Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 922 Journey to Heaven

A bamboo tube was opened, and there were tea leaves inside. The leaves were slightly yellow, and they were the Jinyan clouds and mist on Jinyan Mountain. This tea was picked by Princess Xingyue and Weiyu in the back mountain after they returned from Huixian Lake three days ago. The tea they roasted by themselves and the royal princess made by themselves may be considered unique among the Nine Kingdoms and Thirteen States.

Pour boiling water into the tea cup, and the tea leaves slowly stretch in the water...

A wisp of breeze slowly overflowed, and Princess Xingyue slowly raised her head in the wisp of breeze: Looking down from where you are sitting, you can see an attic. Don't you want to go and see her?

Lin Su turned his eyes slightly and saw the Zhenbei Prince's Mansion. The attic she mentioned was exactly where Miss Hongye often sat. He understood Xingyue's words: Next time!

He didn't say not to go, but he didn't say go either, he said next time!

'Next time' may be just a casual remark to you, but do you know what it means to her? Princess Xingyue sighed softly.


It means an obsession with no direction, and it means a flower bud that doesn't know whether it can wait until spring comes. Princess Xingyue said: Persistence is not terrible, but the terrible thing is that there is no direction; flower buds are wonderful things in the world, but... I don’t know if I can wait for the spring buds, but I’m at a loss.”

Lin Su understands...

She was talking about Hongye!

He never made any promise to Hongye. Hongye didn't know if there was a possibility between him and her. She rejected countless requests for relatives because of her persistence. However, she didn't know whether her persistence had any effect. One Direction, this bud of hers, she didn’t even know if she could wait until spring came.

He is a master of literature and art and is already a regular practitioner in the temple.

He is still a practicing master, and his life span is long, but she is just an ordinary person. When spring comes, the flowers will bloom, and once the flowering period is over, the flowers will fall. She does not have so many choices, she can stick to it, but she You have to know whether her persistence is meaningful.

Princess Xingyue stretched out her hand, and a piece of paper appeared in front of Lin Su, with a poem written on it:

A foot of deep red wine lips, now hanging in the air like dust on the wall, the wind blows and disappears thousands of miles away, and no one in front or behind can smell it.

Princess Xingyue said softly: You are thousands of miles away, and it is difficult for her to track down your mere words and letters, but did you know that she has already prepared a foot of crimson?

One foot deep red, red hijab.

When used in poetry, it is a wedding dress.

Her wedding dress has been prepared, but it is now hanging on the wall, covered with dust.

But you are thousands of miles away and have no news at all. What do you want her to do?

Lin Su gently scratched his head: How about I write a poem too and you give it back to her?

Princess Xingyue's eyes lit up: Okay!

Lin Su raised his hand, a piece of gold paper came out, and his precious pen came down, writing...

The pen is closed, the colorful glow fills the air...

Princess Xingyue looked at the poem manuscript in front of her with a smile on her face...

There is a poem written on top of the poem: When the lotus leaves are growing, I hate spring, and when the lotus leaves wither, I hate autumn. I know that my love will last forever, and I look forward to the sound of the river at the head of the river.

Love will always be there!

This sentence is enough!

An extremely romantic colorful poem, the resentful atmosphere in the Zen room caused by a few words from Princess Xingyue instantly turned into a spring scenery, and Wei Yu felt inexplicably inspired: Master Lin wrote a colorful poem, it's really It’s relaxing, how about writing a poem for Wei Yu?”

Princess Xingyue was so surprised when she opened her mouth.

Oh my god, what's going on?

Before he came, Weiyu didn't speak for five years!

As soon as he arrived, Weiyu spoke!

However, in front of her, she also cherished words like gold. What could be expressed in one word would never be expressed in two.

But now, in front of him, not only do you hesitate to write like gold, but you also ask for poems!

Oh my god, why do I feel that compared to him, I have no sense of existence in your heart?

Not to mention the privileges of my best friend, I don’t even have equal rights. Do I want to embody such a big subversion?

