Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 930 The World Song Above Qindao

On the Qindao, Yu Xiaoyao folded the poem manuscript in his hand one, two, three or four times, and folded it into a butterfly. With a slight turn of his hand, the butterfly disappeared.

She slowly raised her eyes: Your flute is already in the palm of your hand. Can you finish playing the song just now? Lin Su actually only started the song Swordsman just now, Li Daonian's vast swordsmanship. He tore it into pieces, and the music stopped. The song suddenly started in the Yaochi, and then stopped abruptly, leaving behind so many emotions.

Among them is at least Yaochi Saint Yu Xiaoyao, who is the most upset.

She wanted to finish listening to the song.

Lin Su shook his head gently: This song is inappropriate.

Not suitable?

Lin Sudao: This song is not a conventional song. It is a war song. I don't want a war between you and me... I'll play another song for you.

Yu Xiaoyao didn't know how to feel for a moment.

I feel regretful that I can’t hear the wonderful song just now, but I also feel deep recognition...

I don’t want to have a war between you and me, so I won’t play this war song in front of you...

In the world of rivers and lakes, secrets are flowing everywhere, many comrades have turned against each other, and many relatives and friends have become enemies. There are not 10,000 but 8,000 such things recorded in the Yaochi Secret Treasury.

But he told her, I don’t want to have any gap with you!

What did I ever think about?

Before meeting you in the Southeast Buddhist Kingdom, I did regard you as a competitor deep in my heart, but since the ancient poem One Cut Plum was sent to me, I have always been wandering about this question in my heart. What kind of relationship will I have in this life? And today, I got at least one answer: You don’t want us to be enemies!

Thousands of thoughts flowed through Yu Xiaoyao's heart and turned into a very ordinary sentence: Then what song do you want to play?

I gave you A Cut of Plum Blossoms. Alone on an Orchid Boat that day. I composed a music for this poem, and I played it for you! Lin Su Xiaoyao made a horizontal flute, and the sound of the flute started leisurely...

This song embodies the endless beauty of the song.

This song is no longer about the gratification and revenge of killing the world.

This song is full of lingering sadness, whether it is a hundred-refined strength or a fairy with light clouds and wind, everything turns into softness around the fingers.

On the lakeside outside Qindao, several Yaochi women stopped, and there were even a few who were frozen in the sky. The sky was high and the clouds were pale in the past, but they were so vulnerable in front of this wonderful song. From then on, they On the path of spiritual practice, there are a few more wonderful sounds of the world, lingering under the floating clouds, between the clear water, in the small room, and on the side of the pillow mat.

The maid Xiaoqing has arrived outside Qindao. After all, she still has not reached the island. She is lost in the lake. At her feet, a huge white head appears at some point. This is the guardian beast White Snake. She has a thing that makes people speechless. Name: Bai Suzhen.

Bai Suzhen is a demon snake, but she is also humane.

She knew the origin of her name. She had also read The Legend of White Snake with her own eyes. She knew who the man in front of her was. He was the one who wrote The Legend of White Snake. He came to Yaochi, Qindao on Yaochi, as if It became the Broken Bridge of West Lake in The Legend of White Snake, just as beautiful as written in the book.

Amidst the beautiful dream-like music, White Snake came out of the water and looked at Qindao in the distance. She fell into confusion...

If what is being staged before us is also an eternal masterpiece, then is he Xu Xian? And who is Bai Suzhen?

Who is Bai Suzhen? If you ask the people in Yaochi, the people in Yaochi will point their fingers at her, the sect-protecting demon snake, at the same time. However, the sect-protecting demon snake suddenly realizes... I am not Bai Suzhen, the saint herself is!

The world is ever-changing and uncertain. There are many stories that repeat themselves over and over again in this world. However, there are also many stories that jump out of the frame of the story and become another story...

The lake is long and the music is long. The famous song One Cut Plum Blossom. Alone on an Orchid Boat. In early May, in Yaochi, the holy land of spiritual practice, in an unprecedented way, the hearts of the fairies in Yaochi were confused into the water of the West Lake... …

The Holy Mother of Yaochi is crazy...

