Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 923 Li Zexi at the foot of Yandang Mountain

As the singing subsided, she gently raised her hand and looked at the white plain handkerchief in her hand. On the plain handkerchief, there was a strange bright red color, which was a mark of hers.

It records the most important change in her life.

Any girl who looks at such a mark will be full of sweetness and shyness, but there is a big question mark in Yingying's eyes...

She didn't understand why the blood was this color.

She had been injured before and had seen with her own eyes that the color of her blood was very ordinary red. The tribesmen were actually quite surprised. The mermaid tribe was all about blood. Her mother, the most stunning mermaid Yanji in the entire mermaid tribe, was Golden bloodline, golden bloodline is the most noble bloodline of the mermaid clan and represents the highest cultivation talent. As her mother's only daughter, how could she be of ordinary bloodline? Not half golden, just the most ordinary kind.

But tonight, her blood changed.

There are three colors in this blood, normal red, and abnormal gold and silver. Silver is the frame, gold is the veins, and red is the background color. A drop of blood seems to form a unique picture, as beautiful as a dream.

Could it be that she has never been ordinary, but that she is so special that she needs to meet the right person to become her true self?

Lin Su was walking along the waves, and when he reached the side of the West Sea, he was about to rise into the sky. Suddenly, he stopped.

Quietly looking at a small boat on the west coast.

This is a very ordinary looking boat.

However, Lin Su's eyes lit up.

On the boat, an old man slowly raised his head. Under the early morning sunshine, his face shone with a bronze light. He looked like a boatman who had been sailing on the river for a long time.

He may have really been a boatman for hundreds of years, because he is Li Zexi, and he has been sailing under Jianmen Pass for a long time.

Li Zexi smiled slightly: Even though I am not a literary person at all, I understand this piece of music by Third Young Master, and it clearly has a strong Jianghu flavor.

Lin Su stepped onto the bow of his boat and smiled: Senior is really perceptive. He is not a man of literary talent, but he can still hear the music and know the meaning of the music.

Li Zexi said: I am not a man of the arts, but a man of the world. However, a thousand people walking in the world have a thousand styles. My world is not as free and uninhibited as yours.

Some things are really ironic. I, Lin Su, am actually the best suited to be a human being with my neck scrunched up and my tail between my legs, but I am unfettered and unrestrained. And you, senior, can obviously walk 80,000 miles sideways, but you still can't let go. Come on, or let’s discuss it...

What? Li Zexi looked at Lin, who was approaching, a little doubtfully.

Lin Sudao: Senior, you have taught me all your skills in the world of swordsmanship. I will travel the world on your behalf, using swordsmanship as a matchmaker, so that you can fully understand what it means to be proud of the world.

Li Zexi shook his head gently: You brat, you are really all-pervasive. I have already passed on the Nine Swords of Dugu to you. How do you expect me to come up with anything new?

Lin Sudao: After all, the Dugu Nine Swords belong to our predecessors. I don't believe that you, senior, a sword god from a thousand years ago, don't have anything of your own.

This is true. In terms of swordsmanship, Lin Su is far inferior to Li Zexi. However, he also has his own things. For example, Life is Like a Dream is his innovation.

How could this kendo prodigy who was born for the sword not have something of his own?

Li Zexi shook his head gently: I finally understand why you, the boy, have been able to build such a huge foundation in just twenty years, because you never want to miss an opportunity!

He raised his hand slightly, and a jade pendant appeared in his palm: This is my own understanding of the sword's heart. It must be some reference for your sword's heart's growth, but if you remember, it is only for reference! Everyone's sword's heart , all belong to him only, you can’t aim at becoming me, Li Zexi, but you have to become yourself!”

Lin Su took the jade pendant and smiled happily.

It contains Li Zexi's insights about Kenshin, as well as the application skills of Kenshin. In his world, Kenshin is a living thing that can be applied to all aspects of kendo. There is even a set of sword fighting methods. Using the center of the sword as a thread, it is definitely not impossible to control the long sword and kill the enemy from thousands of miles away.

This skill alone is a peerless secret.

How? Is this harvest worthy of your shameless search? Li Zexi asked.

Lin Su laughed loudly: This harvest is definitely worthy of Baiyunbian, the top-notch Baiyunbian!

