Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 935 Feng Ji’s desperate chant in the quicksand

She reached the front of the battlefield in one step...

The Yao Qin in his hand suddenly stood up!

On the extremely tragic battlefield, a wisp of clear sound suddenly came. It was different from the Listen to the Wind Sing in the past. In the past, Listen to the Wind Sing was extremely soft and ethereal, but today's song is like the quicksand of a river flowing eastward. Roll on!

Ledao's killer song Quicksand Song!

As soon as Quicksand Song came out, the demon army in front turned into quicksand!

At the same time, a ray of piano sound also came from the northwest corner. The sound of the piano was also Quicksand Song, and its coverage range was far above her.

Mo Wen raised his eyes with a look of surprise...

There is a person in the northwest corner, but she is not a human at all, she is a holy treasure!

The sacred treasure is used as a human figure to perform the musical Tao Song of the Quicksand...

Feng Ji...

A huge black sharp blade suddenly rose up and slashed towards Mo Wen.

The knife cracked inch by inch under Mo Wen's quicksand, but it still broke through Mo Wen's sound wave protection. Mo Wen spurted out a mouthful of blood, which spread on the battlefield...

Her quicksand chant also broke due to this.

Another hammer hit the head. This time, the sky was covered with magic marks. Compared with the previous sword, the power was at least ten times higher!

Mo Wen had lost his resistance.

At this moment, Feng Ji in the northwest corner suddenly moved and stepped in front of her...

The black giant hammer fell with Dao patterns all over the sky.

At this moment, Feng Ji's forehead was filled with light from the Holy Path.

Facing the falling giant hammer, it seemed to be completely missing.


The giant hammer accurately hit her forehead!

Far away, Zhang Yiyu's heart was suddenly shocked. Another master lost his life, and he was the most amazing master in Ledao...

However, a huge variable arises here!

The giant hammer hit Feng Ji's forehead, and the sound that came out was also Quicksand Song!

This quicksand chant is far beyond the quicksand chant just now, it carries the will of the holy way!

The quicksand chant swept across the entire place, a hundred miles, three hundred miles...

Wherever they went, the demonic army turned into quicksand, including the demonic beasts and the generals with unfathomable cultivation in the demonic army...

Quasi Sage of Literary and Dao! The four words seemed to come from the distant horizon, with disbelief and fear...

Mo Wen raised her head in confusion and looked at Feng Ji standing in front of her.

There were faint cracks on Feng Ji's head, but there was a clear smile on her face: The joy of the world is among the farmers, in the bloody battlefield, after leaving people's tears. It is indeed true, but he still missed it. Only by knowing a little bit, caring for the common people, and being sincere can we get a glimpse of the secret of the holy way!

The words are quiet, and her person disappears!

A piece of broken jade fell in front of Mo Wen.

Among the broken jade, brilliance circulated, revealing another image. This image was the red pavilion in Yanqing Lake. Outside the red pavilion, there was also a crack in the transparent crystal wall!

Inside the wall, Feng Ji smiled at her and disappeared.

Zhang Haoran grabbed Zhang Yiyu: Quasi Sage of Literary and Dao? He... is he back?

Zhang Yiyu's whole body was shaken, and his eyes swept across the entire place. All he could see were corpses and rivers of blood, but he didn't see Lin Su.

With a shout, Zhang Juzheng came across the sky: It is true that he is a quasi-sage of literature and art, but it is not Lin Su who has become a quasi-sage. This quasi-sage is senior Ledao. She is Feng Ji! She is known as Feng Ji. At the cost of a holy treasure, this catastrophe was saved...

Zhang Juzheng's voice stopped suddenly.

Zhang Haoran and Zhang Yiyu suddenly raised their heads and stared at Xishan.

The sky behind the Western Mountain suddenly changed color completely.

Pitch black as ink, faint electric current...

The boundless demonic pressure came from the nine heavens, and it was ten times and a hundred times more powerful than the invasion of tens of millions of demonic troops just now!

At the same time, outside the 300-mile battlefield cleared by Feng Ji, another large group of people came to kill, ten times more powerful than before!

Grandpa, in this disaster, we will end up...

Zhang Juzheng lowered his head slowly: Haoran, Yiyu, if no one from our Zhang family is left in this battle, it will be a long time. But if one is left, remember it for grandpa. Find Lin Su and help him restore the world. orthodox!


Xishan, Lingyin Temple.

A bell rang, resounding throughout the mountains.

