Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 932 Leaving a Name on the Sword Dao Wall: Impermanence of the Dao

Disciples from all the top sects entered Tiandao Island almost immediately.

Because Tiandao Island has rules, the whole process only lasts three months. The time is calculated from the opening of the Heavenly Dao Gate. When the time is up, all the living people on the island will pass out of the Heavenly Dao Gate, and Tiandao Island will once again fall into Twenty years of slumber.

Therefore, time is precious!

How could those top sects be willing to waste such precious time?

As soon as he discovered that the door to heaven was open, he immediately used the most advanced flying magic weapon to send his disciples into the path without delaying even an hour.

Yaochi can be regarded as quick to respond, and their flying boats are also top-notch. Therefore, just a few hours before the gate of heaven opened, Lin Su and the saint of Yaochi entered the sea of ​​​​dao. However, there are others faster than them!

For example, the major alien races.

Before Lin Su and the others entered Daohai, most of the foreigners had already traveled a long way.

Of course, there are others that are much slower than them.

For example, ordinary sect disciples are worried that their Heavenly Orders will be robbed and do not dare to show off outside. After learning the news, they set off immediately, but the flying boat is not high enough, so it is common for them to be delayed for a few days.

What's more, there are a large number of casual cultivators who don't even have sects.

These casual cultivators had no sect to rely on, so they obtained the Heavenly Dao Order with some kind of extreme luck. However, getting the Heavenly Dao Order was a mixed blessing.

Some people were beheaded before they could pretend to be hot.

Some Tiandao Tokens have been circulated in the hands of hundreds of people since their emergence.

Before entering Daohai, no one was sure whether the owner of this generation of Tiandao Ling was named Zhang or Li.

The road to Tiandao Island is a bloody road.

The determination and madness with which cultivators pursue opportunities are not on the path of cultivation, not on this level, and are unimaginable.

There is such a person among them, he is also a casual cultivator.

But he is not an ordinary casual cultivator. He ranks second on the Lingyun Ranking. After he became famous all over the world, he went to Burial State Pass City. In that iron-blooded pass, he used magic weapons to sacrifice swords every day. His cultivation level , His killing power is growing every day.

He is called Crazy Sword!

The crazy sword at this moment is in the Wind and Thunder Valley.

For more than a month, he came here from Burial State and traveled thousands of miles, killing more than 300 people on the way, half of whom were demons!

The Xiangtian Fadi who died under his hands reached the top of Xiangtian Fadi!

Those demons who entered the human world and stirred up endless waves were turned into foreign souls one by one under his hands!

The Crazy Sword has already been on the demon clan’s death list!

His path is already one of progress and no retreat!

If he didn't go to Tiandao Island, he would surely become a sad farewell guest at some point in the rounds of assassinations by the demons, and his bones would be buried on the top of a mountain.

So, here he comes!

He wants to get the opportunity that belongs to him, he wants to make further progress!

With a bang, a thunder exploded above his head. Crazy Blade opened his clothes, revealing the black chest hair on his chest. The chest hair was flying in the wind. When the strong wind blew, his body suddenly expanded and he strode forward. Thunder, Lightning and strong winds could not stop him.

Finally, he stepped out of the wind and thunder zone, with Daohai in front of him. He let out a long roar, which seemed to let out all the depression.

Falling into the void, he embarked on the road to the sea of ​​​​dao!

Lin Su stepped on the Dao Turtle and walked all the way in the Dao Sea.

There were people in front of me and people behind me, but they were quite far apart.

The Tao Turtle crosses the Tao Sea, and the Tao Sea turns into waves. People stand on the Tao Turtle, and the way they came is not the way back.

A line of white in the distance stands in the depths of the Dao Sea, like a white screen. The Dao Turtle comes from the Dao Sea, and you can see that this white wall forms a giant screen in front of you.

The white wall is as smooth as a landscape, with three small platforms on it.

All geniuses come to the foot of this wall, jump up and take three steps to reach the top.

This is: Taoist three kowtows.

Lin Su jumped up. With the first step, he felt the wind was quiet in the surrounding fields. With the second step, the sky and the earth were vast. With the third step, the clouds cleared and the sun appeared.

