Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 931 Two Flying Swallows

On a flying shuttle that looks like a sitting Buddha, there are five bald heads, two old and three young. The old monk is Kong Wen. One of the young monks is Kong Lingzi. His bald head is reflected by the light of heaven. , extraordinarily bright, just like a gourd that just emerged from the oil pan.

Another flying boat like clouds came from the west. There were also five people on the flying boat, including an old acquaintance, Ji Wen!

When Ji Wen saw Lin Su, his calm face suddenly seemed to be covered by a thick dark cloud.

As God testifies, he cultivates the laws of the wind system, and he is successful. When he moves his hands, he is like the wind. When he does not move his hands, he is calm and calm. There are not many people in the world who can change his color at a glance. , but no matter how many there are, Lin Su is one of them.

Seeing Lin Su at this moment, on the Jade Boat in Yaochi, his face immediately became particularly ugly.

An elder with an immortal spirit behind him exhaled softly: We are traveling with Yaochi, and we also invited the most difficult elder in Yaochi, Mei Huanxian!

It seems that this boy has had a premonition! Another elder said: With Mei Huanxian accompanying him, no one before Tiandao Island can attack him... Ji Wen!

Ji Wen took a step forward and bowed: Here you are!

The elder said: This son can only be solved by yourself!

Yes! The disciples will never let him go to Tiandao Island!

Don't be arrogant. This guy is definitely useless because he has blocked the way of literature. Your rules of wind are still at the first level. It's hard to win against him. Only by breaking through the second level can you have a chance of winning. So Ji Wen , when you go to the island this time, please remember one thing!

Please give me the fourth elder's advice!

The fourth elder said: There are many rules on Tiandao Island. It is extremely difficult for the geniuses who come to the island to choose. You need to remember one iron rule. Even if there are thousands of ways lying in front of me, I will only choose one to enter! Never do it. If you are greedy for too much, you only need to pay close attention to the rule of the wind and go to the second floor with all your strength. The other paths are not yours, so don't waste any time!

These words are golden and good words.

Tiandao Island has almost all categories of rule seeds.

For Tianjiao, this is a true holy land for cultivation, but it can also be dazzling.

Faced with these opportunities, who is willing to give up?

However, you can’t not give up. If you knock here and touch there, three months will fly by and you may get nothing.

Therefore, before Tianjiao goes to the island, almost everyone will tell his disciples not to be greedy for too much, not to be greedy for too much, not to be greedy for too much, which is called saying important things three times.

Your energy is limited and your time is limited. If you choose one door to enter, you can break through the main door.

There are thousands of rules in the road, but there is only one way to reach the peak. There is no high or low road, just suit it.

The flying boat broke through the gate of heaven, and Wenshan between Lin Su's eyebrows was suddenly completely blocked.

His literary skills are sealed!

Yu Xiaoyao on the opposite side said: Master Lin, I forgot to ask you something. What path do you want to choose when you go to Tiandao Island this time?

Lin Su smiled: I come from a sword sect, so naturally I can only choose swordsmanship.

Kendo? A voice came from beside him, coming from Li Daonian.

Lin Su looked at him and saw the smile on the corner of Li Daonian's mouth. This smile bloomed suddenly at this moment. He had just stepped into the gate of heaven, and he seemed to have taken off his heavy veil and stepped into spring.

Lin Su smiled and said, Brother Li, why are you laughing?

Li Daonian stepped over and sat on the side of the coffee table, smiling: Brother Lin, don't think too much, I just suddenly thought of a very funny thing.

He held up the tea cup, as if waiting for Lin Su to continue asking, but Lin Su didn't ask, and his eyes looked to the side...

Another flying boat passed through the sky next to it, with two beauties on board. The weather was approaching the hottest time of the year, but the arrival of these two women seemed to bring endless coldness from the north.

Lin Su knew both of these two girls.

What is the nature of Tianjueyuan!

Beihai Ryugu Snow Chihiro!

He Su's eyes fell on Lin Su's face, and there was a faint flash of lightning in his eyes. Xue Qianxun also saw him at a glance. Xue Qianxun's face instantly looked like an eternal glacier.

Yu Xiaoyao smiled faintly, dispelling the boundless chill: These two seem to have a deep hatred for you.

