Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 937 Rules breaking laws within the sea

While everyone was shocked, Ren Tiangang reacted very quickly. His whole person suddenly turned into the wind, as if he had no entity, and was blown back by the wind on the other side of the sea of ​​rules.

Restore the entity.

Just recovered, phew!

A sword slashed across his throat at an immeasurable speed...

Ren Tiangang's eyes suddenly opened wide, full of disbelief...

This sword may not be considered the best in terms of swordsmanship alone.

But Lin Su's control of timing on the battlefield shocked all the geniuses.

No, it's not just the control of the fighter plane, but he created the fighter plane himself.

He initially set the battlefield on the seaside of rules, which was the key to his entire battle situation.

The sea of ​​rules is dangerous to him, and so is Ren Tiangang.

He just wants to create an opportunity to hit Ren Tiangang towards the sea of ​​rules.

The sea of ​​rules forced Ren Tiangang to perform a series of operations of virtual and real conversion. There was a gap in the conversion process. He accurately seized the gap in the conversion and killed Ren Tiangang with one blow!

The sea of ​​rules actually became his fighting tool.

I dare ask, who wouldn’t be touched by this kind of fighting wisdom?

As soon as the master of the Wing Clan died, the other two geniuses of the Wing Clan were enraged at the same time!

Ren Tianfeng, the Holy Son of the Wing Tribe, roared, and his men suddenly flew up, and as soon as they came out, they looked like giant eagles that covered the sky. His cultivation level was much higher than Ren Tiangang...

The giant eagle flew straight towards Lin Su's direction...

The sea of ​​rules behind Lin Su seemed to solidify under this boundless pressure...

Lin Su takes one step forward, and Dayan takes one step forward!

With this step, he stepped into the sea of ​​rules. At this moment, the waves of rules disappeared, and Lin Su was the first to enter the sea of ​​rules!

The front of Ren Tianfeng was empty, Lin Su's figure disappeared, and he almost fell into the sea of ​​rules. He stopped urgently at the edge of the embankment, his eyes suddenly lit up, and the sea of ​​rules became calm.

You can enter the sea of ​​rules! Come in!

Zhuge Qingfeng took one step forward.

Suddenly a figure disappeared around him. Yu Xiaoyao was faster than him. In a blink of an eye, he was already in the sea of ​​rules and was behind Lin Su in a few steps.

Junior sister, let's go together! Li Daonian shouted from behind.

I don’t know whether it was the sea of ​​rules that changed the rules of voice transmission, or whether Yu Xiaoyao simply didn’t bother to pay attention to him. Her and Lin Su’s figures sank into the sea of ​​rules.

Li Daonian's face was gloomy. He stepped into the sea of ​​rules and suddenly lost his sense of direction.

Zhuge Qingfeng's voice came to her ears: Yaochi Saint Yu Wushuang, I will spend good nights with you in the east bed from now on. It seems that Yaochi will create a legend in the world with this Grandmaster Lin. The profound integration of literature and spiritual practice, how elegant it is. Unique? Qingfeng congratulates Senior Brother Li!

Li Daonian plunged into the sea of ​​rules and almost fell into a dark whirlpool. When Li Daonian took out his long sword, it was shaken away. He broke into a cold sweat as he watched the undercurrent of endless darkness passing by.

In the sea of ​​rules, you must not lose your temper.

Once the mentality is abnormal, it is easy to be assimilated by the power of rules.

This is the horror of the sea of ​​rules.

This is the truth, and Li Daonian is not a person who does not understand the truth, but Zhuge Qingfeng's words just now are like a poisonous snake, taking root in his heart and lingering no matter what...

As soon as the sea of ​​rules opened, everyone on the beach was gone in the blink of an eye.

A young monk strolled over to the sea of ​​rules, chanted Amitabha, and stepped into the sea of ​​rules.

This is Kong Lingzi, the Buddhist disciple of Thousand Buddhas Temple.

Just now, the geniuses gathered here, and everyone seemed to have forgotten his existence, and he seemed to have forgotten his own existence. But now, he is here, out of sight of the geniuses, but he also maintains the same starting line as the geniuses.

