Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 927 Entering Yaochi again

As the boat jumped high, they passed through the cliff from Yelang Kingdom to Xitian Fairy Kingdom. The boat followed the waterfall and suddenly opened up in front of them.

As the boat sailed on the water, the bottom was so clear that one could see the bottom, and the reflections of the green mountains on both sides were poetic and picturesque. Ding Xin pointed to a mountain in front of her that was shaped like a giant sword: That's the Sword Testing Valley.

Try the Sword Valley!

Lin Su cast his gaze towards the high mountain. The mountain was like a broken sword and the rocks were like broken swords. As the ship approached that area, a faint murderous intent came from the air. In the wind, there seemed to be faint sounds of murder.

This is the historical memory of this mountain and river.

Because this place was once a bloody battlefield.

It is said that when the Yelang Kingdom was first founded, it annexed the ancient Ximu Kingdom. It was a bit bloated and a little arrogant, so it wanted to invade the Xitian Fairy Kingdom and lay a big foundation.

An army of five hundred thousand Yelang came from here, full of murderous intent.

The court of Xitian Fairy Kingdom didn't even react. The most important thing is that they didn't expect Yelang Kingdom to be so courageous.

Therefore, Yelang Kingdom advanced hundreds of miles in one day, and the progress was unusually smooth.

However, on the mountain in front, there was a swordsman in retreat. The army was marching, but he did not open his eyes. The army destroyed the village at the foot of the mountain. He did not open his eyes, but a group of soldiers who did not have long eyes actually wanted to occupy it. The basic guiding ideology of sweeping away all mountains and rushing to the top.

That swordsman is hairy!

With this hair on his face, he could just draw his sword!

With one step, all the soldiers within a hundred feet were shaken off the cliff. With the second step, all living creatures on the entire mountain were wiped out. With three steps, the ten thousand people in the front turned into blood mist. With four steps, seven of the middle army were destroyed. Everything fell apart. Five steps out, the commander's flag fell, and the commander died. Six steps out, the rear army was in chaos. On the seventh step, he flew out with a sword and swept thousands of miles. With that sword, he cut off the remaining thirty Ten thousand troops, stop the flow of the Xijiang River!

That was Lei Duan, the founder of the Seven-step Heavenly Killing Sword and the first sect leader of the Sword Trial Valley.

Lei Duan spent twenty years in seclusion here, struggling to understand the Seven Steps of Heavenly Killing Sword, and finally succeeded!

On the first day of success, Yelang's 500,000 invading army was killed!

After that, he also drifted all the way to Yaochi, where he asked Our Lady of Yaochi for a piece of land to start a sect.

He said there, and Our Lady of Yaochi listened quietly. After speaking, Our Lady of Yaochi replied with two words: Don't make trouble!

With a shout, Lei Duan flew away and fell directly from Yaochi to the place where he started.

Therefore, his Sword Trial Valley could only establish a sect here.

These are the legends collected by Lin Su...

It sounds funny, but it's also full of irony if you think about it carefully.

Yelang invaded the Xitian Immortal Kingdom. Before it was the turn of the Xitian Immortal Kingdom's army to dispatch, they were completely wiped out by Lei Duan alone. Lei Duan had a hot temper. He didn't like to talk much, but only liked to use his hands. He probably talked less. Two words: don't make trouble.

Lei Duan wiped out half a million troops with one sword and went to Yaochi. Our Lady of Yaochi had a good temper and said these two words to him: Don't make trouble. Then he went back and established a sect in despair.

So, things in this world are really not something you can achieve if you have great ambition. In the face of absolute strength, great ambition is also a joke. You have a lot of plots, you have spent a lifetime of hard work, and you set up and think about it. In front of high-ranking people, there may be only two words for a passionate plan: Don't make trouble!

There was someone on the cliff of Sword Trial Valley, a young man.

Although he was ten miles away, Lin Su could still feel the difference in this man. Although he was on the cliff, his sharp edge could not be chipped away by the mountain wind. He was like a sword with sharp edges. Sword, he sat on the cliff, and in the Xijiang River below, the fish all took a detour.

Ding Xin noticed his focus and told him that this person's name was Wang Fei, and he was the real genius among the disciples of the Sword Trial Valley.