There's no such thing as deep hatred, it's just a small holiday! Lin Su sipped the tea gently and looked away from the two women, but the two women did not look away. At this moment, they definitely did not hide their hatred for Lin Su. Even though He Su did not have a confrontation with Lin Su in Dayu Capital City, she did not hide it at this moment because she knew how smart Lin Su was and had long seen through her disguise that day. Since she had already seen through, there was no need to cover up.

Yu Xiaoyao's eyes rolled slightly: Looking at this posture, it seems that this festival is not too small. Can I ask who these two women are?

The girl in purple, He Su is a genius in swordsmanship!

He Su? Yu Xiaoyao was a little surprised: Where do you come from? She had never heard of this name.

It's normal that you haven't heard of her. She doesn't come from a traditional sect, but from Tianjue Abyss! She rarely leaves the Great Yu Realm, and few people in the outside world know about it, but her swordsmanship should not be underestimated!

Yu Xiaoyao's eyes were calm: Sword World?

Lin Su nodded lightly: I have indirectly fought with her in Osumi Capital City. She is in our literary world. Although she failed to make a move, she was not defeated!

The conversation between the two people was not hidden from Li Daonian who was beside him. Li Daonian had a bad habit. Whenever he heard other people mentioning the genius of swordsmanship, he would always have a disdainful smile on his lips.

However, Lin Su only needed this sentence to change his mood drastically.

He Su is undefeated in Lin Su's literary world!

And he, Li Daonian, was defeated in one move in his literary world!

Does he have the right to despise He Su?

You bastard bastard, are you mocking me?

He can think of this level, Yu Xiaoyaolan's heart and wisdom, and even more, he can think of this level, you little villain, you are teasing the sensitive nerves of senior brother, can't you be more peaceful along the way? It has to be like a cockfight, hey... I might be a beauty and a disaster.

Where is that woman in white? Who is she? Yu Xiaoyao asked.

Beihai Dragon Palace Xue Qianxun may not be top-notch in terms of cultivation, but this girl is wise...

Lin Su's words stopped suddenly. He raised his eyes and stared at the two giant eyes in the sky...

Those were not real eyes, they were anomalies formed by clouds. With the formation of these giant eyes, the surroundings suddenly changed. The air seemed to become thicker, and the pressure seemed to suddenly increase ten times or a hundred times.

Tiandao Fenglei Valley, those casual cultivators, hard times are coming! Yu Xiaoyao cast his gaze behind him.

Behind them, there were also people. These people did not take the flying boat, but were just casual cultivators. By chance, they got the Tiandao Order and guarded in front of Tiandao Mountain early. As soon as the Tiandao Gate opened, they came in, but when they went to Tiandao Island The road is not that easy. The long journey of thousands of miles is full of dangerous places, including natural disasters and even man-made disasters.

And now, isn’t the first wave of natural disasters coming?

It’s the Heavenly Wind and Thunder!

The thunder of heaven can destroy huge mountains with one blow, and the wind of heaven can't pass through those who don't reach the laws of heaven and earth.

Some people say that this is the first shuffle of Tiandao, to keep out the garbage from Tiandao Island that have no qualifications to enter the island.

Of course Lin Su and the others are different.

They were riding a Yaochi flying boat, and the wind of heaven was just a breeze to them. The thunder and lightning of heaven also flowed hundreds of feet away from the flying boat.

Lin Su looked at the boat behind him, staring at Ding Xin and Li Gang.

He was riding on the Yaochi boat, and there were two super masters on board. It was easy to cross the Wind and Thunder Valley, but what about them? They don't have any elders accompanying them, so they can definitely hold on in front of them, but the thunder and lightning in front are intertwined, and their power is getting stronger step by step. Can they withstand it?

However, he is not from Yaochi, so he cannot invite these two people to board the boat in Yaochi.

Yu Xiaoyao followed his eyes, smiled softly, and said, Senior Sister Ding, Senior Brother Li, please get on the boat and go with us.

Ding Xin smiled lightly: Thank you Saint, no need!

That’s not necessary!

The flying boat passed across, the thunder and lightning were like fireworks, and the strong wind swept across, the surrounding fields were vast.