She seemed to have returned to a thousand years ago once again. At that time, she was the Holy Maiden of Yaochi, in her prime of life, and looked at everyone in the world as if they were ants. Just when she thought she was the unattainable pinnacle of young people in the world, a man appeared in front of her without any warning. He was a deviant and a real enemy of the world!

This man fought with her on the top of Jiuqu Mountain, and finally defeated her with the vast swordsmanship, knocking her to dust from the sky. If this sword was a sharp weapon that tore apart the curtain between them, his Poetry, however, turns the sky behind this curtain into colorful colors.

That person is Yan Nantian, a gentle and elegant scholar who is famous for his sword.

Yes, Yan Nantian was once a scholar. He was unique in the literary world because of his outstanding literary talent. However, he was expelled from the imperial examination because he hated evil and made irresponsible remarks on state affairs. From then on, he became a strange person on the road of spiritual practice. His poems entered the world and entered the world. The way of spiritual practice even merged with his way of swordsmanship. Everyone said that he was the best at using swords among literati, and he was also the best at writing poems in the way of swordsmanship.

I don’t know whether it was his sword or his poems that dragged me, the saint of Yaochi, into eternal perdition.

She followed him to fight hundreds of millions of miles across mountains and rivers, killing traitors, annihilating sects, slaying demon clans, slaying demon clans, traveling across ten countries, and sweeping through eight realms. For more than two hundred years, they worked side by side like this.

After the war, he would write poems, and she would cuddle up next to him and listen to him read poems. The stars in the sky were twinkling, and the surrounding fields were peaceful. She was just so addicted to the knot of eternal pride and tenderness that she could not get out, even if a thousand years had passed. She still can't get out...

Today, her daughter seems to have embarked on her same old path...

There was such a person in her life, who was so similar to Yan Nantian...

No, he can even make women sink more than Yan Nantian. At least Yan Nantian's Wen Dao failed, but he succeeded. Although Yan Nantian's poems are many, although they make the righteous literati feel ashamed, compared to him , is still a small witch compared to a big witch, and what’s even more terrible is that this young man can actually play music and sing. His music is far superior to all the music masters in the world!

If such a person meets my daughter, will it be a disaster or a blessing for her?

Is it the glorious opening of a new door, or the beginning of her eternal decline?

Our Lady of Yaochi walks under the moonlight, the sky is filled with thousands of miles of stars, she just walks and thinks, and behind her, the stars are extinguished...

She thought she had seen through everything in the world and practiced everything, but tonight, she was a little confused about the way forward!

She can test the road ahead, but she can't!

Because every time the road ahead is tested, it is a kind of disturbance to the secret. This disturbance may quietly change the established route, causing deviations that no one can know. She is not willing to disturb this secret. She would rather see a picture. A completely unknown picture slowly unfolded in front of her, slowly following her original preset track...

Comprehensive evaluation, the young man tonight gave her confusion, and maybe also gave her a surprise.

However, on another mountain peak, Li Daonian was horrified.

He suddenly discovered that Lin Su had taken a new step under his nose.

One song gave the entire Yaochi a huge shock.

With just this song, Lin Su's reputation is no longer inferior to his in Yaochi.

He, Li Daonian, went deep into the Cangmang Cave and built the monument of the first person in Yaochi with thirteen years of hard work. He was leveled by Lin Su with a song. Where is the justice of heaven?

For seven days, no one disturbed Qindao.

Even Xiaoqing didn't come over.

Lin Su and Yu Xiaoyao discussed Taoism and discussed the next opponent. Xiaoyao drank tea and chanted poems under the bamboo, played the flute and piano under the starlight. If this was the leisurely feeling on the spiritual path, this leisurely feeling could already make waves in the lake.

Yes, Yu Xiaoyao can play the piano, and her piano is by no means ordinary.

Her piano is her combat skill...

Lin Su had once seen that when he first went to Qin Island, Yu Xiaoyao entertained him with the Yao Qin. When a Yao Qin played, a large array of lakes was born. Lin Su thought about it that day and analyzed it. He felt that if he If you really want to get to the island, you will probably have to exert all your energy to feed yourself, but you may not be sure of success.