He stood on the top of the cliff, with seventy-two regular palaces in front of him.

The Palace of Rules is full of phenomena, just like interpreting all phenomena in the world.

The first palace is red, the palace of fire rules. The first palace is as deep as the sea, that is the palace of water rules. The first palace is like floating in the air, that is the palace of wind rules. The first palace is as dark as night, that is the palace of darkness. The palace is bright and shining for thousands of miles, heading straight towards the bullfight. It is the Palace of Light Rules. The palace on the left has a strange shape, like a sharp sword hanging in the air. It is the Palace of Sword Rules.

The palaces are intertwined, and the way of heaven gathers here.

A woman stood quietly on the top of the cliff, her clothes fluttering in the wind from the sea.

It is Yu Xiaoyao.

The Palace of Rules is already in front of you, you can enter it with just one step.

Therefore, no one who comes to the island will stay for others. They will enter the palace to practice as soon as possible and seize every second. Only she will stay for Lin Su.

In the Palace of Rules, you only see the rules but not the people. No matter how many opponents you have, it is impossible for you to face each other in the Palace of Rules. However, after leaving the palace, it may be the beginning of the war. Maybe we should set it deep in our hearts. A while. Yu Xiaoyao said.

What time? Lin Su said.

Based on past cases, I have a rough judgment. It took about one and a half months for me to realize the seeds of the rules. Therefore, if nothing unexpected happens, the time for me to come out of the Rule Palace will be one and a half months later. If you come out first , I suggest you find another palace, and whether you realize it or not and get the second rule seed, you should stay until that point in time so that you and I can appear at the same time.

Lin Su knew what she meant.

Lin Su had many enemies on the heavenly path, and during the period of time when he understood the rules, no one could take action against him.

However, when you leave the Palace of Rules, you will face pressure from your opponents. It is difficult for you to do anything alone. Only the two of us appearing at the same time can ensure maximum safety.

This is time setting.

Lin Su nodded: This time is more reasonable. Half of the time will be used to understand the rules, and half of the time will be used to enter the sea of ​​rules and the path of bones. Okay, let's try to control this time and strive for one and a half months to complete what we want to understand. Rules, gather at the beach of rules.”


Which palace do you want to enter?


Lin Su was slightly surprised: The rule of light...this rule is unusual. Why did you choose this rule?

Yu Xiaoyao smiled slightly: Because I hope to see a different light in the vast rivers and lakes!

Yu Xiaoyao jumped into the air and shot towards the splendid regular palace.

Lin Su stood on the cliff and saw each other off from a distance.

The rules of light!

He knows it!

This rule is very powerful. It is integrated into the attack, and the speed is like lightning. It is integrated into the body method. The body method is like electricity. A glance can kill, a ray of sunshine can kill...

Because of its strength, it is also unusually difficult to comprehend.

Not many people dare to choose the rules of light, because there is a time limit on Tiandao Island, only three months. If they fail to comprehend it, all their previous efforts will be wasted. Therefore, more people will carefully consider it when choosing the rules.

It is necessary to correspond to one's own strengths and the characteristics of one's own skills. Another necessity is to correspond to one's own understanding. If three months is not enough to understand the high-level rules, then you can only take a step back and do the next best thing. , absolutely cannot force it.

Speaking of which, one thing must be made clear...

One of the ways of heaven, the seven laws and three hundred rules, are also divided into levels.

Needless to say, the Seven Laws are laws that override all rules and cannot be found here at all. The Palace of Rules is the place where Dao Zong built it. The basic purpose of Dao Zong is to fish through this bait. They also I am reluctant to use law seeds to fish.

Rules are divided into three levels.

The rules of the five elements, light, darkness, thunder, lightning, destruction, annihilation, the way of the sword, the rules of the sword, etc., are the superior rules.

Rules such as wind, cloud, change, starting speed, succession, spring return, etc. are medium rules.

Rules such as hooking, charming, and enticing are inferior rules.

Yu Xiaoyao directly chose the superior rule, and also set a time for himself, one and a half months! This is already the standard of a true top genius.

People on the spiritual path have already figured out the rules in thousands of years of journey to heaven. Those who go to the island are all geniuses. If you choose the medium rules, almost everyone can guarantee to understand them within three months. If you choose to go up According to other rules, the success rate is less than 30%.

