Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 926 Jiangnan Daoying, one step forward

Lin Su's visit to Tiandao Island needs to be kept secret from ordinary people.

Because he knew that the journey to Tiandao was of extraordinary significance to him. If the palace examination was a threshold that once bound him, Tiandao Island was another threshold.

The palace examination restricted his literary skills, while the journey to heaven restricted his martial arts and spiritual practice.

Just as Zhang Wenyuan, Zhao Xun and others tried every possible means to block him from the palace examination, countless people on the spiritual path also hope to block him from the threshold of the journey to heaven.

Everyone can predict that once Lin Su goes to Tiandao Island, his martial arts and spiritual practice will skyrocket, and no one can suppress him.

Therefore, his path to heaven is full of difficulties and obstacles.

The Holy Lady of Yaochi had seen this a long time ago, so when Lin Su was returning from Dayu, she received a message from her Wanli, hoping that Lin Su would enter Yaochi first, and the masters of Yaochi would escort him for the last journey.

Yaochi saw it, and other sects obviously saw it too.

Including the dripping water view.

Dishui Temple is also a top sect.

Facing this veteran, Lin Su didn't hide anything and nodded directly.

Wuyun Lao Dao said: On the journey of heaven, countless geniuses open their shackles and break out of the cocoon to become a butterfly. Naturally, there are countless scum who block the critical journey, trying to stop my chance of the rise of the righteous path. Mr. Lin, are you willing to go with me as a disciple?

Disciple Guiguan? Qiu Ruyi? Lin Su frowned slightly.

Old Taoist Wu Yun smiled: What? Mr. Lin seems to be quite confused when it comes to this young disciple?

Lin Su's brows slowly relaxed: It is indeed a bit confusing. I am a little worried that she and I will get a bloody head fight on the road together, and the Taoist priest's face will not look good.

Old Taoist Wu Yun laughed loudly: Since Mr. Lin is a little worried, we can only change people! If you and Ding Xin go on the road together, there should be no fight.

Lin Su's eyes widened...

Ding Xin?

The most beautiful woman in the West whose looks bring disaster to the country and people?

That female Taoist who looked at Wen Wenjing and saw every trace of his aesthetic point?

I don't frown this time. It seems that you agree. Very good, very good. Tomorrow, you and her will go on the road together! It is always a good thing if we can take care of each other... Old Master Wu Yun pinched the tip of his beard and was very satisfied. .

Lin Su gently held up the wine pot: Master, you won't have to change someone temporarily just because of my words, right?

Old Taoist Wu Yun narrowed his eyes: Then guess what the reason is?

Lin Sudao: There is probably only one reason, and it is related to the junior's judgment of the Yaochi Club that day. The junior has always felt that the Yaochi Club is a hidden party. Most of the participants are second-rate, and the real first-rate masters hide behind the scenes. This is the case with Yaochi, The same is true for Thousand Buddha Temple, and the same is true for your Dishui Temple. Although Qiu Ruyi is also a genius of the generation, the only thing she is good at is the way of formation, and she is not a real candidate for heaven. This Miss Ding is the hidden dragon of Dishui Temple! She is also the real The chosen one from Heaven.”

Old Taoist Wu Yun smiled: Being able to see the world situation through Yaochi, your vision is the best among the younger generation!

Lin Su cupped his hands and said, The temple master is so complimentary!

Master Wu Yun took another sip of wine: So, do you agree?

It's a good thing to have beauty walking with you; it's a peace of mind to have the pillar of strength behind you. It's a good thing and peace of mind. Wouldn't it be hypocritical if the younger generation refuses it? Lin Su said: The only thing I'm a little worried about is that Will Miss Qiu jump up and pull your beard when she learns that she has no luck in Tiandao Island?

Old Taoist Wu Yun should have laughed at such easy words, but strangely, he did not laugh. Instead, he let out a long breath: Her way is not on Tiandao Island, but on Tianque Island.

Tianque Island? Lin Su's heart moved: Where is it again?

Tianque Island is right there! Wuyundao raised his hand slightly and pointed out the window.

Outside the window, there is a long lake, which is the long lake that Lin Su just saw. On the long lake, there is an island. It seems ordinary, but the name of Tianque still gives Lin Su some imagination.


Tianque Daomen...

Tianque Island...