After Kong Lingzi disappeared, two more people appeared side by side, and they were Ding Xin and Li Gang.

Let's go!


With two extremely simple sentences, the two of them entered the sea of ​​rules hand in hand.

Yes, hold hands!

Within the sea of ​​rules, there seems to be a different world.

It is said to be the sea, but where is the water? What flows in this sea is never water, but rules.

The objects in the sea are very strange. It seems that there are mountains, water, clouds, moon, light and darkness. However, these are not the normal world. These are all governed by rules.

There is no one else in sight, everyone seems to be in his own world.

Lin Su and Yu Xiaoyao are different. They can see each other because their heavenly orders turn into golden boats and are connected to each other. The rules are like the sea and the heavenly laws are boats. They sit on the heavenly boats and swim between heaven and earth.

I'm sorry! Yu Xiaoyao breathed out softly: I didn't expect him to be so stupid. He was not that stupid to begin with.

She didn't say anyone was stupid, but Lin Su naturally understood and responded with a smile: He just has inner demons. If you have inner demons, don't talk about IQ with him.

Inner demon? Yu Xiaoyao's eyes were a little complicated.

He has two inner demons. One is that I defeated him once, and the other is...

What's two?

People say that beauty is a curse. Unfortunately, you may have become a curse too!

He also didn't say it clearly, but Yu Xiaoyao Bingxue was smart, how could he not understand?

He had already seen that this senior brother had some evil thoughts about him, and Lin Su's proximity to her touched the biggest hidden worry in the senior brother's heart.

Yu Xiaoyao sighed softly: A person with a crack in his heart is a loophole in himself. If such a person is placed in front of a master of wisdom, how can they miss it? In fact, you also plan to use him once!

She was referring to Lin Su provoking a sword fight between his senior brother and He Su.

If the people from the Wing Clan hadn't suddenly jumped out to fight Lin Su to the death, a swordsmanship competition between He Su and Li Daonian would have been inevitable.

The light in Lin Su's eyes moved slightly: Yes! I also want to use him once, but please believe that my use of him is completely different from those people. I want to know what kind of kendo He Su's kendo is. My current kendo It may not be possible to force out her true trump card, but Senior Brother will certainly be able to.

Yu Xiaoyao locked his eyes firmly: The place is full of talented people, but you seem to have a special affection for He Su.



Because I suspect that her swordsmanship has a mysterious origin...

Mysterious? Tian Jueyuan itself is synonymous with mystery.

Lin Su breathed out softly: Of course Tian Jue Yuan is mysterious, but if her swordsmanship comes from Tian Jue Yuan, if her 'Sword Dao rules human race' comes from Tian Jue Yuan, then it will be a blessing to me. If not, it will be a blessing. It’s the scariest thing…”

Yu Xiaoyao looked at him blankly, and Lin Su also looked at her quietly.

Yu Xiaoyao breathed out softly: Is this matter of great importance?


Yu Xiaoyao slowly raised his eyes: It involves the collapse of a mountain behind you, right?


Yu Xiaoyao said slowly: I really want to give you a conclusive answer, but unfortunately, there is no answer in the Yaochi information system, so you can only confirm this matter slowly... Let's talk about other things. Well, today you have a big game of words with them, but have you discovered that you both lose?

Loose-lose? Lin Su said.

Yu Xiaoyao nodded: You planted a seed of doubt in the hearts of the twelve alien races, making them distrust Xue Qianxun; and Xue Qianxun provoked the twelve alien races to murder you. You and Xue Qianxun, the two great This game between wise men is actually a lose-lose situation.

That's okay.

It doesn't matter? Yu Xiaoyao said: We are on Tiandao Island, a land without any rules and regulations. You and Xue Qianxun may attract the killing moves of twelve alien races at the same time. Do you call this okay?

Lin Su smiled softly: The murderous intention of the twelve alien races towards me exists whether Xue Qianxun picks it or not; and the suspicion of the twelve alien races towards Beihai Dragon Palace also exists whether I pick it or not, so The purpose of this game is not to bury the long-standing root of trouble, but to intensify conflicts face to face!

What will happen if conflicts are intensified in person?

