Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 934 Death of Dugu, Black Bones Unsealed


The boundless black screen was split into two, the cold moon and the remaining stars reappeared, and a middle-aged scholar fell from the sky with his eyes wide open. During the fall, his head separated from his body.


Nine figures appeared in the sky at the same time, all of them were thousands of meters long...

Duguxing's surprise is no small matter!

Go to hell!

The sound in the air was like the magic sound of the nine heavens, and the nine dharma bodies rushed down at the same time. Dugu Xing suddenly raised the long sword in his hand, and with one sword he collected all the wind in the sky...


One figure was killed on the spot, two figures fell back thousands of feet, five figures landed on the lonely peak, Dugu Xing himself flew away, and half of the lonely peak turned into ashes.

With a shout, Dugu walked thousands of feet away, regained his shape, and roared: What do you want?

Every word is like a sword.

Young Ji Guang, how can you, a rebellious minister and a traitor, be worthy of a high position? The vast country and the mountains are ultimately in the hands of a few people! When I leave the valley, I will be able to redefine the mountains and rivers! A voice came from the air, which seemed to have endless majesty.

Ji Shang! Dugu Xing's eyes were firmly fixed on a small flying boat in the sky.

On the flying boat, there were two figures, one of whom was clearly the king of the sky that day, Ji Shang.

Dugu Xing, since you still recognize me, I will give you a choice. Open the place below with your own hands. You can be the head of the hidden dragon for me!

Dugu Xing roared angrily: You want to open the Demon Sealed Land?

What is a god and what is a demon? Helping restore orthodoxy is the way, but taking away my country is the devil!

Dugu Xing pointed his sword directly at Ji Shang: Ji Shang, the Black Bone Demon Clan has brought trouble to the world. The tragedy of the founding of the country still leaves a painful legacy to this day. Your ancestors fought with their lives, but today you want to open the seal for your own benefit. Shi Mo, how dare you face your ancestors?

Haha... Ji Shang looked up to the sky and laughed like crazy and like a devil: If my ancestors treated me well, how could I rebel against my ancestors? My ancestors regarded me as an abandoned son, so why should I recognize my ancestors and return to my clan? Yinlong obeys the order ,kill!

There were killing sounds... Eight figures shot down through the air at the same time, with murderous intent as if they were real. The entire solitary peak turned into ashes. Dugu Xing roared, his body suddenly expanded, and his hair shot up to the sky, like a sharp sword!

His clothes are a roll, and his clothes are like sharp swords!

His hair collided with the three masters, and his hair shattered into ashes, but the three masters also vomited blood and escaped.

The clothes were wrapped up with the four masters, and the clothes were in pieces, but two masters turned into blood mist on the spot, and the other two masters crashed into the deep space far away.

And the sword in his hand suddenly grew bigger!

This change is like a giant sword that opens the sky!

A sword cuts straight into the sky!

This sword was like opening the heavenly gate, Ji Shang's expression changed...

Because of this sword, the flying boat under his feet was so heavy that it could not move. He could only watch helplessly as the sky-opening giant sword fell from the sky, crushing him to pieces.

However, at this moment, a man in white next to Ji Shang suddenly raised his hand.

There is also a sword in his palm.


Draw your sword!

There was no light, no power, but the sword that Dugu Xing struck out with all his strength disappeared. Dugu Xing stared at the man in white with his eyes wide open...

The man in white slowly slid down. He was like a small ant floating in front of Dugu Xing Qianzhang Dharma Shen. He was an ordinary man with a medium appearance and a medium build. No one even looked at him in the crowd. .

The man in white sighed softly: Jianmen Dugu is really extraordinary. He can cut off all the meridians in his body and still maintain his Dharma body.

Dugu Xing said slowly: You are not from Da Cang!

How can I tell if I am not?

Because no one in Da Cang has reached the world of Sword Dao! Dugu Xing said: Who are you?

The man in white smiled softly: You have already stepped half into the underworld, does it make sense to know who you are?

I have been practicing swordsmanship all my life, and I am famous for my sword. I always hope that I will die in the hands of someone! Please tell me clearly, who are you?

Ding Yi!

In the sword stele on Tiandao Island, there is the mysterious sword cultivator Ding Yi, who ranks only under Yan Nantian! For eight hundred years, the spiritual path has been pursuing who this strange man is. Now it has been decrypted, and he turns out to be a demon! How ironic ? Dugu Xing smiled sadly.