What does Tianque... mean? Lin Su's question seemed to be just asking himself in his heart.

But Taoist Wuyun still answered: In the fiftieth day of the Great Evolution, the Four Nines are used to escape from one. All the ways in the world have one that escapes. This one is the lack of it. The view of dripping water, the view of incompleteness, everything is missing. If there is a shortage, this is the number of days...

Wuyun Taoist seems to be quite sad when he talks about this profound Taoism.

But Lin Suyan said: If the way of heaven is lacking, it is not a regret, but a blessing. Why does the viewer need to be sad about this?

Oh? I'd like to hear what you have to say. Taoist Wu Yun handed over his hand.

Lin Sudao: When the Tao is full, it becomes stable; when the Tao is lacking, it changes. The Tao remains deficient because of its dissatisfaction. It is precisely because of its lack that it leaves variables. The one that escapes is the main change! If there is no such one, the way of heaven will be solidified, and everything will change. What’s the point of solidifying the Tao?”

Taoist Wuyun's eyes widened: Master, is this argument based on literary ethics or spiritual practice?

It's not a literary way, nor a spiritual way. It's just the truth that the juniors have figured out by themselves.

The old Taoist Wu Yun was deeply impressed: Young Master is young, but he is so knowledgeable on the road. It is unprecedented in the past and the present. However, he only has half a pot as small as the white cloud. Otherwise, the old Taoist will surely drink three hundred cups. There is no regret in this life... …”

Lin Su was very excited when he heard the first half of it. How could he attract such attention on the path of spiritual practice just by telling a few sentences from the Book of Changes?

However, when he heard the second half, he was confused...

Holy shit! Are you praising me, old man? Still want wine?

Forget it, I'm going to take your disciples on the road soon, and I'm counting on you to help me solve some of the encirclements and interceptions later on. I'll save money and eliminate disasters!

He raised his hand and handed a small bag to Wu Yun, Master Guanzhu, here are three hundred jars of top-quality Baiyunbian. It is a meeting gift from this junior to you.

The yellow teeth in Wuyun's mouth were all very excited, and he was so happy.

Lin Su pointed lightly at the lakeshore opposite the island: Where is that place?

At first glance, the place was just a Jiangnan garden, but upon closer inspection, Lin Su was surprised to see that it was exactly the same as the Dragon Queen's Jiangnan residence back then. It was extremely similar.

Old Taoist Wu Yun said: The name of the manor is 'Jiangnan Garden', which is the former residence of Senior Duan Muchun that you just inquired about. After she left Dishui Temple, this garden remained. Every full moon night, you can visit I saw her shadow, tonight happens to be the night of the full moon, if you are interested, you may wish to take a look.

Is it a full moon night tonight?

Lin Su made a calculation in his mind and realized that today happened to be March 15th.

Can this junior come in for a visit? Lin Su said.

Young master is a distinguished guest of Dishui Temple and has given you such a generous gift. There is no place to go to Dishui Temple. It is nothing more than the former residence of our predecessors. If you want to take a look, why not?

Lin Su stood up and bowed: Then let's go, junior!

Old Taoist Wu Yun raised his hand, and the wine jug he held in his palm emptied out. With three hundred new jars of top-grade Baiyun Bian, how could he care whether he could still taste the half jug of wine? Drink it all in one gulp.

Lin Su stepped forward, passed through the air, and entered Jiangnan Garden.

Jiangnan Garden has a pavilion every ten steps and a pavilion every hundred steps.

Under the pavilion, red flowers and green trees complement each other.

There is a small lake with rippling blue waves. The wind blows and the water waves slowly spread.

Lin Su walked step by step, with another picture in his mind, which was little by little intertwined with this picture.

That is Jiangnan Residence in the Abyss of Pathlessness.

That day, he stepped into the Abyss of No Way. When he entered Jiangnan for the first time, he was astonished at the Abyss of No Way. Why was there such a wonderful world? Such touching Jiangnan scenery.

Later he found out that it was built by the Dragon Queen.

She was modeled after her former home.

Even though she was under the abyss, even though she could never return to her hometown for the rest of her life, she still used every plant and tree under the abyss to build a former home.

Today, he once again saw the hometown deeply rooted in his heart, and performed it in the same way in the Dripping Water View.

Duan Muchun, like her sister, also built such a Jiangnan Garden.