Lin Sudao: I will be involved in a life and death battle! A life and death battle in front of her!

Yu Xiaoyao's eyes flashed: She wants to observe your fighting ability, and she wants to capture all your trump cards. Only in this way can she tailor a hunting trap for you in the next hunting. And she is also accurate. , you are currently limited by your cultivation, and anyone in the field can force out your true trump card.

This is the instinct of a wise man.

A wise man acts not blindly.

If they want to hunt someone, they won't leave any variables.

Hunting on the spiritual path must be based on the characteristics of the person's skills. Lin Su is very special. He is a scholar. He rarely uses the methods of the spiritual path in the outside world. Almost no one knows where he has reached in his spiritual practice. .

And a life-and-death battle with a huge disparity in realms is enough to force out all his trump cards.

This is the entire chapter behind the move of intensifying conflicts face to face.

Lin Su shook her head slightly: Not only does she force out my trump card, she also wants to find my allies.

Yu Xiaoyao's eyes brightened...


If Lin Su is really in danger in a life and death battle, Lin Su's allies will be exposed.

In fact, the Eldar have already been exposed.

A life and death battle can allow the opponent to see clearly who is the enemy, who is a friend, and who is the middle force that can be fought for (for example, Li Daonian). If finding Lin Su's personal trump card is hunting wisdom, then looking for fellow travelers, The opposing force is true strategic thinking.

This is Xue Qianxun’s true wisdom.

Maybe she is not the only one with wisdom...

Yu Xiaoyao breathed out softly: So, she has succeeded!

Lin Su smiled: From her perspective, she succeeded, but from my perspective? Since I have seen through her sinister intentions of intensifying conflicts, why should I jump into her trap?

Yu Xiaoyao's eyes brightened: Are you going to use the trick?

Exactly! She wants to use this life-and-death battle to see all my trump cards, and I will open them up for her to see! I just want them to use my currently exposed trump cards to plan the following actions!

Do you still have a hidden card? And it's enough to subvert all their arrangements? Yu Xiaoyao was shocked.

Lin Su smiled softly: All their hunting base points are based on my current cultivation level, but what if my cultivation level suddenly breaks through to a great level?

Yu Xiaoyao was stunned: Xiangtianfadi! I actually forgot that you are not Xiangtianfadi...

Not only did she forget, many people who were enemies with Lin Su also forgot...

They felt Lin Su Zhidao's dominance, and felt the tension in their whole body when confronting him...

They all ignored a key fact, that is, the swordsman in front of them, who could compete with them in all aspects, was actually a level below them in real cultivation.

What if he breaks through Xiangtianfadi?

No matter what stage he is in, he is invincible!

If we cross the realm of Xiangtian Law and Earth, and our true cultivation level is at the same level as these geniuses, will we also be invincible in the realm of Xiangtian Law and Earth?

Yu Xiaoyao's heart was pounding wildly, and something her mother once said flashed through her mind...

She was still young at that time, sitting on her mother's knees and looking at the bright moon in the sky...

She once asked her mother: Mom, what kind of person is my father?

Mother's eyes were full of pride: He is an invincible king! No matter what realm he is in, all the geniuses in the same realm are under his feet!

Invincible in the same realm, he is the king on the path of spiritual practice!

Lin Su stood up slowly. His whole body was full of possibilities. He was like a towering tree growing slowly in the sea of ​​rules. Suddenly, there was a faint electric light in the depths of the sea of ​​rules, like a huge black hole...

The black hole contains endless power of heaven.

Lin Su smiled brightly at her and stepped forward, one step, two steps, three steps...

Just disappeared in front of her.

A huge thunder pool appeared in front of Lin Su.

There was a loud bang, and a thunderbolt fell on top of his head...

All the clothes on Lin Su's body were swept away, and he stood naked in the thunder and lightning. The giant tower in his body shattered and turned into nine stars rising into the sky...

The space in his body stretched to its limit, and his body expanded suddenly, a hundred feet!

When the second thunderbolt fell, his muscles and veins were like a river flowing eastward, and his body reached two hundred feet!