Lin Su smiled: What poem do you want?

Still interested in ordering food?

Wei Yu said: It doesn't matter what the poem is. What's important is that I want to know if 'Falling Flower Man is independent, Wei Swift Swallow Flying Together' is integrated into the poem and will it have some beauty.


Regardless of whether Princess Xingyue understands it or not, at least someone Lin understands it. A few days ago, he persuaded Wei Yu to speak, changed Wei Yu's name, and casually said two lines of poetry, The fallen flower is independent, and Wei Yuyan flies together. Yu memorized it, and she accepted the name Wei Yu because these two lines of poetry touched her deeply.

She did not want her childhood friend to stand alone in the wind and rain from now on. She was willing to transform into a pair of swallows flying side by side under the blue sky with this friend who started from a peaceful Zen sect but experienced changes along the way. However, she is incompatible with the human race, and there is also a gap between Princess Xingyue and Hongchen. She doesn't know where her companionship with Princess Xingyue will lead their fate.

So, she needs some comfort.

I am not seeking poetry for the sake of poetry, but for the comfort that two people with extremely different status and status share walking in the world that is difficult for outsiders to understand...

Although there are many geniuses in this world, interesting souls are always aloof from the world. A song Linjiang Fairy pays tribute to the two of them for their uniqueness, and also wishes the two Wei Yuyans to fly together! Lin Su carried a treasure pen and gold paper. , write another word...

After the dream, the tower is locked,

The curtain is drooping when one is sober,

When spring hate came back then,

The fallen flower man is independent,

Micro swifts fly together.

I remember the first time I met Zen sect,

The double heart word Luo Yi,

The sound of green drums says we know each other,

The bright moon was there at that time,

Zeng Zhaocaiyun returned!

In the colorful glow, a poem poem was handed into Wei Yu's hands. Princess Xingyue held the left corner of the poem manuscript, and Wei Yu held the right corner. The two looked at each other, as if they had returned to the past in an instant.

In that lightly rainy season, the two little girls met for the first time after entering the Zen sect. From then on, they stayed together in this Zen sect for ten years. In ten years, they grew from innocence to adulthood. The trajectory of their lives has drawn a big circle. They had experienced estrangement because of their extreme life encounters, but now, their hearts have slowly opened up and they have returned to where they were before.

Just like what is said in this poem, the bright moon was there at that time, and it once illuminated the colorful clouds.

As long as the bright moon is still there, the people of the past will still be the same people of the past. No matter how far they have traveled, they will always return.

Princess Xingyue and Wei Yu looked back at Lin Su's face and bowed at the same time...

Mr. Lin, thank you very much for your kind words!

Lin Su stood up slowly: Farewell!

It rose through the sky, went straight up to the sky, folded in the air, and flew straight to the north...

Princess Xingyue slowly withdrew her farewell gaze and entered the inner room. Inside the Zen room, there was a woman standing by the window, looking at the sky. When she heard the sound of Xingyue opening the door, her face slowly turned back, it was Hong Ye.

Xingyue raised her hand gently: I can't keep him for you for a few more days, but after getting one of his poems, I think your wish has been fulfilled.

Hongye gently held the poem, his face filled with red glow...

In fact, she wasn't particularly familiar with him.

From the beginning, she was only attracted by his astonishing literary talents. Later, Zhenbei Palace encountered great changes and he stepped on the side of Zhenbei Palace. Only then did his heroic and heroic spirit truly enter her heart. From then on, , the distant Da Cang Kingdom, the distant Haining, became her longest dream.

She had been to Haining, and she had gone to the Mid-Autumn Festival appointment in his poem, but she had not seen him.

She and him were going around in the wind and rain.

She knew that this heart belonged to him, and she also expected that her body and mind could be unified and belong to the Haining Lin family, but she didn't know what he thought.

Today, she knew...

When the lotus leaves are growing, spring hates them, and when the lotus leaves wither, autumn hates them. I know that my love will last forever, and I look forward to the sound of the water at the head of the river.