In line with the basic tenet of being polite when visiting a guest, he did not talk about playing that day, but played a song Phoenix Bamboo Under the Moonlight. Oh, there is no Phoenix Bamboo in the world, only Xiaoyao Bamboo, so this is an eternally famous song. There is another song called Xiaoyao Bamboo under the Moonlight. This song made Yu Xiaoyao confused at the time, and she let him enter her piano island in a daze.

From then on, this song became Yu Xiaoyao's favorite song and was often played on Qindao.

This song is also a war song for her.

Her formation can still be controlled through music, and the formation has undergone subtle changes due to this strange song. When she returned from the southeastern Buddhist country a year ago, she passed by Li Shuizong. The rumors about Manzong are still Li Shuizong's nightmare to this day.

Since then, she has had a very poetic nickname, called Yaoqin Tiannu.

There are even poets who wrote poems: It is suspected that the immortals have fallen into the world, and the half-melody of Yaoqin is heard in the water.

These are all pastimes.

Lin Su also has business, which is to carefully analyze the various heroes who came to Tiandao Island this time...

Tiandao Island was an early symbol in his memory. At that time, everyone's understanding of Tiandao Island was that only if you get the top three in the Yaochi Conference can you hope to enter Tiandao Island.

In fact, not so.

The fact that the Heavenly Law Token can be given out as a prize shows that this token is not that sacred.

Later, it was confirmed bit by bit that it was indeed the case.

The people participating in the Yaochi Conference are second-rate players. Listing them on the list of Lingyun Tianjiao will give the demons a target to attack - don't you demons hate the rise of the human race? These people are the opportunity to rise. If you want to take action, you can go to them.

The starting point is very unfavorable, and can even be said to be a bit underhanded, but combined with the human race's plan of ten thousand years of inheritance, it is also a clever move.

Behind this target, all the top sects have hidden dragons.

Those people do not show their presence and practice in secret. The demons do not know their existence. Only then can they have a greater chance of survival and truly become the backbone of the human race.

The topic returns to Tiandao Order.

Are the laws of heaven sacred? Obviously it is also sacred, because these tokens are scattered in various restricted areas and are extremely rare. Even a top sect like Yaochi, which is the leader in spiritual practice, only has dozens of tokens in stock. Dozens of tokens cannot be used up at once. Tiandao Island is opened roughly once every twenty years, which is exactly the time interval for a new generation to grow up. If all the tokens in stock are used up at once, Yaochi will not be able to participate in another Tiandao trip twenty years later. Of course, This thing can also be replenished, but that replenishment method depends entirely on chance. Who knows how much harvest you can gain in the major restricted areas in the next time?

In the past, when Tiandao Island was used as a tool for Dao Zong to control the world, Dao Zong would regularly drop Tiandao Orders into major restricted areas. Now that they have outplayed themselves, will they still do so?

Therefore, the current Tiandao Order only consumes, not supplements, so one piece is really used and one piece is lost.

This determines how many people will participate in the next trip to Tiandao.

First of all, there won’t be too few people participating.

Because all the top sects have stocks of Tiandao Ling - let alone the so-called super immortal sects in Da Cang. These immortal sects are not super at all in nature, and many of them don't even know the word Tiandao Ling.

Secondly, there won’t be too many people participating.

Yaochi did not dare to use up all the Heavenly Law Orders at once, and the same was true for other sects.

With Yaochi's status, he could only produce two Heavenly Tokens to help two disciples take off, and other sects probably only had such a large throughput.

Finally, the people participating in this meeting are all the true geniuses of our sect!

Each generation has its own journey. If you are not a true genius, who deserves to get the unique spot among the disciples of this generation?

Who is qualified to lead this generation of disciples and dominate the situation for twenty years?

On the spiritual path, there are eight top sects, and each sect will have people participating. The number of people in each sect is about one to three, and the maximum will not exceed five.

From other large sects, there are about a hundred sects that may have people participating, but it's just a possibility.

It is the alien race that deserves special attention.

The ancient alien races have always been frequent visitors to Tiandao Island. These alien races have a much deeper background than the cultivating sects. The Tiandao Orders they possess far exceed those of the cultivating sects. In the last term, the Yi Clan sent out a luxurious lineup of thirty people.

This time, it is estimated that among the final participants, the number of alien teams will still exceed that of all races combined.

Hearing this, Lin Su's brows slowly narrowed...