In the main hall, Master Abbot faced a statue in front of him and clasped his hands together.

Behind him, nine monks.

Among the seven old monks, all their beards and hair were white.

But a little monk looks like a three-year-old child. He is empty.

There is also a female nun, whose beauty is heavenly and fragrant. Even though she is bald, her boundless beauty cannot be concealed. She is clearly Lu Youwei, who has escaped into Buddhism.

Thousand-year catastrophe, the catastrophe of the Great Cang, the catastrophe of the world, is also the catastrophe of Buddhism. You seven eminent monks of the Fuzi generation are the ones who should be catastrophic. Kong Ye and Youwei, you are also the people who should be catastrophic! Master Abbot's voice was soft and soothing.

Disciple knows! The nine people clasped their palms together at the same time.

The ancient formation of ten directions, start! The abbot master gently circled his hand, and the Buddhist beads on his neck flew out at the same time, landing in nine directions. The Buddha's light hovered, and the whole Lingyin Temple was filled with Buddhist chants...

No wrong position! An old monk stepped onto the lotus seat transformed from Buddhist beads.

Wu Chi position! Another old monk stepped forward.

No need to ask for a seat...

The Desireless Position...

No happy position...

Worry-free position...

The ruthless bit...

The position of inaction... Lu Youwei stepped onto the Buddhist bead, and the beads jumped up. Her whole body was holy and incomparable.

Wudu position! Sora stepped forward, and his little bald head suddenly lit up like a Buddhist bead.

The master abbot waved his hand lightly, and the Buddha circle formed by nine beads suddenly rotated at high speed. The ancient Buddha statue in front of him was covered with golden light. Suddenly, with a slight sound, the Buddha statue took off its clay sculptures and transformed into a golden Buddha statue. , the Buddha's eyes slowly opened, and this opening was like a thousand-year-old eye.

The next moment, the Buddha statue suddenly enlarged, reaching beyond the sky. As he enlarged, the entire capital was filled with Buddha's light.

In the sky in the northwest, the commander of the demon army shook violently and shouted: Buddhism is the best?

The eyes of the Buddha statue in the sky were closed slightly, and his hands were intertwined in the air, with one palm holding the sky and the other covering the ground.

A palm holding up the sky, fierce and powerful, swept across the northwest sky for thousands of miles, and the black mist in the sky suddenly dissipated.

He covered the ground with a palm, but it was as gentle as the wind. The wind blew by, and all the demonic armies and demonic beasts that came to the ground were wiped out of their demonic energy, and they stayed in place.

Amitabha! The four-character Buddha's voice came from the mouth of the Buddha statue, full of endless vicissitudes and endless compassion.

Thousands of demonic troops fell to the ground at the same time!

The whole world is completely quiet...

The emperor's seal in Ji Guang's hand was covered with sweat: Buddhist Supreme Master?

Chen Geng came back from the battlefield with a shout: Your Majesty, Lingyin Temple is the golden body of the Supreme Master. Lingyin Temple has activated the will of Buddhism and is equivalent to the protection of the saint. Unless the Black Emperor comes in person, the capital can be preserved. ,However……

However, Lingyin Temple can only protect a corner of the capital, but not the whole world! Ji Guang said solemnly.

Exactly! Chen Geng said: I have just received an urgent report from the universities in each state. Half of the forty states across the country have been invaded by demonic armies. The demonic army's offensive outside the Blood Rain Pass has increased tenfold. On the Lingding Ocean, the army of Dayu has also launched a massive attack. , on the banks of the Qingpan River, the Red Kingdom’s 300,000-strong army is ready to go, and the demon army has already approached the Pearl River. The Cangshan Army is under attack from both sides...

Ji Guang cast his eyes far to the northwest...

King Wen has entered Tiandao Island, so it is impossible to receive this news. Perhaps this is the enemy's insidiousness. Taking advantage of King Wen's absence in Da Cang, he launched this catastrophe comparable to the founding catastrophe to avoid all variables. . Chen Geng's voice was full of helplessness.

Ji Guang let out a long breath: Hidden Dragon Guard!

Here! An invisible man suddenly appeared out of thin air and appeared in front of Ji Guang.

All Hidden Dragon Guards, leave the capital immediately. There are three targets! The Lin family of Haining, Lin Jialiang, the governor of Quzhou, and Lin Zheng, the commander of Xueyuguan!