The third sky thunder fell, and the five secret realms in his body changed at the same time. The secret realm of water turned into the sea, the secret realm of earth turned into mountains, the secret realm of fire turned into flames, the secret realm of gold turned into four walls, and the secret realm of wood turned into a vast jungle. He The Dharma body reaches three hundred feet!

The fourth thunder fell...

The fifth thunder...

The sixth thunder...

The seventh path...

When the eighth thunderbolt fell, his body truly transformed into a small and vibrant world, which seemed to be the same as the real world. There were mountains, water, trees, the wind was singing, the clouds were floating, red flowers and green leaves, and infinite vitality.

The ninth thunder!

This thunder seemed to have penetrated his spiritual platform. Lin Su's literary world was reflected in this new world inside his body. The peak of poetry, the peak of novels, the wall of Mo Dao, the Bagua of Yin Yang Dao, the flag of war, Bai Suzhen, Xiao Qing, etc. , the characters in the Red Mansion are integrated with the new world inside him.

Lin Su suddenly raised his head, feeling extremely shocked.

He is the perfect foundation. Every time he breaks through a level, he brings something different to him. Breaking into the human realm, he obtained the martial arts soul, Yiqi. Breaking into the sky realm, he gained the five secret realms. It is even more of a legend, and today, it cannot be said to be a legend, it is simply a miracle that defies the heavens...

His literary style was completely integrated with his body!

what does that mean?

This means that his literary education is no longer under the control of the temple. Even in places that cannot be covered by the temple, he can still use all the great power of the literary education!

He can use Wen Dao and Qing Ci.

He can use the art of war in literature.

He can use everything in literature and art.

Back then, Yaogu's true world of literary and moral education had opened a small garden on the top of Wudao Mountain, which made him envious to death. But now, his literary and spiritual realm far surpassed that of Yaogu, and he had become a person outside the temple. An independent signal base station.

His literary style does not need to be connected with the temple.

His ninth level of heavenly tribulation opened up a direct connection between him and the way of heaven, without having to go through the transfer station of the temple - the power of literature and religion in the temple is actually a kind of power of heaven, and the temple is actually a borrowed power of heaven. , and now, Lin Su has escaped from the temple and can directly access the heaven and borrow the power of literature and art.

what does that mean?

It means that he has the same privileges as a saint!

The greatest privilege of saints is that wherever people go, wherever the power of literature and Taoism reaches, they themselves are the source of literature and Taoism.

Lin Su, now too!

Could this be the true meaning of the three ways in one mentioned by Master Yi Yao?

Lin Su looked at the calm Lei Chi from a distance, and suddenly felt a sense of vastness in the sky...

But this confusion lasted only for a moment.

Soon, Lin Su withdrew his thoughts and forced himself not to think about literary privileges.

Literary and Taoist privileges are very taboo, and can even be said to be the most taboo thing currently.

When literati are at a lower level, no one does not want to have literary privileges, but when this privilege reaches the extreme, it will bring disaster.

The eighteen saints in the temple and the seventeenth saints live in Lingyan Pavilion, excluding the military saints. This shows how serious the exclusion among saints is. If a strange person who is not a saint suddenly appears, but enjoys the privileges of a saint, who can accept these saints? ?

Therefore, at this stage, Lin Su must never expose this privilege in front of others, not even the slightest sign!

Otherwise, he would be a representative figure who died because of his arrogance.

Fortunately, his gains were not just literary skills...

His physical achievements are like heaven and earth, as if he has stepped into a brand new world in one step. He doesn't even know how strong he is...

Lin Su stepped out in one step and came out directly from the black hole. When he entered, he saw a figure in white clothes. When he came out, he was still in white clothes. The style was the same as before, but in fact, it was no longer the same clothes.

The white clothes he is currently wearing are the cloud clothes given to him by Long Ying.

This cloud robe, the cassock!

The size and color are as you like, which is a must after breaking through the Xiangtian method.

From now on, our handsome Lin Da has probably said goodbye to normal clothes, because he can turn into a thousand-foot-long dharma body at any time. Normal clothes cannot cover it, and if you force it to be covered, your buttocks will be naked...

In the sea of ​​rules, a day and a night have passed.