Hands together, a bag was handed to Li Zexi.

Li Zexi frowned: What I have gained throughout my life to understand the mind is only worth a hundred jars of wine?

Just be satisfied. I have conquered a country worth hundreds of millions of miles for His Majesty, and he just offered me a cup of tea! Do you think this achievement is only worth a cup of tea? There is no such expensive tea in the world, right? That’s not how the account is calculated at all…”

Li Zexi stared at him: Don't mess with my rules with your arguments. I told you that you are going to Tiandao Island to bring back something!

On Tiandao Island, at the end of the Bone Road, there is a monument without words, right? Lin Su said.


Lin Sudao: What is the mystery of this monument?

Li Zexi sighed: I don't know what mystery this monument holds in the eyes of others. What I focus on is not its own mystery. It's just a three-hundred-year-old wound...

Lin Su was shocked: Old wounds? Three hundred years?...

Li Zexi does have old injuries on his body, but these old injuries are from a thousand years old, not three hundred years. A three hundred-year-old injury is obviously not an old thing from Jianmen.

Li Zexi slapped away a jar of white clouds, took a sip of wine, and told a story from the past...

Three hundred years ago, Li Zexi was walking in Zhongzhou and met a young swordsman prodigy. This boy's knowledge of swordsmanship was also astonishing, almost the same as when he was a child. Li Zexi was delighted when he saw the talent and accepted him as his disciple. He taught him carefully and became his master. The two disciples share the same love as father and son. This man also went to Tiandao Island, but he did not come back.

There are rumors that he stepped onto the end of the bones and competed with the heroes for this wordless monument. In the end, he died together with the powerful enemy, and his soul was swallowed by the wordless monument.

Therefore, he hopes to get this wordless tablet.

He wants the wordless monument, not for the wordless monument itself, but for the encounter in the world three hundred years ago. He wants to see if the soul of his disciple, who is sympathetic to his own son, is still in the monument...

The genius of the generation three hundred years ago, what was his name? Lin Su said.

He is an orphan. He was originally nameless. After he became my disciple, he named himself Li Chunhe. It's a pity... If he is still alive, I will treat you as a pair of swordsmen for the rest of my life. How happy it would be to travel with the swordsman and the sword. ?”

The old man held the wine glass in his hand and looked at the sky.

It seems that he is addicted to the pleasure of traveling around the world with two swords and swords.

Lin Su is a disciple of Duguxing of Jianmen.

Li Xinghe is a disciple of Li Zexi.

Regardless of whether Li Zexi admitted that he was a disciple of Jianmen, or whether Duguxing recognized him as a disciple of Jianmen, he still regarded Li Chunhe, the swordsman prodigy he had found in the world of mortals, as a rising star of Jianmen, and he and Lin Su Biping felt deeply regretful that he could not see the two geniuses competing side by side...

Okay! I don't guarantee success, but I promise to go all out! Lin Su said.

Okay, have a drink and I'll take you to Yandang!

The two bowls of white clouds touched lightly, and the boat under Li Zexi's feet flew up silently. In the blink of an eye, the surrounding scenery completely changed.

They have entered the mysterious Yandang Mountain.

There is boundless thick fog under your feet, and there seems to be ghosts and wolves howling in your ears. However, the two of them drinking on the bow of the boat feel like rafting in a cave...

Suddenly, in the deep valley ahead, a huge head suddenly rose up. It was the kind of giant ape Lin Su had seen before, an eighth-level giant ape. A wild goose beast that could easily flatten a mountain range with one claw.

At this moment, he suddenly appeared in front of the ship, his mouth opened wide, and everything around the ship seemed to be turbulent in time and space.

Li Zexi smiled slightly: In this trip, I will use the Heart Sword to perform a lesson for you! This is the method of the Heart Sword - the sword fighting method!

As soon as the voice fell, the oar in his hand suddenly flew up. It was an oar when it flew out, but during the flight, it quickly turned into a sword. No, the shape of the oar did not change at all, but in Lin Su's eyes, it was nothing short of a sword. , with a chirping sound, he slashed horizontally with his sword, and the head of the eighth-level monster flew up, with blood flowing like a tide.