The leader of the Hidden Dragon Guard was shocked: Your Majesty, you are in the most critical moment right now. You must not...

Ji Guang raised his hand gently: I am in the capital and do not need protection, but for the Lin family, I have to protect him! Go!

According to the order! The leader of the Hidden Dragon Guard disappeared.

Chen Geng slowly raised his head: Your Majesty has exiled all the Hidden Dragon Guards, leaving no one around. From now on, Chen Geng is your Majesty's personal guard!

Ji Guang nodded: I still have one thing to do now!

Your Majesty, what's the matter?

Ring the divine bell to protect the country and see if there is any sect in Da Cang who is willing to fight for the country!

As Chen Geng said, Tiandao Island knows nothing about the earth-shattering changes in Da Cang Kingdom.

Stepping onto Tiandao Island, all ties with the outside world are cut off.

Lin Su was in the water system rules palace, facing a waterfall. This waterfall was the water system rules, and every drop of water was.

Lin Su watched the waterfall for three days and three nights. Finally, the secret realm of water in his body was shaken, and a strange seed was generated. The seed's life was like an eye of the sea appearing in the vast ocean.

With a roll of the sea eye, the five secret realms were shaken together.

The secret realm of water is connected with the secret realm of wood. Water generates wood, wood generates fire, fire generates metal, and metal generates water. In a blink of an eye, the five secret realms are connected into one, creating each other and restraining each other.

The light of the Tao Tower in his body was faint, as if it was lighting up at all.

This is a sign of the completion of heaven, law and earth.

As long as he lights up this tower, he will usher in a catastrophe and break into the heaven and earth.

However, Lin Su did not light up because he still had to design a route to point the towers. Pointing the towers was not random, and different routes would have different results.

He turned around before the waterfall and walked outside the palace...

On Tiandao Island, there have been changes in the Rules Palace.

There was basically no one outside the original Rules Palace, and everyone was racing against time to understand the rules.

But now, there are already many people outside.

Because understanding the rules is divided into two levels, the first level is the Palace of Rules, and the second level is the Sea of ​​Rules.

The Rule Palace is the most basic rule...

The sea of ​​rules is full of unpredictability...

Ordinary people, understanding the most basic rules in the Rules Palace is all there is to Heavenly Dao Island, but high-level geniuses cannot be limited to the Rules Palace. After they understand the most basic rules, they also need to enter the Rules Sea to gain opportunities. .

What’s in the sea of ​​rules?

There are not only regular seeds, but also regular flowers. What are regular flowers? The second stage of the rules!

Possessing seeds can peep the Dharma, and possessing regular flowers can fix the Dharma. Peeping the Dharma is the first level of the Tao realm of Yuantian, and Dingfa is the second level of the Tao realm of the Yuantian.

No matter what level of cultivation the geniuses are in front of, they all hope that they can advance to a higher level in the Tao realm. As long as they can understand the flower of rules, their Tao realm will be equivalent to the Dingfa realm of the Yuantian realm. This One step will truly widen the gap between the top geniuses. This will allow them to move forward without any bottlenecks.

Therefore, to understand the rules on Tiandao Island, it is not only about understanding, but also about time!

There is a basic judgment. If you can complete the understanding of the basic rules in the Rules Palace in a shorter time, you will have the prerequisite to step into the sea of ​​rules.

How can this time be considered short?

Some people may say that the sooner the better, but in fact that is not necessarily the case. One and a half months is the best.


Because in the first half of the time when we landed on the island, the regular sea was rolling with huge waves, and no one could enter at all. Only after a month and a half did the regular sea have a chance to enter.

No matter how quickly you comprehended before, you still need to wait by the sea of ​​rules, waiting for the sea of ​​rules to calm down - that is a waste of time.

Therefore, Yu Xiaoyao set the time for her and Lin Su's rule palace to study for one and a half months.

This time point is the most cost-effective time point.

Although it is said that one and a half months of meditating in the Palace of Rules is essentially the same as meditating for one month and then waiting on the beach of the Rules for half a month. However, in the Tianjiao team, competition is all-round, and who is willing to be there? Are you slower than others in comprehending the rules? Therefore, every time the geniuses step into Tiandao Island, they compete in speed in the first stage.

This comparison really reflects the difference.

Ji Wen came out on the 42nd day and successfully understood the seeds of the Wind Rules, allowing him to truly control the Wind Rules. When he was feeling satisfied, he suddenly saw a group of people in front of the Sea of ​​Rules.