That's a full three months.

But when Yu Xiaoyao chose the Rule of Superior Light, the time she set for herself was only half.

This is the pride and confidence of the Yaochi Saint.

Lin Su's eyes showed a strange light, What are the rules that I need to understand in one and a half months?

Kendo rules!

Five Elements Rules!

Six types in total! Oh no! The seeds of his water rules have been produced, and there are only five types left!

And no failure is allowed!

Especially the Five Elements Rules, the lack of any one of them will lead to the incompleteness of the five secret realms in his body, and he will not be able to break into the Heaven, Heaven, Dharma and Earth.

Therefore, in the initial stage, his pressure was five times that of others!

But, so what?

Kendo Palace, here I come!

Lin Su took a step forward and shot towards the Kendo Rules Palace...

Kendo Rules The palace looks like a palace from the outside. Although it looks like a sword, it is still a palace after all. But when you go inside, the feeling is completely different. At first glance, it has nothing to do with the palace. Inside it is just a wilderness, no people, no houses. Only nature.

However, what Lin Su saw in his eyes was anything but the appearance.

He saw the sword clearly.

Yes, the swaying grass is a sword.

The swaying tree is a sword.

The lake is turbulent, it is a sword.

Even when two ants were fighting under the grass, they were clearly using sword moves.

A grain of sand is a sword, and even every breath of air is sword energy.

Understanding the rules requires experience. When you enter the Rules Palace, all you see are rule seeds, but these rule seeds are different from the rule seeds produced by top swordsman masters in the outside world. You can directly apply the rule seeds from the outside world, because that It's human race.

This kind of rule seed is a seed from heaven. You cannot apply it directly, let alone take it away.

You can only comprehend.

Use these rules seeds to realize your own rules seeds.

Generally, the older generation will warn the younger generations who go to Tiandao Island. In the Rule Palace, the further you go to the Rule Palace, the more perfect the Rule Seeds will be, but it will be more difficult to get close. You should use all your swordsmanship to go as deep as possible. Where you really can't walk, understanding the rules seeds is the rule seeds that best suit you.

Yu Xiaoyao also told Lin Su about this rule, but Lin Su broke through her words at the very beginning.

What are rules? They are just the rules of how things work. The rules are finally finalized through constant exploration and exploration. If you accept the rules that others have solidified from the beginning, that is called preaching, not enlightenment!

Lin Su started his enlightenment from the beginning.

It can be said that he is the slowest among all those who understand the rules.

Take a deep breath and feel the rhythm of the sword energy flowing in the body...

Lie down, watch the grass swaying in the wind, and understand the laws of the sword...

Taking a step forward, the grass grows a little longer, and the branches and leaves sway a little more...

Taking another step forward, the grass has changed again...

I don’t know when, the grass turned into a small tree...

The small tree turned into a big tree...

Lin Su's feelings about kendo deepened step by step...

A small river blocked the way in front of him. The river was no more than three feet long, but he couldn't jump across it. The rocks on the opposite side were like swords. He felt that as long as he jumped up, he would inevitably be nailed to the tip of the sword. above...

By the river, Lin Su explored for more than ten miles upstream and more than ten miles downstream. Each period of exploration took more than a day. Finally, thousands of sword paths circulated in his body, and a strange seed was in the center of his sword. Generate deep.

The seeds of Kendo rules are taking shape!

The moment the seeds took shape, a strange feeling surged into Lin Su's heart. His long sword suddenly stretched out, green light flowed on the long sword, and three wonderful fruits merged into one. On top of this wonderful fruit, The faint crack slowly widened. Suddenly, there was a loud earthquake, and the crack completely broke. The green light on the long sword flowed out, and the long sword turned into an ordinary sword, seemingly losing all its specialness. .

Lin Su felt ecstatic in her heart.

Break the fruit and enter the realm!

Break out of the cocoon and turn into a butterfly!

His sword world is complete!

As soon as the sword world was completed, a light flashed in his eyes, and two invisible sword lights passed through the sky. There was a soft chirping sound, and the strange sword-like rocks on the opposite side turned into light mist. Lin Su jumped into the air and crossed the river.