Lin Su looked at the thunder and lightning outside the flying boat, feeling the domineering power of heaven and earth. Suddenly, his eyes fixed on Ding Xin in surprise...

Ding Xin and Li Gang clasped their hands together and held them very tightly.


What's going on?

Are they a couple?

At least they thought they were a couple?

Otherwise, the two-finger buckle between men and women has a special meaning in today's era...

Yu Xiaoyao's voice came softly: The situation is a bit abnormal!

This is sound transmission!

Instead of speaking directly in front of others like just now, we use voice transmission!

Lin Su looked at her face: What?

It’s also a sound transmission.

They clasped their hands, what did you see? Yu Xiaoyao's voice was a bit mysterious.

Couple? Lin Su said.

No! They are not a couple! Li Gang is not a human being at all!

Lin Sudao: You also said that although he is not a human being, he doesn't know it himself, and maybe Ding Xin doesn't know it either. If that's true, it would be a bit interesting.

If, if this is really a couple, even if Lin Su is used to seeing things in the world, he will think it is a very good idea. Ding Xin does not know that Li Gang is a gun, but only regards him as a man. Li Gang does not know He is just a gun, but he accepts her love gladly. One person and one gun are there to make love to each other. That is an imaginative space beyond Liao Zhai.

Yu Xiaoyao said: What you are thinking is indeed very interesting... But do you know what I thought of? I thought of something incredible.

Is it more incredible than a man falling in love with a gun? Lin Su said.

Yu Xiaoyao's chuckle spread into his sea of ​​consciousness: That's natural! Do you know a senior of Dishui Temple? She is a woman named Guanyin, a person from thousands of years ago. On that day, Yannan Tiantian Dao Island fought against the Taoist guards. , she is one of the few people who stands on Yan Nantian's side, but it is a pity that in that battle, her soul was annihilated, and her body remained on the road of bones.

Lin Su frowned: Does this have anything to do with the man in front of us holding a gun with his fingers?

Yu Xiaoyao said: This Dripping Water Guanyin has practiced a strange skill called 'Double Flying Swallows'. According to my mother's deduction, the key point of this skill is that she can divide the soul into two parts. The spirit resides in the body, and a soul drifts to the world. The soul that floats to the world completely cuts off the connection with the mother body and grows independently. This is the concept of Taoism. They believe that individuals are free. Even the soul of a person cannot It is attached to the ontology and can exist independently.

The floating soul... Lin Su pondered: Can it also exist in the physical form?

Yes! The highest state of Shuangfeiyan is when the soul gives birth to a physical body.

Do you suspect that Ding Xin is the floating soul of the Dripping Water Guanyin?


You just said that Dripping Water Guanyin died in the Battle of Wei Dao a thousand years ago. If she was really the wandering soul of Dripping Water Guanyin, she should have considered returning to her host body thousands of years ago. Why wait until today?

Yu Xiaoyao said: It is not easy for the wandering soul to advance to the highest form of physical existence. It takes a long time and countless reincarnations. Generally, it starts with trees, then insects and ants, then cats and dogs, and finally He is a human being, and a thousand years may be the time for Piao Ling Yuan Shen to reach the highest form.

Lin Su was dumbfounded: Your knowledge on the spiritual path is a bit scary. Why do I look at no one like a human being... Maybe you and I are also someone's wandering soul, but we haven't awakened yet.

Don't be afraid, you and I are definitely not the same! Piaoling Yuanshen is essentially Yuanshen. He cannot step into the true spiritual path. The usual manifestation is that he has no Tao roots. Yu Xiaoyao said: You know why I have this doubt about her. Is it? Because she has no practice! All the skills she has performed before and after others were performed with Taoist magic weapons.

Lin Su was really surprised...

Ding Xin has no cultivation!

At least not in the conventional sense!

All her attack techniques, and the fame she gained in the northwest were all faked by relying on Taoism. This was nothing at first. Countless people in the world were making similar disguises.

However, today, it is a huge and unparalleled doubt.

What does Tiandao Island do?

The only purpose is to improve your cultivation. You, a person with no cultivation at all, go to the island for what purpose?

Obviously Kung Fu is off-screen!

The only possibility is: she is coming back!