In the Trial Sword Valley, Lin Su's interactions were definitely not considered casual.

The former swordsmen at the Yaochi Conference, Lu Sanqian, a descendant of the Blue Water Sect, all came from the Sword Trial Valley. They broke their wings midway, which definitely does not mean that they are not outstanding, it is just because they took the wrong path and faced Lin Su.

Another person appeared today, Wang Fei!

And according to Ding Xin, this person is the true representative of Sword Trial Valley.

What's so special about him?

Ding Xin told him a few points, and a maverick character appeared in his eyes...

This man is a very simple man!

After he entered the realm of Tao and Fruit, he did not eat human food.

He is not looking for women.

He even didn't talk to his classmates unless necessary.

One set of clothes can last him ten years.

Because these things are not important to him at all, they are all things that can be omitted. In his life, only swordsmanship is worthy of going all out...

Sword crazy! Lin Su sighed.

Sword crazy? It's really quite appropriate! Ding Xin said: He has been obsessed with swordsmanship all his life. The only thing he wants to do now is probably defeat Yaochi senior brother Li Daonian.

Elder brother Li Daonian of Yaochi? Is your swordsmanship extraordinary?

Ding Xin's eyes turned away from Yun Danfengqing: Speaking of this person, he is truly a legend...

Li Daonian is also a legend in Yaochi...

He is not very old. Among the disciples of Yaochi, he is actually considered a junior. However, he entered Cangmang Cave at the age of twenty-one and cleared all the levels at the age of thirty-one. He is the first disciple of Yaochi to clear all the levels in eight hundred years. Therefore, at the age of thirty-one, he became the senior brother of Yaochi - Yaochi. Like many practicing sects, he became the number one disciple among his disciples based on his qualifications. No matter how old he is, he is the senior brother! It's a pity that Yaochi doesn't have a Holy Son, otherwise, with his cultivation and his swordsmanship, he would definitely be the Holy Son of Yaochi.

Where is Cangmang Cave?

As soon as Ding Xin explained in depth, Lin Su's heart skipped a beat...

Cangmang Cave is the retreat place of the former hero Yan Nantian, and his Cangmang swordsmanship is inside.

Clearing all the levels means that he has obtained Yan Nantian's true biography!

Yan Nantian, the sword god of a thousand years ago, was three hundred years older than Li Zexi!

Even though Li Zexi was born for the sword, when talking about these two sword gods from thousands of years ago, there is still an order of precedence in the spiritual world. Everyone said that Li Zexi was able to sweep through an era and achieve great fame in the swordsmanship because of He didn't meet Yan Nantian. If these two super talented people faced each other, Yan Nantian would still dominate Li Zexi. It could even be said that they were completely different.

Lin Su had never met Yan Nantian.

But he had seen with his own eyes the sword energy left by Yan Nantian on a certain mountain peak in Da Cang.

The sword energy from thousands of years ago still makes it difficult for swordsman masters to approach it.

What kind of cultivation is this?

This is a cultivation level completely beyond imagination.

There is actually such a disciple in Yaochi who has obtained his true inheritance.

Yan Nantian, where did you go in the end? Is it also Wu Xinhai? Lin Su said.

No! Yan Nantian's ending is not as optimistic as imagined. Ding Xin said: I heard that he got into a big disaster, his cultivation was completely ruined, and his ending was miserable, but he couldn't afford to set foot on the Wuxin Sea, and the big disaster he got into The disaster is also related to Tiandao Island.

What disaster?

Ding Xin shook her head gently: No one in the outside world knows. Maybe you can find the accurate answer when you go to Yaochi this time... Yaochi is closely related to Yan Nantian's legendary life. Some people even say that the contemporary saint Yu Xiaoyao is Yan Nantian. 's daughter.

Lin Su was shocked...

Could it be said that Yu Xiaoyao, the saint of Yaochi, is actually a thousand years old?

What am I flirting with?

