Weiyu, let's serve tea.

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