When a person is about to die, he speaks kindly. Correspondingly, I am extremely tolerant when facing people who are about to die! Ding Dao said: I am correcting you on two things. First, the name on the sword stele only represents the potential of the sword. , does not represent actual achievements. I have always looked forward to competing with Yan Nantian, but I have never been able to do so. Secondly, I am not a demon!

It doesn't matter anymore, everything doesn't matter anymore! Regardless of whether you are a demon or not, you will be forever doomed! Dugu Xing slowly raised his head: And I, the promise between father and brother that has been delayed for thousands of years, will finally be fulfilled!

As he raised his head...

It seems that the entire mountains and rivers are rising together...

Ding Yi's heart suddenly moved...

At this moment, Dugu Xing roared angrily: The Sword Monument of Ten Thousand Kills, the Sword Gate is written with blood!

His huge head suddenly rotated and left his body!

With his head together, a strange inscription appeared on his forehead!

Above the inscription, there is only one word: Kill!

The word kill has an antique look, and the word kill looks like it spans the long river of history. The word kill has endless killing intent. The word kill implements the ultimate will of the ancestors of the Sword Sect in the past generations. The way of the sword, it is better to break than to bend!

If there is any injustice in the world, I will kill it with one sword!

I will kill enemies who can be killed with my sword!

I will use myself as a weapon against the powerful enemy that cannot be killed! Kill it!

The meridians all over his body have been cut off by Ding Yiyi's sword, and his cultivation has been lost. However, he still has his head, and his head is his sword at this moment!

There was a huge earthquake, and his head exploded like a peak in the sky, and blood rained from the sky!

Every drop of the blood rain falling from the nine heavens is a sword!

They are all Heavenly Punishment Swords that carry out the will of the ancestors of the Sword Sect!

With him as the center, everything within a hundred miles is covered!

Eight former hidden dragon masters were instantly turned into blood under the rain of blood, and even their souls could not escape...

Ji Shang's face instantly turned pale: Ding Yi, save me!

Ding Yi suddenly drew his sword!

His long sword shook, and a huge sword curtain enveloped him and Ji Shang.

With a bang, the final blow from Dugu Xing suddenly collided with Ding Yi's sword curtain. The sword curtain cracked inch by inch. Ding Yi spurted out a mouthful of blood, and the sword in his hand was shattered. This mouthful of blood, this broken sword turned into The new sword screen blocked the final aftermath of Dugu Xing's attack.

Ding Yi's face also lost the lightness it had just now, and he stood in the blood mist with disheveled hair, like a ghost.

Ji Shang's face was pale.

All around them, there were no mountains, no water, and no life for hundreds of miles.

Only the wind blows, and the wind blows like a ghost crying.

It seems that the will of Jianmen is still sweeping across this mountain and river, full of unwillingness...

A huge gap opened in the earth, and at the bottom of the deep and dark valley, a headless corpse stood quietly. He was Dugu Xing!

When a person dies, his bones remain upright!

Ding Yi breathed out softly: Sword Sect Ten Thousand Kills Monument! Use your head as a sword and execute the ultimate blow, so that you can walk alone!

Ji Shang was in shock: Mr. Ding, it's time to officially start!


Ji Shang said: Your promise...

Don't worry! Ding Yi interrupted him: You help me get out of the Valley of Nine Deaths, and I will help you regain control of the world. What the Black Nether Emperor wants has never been secular imperial power. It is not inconsistent with you and can completely complement each other.

The great changes in the world have begun!

The changes that have started are not limited to Da Cang? Ding Yi murmured...

He waved his hand lightly, and a sword energy broke into the ground. With a click, the earth opened a crack, and a crystal clear long sword shone brightly in the underground space.

The brilliant light from the word Sealing the Sky shines directly into the sky...

Ding Yi smiled lightly and stepped in!

Sealing Heaven Sword seemed to smell the breath of crisis, it suddenly lit up, and the long sword pointed directly at Ding Yi...

Ding stepped forward one step at a time, and the Sealing Heaven Sword penetrated the air...


The long sword pierced Ding Yi's eyebrows straight.

Ding Yi's face was calm.

Something strange happened...

The brilliance of the Sealing Heaven Sword faded away little by little, and a smile slowly appeared on Ding Yi's face...

Finally, the Sealing Heaven Sword completely withdrew its brilliance. Ding stretched out his hand and pulled the Sealing Heaven Sword out from between his eyebrows. The terrifying wound between his eyebrows healed quickly.

And under his feet, there was a click, and a gap was revealed again, and the demon-sealed land that had been sealed in dust for thousands of years was opened...

Da Cang Capital!

The next morning!