This is his answer!

When He Ye was born, Chun hated her. At that time, he participated in Qinglian Taoism and lived in Hechi. The first time he heard about her was when he felt spring in his heart. He had liked her very early.

This is his firm answer.

As long as they don't die, they can continue on their path!

What a deep love, what a beautiful waiting, the world is so beautiful, I can wait for one year, two years, ten years, even to the end of my life!

She, a flower messy in the wind, finally knew that all her efforts would not dissipate into smoke, and all her waiting would usher in spring.

Xing'er, this shameless little person, designed a set of procedures to dive into the quagmire of medicine and couldn't get out. She wanted to turn raw rice into cooked rice. To be honest, Hongye was really tempted (shakes face) , but today, she found a better way, which was to give a firm answer with a colorful poem backed by gold paper!

Spring has arrived, and the flower Hong Ye is blooming quietly in this Zen courtyard...

Lin Su walked through the clouds...

He has no plans to return to Haining or the capital. He wants to embark on his journey to heaven.

According to the accurate time given by the Saint of Yaochi, the trip to Heaven still had two months to go, but he also promised her that he would meet her first as soon as he finished the matters at hand.

Lin Su had only two things in mind.

The first is to destroy Wenxin Pavilion.

The second is to destroy Yanyu Tower.

These two major organizations are the bane of Da Cang. They are immortal. Lin Su traveled to Tiandao Island and completely lost contact with Da Cang. If they caused chaos, he would be beyond his reach.

It's not that Da Cang can't live without him.

The key is that these two organizations are too high-end - one has actually caused harm to the millennium, and the other has only existed for a few years, but has already shown the potential to cause harm to the millennium.

Moreover, he suffered too many injuries at his hands in the early stage.

I have too much hatred for Da Cang.

In this case, the destructive power erupted by these two organizations was designed with him as the target. Once he is gone, there are really not many people in the world who can withstand such high-level destruction.

Therefore, before he left Da Cang and stepped into Tiandao Island, he first eliminated these two major organizations.

He did it!

The Wenxin Pavilion headquarters has been destroyed and has become a street rat in Chi Country.

The headquarters of Yanyu Tower has been destroyed, and its roots in Da Cang and Nanyang Ancient Kingdom have been basically eliminated.

These organizations have suffered unprecedented heavy losses, and it really will not take them ten or eight years to turn over again.

As for Lin Su, he can go on the road easily!

Using the characters of gold as a boat and the power of literature and morality as an oar, Lin Su traveled five thousand miles in one day. Early the next morning, he entered the territory of Da Cang. On the next day, he crossed the Pearl River, crossed the Yangtze River, and arrived in Xizhou.

Xizhou, under the governance of Ren Taiyan, has changed drastically.

On that day, Lifu's small experimental field took root across the state.

The human race and the mermaid race live in peace. The land along the West Sea is open to fishing. There are trading markets everywhere along the West Sea coastline. What is sold is no longer mermaids, but the products of the two races. The mermaid race has a steady stream of pearls, shells, starfish, and gems. Continuously sell to the human race, and the human race’s wine and clothes are sold to the mermaids.

On the side of the West Sea, Lin Su even saw an alternative kind of transaction with his own eyes. Several businessmen stood on the rocks, and several mermaids stood between the waves with their tails as fulcrums. The two parties were negotiating a deal. When the deal was concluded, the mermaid tails Toss, throw a package of things onto the shore, and the people on the shore also throw the goods into the sea. Both parties get what they want and leave happily.

This is not a trading market at all, just a wilderness. However, if you have the goods and I have the money, the two parties can trade anywhere.

In the past, Xizhou, which relied on the sea to die, has now completely changed and has become rich on the sea.

In addition to the seaside, the land is also the same every day.