Ding Xin smiled softly: I guess you may have some misunderstandings. The double-decade beauty of Yaochi Saint Yu Xiaoyao is not what you imagined. It is rumored that thousands of years ago, the current Yaochi Saint Lord and Yan Nantian had an affair. She was pregnant due to fate, but she aspired to become the leader of Yaochi. How dare she leave such words to others? She sealed this seed of life with great supernatural power and sealed it for a thousand years. It was not until twenty years ago that she released the seal and gave birth to this daughter. , some people say it was because she received a message that Yan Nantian was dead! The Holy Master of Yaochi was so moved that he was so miserable that he gave birth to the little bit of blood and bones left by Yan Nantian to comfort the souls of the nine heavens.

Lin Su breathed out softly: Mysteries have been followed by thousands of people throughout the ages, storms and clouds have disappeared without a trace, and people who have set foot on Cangshan Mountain are far away. I deeply regret that I was once a hero... Who would have thought that this generation of outstanding people would have such a twists and turns and bizarre life.

A strong wind blew up, the river rippled, and the boat they were riding in went down the river...

On the cliff of Sword Trial Valley, a man sat quietly on the edge of the cliff, following him all the way with a pair of eyes like sharp swords.

This is Wang Fei!

Li Gang passed by under the cliff, and the peerless gunfire emitted aroused his vigilance. He originally planned to go down the cliff to compete with him, but a voice penetrated into his mind and stopped him...

What this voice told him was: Remember the young man sitting on the bow of the boat. His name is Lin Su. He was the one who killed me, Lu Sanqian, the swordsman of Sword Valley Trial. But you should not move lightly today, because the Dishui Temple is protecting you. After he gets to Tiandao Island, try the sword with him!

It can be seen that Lin Su's trip to Xijiang was not as peaceful as imagined. If Lin Su was the only one on the road, his trip would be destined to be stormy and lightning-fast.

However, he is more than just one person and the way!

He has Ding Xin and Li Gang beside him!

These two people may not be in the mind of the Lord of Sword Testing Valley yet, but there is another person who is the silent one in the entire spiritual path. That is, he is always testing people's fortunes, only reporting worries but not good news, and directly taking action if the measurement is not accurate. Wuyun Laodao.

The journey was windless and waveless, and after one day and one night, we arrived at Yaocheng outside Yaochi.

Lin Su from Yaocheng had been here before, during the time of meeting in Yaochi.

There were several impressions that left him. First, the city was well planned and comfortable to look at. Second, the prices in this city are extremely high. It means that if you don't open for ten years, you will have to wait for ten years if you open. Thirdly, this city is so clean that it is said that Fairy Yaochi helps the whole city clean in the sky every day.

These rumors were just rumors, and Lin Su had already sorted them out one by one.

This city is well regulated and clean because this city is not a city at all, but an incomparably large formation. The fairies are not fairies, but the illusion of the formation.

Such a city can be accepted no matter how bizarre it is, because it is an integral part of Yaochi. It can even be said to be a semi-enclosed area connecting Yaochi and the secular world.

Yaochi is also a sect, and the sect needs to be connected to the secular world.

Materials, talents, communication...

I returned to Yaocheng today. Unlike the hustle and bustle of the past, Yaocheng was very quiet.

However, there are still many people.

Of course, these people are not participating in the Yaochi Club. The Yaochi Club will have to wait for nearly a hundred years.

However, these people also have their own purposes...

Some people hope to get started, become a disciple of Yaochi, and walk around the world three times.

Some people are doing business with Yaochi. Regardless of whether they are man-made treasures or natural treasures, Yaochi has something in common with the Lin family's products. You can make money by grabbing them. Therefore, countless people come from thousands of miles away to do business with Yaochi. Business.

Of course, there is another group that is indispensable, that is, the reclusive people. Living in seclusion here, all vendettas are forbidden. No matter how many enemies they have, they don't need to take it to heart.

If this kind of seclusion is not too pure, there are also truly pure hermits, such as the old court bosses who got tired of intrigues and intrigues with the court officials. When they got old, they quit the court and lived in seclusion. Therefore, they don’t have to worry about their former enemies attacking them. At the same time, they can also see another kind of scenery that they have never seen in their lives. If this old man’s mentality is young enough and his body functions are still normal, he may be able to find someone in Yaocheng. soulmate.