Ji Guang held the emperor's seal in his hand and his whole body was shaken. The portraits of the late emperor on the four walls of Zijin Pavilion seemed to be shaken at the same time...

Your Majesty! Zhang Juzheng came out of the air and stepped onto the Zijin Pavilion.

Your Majesty! Chen came one step further.

His Majesty……

Zhang Haoran, Qiu Mochi, Huo Qi, Li Yangxin...

In the blink of an eye, the inside and outside of Zijin Pavilion were filled with court officials...

The Black Bone Demon Clan has broken its seal, Xijing City has been bloodbathed, the whole of Zezhou has become a demon territory, and the catastrophe of the founding of the country has been staged again! Ji Guang's voice was as deep as water.

In one sentence, a terrifying curtain opened!

Everyone's backs were sweating at the same time...

In the catastrophe of the founding of the country, the Black Bone Demon Clan invaded, and the entire world and billions of people fell into a state of insecurity. Literary, martial, spiritual, and even Buddhist and Taoist sects were all injured.

To this day, it is still the deepest scar on Da Cang.

Now, it’s happening again!

Zhang Juzheng's eyes flashed: This catastrophe is different from that of a thousand years ago. The Black Bone Demon Tribe entered the country through Blood Rain Pass. Outside the capital, tens of millions of troops intercepted them layer by layer. But now , the place where the Black Bone Demon Clan breaks its seal is Xijing, Zezhou, which is only a thousand miles away from the capital. The Cangshan Army, the Flying Dragon Army, and the Blood Rain Army are all outside the circle, and there is no time for thousands of miles of rescue. They are going straight into the hinterland!

Report! Another message came from the imperial seal: The false emperor Ji Shang has proclaimed himself emperor in Xijing!

Ji Shang! Chen Geng hit his palm hard with his fist.

At this moment, he understood the strategy of the Black Bone Demon Clan.

They supported a puppet emperor, and then swept across the capital with lightning speed, killing Emperor Ji Guang, and the whole country fell into their hands.

Report! The Central Plains Army was attacked...

Report! The Central Plains Legion suffered heavy losses, and the demonic army is so powerful that it is almost unstoppable...

In the Imperial Seal, the ministers stared at the battle scene in front of them, with obvious traces of sweat on their foreheads. They saw overwhelming magical beasts, each of which was comparable to the human Dao Fruit. They also saw countless practitioners. These The cultivators are a local cultivating sect in Zezhou. They were originally supposed to be the first wave of resistance against the invasion of the demons, but now, they have become the vanguard of the demons.

They saw that the Central Plains Legion they had just formed also burst out with powerful military might. However, the demonic shadows were looming in the sky, and the black air was overwhelming. The power was even greater. The Central Plains Legion was released thousands of miles away as soon as it came into contact. Wherever the Warcraft and Demonic Army passed , rivers of blood flowed, mountains of corpses formed, the people fell, and the earth mourned...

By the Liuxiang River!


Liu Tianyin quietly looked at the drop of water spinning in front of him...

In this drop of water, a picture was clearly presented. The demonic army rolled across thousands of miles, blood flowed into rivers, the people fell, and the earth was in sorrow.

The mountains and rivers are broken, the motherland is sad, the wind has traveled thousands of miles without returning, the rain sprinkles the sky and sheds tears... I was wrong! I thought this scroll of destiny had changed its path, but it finally came!

An old woman next to her frowned: But why?

Liu Tianyin slowly raised his head and said word by word: When I used the Eye of Destiny to look at the destiny of the great sky, I was in Thousand Buddha Temple! Buddhism can shield the secrets of heaven, and it can also shield my Eye of Destiny. They...

Her voice stopped suddenly!

Her eyes suddenly raised and shot straight into the sky!

Outside the sky, there are dark clouds...

A black line suddenly appeared in the sky to the west of the capital. The black line was as thick as ink and moved quickly. It seemed that the entire sky was divided into two distinct areas by this ink line.

Coming! Liu Tianyin spat out two words.

So fast? The old woman's expression changed slightly.

This also fully illustrates the difference in this catastrophe. The Black Bone Demon Tribe has become wiser in this catastrophe. They support an emperor to succeed them. They are worried about long nights and dreams, and want to capture the capital as soon as possible!

The old woman raised her gaze: Can the capital city stop it?

Liu Tianyin stood up slowly: The power in front of the capital alone is absolutely unstoppable, but I clearly saw a trace of variables mixed in the chaos, only a trace, a very weak trace...

With a shout, the emperor's seal was like a bridge, and Ji Guang led his ministers to the top of the city.