Yu Xiaoyao's eyes moved over: I have heard that you have some festivals with the Wing Clan and the Fire Clan. Although I don't know the reason for this festival, you need to be careful during this trip.

Not only these two alien races, but almost all alien races, I have had my faults.

Yu Xiaoyao's eyes widened: What have you done to offend all the foreign races in one fell swoop?

I didn't do anything. I just participated in the battle to defend the East China Sea Dragon Palace and helped the East China Sea Dragon Palace destroy eighty-seven tribes, including all major alien races...

Defense Battle of the Dragon Palace in the East China Sea... Yu Xiaoyao slowly raised his head: I've heard of it! But, this is not a big festival, right? You are just one person, sandwiched in the East China Sea army, how big a wave can you make? Maybe everyone Even the big alien race may not know your existence.”

I also think so. I am just one person. I am slightly taller than the Little Witch of the Dragon Palace of the East China Sea. Standing behind an ordinary dragon, I guarantee that even my head cannot be seen. How much can I do? Those aliens Pointing the finger at me, I am definitely sick... Lin Su said: So, someone will come to the Dragon Palace?

This is really a bad prediction. As far as I know, all the forces that have a problem with you will probably come, including the Beihai Dragon Palace. Only the East China Sea Dragon Palace, which is more friendly to you, will not come.

Why is this? The East China Sea Dragon Palace doesn't have the order of heaven, right? Lin Su didn't understand.

There are two theories. The first theory is that the ancestors of the Dragon Palace of the East China Sea have issued an order in advance. The East China Sea lineage is not allowed to enter the Tiandao Island. I guess they probably knew this long before the 'Tiandao Raising Rape' plan was exposed. The existence of the grand plan, therefore, does not allow the East China Sea Dragon Clan to become the puppets of the Dao Sect. Another theory is that the East China Sea Dragon Palace has opened the ancient dragon gate, and the Dragon Dao Palace inside also has the method of understanding the rules, which corresponds to the way of the Dragon Clan. There is no reason for them to seek the distance over the near.”

Lin Su accepted both reasons.

The East China Sea Dragon Palace is full of pride. As long as they know that Tiandao Island is a plot to cultivate spokespersons for the Dao Sect, they will definitely not participate. How can the East China Sea Dragon Clan be slaves? Although the situation has been reversed now, the shadow is still there after all, and they will still not participate unless they have no choice but to do so.

But now, the ancient Dragon Palace has been reopened, and there is indeed a Dragon Dao Palace inside. The Dragon Dao Palace can also comprehend the rules. The genius of the East China Sea Dragon Palace can comprehend the rules nearby, so why come to Tiandao Island?

It seems that, as Yu Xiaoyao said, he is a bit unlucky. At a grand gathering, the geniuses will gather. Those who have a feud with him and those who have enmity with him will all come. Only those who can help him will come. ,Not coming.

Okay, anyway, I, Lin, have the characteristics of a troublemaker. The more enemies you have on all sides, the more relaxed you are. I want to see where the arrogance of you so-called geniuses lies!

Seven days later, in the pool of water in front of Our Lady of Yaochi, there was a rumble and a slight earthquake...

Where the water in the pool ripples, there are many things to see...

Within the pool, it was like a scroll slowly opening up, revealing endless heavenly energy...

The Holy Mother of Yaochi raised her hand gently: Tiandao Island is officially opened. Aunt Mei, you will personally lead the team and send them to the island!

The wind and clouds are rising in Yaochi, and the thin clouds are blooming on the long lake.

A jade boat came out across the sky, with five people on it.

Lin Su stood on the bow of the boat. Next to him was Yu Xiaoyao. Five steps away from Yu Xiaoyao was Li Daonian. Behind them was Aunt Mei and another old man with all white hair and beard. This was the lineup that saw Yaochi off.

Behind their jade boat was another boat, which was exactly the same boat that the two disciples of Dishuiguan were riding in.

Lin Su had been on that boat and crossed the Xijiang River in this boat.

That day, this boat was an ordinary boat, no different from the boats that traveled on the Xijiang River every day. But at this moment, this boat flew into the sky, turned into a flying boat, and followed the jade boat in Yaochi without even falling down.