Yu Xiaoyao was sitting on the Tiandao boat. In front of her was a strange flower, which seemed to exude holy light in every inch.

This is the Rule Flower of Light.

In the sea of ​​rules, it is not easy to find a rule flower that matches the rules you have built. Sometimes you have no choice but to break through the iron shoes and find nothing.

But Yu Xiaoyao's luck was still against the heavens. After just one day and one night in the sea of ​​rules, she found this rule flower that was in the same vein as her seed of rules of light, and she immediately began to comprehend it.

After comprehending the seeds of rules, the Tao realm is equivalent to the first realm of Yuantian: Peeping the Dharma.

After understanding the flower of rules, the Tao realm is equivalent to the second realm of Yuantian: Dharma.

Don't worry about their current cultivation level. Once they reach the level of Taoism, their future cultivation path will be smooth sailing.

For example, if the Dragon Lord of the East China Sea comprehends the Flower of Rules in the realm of Xiangtian Law and Earth, he will not be trapped in the first realm of Source Heaven for eight hundred years. For example, if the Dragon Lord of the West Sea understands the Flower of Rules in the realm of Xiangtian Law Dijing understood the flower of rules, and he would not be completely defeated by the Dragon Lord of the East China Sea and ruin his clan island.

Is it unusual for someone to reach the level of Dragon Lord to comprehend the Tao realm?

In fact, not many people can directly understand the flower of rules in the sea of ​​rules, and they don't have such extravagant hopes. They only hope to see the appearance of the flower of rules in the sea of ​​rules and feel a ray of mystery in it. This ray of mystery is rooted in In their hearts, they will realize it day by day in their future practice. If their understanding is strong enough, they can hope to truly realize the flower of their own rules within a hundred years.

This is the average person’s road map.

Lin Su landed next to Yu Xiaoyao, and the order of heaven under his feet turned into a boat of heaven.

Yu Xiaoyao's eyes did not leave the Rule Flower in front of her, and her voice floated: Succeeded?


Congratulations, then you have to quickly start the next step of your journey to understand the Flower of Rules. I'm a little unsure whether you should look for the Flower of Sword Rules or the Flower of Water Rules. Although the search process depends entirely on luck, This is a hurdle you can't get around. If you can't find the rule flower, your future will be at a loss...

Looking for it? The sea is vast, how to find it? Lin Su sat down on the Tiandao boat: I'll fish!

Fishing? Yu Xiaoyao's heart skipped a beat.

The rules of heaven are also very wonderful. They are mutually reinforcing and mutually reinforcing each other. For example, if water produces wood, using the seeds of the law of water can probably attract the flower of the law of wood!

He stretched out his fingers gently, and one finger instantly extended infinitely, like a fishing rod. At the end of the finger, a drop of crystal water rules seeds turned into bait in the sea of ​​rules...

Yu Xiaoyao was frightened: are too risky! You are using the rule seeds that you have finally understood for fishing, not to mention whether you can attract the rules of the wood. Even if you attract them, the rules of the flowers will The level is far above the seed, and you might be swallowed by it.

Don't worry! You can't swallow it! Lin Su smiled: You probably didn't expect that my water rule is actually a rule flower.

Yu Xiaoyao's eyes slowly moved over, with surprise and excitement: You had already realized the human race of the water rules before you went to the island. Combined with the heaven race of the water rules, you broke through that line?

This is the key reason why we emphasize the unity of nature and human race.

The rules are divided into races and natural races.

The fusion of the human race and the natural race will produce a wonderful change. There is a slight chance that the two species will be combined into one, and then directly upgraded to a regular flower.

Therefore, Taoist Master Wu Yun said at that time that those who already possess the rules of swordsmanship are the most suitable to go to Tiandao Island.

Before Lin Su went to the island, he had not obtained the human race of the sword rules, but he had already realized the human race of the water rules. The human race of the water rules was combined with the natural race of the water rules. His water rules were above all the rules and had been broken. Sow and blossom.

Ordinary people rarely think that on the island of rules, you can use the mutual restraint of rules to fish.

But after all, some geniuses thought of it.

However, very few people actually do it. Why?

Too risky!

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