A strong wind rises, the north is cold, the thick clouds push forward, and the blood in the thick clouds seems to be blown with the strong wind.

The Forbidden Army has been sent out from the capital, and the 200,000 troops are all the Forbidden Army.

The flag pointed angrily, pointing directly into the depths of the thick fog.

The top of the city was as quiet as night, but the city had already been blown up.

Thick clouds rolled rapidly, and finally officially connected with the army. With a bang, countless black torrents came out of the fog. This is the world-famous ghost wolf of the Black Nether Emperor. It has been trapped underground for thousands of years. This kind of terrifying monster cannot be Knowing how much he has trained, this one is simply endless. It is not just the ghost wolves, but also the overwhelming demon soldiers. Zhang Juzhengwen has a thousand-mile eye, and his heart is filled with turmoil. Maybe only a few people can see it clearly. The land thousands of miles behind the thick fog is almost entirely filled with demon soldiers and demon wolves, with a total number of no less than tens of millions.

There are also those demon generals, each of whom is above heaven and earth, and there are even hundreds of cultivators. Even he can't tell the level of cultivation. One of the demon generals suddenly raised his strange eyes, He and Zhang Juzheng looked at each other from a hundred miles away. At this glance, Zhang Juzheng's heart was shaken, and his literary and spiritual powers collapsed.

Zhang Juzheng's expression really changed...

Ji Guang's expression also changed, because he used the imperial seal as his eyes, implanted the military flag, implanted the power of the imperial seal in the military flag, and used the military flag to see everything Zhang Juzheng saw.

The imperial edict is presented! Ji Guang ordered in a deep voice.

Yes! The imperial edict knelt down. From this angle, his back looked completely soaked.

On the tray in his hand was a stack of gold paper and a precious pen. This was originally his entire job as an imperial edict, but something changed today!

Ji Guang picked up his precious pen and wrote in his own handwriting:

The Black Bone Demon Clan has broken its seal, and everyone in the world should fight bravely to kill the enemy. No matter whether they are farmers, farmers, merchants, men, women, or children, the dead in battle are all heroes. Their heroic spirits will never be extinguished, and their fame will last forever!

The pen was put away, and the emperor's seal came out, covering the gold paper.

The first imperial edict written by an emperor in ancient times flew high above Da Cang City and turned into a monument above the capital city!

The commotion in the city stopped at the same time.

Still under the imperial edict written by the emperor.

Still under the great will of the emperor.

Ji Guang glanced at the faces of the courtiers in front of him and smiled faintly: Dear dear friends, this imperial edict just now targets the entire Da Cang Kingdom. Now I have an edict, which is only known to you now!

Zhang Juzheng, Chen Geng, Zhou Zhang and others knelt down at the same time: Your Majesty, please issue an order!

Ji Guang raised his hand, and another imperial edict came out: By God's blessing, the emperor issued an edict: Ji Guang, the widowed man, is facing a thousand-year catastrophe and vows to live and die with the capital. If he dies in battle, the throne of Da Cang Emperor will be succeeded by King Wen Lin Su!

More than a hundred ministers below were shaken at the same time. One minister shouted: Your Majesty... if the enemy is strong, your Majesty can retreat to Nanjing and make another plan...

Ji Guang interrupted with a wave of his hand: Don't say any more! The capital of Da Cang is the pillar of Da Cang and the place of confidence of the five billion people of Da Cang. I was born in the royal family and fell in Meiling. King Wen traveled in all directions and planned hard to get where we are today. I am not good at writing or using military skills, so it is difficult for me to contribute to King Wen's great cause throughout the ages. I can only use myself as a monument to set up a monument for the world and rectify the people's customs in the world!

Zhang Juzheng let out a long breath: Da Cang Kingdom originally had five capitals as a retreat for the capital, but your Majesty gave up with one word! I deeply respect you! Pass me the Wen Dao Order...


A man of liberal arts should leave his study, inherit the holy way, pick up a golden hair, and kill the enemy! Until death!

Chen Geng stepped forward: Add another sentence... Since ancient times, no one has died, and his loyalty will be remembered by history!

The two literary figures looked at each other and smiled at the same time...

Dean Chen, you and I will write the book together!

Zhang Ju raised his hand, put his precious pen on the gold paper, and wrote the first half of the sentence.

Chen Geng took up his hands and wrote the second half of the sentence.

There was a buzzing sound, and a letter of war was left on the Wen Dao wall in the capital!

Above the restaurant, more than a dozen literati rose to the sky: Since ancient times, no one has died. Leave your loyalty to history and kill the enemy!