The pavilions and pavilions are all the same, the trees and flowers are the same, and even this small lake is the same.

The only difference is:

The whole garden was deserted!

She had left this home she had built with her own hands, wandered to the Wuxin Sea, and did not come back for three hundred years.

The world is impermanent, life is impermanent, and the pain of the destruction of their homeland leaves the same imprint on the hearts of the two sisters. Is she still alive on the distant Wuxin Sea?

What is she doing?

Are you building your own home again in a new place?

After all, home cannot be represented by a few pavilions. Home needs people. Where there are relatives, even a wilderness is home. Without relatives, familiar pavilions are no longer home...

Lin Su felt a sense of sadness and emotion in her heart...

The world he once had, he can never go back to...

The two-story building on the outskirts of the city is still so deep in my memory...

He personally built Haining River Beach and Yishui North Beach. With the application of cement and gray bricks, the architectural style of this other world slowly evolved towards the world he once had. Does he have such an expectation in his heart: one day he can also do it? Go to a two-story building that you were familiar with in the past?

There is!

But, he didn't do it!

Because he clearly knows that a small building without relatives has no soul and will gain nothing except making people sad.

I don't know when he went up to an attic. He had gone to this attic in the Dragon Queen's Jiangnan Juli. It was in this same attic that he wrote Jiangnan is Good and he sang Tea Fragrance Night Rain. 》……

But today, there is no one around, no Dragon Queen, no Long'er, no girl, no silk bamboo, not even the sound of the oar outside the window.

But, suddenly, he heard...

There is a sound of oars!

On the small lake outside the window, a small boat came slowly, with a woman standing on it, gently swaying.

It's Ding Xin!

Today, Ding Xin, dressed in white like snow, rowed across the lake in a boat under the setting sun.

Lin Su stood up slowly...

Ding Xin raised her hand gently: Come on, come to the boat!

Lin Su flew through the air and landed on the bow of her ship...

The sun is about to set, and her shadow will appear. Only when you are on the boat can you see her shadow! Ding Xin said: Her shadow is quite mysterious, you might as well take a good look at it!

Lin Su's heart skipped a beat: Is there a mystery to Dao Ying? Can it be seen above the boat?

This boat was left behind by Senior Mu in the past, and it is also an integral part of the manor. When you are on the boat, you have a mysterious connection with this shadow. Only then can you feel her walking in the garden. Unique Taoist charm.

What you are talking about is Taoist charm, not charm, nor Taoist method. Lin Su said.

Her stroll varies from person to person. Some people see the Taoism. Some people see the charm. Some people see the Taoism. What I see is the Taoism. Take a look. You see it. What is it again?

Lin Su raised his eyes, and the setting sun slowly slid into the depths of the long lake: Miss Ding, your master just told me that I hope you and I will go to Tiandao Island tomorrow.

I know! Not just you and me, but also Second Senior Brother.

Second Senior Brother is also going?

Ding Xin smiled slightly: You can rest assured that no matter what time, the second senior brother will never have any real ill will towards you.

That's natural! The only one who hates me right now is the little fat girl. Hey, Miss Ding, where is the little fat girl?

Ding Xin smiled, and her smile was like the clouds in the sky after sunset: The lake in front of you has not moved, and the clouds in the sky have not dispersed, which means that she did not hear what you said. If she knows that you said she is fat, it doesn't matter. What restraint does Zun have? She must act first and then speak. The word fat is her biggest taboo.

A smile appeared on Lin Su's lips...

The sunset slowly slides down, and night comes quietly...

The breeze rises and the bright moon rises!

The bright moon is like a white jade plate. When it rises high, Lin Su and Ding Xin's eyes are bright...

But the Jiangnan Garden seemed to be separated from the bright moon by a veil at this moment, and it was vaguely invisible. At this moment, the wind in the manor started...

As the wind blew, a figure seemed to appear out of thin air.

Appears above the attic.

This man was about thirty or forty years old, with a stunning appearance, just like the portrait on Lin Su. It seemed that he was Duan Muchun, the sister of the Dragon Queen.

Duan Muchun stood up slowly and walked slowly towards the garden.

Lin Su's heart skipped a beat when he saw her walking steps...

It seems to be the thirty-six steps of Xiao Zhoutian, and it is countless times higher than the thirty-six steps of Xiao Zhoutian.