It must be said that this aspect of Yaocheng really makes people think endlessly. It is related to a mysterious characteristic of the local area. The women here almost never age! What does it mean to be immortal? It means that these old men find young and beautiful concubines without any violation of the law. In the outside world, they may still face the torture of old cows eating young grass and whether they are a bit reluctant to do so. This does not exist here. No. People know whether the young grass in his arms is actually older than him. There is great uncertainty about who is the old cow and who is the young grass...

As time passed, all kinds of people gathered in Yaocheng, which seemed peaceful and peaceful at present.

When two brothers, Lin Su and Dishuiguan, entered Yao City, Ding Xin spoke first: Master Lin, my senior brother and I will not enter Yaochi, but will stay in the city.

So, she and Li Gang went to an inn. Lin Su heard the price clearly from a distance, and it cost ten taels of silver to stay in the hotel for a month.

It's definitely not cheap, but it's obviously a world of difference from staying a night for a few hundred taels that day.

It seems that whenever there are events, hotels will increase their prices. This is not a patent of that era. It is the same in every world. No one should teach you.

Lin Su walked along the north road of Yaocheng. There was a lake in front of him, and on the side of the lake was a ferry. Countless people were sitting cross-legged, most of them cultivators.

These are the people who are dedicated to getting started.

Living in an inn in the city will never give you a chance, and it costs money. Sitting here, free of charge, and you still have opportunities. What opportunities? Being familiar with the ferryman, wouldn't they have a chance if Yaochi needs someone to handle something? If this thing is done well and the elders like it, maybe the door of the wonderful Yaochi will be open to them...

People have to have some dreams. What if they come true?

Lin Su came to the lake. Dressed in scholar's clothes, he was obviously different from the people around him. At least the old man sitting on the bow of the boat had a little light in his eyes when he stared at him...

Old man, I want to go to Lin Su. He comes from Da Cang Country and has an appointment with the Saint. Come as promised! Lin Su bowed slightly.

The old man's eyes were half-closed just now, but now they were wide open. He stood up and bowed: It turns out Mr. Lin has arrived! Please get on the boat, please!

Lin Su stepped on it, and the boat started leisurely. Once it rocked the oar, a wave of smoke spread out. Then it rocked again, straight into the water and clouds. After rocking the oar three times, it disappeared without a trace.

The eyes of the cultivators outside all opened wide: Oh my god, are literati treated like this?

Yes, although outside scholars can also receive courtesy, the gap is so big that I can't accept it...

How about we also change into scholar's clothes?

Did I say that all of you are stupid? You only saw the scholar's clothes and didn't hear what he said? The saint has a date! A young swordsman gave them a cold look: The saint has a date. The key! You have the ability to buy scholar's clothes, and you can shamelessly pretend to be scholars, but can you get the promise of a saint?

In one word, everyone was silent.

Yes, the saint has a date, and even if he doesn't wear any clothes, he can still enter...

Lin Su stepped on this seemingly ordinary ferry, looked at the turquoise lake water sliding under her feet like silk, felt the breeze passing by her ears, and couldn't help but be deeply moved by the elegance of Yaochi.

Literati like elegance, while practitioners like strength. As for Yaochi, as the pillar of spiritual practice, every inch of it is elegance. It can be regarded as walking on two paths, showing the elegance on the path...

The boat didn't know when it had crossed the Thousand Miles Long Lake, and the scene ahead had changed drastically.

There is another long lake, but it is completely different from the previous appearance. Above the long lake, the oriole crosses, and the colorful glow above the tail.

On the side of the long lake, there are strange flowers and plants, pavilions and pavilions.

Even within this long lake, there are countless strange fish and wonderful beasts, and there is even a long white snake. This white snake is astonishingly long and swims lightly in the water, as if there is a layer of silvery veil under the boat. .

The old boatman pointed to the white snake and said, This is the fairy snake that protects the river in Yaochi. Its name is Suzhen.

Suzhen? Bai Suzhen? Lin Su's eyes widened a bit.

The boatman smiled: Young master, do you know the origin of this name? My saint gave it a new name after reading The Legend of White Snake. She also named her girl Xiaoqing.

There is Bai Suzhen, and there is Xiaoqing... Lin Su rolled his eyes slightly: Is there Xu Xian?

The saint said that Xu Xian's appearance requires fate. Young Master is here today. Do you intend to become Xu Xian?