In the study in the north of the city, a great Confucian pushed open the firewood door: A man of literature and art leaves his study, inherits the holy way, and picks up the golden hair, on the shore of the desert, on the shore of the four seas, under the sky, among the flying clouds... …I’m lucky today!”

In the Liuxiang River in front of him, a boatman suddenly stood up: Ouyang Daru, you and I are going together!

Li Daru has been a boatman for thirty years, right?

Exactly, thirty years of hard work, thirty years of seclusion, and now, leaving a loyal heart to illuminate history is enough!

The two great scholars broke through the sky at the same time...

On the mountain of books behind the Confucian Temple, it was the time when the newly promoted scholars were conferring literary hearts. Cui Yanzhou had reached the foot of the Confucian Peak and suddenly stopped. Sun Linbu next to him also stopped...

Brother Sun, I want to capture the military strategist Wen Xin! Cui Yanzhou said.

The enemy is facing us, our country is in danger of survival, I will also take the military strategist Wen Xin! Sun Linbu said.

The two of them flew up and went straight to the military peak.

In front, a person slowly turned around, and it turned out to be Qu Zhe, one of the three masters of science.

Qu Zhe laughed loudly: Two brothers, you and I walked together during the scientific examination, and we will also walk together after the scientific examination! How lucky you are to be at this point in your life?

Since ancient times, no one has died, and his loyalty will be remembered by history!

The three of them entered the Soldier Peak together!

The battle outside the city has heated up...

The demonic soldiers have broken through the Forbidden Army's defense line and are pressing towards Green Willow Villa in a dark mass.

Zhang Juzheng soared into the sky, stretched out his hand, and all the words in Green Willow Villa flew up at the same time...

Another person flew up at the same time as the text!

As soon as this person came out, he suddenly expanded into a body of 500 feet. It was Zhang Yiyu!

She has come back, and she has successfully broken into Xiangtianfadi.

She struck out, and everything within a hundred miles in front was cleared. She fanned her autumn fan, and the millions of words inspired by her grandfather flew towards the demon army.

The grandfather and grandson cooperated.

The first shot of the capital's literary and religious practice against the demonic army was officially launched!

Zhang Haoran rose up out of thin air, and used his literary skills to create the legendary poem Man Jiang Hong...

The autumn ink pool rises out of thin air, The River is Red...

All high-ranking officials in the court also flew up at the same time, and thousands of official seals in Da Cang's officialdom showed up...

Chen Geng took action, and a literary world seemed to have transcended eternity...

Hanlin Academy, Gongyuan Academy, Bailu Academy, various great scholars...

However, among the demon army, there were countless masters who jumped into the air, and the heavy pressure tore apart everything in between, including Green Willow Villa, Qifeng Villa, and the city walls of the capital...

People fall from the sky every moment, and no one can tell whether they are officials or civilians.

The demon army is advancing every moment, and the capital city is like a lonely boat in the storm.

Human life is like grass, heaven and earth have fallen.

Above the Confucian Temple, inexplicable hands trembled slightly, and on the wall in front, the back of an old man slowly disappeared...

Accompanied by a cold and bone-chilling sentence: The battlefield of the temple is only in the sky, secular things are in this world!

The poem written by Zhang Haoran on the Western Mountain in the past clearly emerged in her mind...

The black bones are criss-crossing and the white bones are gone. Nine out of ten houses are left in the sky. The floating clouds have passed by for thousands of years. How have they ever descended to Zhongzhou?

This is an anti-poem.

It is a satire on the temple.

From Zhang Haoran's perspective, this was audacious.

But today, I feel inexplicably but deeply identified with it.

The catastrophe a thousand years ago is too far away from now, and no one can trace back the many secrets involved. But today, the Black Bone Demon Clan once again caused turmoil. She immediately asked for help from the temple, and the answer she received was the same as that of a thousand years ago. .

The temple doesn't care about the disputes in the world. Their battlefield is only in the sky.

Human beings take care of themselves!

This is how the floating clouds have passed by for thousands of years, but have they ever reached Zhongzhou?

Sister, if you want to go back to the temple, you can do it yourself! Mo Wen gently carried the Yao Qin on his back and strolled out of the Confucian Temple.

where you go?

The floating clouds have passed by for thousands of years, but have they ever reached Zhongzhou? Mo Wen smiled softly: I want to tell Zhang Haoran, and I also want to tell Lin Su that he is right, but he is also wrong! What is right is that he I have seen through the general trend of the temple, and what is wrong is that it is not that there are not even a single wisp of clouds falling. I don’t want to hear that there is only a half wisp of floating clouds in Zhongzhou!”

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