The boat passed through the tide without a drop of blood. The blood curtain outside looked like a rainbow after the rain.

The oar descended into the sky, and the thick fog of thousands of miles was cut in half. There were two eighth-level giant monsters among them. The boat crossed Yandang Mountain in an instant. Outside Yandang Mountain, an oar was waiting for the boat. As soon as the boat arrived, it fell In a river, the waves are calm.

No one would have thought that in just a short moment, as long as a practitioner sets foot on Yandang Mountain, they will definitely escape death.

No one would have thought that the ordinary paddle in Li Zexi's hand was his sword.

Without raising his hands or moving his feet, he easily killed three eighth-level monsters with his oars using only the center of the sword as a pulling force.

This method is definitely not comparable to that of Dragon Lord of the East China Sea. Throughout his life, oh, no, half of his life... what he has seen and heard in the small half of his life, there are probably only a few blood coffins that can compete with him.

The blood coffin contains a saint from another world...

Senior, have you already entered the holy path? Lin Su said.

Li Zexi smiled slightly: Are you asking about people or swords? If you are asking about people, there is a slight difference!

Lin Su's heart skipped a beat...

There is a mystery to this sentence...

If you're asking about people, it's just a hair's breadth, but what if you're asking about swords? Li Zexi did not answer, but no answer was still an answer!

A sword cultivator's real combat power often exceeds his real cultivation level. As for Lin Su, his actual cultivation level is only for the Dao Fruit state, but can you compare with him using Dao Fruit? Generally speaking, in front of his's just a piece of shit, okay?

Where is Li Zexi?

He was born for the sword!

Can he directly confront the saint with the sword in his palm? There is a lot of room for imagination...

Lin looked at the old man and seemed to have something on his mind for a moment...

After leaving Yandang Mountain, it is already a place covered by the arts. With your cultivation of the arts, as long as you are not seeking death, you can walk around anywhere. Okay, I'm going. I won't disturb you. The romantic young man plays the world of mortals.

As soon as the voice fell, Lin Su was expelled from the boat.

The boat floated gently on the river, suddenly it was a hundred miles away, and the next moment, it disappeared without a trace.

He showed up this time just to see Lin Su off Yandang Mountain.

Yandang Mountain cannot be blocked by literary means, and it is probably the only insurmountable place for Lin Su at this stage.

After passing Yandang Mountain, we will reach the territory of Dachuan Kingdom. Do you want to go to Yunxi Sect to have a look?

However, a boundary monument in front told Lin Su that he was wrong. This was not Dachuan Kingdom, but Yelang!

After passing Yandang Mountain, it does not mean that we must reach Dachuan Kingdom. There is also Yelang Kingdom. The distance from Yelang to Xitian Fairy Kingdom is nearly half the distance than from Dachuan Kingdom.

Lin Su stepped into Yelang Kingdom for the first time in his life.

He was wearing the cloud clothes that Long Ying gave him.

This piece of cloud clothing is very precious to Lin Su. Whenever there is a real life-and-death battle, he will take off this piece of clothing to avoid being ruined by the battle. When he has nothing to do and walks around the world, it is the time to wear this piece of clothing. The cool thing about clothes is that they can change colors and styles at will. After traveling ten miles, the clothes changed colors three times. First it was purple, then blue, and then it was white like snow. It’s very chic, isn’t it? ?

——If Long Ying saw the behavior of her little husband, he probably wouldn't know whether to cry or laugh. What should be laughed at is that her husband really treasures her cloud dress and is afraid of ruining it. But what should be cried is: My husband, are you stupid? The biggest function of this clothes is to help you save your life. You take off your clothes and put them away every time there is a super battle. How does the value of this clothes reflect?

However, Lin's posture like a model walking on the stage today has an effect. The effect is that it can earn the awe of others. What is awe for? What is awe-inspiring is the style of the clothes. This style of scholar's clothes must be a scholar.

Literati are one of the most mysterious and unpredictable groups. From the appearance alone, it is absolutely impossible to tell whether this person is a down-and-out student or a great Confucian.

Therefore, when Lin Su stepped into a restaurant with the footsteps of a scholar, the waiter bowed and welcomed him to the second floor.