Under the people's livelihood reform policy, farmland water conservancy has begun to show real results, and the fields have begun to be cultivated and have water; the fields have begun to be cultivated, because land rents have generally dropped; the people have begun to behave like individuals, because there are laws and regulations, and they know that they are As long as you don't commit any crime, no thunder will fall from the sky...

The smiling faces of the people, which had hardly appeared since ancient times, finally appeared.

Everyone is grateful to those who have given them a dream life...

Your Majesty, His Royal Highness King Wen, Governor Ren Taiyan...

If you have good government and people, you will be useless!

This is the main color of Xizhou today.

The night wind blew up, and Xizhou sank into the night.

The stars were shining brightly, and Lin Su entered the West Sea again after two years of absence.

The Xiaoyao flute moved horizontally, and under the starry sky, there was a touch of moving color. The flute sounded, and it was the popular divine song The Love Song of the West Sea that was popular all over the world.

The melodious sound of the flute crosses the blue waves of the West Sea.

It seems until the end of time.

In the Holy Land of Mermaids, a beautiful mermaid flew high and landed outside the dividing line of the past...

Under the starlight, her face is more spring-like than a lake full of spring water, and her eyes are even more clear and moving, bright and beautiful...

However, when she saw the figure riding the waves under the starry sky, her eyes, as bright as the spring light, still had half a layer of mist...

You're here! Yingying said softly.

I promised you that within three years, no matter whether I find any news about your mother, I will come to Xihai. It has been nearly three years since we made that agreement! Lin Sudao.

That agreement is actually not important. What is important is that you always remember it. Yingying said.

No, that agreement is very important! It's important to you, and it's also important to me! Lin Su said: I entered the West Sea today and had no intention of entering the Mermaid Holy Land. The starry night called you with the sound of the flute just to tell you. This news...your mother, I found it!

Yingying's whole body was shocked: She...where is she?

Lin Su stretched out her hand gently, and in the blue waves in front of her, a dynamic image was created. An island, the sky full of strange birds, under the clear spring and waterfall, a beautiful mermaid's tail flapped gently in the water, her eyes were far away. Look at the sky.

Tears welled up in Yingying's eyes: It's her! This is my mother! I've seen her projection in the clan. In addition to blue, her hair also has purple... Which sea area is this?

There are no names of places or islands in the Zhoutian Mirror. I only know that this sea area is in Wuxin Sea, about 26,000 miles from the mouth of the sea.

Zhou Tianjing? Did you find her by relying on Zhou Tianjing? Yingying's heart skipped a beat. She knew what kind of artifact Zhou Tianjing was. It was a magical weapon. The humans in the world wanted to get it, and the demons wanted to get it. For this artifact , it can be said that it really stirred up the world in all directions, and countless heroes lost their lives because of it, and he, for her mother, actually got the Zhou Tianjing.

For that original agreement, the price he paid far exceeded her imagination.

No! Not only by Zhou Tianjing, but also by the jade pendant your mother left for you. Without this jade pendant, even if Zhou Tian is in hand, I still can't find her. Lin Sudao.

Master! Yingying leaned over gently: I regret a little. I shouldn't have given you this agreement in the first place. I can only imagine how much you have done for this agreement in the past two years.

You are wrong! Lin Su gently hugged her shoulders: Many things are a kind of chance. For ordinary people, it is difficult to do this, but for me, it is not that difficult. , next, listen to my advice.

you say!

Although you know where your mother is, you still can't go looking for her easily. Promise me to wait for a while. When the conditions are right, I will take you to find her.

Yingying nodded lightly: I know! I know that the Wuxin Sea is not a place I can go to. At least with the cultivation level in front of me, it is far from enough to reach the state of stepping into the Wuxin Sea. I will practice hard during this period of time. Mermaid magical power, wait quietly for the time you mentioned.

Two years! Up to two years! Lin Su said.

More than two years ago, you gave me a three-year agreement. There was a clear point shining in my time chart. Now, you gave me a new point in time... Yingying's eyes He slowly raised his head and said, Are you really not a holy person?


If you don't enter my holy place, I will enter yours!