In front, a sword light shot out towards Lin Su's throat. The sword in Lin Su's hand suddenly unsheathed and drew the sword!

This sword light shot down.

The big tree opposite suddenly shook, and seven leaves shot out at the same time. Each leaf was like a Fei Lu Sword in the dark night, and it was the Fei Lu Sword in the dark night after breaking into the realm of peering into the sky.

Lin Su moved his sword in the sword-breaking style!

The seven swords came out together, and the seven leaves turned into sword light!

He officially started the road to perfection of the seeds of his kendo rules...

Yes, the path he took at the beginning was not the path set by others. Others took the highest-end rule seeds directly, and either failed to get them, or they were perfect. There was no middle way.

And his rules seeds have a clear and complete germination path, from nothing to something, from weak to strong, from imperfect to perfect...

It only took him less than three days to obtain the regular seeds, but it took him a full seven days to fill the vacancies.

The seventh day!

In front of him is a huge waterfall!

Every drop of water is like a sword, and the waterfall falls through the air, just like ten thousand swords returning to the clan. When Lin Su makes a sword-breaking move in his hand, ten thousand sword lights fly out, and each sword light accurately corresponds to each drop of water. , there was a vacuum under the waterfall.

Lin Su smiled slightly and stepped in. At this moment, a drop of water fell from the stone wall above!

As soon as the drop of water fell, Lin Su's heart was shocked, and he felt a very familiar vast energy!

Yes, there was a sword that shook the sky above Yaochi. Once this sword came out, it was boundless for thousands of miles. It was the swordsmanship of Yaochi's elder brother, Li Daonian, the first swordsman in the swordsmanship, the vastness of the sword.

And how can the vast swordsmanship contained in this drop of water today be comparable to that of Li Daonian?

It’s really like a drop of water falling into the vastness of thousands of miles!

Lin Su raised his hand, and thousands of small swords merged into one!

Transformed into the earth-shattering fifth sword of Dugu - Heavenly Sword Style!


This drop of water defeated Lin Su, who was shaken back hundreds of feet. In front of him, light and shadow flowed, the waterfall flew upside down, the cliff burst, and an iron-blue eternal stone tablet appeared in front of him.

There are countless names on this stone tablet.

A name composed of sword marks.

At the top of the name, there are eight characters: The way of heaven is endless, the way of sword is heroic.

Kendo Monument!

Lin Su heard Yu Xiaoyao say that there is a kendo monument in the kendo rule palace, which tests the kendo potential. Only a true kendo genius can trigger this monument.

Ordinary people can't see it at all.

It can even be said that being able to see this monument is the biggest halo around this sword cultivator. As long as he takes it out and talks about it, all the sword cultivators will shut up.

Yu Xiaoyao once joked that if you see the Kendo Monument, don't forget to take out your royal seal and record your photo with the Kendo Monument.

There are countless names on the sword stele, and at a glance, there are thousands.

Thousands of people may seem like a lot, but don’t forget how long this monument has been standing here, tens of thousands of years! Don’t forget who this Tiandao Island is targeting, it’s targeting this entire continent.

Every name on this monument is a hero of a generation!

Even the name at the bottom was a genius who swept thousands of miles in his time!

Lin Su glanced over, lingering on several names...

The name at the top: Yan Nantian!

This name topped the entire list, and was separated from the name in the second row by more than three feet. On the densely packed kendo tablets, only this one partition made his name appear otherworldly.

His handwriting is quite literati, elegant and graceful, but it is also iron-clad in his bones.

The words really match the person.

There are more than ten names in the second row, and the first name is extremely simple, Ding Yi! Very coincidentally, Lin Su also knew this person, Ding Yi, a peerless genius who lived eight hundred years ago. His original surname was not Ding, nor was he named Yi. No one remembers his last name. Everyone only remembers this genius. Characteristics, this person doesn't care about anything, he only cares about swordsmanship, Ding's surname, simple, he uses it, simple word, he uses it, think about it, he doesn't even care about his ancestor's surname, what kind of person is he? And his sword is also very simple. One sword strike can kill a hundred people.