It seems that his Zhou Tian Jiu Bu is countless times higher than Zhou Tian Jiu Bu.

Her steps seemed unintentional and light, but they integrated the essence of Zhou Tian's nine steps into one step. This was a step forward!

A great step forward!

The ancestor of all footwork in the Zhou Tian system!

Cultivation to the extreme level, the next step between heaven and earth!

Going up through the sky, going down through the Nine Netherworlds!

No matter what formation in the world, you can cross it with just one step!

No matter what kind of attack in the world, it only takes one step to reach the end of the world!

This is the most powerful life-saving footwork in the world, and it is also the most amazing close combat magical power in the world.

Lin Su stared at this shadow and saw countless elements...

The fusion of Zhou Tian's nine steps, magical variables, and even the use of space laws...

However, he couldn't integrate it at all for a while. On Wenshan, the soul was excitedly preparing to practice martial arts, but when he lifted one foot, he couldn't step out at all.

This was the first time he encountered such a strange thing. It was obviously a footwork, and he could clearly see it, but when he really wanted to step on it, he always made a mistake.

Time seems to flow very fast, but also seems to flow very slowly.

Finally, it passed. One night passed like this, and the shadow disappeared. Lin Su stared blankly at the daylight slowly lighting up in the garden, feeling lost...

The shadow of the Tao in dripping water is destined to be observed. Once you observe it, you will get a harvest. If you observe it ten times, you will get ten insights. You can observe the Tao by entering the temple today. It is also a strange fate. And it is probably the last time for me to observe the Tao. Ding Xinyan.

Lin Su didn't understand: Why do you say it's the last time?

Ding Xin smiled brightly at him: Do you know what Tianque is?

here we go again……

He didn't want to say what Lin Su had said to Old Taoist Wu Yun earlier.

Ding Xin took it up herself: Dishui Temple, everyone has shortcomings! Including me! I don't know the way forward on this trip...

There is no perfect person in the world. A perfect person is an illusion. Everyone has flaws, including you and me! Lin Su said: Miss Dante, I really have to say this seriously. I know that the master likes to test people. Luck, and reporting sorrow but not good news, you must not learn this inheritance, even if you do learn it, do not use it in our itinerary, I prefer to believe...

His voice stopped abruptly.

Because someone broke the bank!

In front of the boat, a figure stood on the waves, it was Qiu Ruyi with her arms akimbo.

Qiu Ruyi's pair of little tiger teeth glowed white: You old prostitute Su, I know you have prostituted all over the world, but how can you, my senior sister, be your prostitute? How dare you come here on the first night you enter my Dishui Temple? Hand, what are you...

As soon as these words came out, Ding Xin had an unknown expression on her face. Logically speaking, she should start beating her up, but the junior sister was trying to help herself to settle the injustice...

Lin Su held his hands together and a small bottle flew towards Qiu Ruyi.

Qiu Ruyi was furious, her body shook, the bottle shattered, and suddenly there was a strange fragrance in the air, which was extremely strong and intoxicating.

Qiu Ruyi sneered: Poison? Do you think this girl is afraid of poison?

Lin Su shook his head gently: You are really awesome. You are the first person in the world who smashed my Spring Tears perfume for the first time we met!

Spring Tears Perfume? Qiu Ruyi's eyes suddenly opened wide.

I'll give you ten bottles of spring tears and ten bottles of autumn tears, okay? Lin Su said.

Sending 20 bottles of perfume is a big deal, but you can imagine that you underestimate me! Unless... Qiu Ruyi's eyes rolled around:'s doubled!

Okay! Okay! Lin Su waved her hand, and a small bag flew towards Qiu Ruyi: There are thirty bottles of Spring Tears, thirty bottles of Autumn Tears, and forty bottles of Spring Hate, okay? Oh, yes Now, there is one more precious thing, look...

Lin Su turned her hand over, and a small mirror shone vaguely in the sunlight.

Qiu Ruyi's eyes, which had just been narrowed into slits, lit up again...

Lin Su waved his hand and Qiu Ruyi grabbed it. When he looked at himself, he was completely confused...

This is... a mirror!

Yes, this is the brightest thin sunglass in the world. It can clearly show your beautiful face and allow you to ignore your fatness. Just call it wonderful or not.