On the second floor, there are seats reserved for literati.

Lin Su walked to the window and sat down. He looked out the window and saw the city, which was definitely not too small. To the north of the city was a school. His thousand-degree pupils passed through ten miles of void and landed on the sign of the school: Cloud Pool Academy.

Information about Yelang Kingdom rushed out of his mind.

Yunchi Academy is located in Yuncheng, the capital of Xiangzhou, in Xiangzhou, northeast of Yelang Kingdom. It can reach Xitian Fairy Kingdom directly via Wanli Xijiang River. On the side of Xijiang River is Yaochi...

Sir, would you like some drinks? The waiter who brought him here spoke in a polite manner, and his articulation was quite clear.

Lin Su smiled slightly: You can have three or five plates of your store's specialty dishes, and a bottle of the best wine!

The waiter quickly went downstairs, and soon the food and wine were served. There were no surprises...

The food was just like that, and the wine was at least three grades worse than the Yao Clan wine that Mengzhu, the little saint of Yunxi, brought when Dachuan Kingdom was traveling around the world, but Lin Su still drank it.

Taste wine, eat food, activate your mental power, capture the conversation in the restaurant...

After his mental power broke through level 30, his induction seemed to have broken through to a whole new level. As long as he had a sense of detection, all the conversations in the restaurant were under control. He even made a new discovery. He can detect other people's spiritual sound transmission, whether it is a literary sound transmission or a spiritual sound transmission, he can feel a strange fluctuation. Although he cannot accurately know the content of the other person's sound transmission, he can accurately capture the essence of the sound transmission. God’s fluctuations are also incredible.

Most of the people on the first floor were Jianghu people, and Lin Su simply ignored the content of their conversations.

There are five tables of literati on the second floor, four of which are talking about the upcoming scientific examination. It is already March, and there are only two months left before the scientific examination. All the literati in the world are probably talking about this year's scientific examination. Scientific examination.

With this capture, the content he was interested in came immediately...

A student in white said: Brothers, have you heard? After the cancellation of Osumi's scientific examination, at least half of Osumi's students went to Da Cang Kingdom for reference. More than 30,000 people crossed the Lingding Ocean overnight, which has never been done before. transnational scientific research.”

As soon as these words came out, everyone was shocked: Is this happening?

Absolutely true!

A purple-clothed student said: How can we allow students from other countries to block the path of students from our own country because of the hatred of Da Yu Da Cang for generations? Their own students can't allow it even more, right?

The student in white said: In the eyes of ordinary people, it is not allowed, but changing it is completely acceptable, because Da Cang Country has said it first. If you want to participate in Da Cang Country's scientific examination, you must first change Da Cang nationality and follow the way of heaven. I swear to be loyal to the Da Cang Kingdom for the rest of my life. In this way, it will not be the students from Da Su who squeeze the scientific examination and promotion path of the Da Cang students, but they themselves will become Da Cang students.

The students started a discussion around this unprecedented incident in the scientific examination...

Next door to them, two elderly literati stopped their drinking glasses and said, Mr. Zhou, you must have heard the discussion of the students next door. What's your judgment?

Another elderly scribe opposite this person sighed softly: Master Cao, as a scholar of the Hanlin Academy, naturally knows everything. Facing thousands of students who are in dire straits due to the cancellation of scientific examinations, opening up such a way to restart their studies The road seems to be the continuation of the light of the holy way, but in fact it destroys the foundation of a country's literary foundation, how poisonous it is!

Although they were dressed as scholars, judging from their demeanor and the names they called each other, they were both serving court officials, and they just entered the restaurant incognito today.

Mr. Zhou said: Since Mr. Cao has seen it, all the adults in the court must have known that this is a plan to strengthen the country, but they don't know what ways to deal with it?

Mr. Cao said: I have made a suggestion to your majesty. If we go to Da Cang of Ye School, we can also open up the scientific examination to students from Osumi. Once it is opened, why should students from the twelve western states of Osumi have to stay close to us? And looking for something far away? Wouldn’t it be better to directly enter my Yelang Science Examination?