She is welcoming the strange woman from thousands of years ago, who has broken through the catastrophe and returned!

Yu Xiaoyao smiled softly: I'm surprised why I can see it, but you can't? Because I have a pair of 'source pupils' and I can see the origin of all things!

The origin of all things? Lin Su said.

Yes! This is probably the only treasure my father left me.

Your father, is he really... Yan Nantian?

Yu Xiaoyao was silent for a long time: I have never admitted it, but now I don't seem to have to hide it, because in your mind, he is someone you admire! I admit that I am his daughter, there is no shame in it!

Lin Su pondered for a long time: Now I look at the hands of these two holding hands, and suddenly I feel that there is nothing inconsistent. She is holding Li Gang's hand. In a sense, it is like holding her own gun.

Yes, this Li Gang really looks like a gun... Yu Xiaoyao said.

You must not let him hear this. I can tell you that his biggest taboo is that others say he looks like a stick. That is mocking his figure. If you say he looks like a gun, it is not just You laughed at his figure, and you even laughed at his head...

Yu Xiaoyao's eyes were full of smiles, but as soon as his eyes fell that way, the smile disappeared silently.

No matter how funny this thing is, it's not funny at all.

Maybe the thing itself is funny, but the behind-the-scenes thing is not funny at all, and there is even a bit of sadness.

Ding Xin didn't know what she was for a long time.

Li Gang didn't know either.

At least he certainly didn't know he was a gun when he was fighting with others because they were laughing at his size.

Otherwise, why can't he accept himself for who he is?

But now, he knows!

Ding Xin must have known it too!

No matter how long they had been kept secret, Taoist Master Wuyun must have told them all the truth and the true meaning of existence before they went to Tiandao Island.

A person suddenly realizes that he is not a human being at all!

What does it feel like when the moral principles they have adhered to for a long time and the world view they have formed over a long time are completely changed in an instant?


The falling flower is independent and the swift swallows fly together. What a wonderful poem and a good artistic conception. However, in this world, it always makes people feel infinite sadness.

Wei Yu didn't know her life back then, and she grew up happily with Princess Xingyue in a Zen sect, letting her little girl's nature blossom. Suddenly, after she found out, she didn't say a word for five years.

Where is Ding Xin today?

Where is Li Gang?

What was Li Gang's mood like when he drank his glass of wine above the Xijiang River?

What kind of state of mind was Ding Xin feeling when she and he drank together on the boat and smiled happily?

The last thunderbolt exploded above his head, and Lin Su suddenly saw a green sea in front of his eyes.

The embankment of the sea is full of secrets, and every wave on the sea is full of mysteries.

That's Daohai! Yu Xiaoyao stood up slowly: We're here!

Lin Su, Yu Xiaoyao, and Li Daonian jumped into the air and shot towards Daohai.

The people in front of them had already fallen into Daohai. As they fell, the Heavenly Tokens on their bodies lit up. A golden light shone directly into the seawater, and a huge turtle emerged from the sea.

One Heavenly Order, one Dao Turtle.

The Tao turtle is used as a boat to carry people to Tiandao Island.

Without the order of heaven, we can only stop here.

Because no one can fly across the Dao Sea, even if a saint comes here, he cannot break the rules of heaven.

Lin Su and the others are also safe.

Because from the moment he stepped into Daohai, no one could rely on his cultivation to suppress him. If he wanted to kill him, he could only use the methods under the law of heaven and earth, and the methods under the law of heaven and earth. Who is afraid? who?

As soon as Lin Su fell in the air, the Heavenly Dao Order glowed brightly, and a small mountain-like Dao Turtle appeared, and Lin Su stepped on it.

To his left, Yu Xiaoyao smiled at him: See you on the island!

The turtle under her feet stepped on the waves and flew away.

Lin Su, remember this sentence! A voice came from beside Lin Su.

Lin Su slowly turned sideways and stared at Li Daonian on the left. His signature smile slowly appeared: Brother Li, please speak.

From this moment on, you no longer have the protection of literature or the protection of the elders of Yaochi. Do you know what this means? Li Daonian said leisurely.

Brother Li, please speak clearly. Lin Su still smiled.