Wonderful! What a wonderful thing... Qiu Ruyi was happy: Our holiday has turned into a new chapter! This girl is by no means an unreasonable person...

Lin Su's eyes moved to Ding Xin. Ding Xin held her forehead and looked at him from the corner of her eye.

Did you see that? There are no absolute taboos in the world? As long as I give her enough benefits, it's okay if I touch her taboos in person!

Ding Xin rolled her eyes gently: Let's go!

The two of them flew up at the same time...

Suddenly a voice came from behind: Mr. Su, did you just call me fat? You bastard, stop and pay more...

Lin Su and Ding Xin had already flown away.

Qiu Ruyi was jumping around and scolding, and the disciples of Dishui Temple stuck their heads out to take a look and quickly retracted.

Lin Su had already left Dishui Temple. On the Xijiang River outside, a boat was parked on the riverside. The second senior brother stood upright on the bow of the boat. As soon as Lin Su and the others arrived, the second senior brother lifted the oar in his hand and the boat sailed along the river. Down……

Second Senior Brother! Lin Su bowed deeply, bending very low.

The second senior brother put his hands on his chest, thumbs down, and returned the greeting: Brother Lin, don't call me that. Li Gang, you can just call him by his first name.

Ding Xin smiled softly: Master Lin, please don't care about the etiquette of the second senior brother. He can't bend his waist, which is also his shortcoming.

A man would rather break than bend, how dare he say goodbye? Lin Su laughed and said, I still have an appointment on this journey, so I'd like to bother you two and go to Yaochi first.

We already know this. Although Yaochi and I, Dishui Temple, are not close friends, they have absolutely no ill intentions towards each other. We might as well go to Yaochi together and wait for the official opening day of Tiandao Island before setting off from Yaochi.

It would be great.

Xijiang is the river where Yelang enters the Xitian Fairy Kingdom. If you follow this river all the way down, you can enter the Xitian Fairy Kingdom.

But this journey is also quite far, thousands of miles away.

However, Lin Su was not in a hurry.

Tiandao Island has not officially opened yet, so it is no problem to just take a boat and go down slowly.

During the whole process, Li Gang had been holding the boat, and he had to be the one holding the boat, because he couldn't bend down. Lin Su thought that this was probably a problem with his practice, and he was moving forward with the momentum of a spear. , The head has been trained to be pointed, the body has been made small, and the stature has been made. Now I can't even bend down.

And it’s not that you don’t bend over in the conventional sense, but you really can’t bend over.

Even when he faced his master, he did not bend down. Lin Su had tested it just now. He bent down first, but the other person also did not bend down. Because he could not bend down, he used his fingers instead, with his thumb pointing down to show that he was bending down. Return gift.

This etiquette is similar to the hand-over ceremony in literature and art.

So, a lot of things are forced.

Even a cultivator can force the etiquette of a scholar under forced circumstances.

He has to stand anyway, so why not let him hold the boat?

Therefore, Li Gang sailed thousands of miles.

Lin Su and Ding Xin, on the other hand, were sitting on the edge of the boat, drinking tea, drinking wine, and eating snacks, which was more comfortable.

Of course, Lin was not stingy about the wine. He gave Li Gang a jar. Li Gang held the jar with one hand and poured it into his mouth, while holding the boat with the other hand. He was still like a javelin. He had never seen this kind of drinking posture.

Li Gang also felt a little strange after drinking. He did not comment on the quality of the wine, but the look in his eyes when he looked at Lin Su was clearly less determined and more warm.

This is enough.

But Ding Xin was different. She praised the wine and side dishes, expressed interest in Lin Su's endless snacks, and was also embarrassed that Lin Su had entered her territory. She did not entertain him, but instead let Lin Su entertain him in various ways. .

Lin Su slowly felt that in the entire Dishui Temple, she seemed to be the only normal person.

But she was also a little wrong...

She felt that it was a big mistake not to help Lin Su.

She really helped him, and it was a very big help. Lin Su got her guidance, got on her boat, and saw Duan Muchun's shadow.

He figured out the steps of Dayan, from the Dishui Temple to the border of the Xitian Fairy Kingdom, and he felt more and more endless charm.

However, he still couldn't take that step.

His soul was on Wenshan Mountain, motionless, all day and night!

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