Everyone's discussion, intentionally or unintentionally, made Ji Wen feel a strong sense of frustration.

The Wing Clan has understood the rules of the clouds, which are at the same level as his wind rules (the medium rules are higher), but there are three people in the Wing Clan who are faster than him, and they are not just one star faster, they are ten days faster.

Three of the eight geniuses of the Fire Tribe have already emerged, three to four days to six or seven days ahead of him. However, the rule they understand is fire, and the rule of fire belongs to the five-element rule, which is the superior rule.

The Spirit Tribe, who had understood the Rules of Wood, also belonged to the Five Elements Rules. It was said that the three of them took less than a month, which was even more terrifying. The strange race of the Spirit Tribe came into his sight.

Even among the seemingly stupid giants among the foreign races, two people have already completed their enlightenment. They have also comprehended the Earth Rules among the Five Elements Rules, and they are also far better than him.

Looking at the thirteen aliens looking at him with disdainful eyes, Ji Wen felt disgusted all over, but he could convince himself...

After all, alien races are not comparable to human races. They are born for that field. I don't compare with you alien races, I compare with human races.

At present, there are less than ten human beings who have completed enlightenment at Rule Sea, and he also knows a few of them. The rules they have comprehended are low-level rules or lower-middle-level rules. The level of rules is not as good as him, and higher than him. Fast doesn't mean anything.

You only need to pay attention to those people who have a relatively high level of rules and are also human beings.

He saw it.

Zhuge Qingfeng!

Zhuge Qingfeng also came out. Next to the sea of ​​rules, he folded a folding fan. Next to him was the Saint of the Fire Tribe. Looking at Zhuge Qingfeng, he seemed to be a little obsessed with her.

Zhuge Qingfeng obviously understands the rules of fire, and the level of rules is higher than him. However, Zhuge Qingfeng is not a standard human race. He also has half of the fire race blood. This half of the blood can probably give Ji Wen some comfort...

At this moment, two people came out side by side in the Kendo Rules Palace.

Everyone in the field gathered their eyes and paid great attention to it.

The rules of kendo, the best rules!

And it is the most lethal rule among the advanced rules!

Actual combat ability can be said to be the first among the best rules!

It has only been a month and a half after entering Tiandao Island. Anyone who can come out of the Sword Dao Rules Palace at this time can be said to be a peerless genius in sword cultivation.

Zhuge Qingfeng and Ji Wen were both paying attention to one person.

Lin Su!

Will Lin Su come out of it...

If he walked out at this time, his terrifying level would be enough to make the sect behind them sweat.

Fortunately, the two people who came out were not Lin Su.

One of them is Li Daonian, the elder brother of Yaochi, and the other is a woman, He Su of Tian Jueyuan!

As long as it's not him, that's fine!

At this moment, a woman came out of the air with white hair like frost. She came from the Dragon Palace in the North Sea, Xue Qianxun. She came out of the Palace of Water Rules. The dragon clan should naturally be close to water.

Almost at the same time, the door of the Palace of Light suddenly lit up slightly, and another woman floated out. She looked extremely leisurely, but in the blink of an eye she passed by Xue Qianxun's side.

Xue Qianxun raised his eyes slightly: Yaochi Saint Yu Xiaoyao?

Yu Xiaoyao turned back in the air and smiled slightly: Beihai Dragon Palace Xue Qianxun?

I heard that you are his confidante? He also gave you a legendary poem One Cut Plum?

Xue Qianxun’s question was meaningless, it was about “him!”

Yu Xiaoyao smiled: It's a common thing for a generation of poetry lovers to send poems to others, so what's the point? He and Miss Xue are old acquaintances, so he didn't send you one?

Xue Qianxun didn’t answer...

Because this sentence is her pain point...

The Green Poetry Maniac sends poems to people, and all the people who receive the poems are willing to share them with others. There are probably only two exceptions who are unwilling to share. One of them is Zhao Qianqiu, the dean of Qiankun Academy, and Lin Su gave him a poem. This colorful poem made him a literary laughing stock. The other person might be her Xue Qianxun.

Xue Qianxun did get his poem: Xue Gu’s clever plan determined the world, she lost the Dragon Palace and lost her troops!

Xue Qianxun regarded these two lines of poetry as a great shame and humiliation.

However, she was not sure whether the words spoken by the Saint of Yaochi meant to insult her. Perhaps, she just touched this scar accidentally...