Yu Xiaoyao also officially met Ding Xin.

The two hit it off immediately and exchanged polite greetings. In fact, they were both legendary women within a radius of thousands of miles, and they knew each other well. When they met at this moment, they did not deliberately close the relationship. The polite exchanges were just etiquette.

Yu Xiaoyao also invited Ding Xin and Ding Xin to board the boat, but Ding Xin refused. She said: I am on a dripping boat and following Guizong's Yuzhou, so Xiaoxiao is not close.

This is true.

Dishui Guan, the two of them followed Lin Su to Tiandao Island. They were originally taking care of each other. The current way of walking is itself a kind of care.

Why care?

Because when the gate of heaven is opened, all kinds of monsters and ghosts will appear. If there are no absolute masters accompanying them, someone will definitely jump out, making their journey to heaven full of variables.

Why did you jump out?

One is to rob the Heavenly Order! A heavenly order can easily send a heaven-like land to the source heaven realm. Who in the world would not be tempted?

Secondly, it is related to the future pattern of spiritual practice! If two sects are in a state of hostility for a long time, and one sect's strength increases, it will not be a good thing for the other sect. This sect will try every means to nip the other's genius in the bud. Some people may have said that the human race The genius is the wealth of the entire human race. How can a human being be so narrow-minded? Haha, how many people in the world really have such an overall view? Focusing on your own one-third of the land is everywhere! This is determined by human nature.

Third, it’s about hatred! In the martial arts world, few people are like the Virgin White Lotus. Almost everyone carries a lot of hatred. How to solve the hatred in the martial arts world? Ninety-nine percent of the cases are solved by swords, and strength determines the rules. Think about it, Zhang San and Li Si have a hatred of taking away their wives. Now Zhang San is about to go to Tiandao Island. Once he gets to the island, he will rise to a big level out of thin air. , wouldn’t it be a disaster for Li Si? Is this Li Si trying to kill him?

of course!

Lin Su was carrying something like this.

He is the most famous troublemaker in the world. He disturbs the civil society and the officialdom. He disturbs the court and the world. He changes an empire with emperor at every turn. He destroys organizations with thousands of years of foundation at every turn...

He made countless people hate him with itch, including high-ranking officials, wealthy people, kings, sect leaders, and even people who were very close to the saint in the temple...

These people want to kill him!

However, he was too slippery and never really succeeded!

The journey before Tiandao Island was probably the last one to capture him. If he could not capture it, he entered Tiandao Island and broke the shackles of practice on his body. If he tried to deal with him in the future, the difficulty would be as high as the ninth floor.

This was the final step in his meteoric rise.

This is of course also the last chance for those opponents to lock him down.

Lin Su is difficult to kill. The most important thing is his literary cultivation. He has reached the literary world and can even be killed in the Yuantian realm. It is almost impossible for ordinary people to kill him. However, everyone knows a rule, that is: as long as he crosses The gate of heaven has changed the rules, and the way of literature no longer exists!

Without the Wen Dao, Lin Su returned to his original form. A small Dao Guo Jia Kong, the claws that could crush him to death on the cultivation path would probably be overwhelming!

However, these are also taken for granted by others...

The jade boat crosses thousands of miles through the sky in an instant!

The heavenly energy in front is filled with energy, and a huge portal is right in front of you!

Gate of heaven!

The way of heaven is at every door, and it can only appear if there is a destiny.

This door opens every twenty years, and only three months after it opens. It is formed in the mountains, and it also changes with time.

At this moment, there are dozens of flying boats under the Tiandao Sect!

Lin Su was sitting on the jade boat in Yaochi. In front of him was a coffee table. He was sipping tea and passing through the Tiandao Gate. This leisurely feeling infected Yu Xiaoyao, and she also sat down.

As a result, Li Daonian beside her could neither sit nor stand.

During this trip, he had been paying attention to Yu Xiaoyao, and was confused by the faint wisp of red clouds on Yu Xiaoyao's face.

He also kept staring at Lin Su, but with a completely different look.

However, Lin Su didn't look at him and seemed to regard him as nothing.

At this moment, Lin Su stared at the several shuttles in front of him, his eyes a little bright, there were many old acquaintances! (End of chapter)

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