The second name, Li Tianshu, is written vertically. When one name comes down, it seems to be a series of three moves, with the sword's intention crisscrossing and lingering for hundreds of years. The third name, the fourth name, the third...

The one hundred and twenty-first name...

Li Chunhe!

Lin Su stared at this name and seemed to stop breathing...

This is another familiar name, coming from Li Zexi.

Li Zexi told him a story...

Over the course of a thousand years, he met a swordsman prodigy. This man was not originally named Li. He regarded Li Zexi as his father, so he changed his name to Li Chunhe. Li Chunhe was a genius in swordsmanship. If he were alive, he would be ranked alongside Lin Su as one of the two swordsmen. It is a pity that he died. On Tiandao Island, his soul was included in the wordless monument at the end of the bones.

Therefore, Lin Su needed to take out the wordless tablet, and Li Zexi wanted to see if his soul was still there.

This was all that made the name Li Chunhe fall into his impression.

Today, he saw this name.

Leave a name on the Kendo Wall and rank one hundred and twenty-first.

This ranking is definitely not low, but it is not as high as a peerless prodigy.

And the weirdest thing is that Lin Su didn't find Li Zexi's name.

Didn't a generation of sword gods go to Tiandao Island?

If he went to Tiandao Island, not only would his name be on par with Yan Nantian, he would also be firmly in the second rank. However, there is no Li Zexi on the sword path wall!

The kendo wall appears, and Lin Su can also leave his name!

Lin Su raised his hand, used his sword as a pen, and wrote three words: The Tao is impermanent!

The sword was sheathed, the sword wall was shining brightly, and the words Dao Impermanence written by Lin Su on the wall directly rose into the sky!

As soon as the light faded, these three words appeared behind Yan Nantian: The Tao is impermanent!

Lin Su's heart skipped a beat and he left a name on the sword wall. Just write down your name and the Rule Palace will decide your rank based on your performance in the Rule Palace.

He wrote it under a pseudonym: The Tao is impermanent.

The pseudonym can also be successfully left behind, and it is alongside Yan Nantian.

The Rule Palace determined that he and Yan Nantian had equal swordsmanship potential.


There is only one possibility. Just now, he was the same as that drop of water behind the waterfall. That drop of water was the epitome of Yan Nantian's sword intention in the Rules Palace that day. He and the drop of water left by Yan Nantian were the same as Yan Nantian. He also achieved the same goal as Yan Nantian. Same achievement.

In this way, this Rules Palace is somewhat interesting...

It not only gives people an opportunity to understand the rules, it also leaves behind the swordsmanship of the participants to continuously improve the Rule Palace. This is an extremely thorough system, even if it has deviated from the original track, it is still there. Operate autonomously and evolve autonomously.

The next moment, Lin Su was sent out of the Rules Palace.

He has completed his entire journey of the Kendo Rules, and there is no use staying in the Kendo Rules Palace any longer, so he is sent out.

Ten days have passed.

He completed his great breakthrough in swordsmanship in ten days.

For ordinary people, it is absolutely shocking.

At present, almost no one is walking around on the entire Tiandao Island, which shows how strange this time is for him - no other person has completed his enlightenment so quickly.

Of course, just almost.

Not all.

There is a person coming from afar, but he is not a person who has completed the rules and enlightenment, but a cultivator who has just arrived.

When the gate of heaven opens, not everyone can arrive at the first time. The world is too big and the situation is too complicated. Some people receive the news late, some people are killed half dead on the road, and some people Being maliciously blocked, some people lost their way...

When the cultivator saw the Palace of Rules in front of him, he let out a long sigh and ducked into a small palace. It was the Palace of Drawing Rules of the Third-Class Rules...

Lin Su jumped into the air, and the next moment, he landed in front of the Wooden Rules Palace.

As soon as he entered the Wooden Rules Palace, he was faced with towering trees. Lin Su's heart skipped a beat. The Wooden Rules Palace was full of vitality. His rejuvenation seedlings seemed to be ready to move in this palace...

Under the guidance of the rejuvenating seedlings, Lin Su seemed to have a natural affinity for the rules of the wood system. Step by step, a rule seed emerged from scratch, slowly formed, and slowly grew up. In just one day, he arrived. In the deepest part, the secret realm of wood in his body cheered for joy.

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