Yu Xiaoyao floated past and came to the beach of Rules. Senior brother Li Daonian from Yaochi who came out of the Rules Palace of Kendo also came over.

Congratulations, junior sister! Li Daonian smiled softly. Facts have proved that as long as Lin Su, the annoying troublemaker, is not around, Li Daonian's demeanor is actually first-class.

Yu Xiaoyao also smiled slightly: Congratulations, senior brother! Does senior brother have a name for his swordsmanship?

The smile on Li Daonian's face slowly bloomed: You have fulfilled your mission, you are famous in swordsmanship, and you are ranked first in the third row!

There seemed to be a swish sound, and everyone's eyes gathered...

Everyone was shocked!

What an honor it is to have your name on the Kendo Monument?

It can be said that anyone whose name is left on the Kendo Monument is a true genius on the road of Kendo. After tens of thousands of years, hundreds of thousands of kendo geniuses have entered Tiandao Island, and only 900 of them can leave their names on the Kendo Monument. Ninety-nine people!

For every additional person, one person below will be squeezed out.

This is the law of great waves.

Anyone whose name is left on the Kendo Monument is an out-and-out genius, and will become the target of sword cultivators all over the world for at least a thousand years. And Li Daonian not only left his name, but also ranked first in the third row!

The first one in the third row is the top 100 people!

Senior Brother Yaochi's casual words deeply aroused everyone.

But a voice came softly: I'm sorry, Senior Brother Li, you are no longer in the first place! Your position was just taken by my little sister, so you are in second place!

Li Daonian suddenly turned around and saw He Su.

He Su smiled softly: Young sister's words are unfounded. I'm afraid Senior Brother Li will still have some doubts. Therefore, I'm going to use the sword skills as proof to rub the seal. You might as well see it with your own eyes.

Is it based on swordsmanship?

Rubbing down?

There was originally no way to rub the rules in the Palace of Rules. Otherwise, wouldn't it be a mess if everyone would rub the rules seeds and let the outside world understand them?

However, the Kendo Monument is not a rule seed, and there is a certain degree of flexibility. However, the modification method is also incredible. You cannot use conventional rubbing methods or conventional magic weapon rubbings, you can only use the ultimate Kendo rules rubbing.

The sword came out from He Su's hand, and the tip of the sword trembled, and the sky was filled with sword energy. Countless air swords turned into small swords, and together they formed a kendo monument...

In the first row, there are two people side by side, Yan Nantian and Dao Wuchang.

In the second column, more than 80 people lined up one after another, Ding Yi, Li Shuang, Zhou Ruhuo...

The third column, He Su, Li Daonian...

Li Daonian looked at the rubbing of the kendo monument, and his whole body was like a sculpture. He was actually not that easily stimulated, unless the place you stimulated was the place he cared about most.

What does he care about most?

One of them is obviously Yu Xiaoyao, the saint of Yaochi. He always regards Yu Xiaoyao as his forbidden love. When Lin Su has the intention to reach out to this forbidden love, he can jump out and fight.

The second is his kendo. When someone jumps out and threatens his kendo, he also has the urge to fight.

He Su smiled softly: Senior Brother Li, my little sister did this rubbing of this stele not for you, but to ask all the heroes if anyone knows the name 'Dao Wuchang' and which class it belongs to. The masterpiece left on Tiandao Island?

As soon as this topic came up, everyone looked at each other.

Although not many people have seen the Kendo Monument, many people know about it, because everyone who leaves a name on the Kendo Monument will deliberately publicize it and regard it as the greatest honor on their sword cultivation journey.

Even masters like Li Daonian and He Su are not immune to this.

However, at this moment, when He Su reminded him, everyone was surprised to find that there was a person on the Kendo Monument that no one knew about.

And this person is tied with Yan Nantian!

A kendo monument, two mysterious people! Zhuge Qingfeng waved the folding fan in his hand: Originally, I only knew that there was one mysterious kendo master, Ding Yi, but now there is actually one more person named Dao Wuchang, and his ranking is even higher than Ding Yi...

The Tao is impermanent, and the surname is Tao... There is no one with the surname Tao in this term, and there seems to be no one in the last term. They should not be people within a hundred years! The Saint of the Fire Tribe responded to the principle that a charming girl must answer, and gave her little brother an answer. .

Zhuge Qingfeng raised his eyes and stared at the exit of the Water Rules Palace. Yun Danfengqing, who was facing the little fan girl, disappeared.

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