Okay! Lin Su's brows glowed a little, and a golden boat character broke out of the sky, landed and turned into a golden boat. Yingying jumped up and fell into the boat.

Lin Su used the golden character as a boat to create a holy land of literature and Taoism, and Yingying accompanied him throughout the Western Sea.

In the early morning, she brought him tea brewed by herself.

As the sun sets, she sends him her own song.

Watching her dancing on the top of the waves and listening to her beautiful and ethereal singing shuttle between the blue waves, Lin Su felt like she was in a fairyland, without any worries in the world of mortals.

In the blink of an eye, three days have passed.

On the third night, a small gap opened in the boundless wonderland, and Yingying came to him lightly, slowly raised her face, and gave him a moving shape...

The sea breeze from the West Sea blew by, and her hair floated gently...

It also brought a slightly different atmosphere...

Master, tonight, I want to give you a... gift! Yingying exhaled like a blue.



Why... why do you want to turn this fairyland into mortal world?

Because you are in the mortal world, you are in the mortal world, and I am willing to fall into the mortal world forever!

When Lin Su woke up, Yingying had left.

His mind sank into his body, and the Dao roots in his brain had changed drastically. The infinite space was filled with vitality...

All kinds of insights on the path of spiritual practice seem to become clear concrete images...

All kinds of mysteries are spontaneously performed in his body...

In the long river of time, around that soul, the endless seeds of space laws surged like waves, condensing into a flower of space!

The soul slowly stood up, holding the flower of space in his hand, and came to his spiritual platform in one step. The soul merged into one, and Lin Su's brain was filled with infinite secrets of time and space. He gently raised his hand, and in front of him Above the Western Sea, there are layers of space. With a flick of his finger, the space is shattered! The Western Sea Water within a hundred feet turned into nothingness.

Lin Su stared blankly at everything strange and unpredictable, her heart feeling like the waves of the Western Sea were turning over.

The second realm of Space Law, he has arrived!

On the day when the Yanyu Tower was annihilated, he and Weiyu stepped on the Yanyu Palace. Weiyu told him that your spatial law was only in the first realm. From the first realm to the second realm, no matter how talented the evildoer was, it would probably be impossible. It takes more than ten years.

However, from that day to now, in just ten days, he arrived!

His current attainments in space laws are on par with Wei Yu, who has a unique bloodline.

Why is it so fast?

Just because of one thing, his roots were cleansed.

He took a huge step forward in his Tao realm.

The mermaid clan is an ancient alien race. Her Dao root has the power to cleanse practitioners. This is common sense that everyone in the world knows. However, few people know that there are also differences in the Dao root cleansing. The two people are united in mind and soul. When dancing, the cleansing power of the Tao roots will be maximized.

When she met Yingying this time, Lin Su originally didn't want to follow her to this point. However, Yingying took the initiative because she knew that Lin Su's road was still difficult and he would encounter many strong opponents. Because she was so humble, she couldn't help him shield him from the wind and rain in the world, so she helped him in her own way!

Yingying, I know you want my road in the world to be smoother. I give you this song Swordsman. Don't worry, my road will be fearless! Lin Su raised his hand, holding the Xiaoyao flute at his feet. The golden boat turned into golden light and blended into the center of his eyebrows, and a divine song Swordsman that had never been spread in the world shook the waves of the Western Sea!

This song is chic and uninhibited!

This song is full of moonlight and breeze!

This song is unrestricted!

This song is bold and free-spirited!

This song has the power of literary power and is a legendary battle song that swept the music. Even the Quicksand Song composed by the music sage himself was heard under this song.

There is no literary power in this song today, only true energy. It is not a war song, but a river and lake song that sweeps across the turbid sea of ​​​​the world of mortals!

Even though the sea is turbulent, I stand on the tide and ride against the wind.

At the edge of the Mermaid Holy Land, Yingying jumped up lightly, her tail standing on the top of the waves, keeping pace with the rhythm.

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