Master Zhou was overjoyed when he heard this: Master Cao's plan is brilliant. The twelve northwest states of Dayu are closer to our Yelang Kingdom. More importantly, although our Yelang Kingdom and Dayu also have a border dispute, it is not between Dayu and Dayu. It is easier for Da Cang's students to accept the historical enmity like Da Cang's when Da Yu students enter our Yelang country than Da Cang's country, and our country can also enjoy great benefits in this change.

Mr. Cao sighed longly: I think it is very good, Mr. Zhou also thinks it is very good. However, the ministers in the court have different opinions on this. All the ministers said that our country is different from Da Cang. Da Cang used Qinglian to discuss it. Dao Zhiji has more Jinshi places in this year's scientific examination, with 1,560 people. Even if it is diluted by foreign students, domestic students still have more opportunities than in the previous year, and the number of domestic Jinshi places is only 216. How can we allow outsiders to occupy it?

Mr. Zhou was dumbfounded. Some words were swirling in his mind, but he couldn't say them out...

Everyone can see that Da Cang Kingdom’s desperate strategy is a real strategy to strengthen the country. It uses the incomparably fragrant bait of scientific examination to attract students from other countries. The ambition of the talent strategy is extremely grand and has great prospects. It is extremely bright.

However, you can’t resist people’s selfish motives.

There are only 216 Jinshi places in Yelang Kingdom (36 Holy Jinshis, 180 Granted Jinshis, as is customary in third-class countries), and how many of the children of high officials in the court have their necks stretched out, waiting for this opportunity to change their lives?

You said that talents are very important to Yelang Kingdom, and those ministers also think it is very important. However, you let outsiders invade their children's territory just to make this country stronger, but they are not willing. Everyone will talk about the overall situation of the country. If it is not related to their own interests, everyone can speak impassionedly. However, if there is a conflict with their own interests, their priority will definitely be their own interests.

This is a dead knot in the court, and it is also a dead knot in human nature. This is definitely not something that the two old men in front of them can untie.

And they can't put it on the table, because the ministers who objected also made high-sounding statements: The Holy Way governs the world, it is upright and bright, it is the greatest and most upright! Digging up the roots of other countries and cutting off the path of the children of your own country are not the right path of the Holy Path!

In these words, every word shines with the light of the holy way.

However, it also fully reflects the conclusion made by Lin Su that day: the holy way governs the world, but only takes what is needed!

The holy way is just a frame, in fact... anything can be put inside it.

The two officials were silent for a long time, and Master Cao broke the silence: Master Zhou, do you know that there is another matter involving the Red Kingdom, which was also brought by Lin Su...

What's the matter?

Lin Su Shangyuan entered Dayu at night and stirred up a storm. However, he only stayed for a few days. Then he entered the Red Kingdom. When he entered the Red Kingdom, the storms in the Red Kingdom were no less than those in Dayu. The actual losses were even More direct.”

Mr. Zhou was shocked: Please tell me in detail...

Mr. Cao explained in detail...

Lin Su entered the Red Kingdom and disguised himself as Zhuge Qingfeng, a disciple of the Holy Poet Family. He went to the East Palace to get the prince's guide. He entered the Wenxin Pavilion and stole the ancestral lotus in the Wenxin Pavilion. All the top experts in the Wenxin Pavilion were dispatched and failed to capture the prince. , then, the Wenxin Pavilion went to the Crown Prince to question the crime. When the Crown Prince could not argue, a meeting of the Tongxin Pavilion was held. Representatives of the Crown Prince, the second prince, the Fire Tribe, the Wenxin Pavilion, and the Holy Poet Family were all present. However, in such a grand and solemn meeting, , Wenxin Pavilion suddenly took action to kill the prince, setting off a great change that could change the national destiny of the Red Kingdom. The Emperor of the Red Kingdom ordered on the spot that one hundred thousand imperial troops left the capital, and Wenxin Pavilion was wiped out...

At present, the imperial court of the Red Kingdom has become a mess. The imperial court is being purged, and the military is being torn apart. Suddenly, preparations have been made for the war across the Qingpan River to come to an abrupt end!

Mr. Zhou's whole body trembled: First destroy the national destiny of Osumi, and then reduce the national strength of the Red Kingdom. After two operations, the national destiny of both countries changed. Is this the method of this son? He has already started to cut off Da Cang's neighbors?

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