Lin Su's head shook like a rattle: I don't dare, I don't dare. I don't even know if this Bai Suzhen is a male or a female. Besides, its size is too big and I can't control it...

Before he finished speaking, the big waves below suddenly rolled...

With a bang, the boat flew away high and away. Lin Su turned around in the air and shouted C...

The head of the white snake emerged from the water and stared at him fiercely...

Xiao Bai! Go back! A voice came from the air.

The white snake shrank its head and sank to the bottom of the river. On the river in front of Lin Su, a beautiful woman appeared. It was Yu Xiaoyao, the saint of Yaochi.

Saint! The boatman bowed deeply.

Saint! Lin Su bowed slightly.

Yu Xiaoyao came forward in one step and landed on the bow of the boat: Okay, Uncle Gui, you can go back!


The old boatman shrank, dived into the river, turned into a huge turtle, and disappeared under the blue waves.

Lin Su looked at his leaving figure and was a little confused: He is actually a turtle?

Disciples of Yaochi focus on cultivation. Not many are willing to stay by the side of Yaocheng. Only Shui tribesmen like Uncle Gui are willing to stay by the side of Jingyin Lake for a thousand years.

I've seen the mountain-protecting spirit beast and the guardian spirit beast, but he doesn't have the energy of the demon clan at all. I can't even tell his true form.

Cultivation in Yaochi, obeying the destiny, eliminating evil spirits and pursuing the right path, is the merit of Yaochi. Yu Xiaoyao said: You came earlier than you said.

Lin Su smiled: I've finished the things at hand, so I'll come over earlier.

There is still one and a half months until Tiandao Island is officially opened. If you come here at this time, it will happen to stay in my Yaochi Yuechi Garden for a while. Yu Xiaoyao said: Let's go, I will send you to Yuechi Garden.

As soon as the voice fell, the boat under her feet suddenly changed and turned into a green lotus. The lotus was three feet high. There was a coffee table under the lotus. A cup of fragrant tea was delivered to Lin Su's hands.

Outside Qinglian, the speed of the lake suddenly became faster, and the floating clouds in the sky seemed to have suddenly pressed the accelerator button.

Lin Su knew that this was because the lotus boat he was riding on had sped up.

The last time you and I communicated, you were on the Lingding Ocean... Yu Xiaoyao held the tea cup, his eyes flickered slightly, and he chose his words carefully: Is it the end of a great plan you just performed in Osumi?

Lin Su smiled softly: Yes!

Did you really do this big plan and everything?

Do you mean……

Big changes occurred in the Osumi military parade, there was a great rebellion in the northwest grasslands, and more importantly... the Confucian Temple was destroyed, and the Osumi Science Examination was canceled for three whole sessions!

Lin Su hesitated slightly...

Yu Xiaoyao smiled softly: Don't satisfy my curiosity. My curiosity has no real meaning at all. Later, you have been to Chi Country and Nanyang Ancient Country. Wenxin Pavilion and Yanyu Tower must not be taboo. If you What did you do?

Lin Su smiled: There is indeed no need to be taboo about this. Wenxin Pavilion and Yanyu Tower were both done by me!

Yu Xiaoyao breathed out softly: Wenxin Pavilion should be returned. The Yanyu Tower has existed in the Jianghu for more than a thousand years. How many crimes have been caused by it. My mother and the entire Yaochi want to clear the Yanyu Tower. However, But I can't find their real foundation at all. Your mother said that if it was really you who did it, your method is really refreshing, and Yaochi also owes you a big favor.

I can destroy Yanyu Tower not because of Yaochi. I can destroy Yanyu Tower not because of how capable I am, but just because I am in the mortal world and it is easier to do things.

It is true that being in the world of mortals makes it easier to do things. However, being in the world of mortals is also stained with more right and wrong. Have you ever thought about how you have conquered the world in recent years and disrupted the world? How many forces want to get rid of you and then quickly? Yu Xiaoyao said.

of course I know!

In this trip to Tiandao, there are signs that many forces will attack you. I have collected relevant information! Yu Xiaoyao raised his hand and handed a jade pendant to Lin Su's hand.

Lin Su thanked him. As soon as the jade pendant touched his fingertips, the information inside entered his brain and turned into a leaf...

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