I don't like to argue with words, I only believe in the sword in my hands! Li Daonian raised his hand gently, and in his palm was his long sword, but there was no vast sword intent coming out, because it was in the sea of ​​​​dao, in the sea of ​​​​dao , any sword intention will be changed beyond recognition, so above the Dao Sea, it is not a place for fighting.

As a sword cultivator, trusting your sword is not a bad thing. However, Brother Li, please believe that there are no fixed rules for things in this world. Your sword has disappointed you once in Yaochi. How could you know that it will be like this on Tiandao Island? What do you want?

Li Daonian's eyes flashed with light: Then let's wait and see!

Lin Su sighed: If you cannot see the enemy clearly, you will always be humiliated. If you cannot see the direction clearly, it will lead to death! Brother Li, as the senior brother of Yaochi, even if you do not advance or retreat with us, I hope you will not do so. Become a pawn in their hands! God testifies that people like Brother Li are really suitable to be pawns.

Li Daonian sneered: Chess piece? Haha...

The speed of the turtle under his feet increased, and he shot through the waves like a sharp arrow.

Behind Lin Su, a voice came: Mr. Lin, we may not see each other again on the island, so we say goodbye!

Lin Su slowly turned around and saw Ding Xin and Li Gang.

Their Taogui was behind him, one on the left and one on the right. The two of them stepped on the Taogui, their expressions were the same as before.

Lin Su raised his hand and threw two small packages, one to the left and the other to the right: Brother Li, this is Baiyunbian. No matter whether we meet again in the future, it is all my brother's best wishes.

Li Gang took it and held the small package with something strange in his eyes.

Ding Xin, on the other hand, smiled and took another small bag, opened it, and looked inside: Is this perfume?

In addition to perfume, there is also a mirror.

Ding Xin slowly held up the mirror in her hand and looked at her own face in the mirror with a complicated expression: What does the person in the mirror look like at that age?

This sentence came slowly, as if it was a woman looking at the mirror with a very ordinary sadness, but it also seemed to be telling another story that no one knew...

The person in the mirror at this moment does not know what age he is. This is because things in the world are impermanent. However, there is a saying in Buddhism: impermanent things have certain rules. Wherever the heart goes, there is a path. Lin Su smiled softly: I'll give you another poem!

Poetry? Ding Xin's eyes lit up, Lin Su's poems, but those who know the details of them, no one can resist, not even her.

Lin Su stretched out his hand, and a piece of gold paper appeared in his palm. The gold paper stood in the void. His precious pen fell down and wrote:

The flowing water connects the beams, and I see you off without knowing the pain of separation. The green mountains are connected with the clouds and rain. How can the bright moon ever be the two towns?

There is no culture here, and for the first time under Lin Su's poems there is no colorful light.

However, the tip of his pen still seems to have some magic power, making this ordinary poem manuscript look like a dream.

Together with the gold paper, they fell into Ding Xin's hands.

Ding Xin looked at this piece of paper for a long time, and a strange ray of light quietly flowed in her eyes: The green mountains are the same as the clouds and rain, how could the bright moon ever be the two towns... The green mountains are still the same, and the bright moon is still the same, right?

Yes! No matter how the world changes, as long as we keep our true intentions, the green mountains will still stand under the sky and the bright moon will still shine brightly in the night sky! Lin Su smiled softly: I will take the first step!

The turtle under his feet paddled across the waves and galloped into the distance.

Ding Xin stood there quietly, looking at his back...

There was wind in the sea of ​​Tao, and the wind blew her hair, and it seemed that it also quietly blew away the ray of sadness between her eyebrows.

There are thousands of people in the world, and no one knows what she is thinking at this moment.

However, Lin Su seemed to understand her!

Regardless of the changes in the world, as long as the true heart remains true, the green mountains will still stand under the sky, and the bright moon will still shine in the night sky, regardless of the passage of time.

What is the original intention?

Ding Xin's eyes slowly moved to Li Gang's face: Do you have your heart?


What's your true intention?

But it's difficult to kill him if he wants to, so I'll kill him with one shot! Li Gang said, What about you?

Ding Xin smiled softly: The starry sky is full of images, and the mortal world is just a drop of water. Let's go!

Daogui also broke away from the waves, and the two of them entered Tiandao Island side by side, one on the left and the other on the right.

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