Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 938: One sword sweeps away the path of bones

The sea of ​​rules is full of wandering rule seeds and all kinds of rules flowers. If you put your rule seeds in the sea of ​​rules, it is like dropping a small fry in a school of big fish. If you don't notice it, it will be taken out of nowhere. The big fish that emerges are swallowed up in one gulp, and the fisherman becomes the prey instead.

However, Lin Su is confident, and his confidence lies in the fact that his bait is a big fish in itself!

As long as there are no behemoths like the Third Realm Rule Fruit in the sea of ​​rules, the bait in his hand is the invincible Rule Flower that sweeps everything.

Although he looks like a small fry at this time, he is just pretending to be a pig and eating the tiger.

The seeds of the rules of water entered the sea of ​​rules and really attracted the rules of the wood. There were seeds of rules and flowers of rules. Lin Su stared at the flowers of the rules of wood and began to have the same understanding as Yu Xiaoyao.

However, his speed of enlightenment is far beyond that of Yu Xiaoyao.

Yu Xiaoyao only left the mystery of the Flower of Light Rules slowly becoming clear in his mind, which was far from a successful comprehension. But three days later, Lin Su had already bloomed the Flower of Wood Rules in his body!

This speed is truly unprecedented.


It probably has something to do with his rejuvenation seedlings. His rejuvenation seedlings have the same purpose as the rules of the wood system. He understands the wood system skills faster than anything else.

After possessing the wood type regular flower, Lin Su started another even more bizarre new fishing...

Use the seeds of wood rules as bait to catch the flowers of fire rules...

It was extremely easy to catch, but after thinking about it, Lin Su felt that it was really big...

The fire element is no different than the water element and the wood element. The water element is because he combines the two types into one, and the wood element is because he is already close to him. The fire element has no advantage over him. His enlightenment seems to be much more routine. For half a month, He just barely peeled off the outer skin of the fire system and captured the inner core through the layers of flames. He initially estimated that it would definitely not be possible to understand the flower of rules that belonged to him in a few days.

At this moment, a sudden vibration came from the depths of the sea of ​​rules. As soon as this vibration came, Lin Su and Yu Xiaoyao, who had comprehended half of the flower of rules, returned to the depths of the sea of ​​rules like frightened fish. at.

Yu Xiaoyao's eyes suddenly opened: The calm period of the Rule Sea has passed, we are leaving.

Lin Su reluctantly looked at the direction in which the flower of rules disappeared: It's a pity that I couldn't understand this flower of rules after all...

Yu Xiaoyao shook his head gently: In just twenty days, if you can directly comprehend the Rule Flower, that would be hell. All we can do is to leave the shadow of the Rule Flower in our hearts instead of directly comprehending it. Enlightenment needs to be completed slowly in the next ten or decades... Let's go!

She exited the enlightenment state a little late. She didn't see the Rule Flower in front of Lin Su. If she had seen it, she would definitely have questions. Why was it the Wood Rule Flower at the beginning and now it was replaced by the Fire Rule Flower?

Although she is also a rare genius in the world, she cannot accept Lin Su's way of understanding the rules. It is absolutely impossible for her to think that an iron rule that she firmly believes in the entire spiritual path has been broken by Lin Su.

Entering the sea of ​​rules, Lin Su not only left the shadow of the flower of rules in his heart, but after studying it for ten or twenty years, he had successfully understood a flower of rules: the flower of the wood type rules.

The Tiandao boat under their feet shot out rapidly.

The sea of ​​rules surged, and a boundless sense of oppression and tearing swept across the entire space of the sea of ​​rules.

The two of them were like two surfboards in front of a tsunami, moving forward lightly and thrillingly.

Finally, a white island appeared in front of us. This is the Road of Bones!

The two people suddenly jumped up and stepped onto the island. The regular sea behind them, after being quiet for twenty days, once again turned into huge waves.

This surge will last another twenty days.

Twenty days later, there was only a five-day calm period, enough for them to return to the regular sea, but it was only enough for them to return.

Therefore, their trip so far has come to an end on the road to understanding the rules. These twenty days have been an adventure on the Road of Bones!

This is the pattern every time Tiandao Island is opened.

The road map for top geniuses is clear and clear, and they learn the rules in the Rules Palace for one and a half months.

Twenty days to find opportunities for rules in the sea of ​​rules.

Twenty Days of Bones Road Adventure.

Five days to return victoriously.

If there is a problem in any link, it means that your journey to heaven is not satisfactory. One unsatisfactory performance can create a huge gap between the geniuses who were originally on the same platform.

Lin Su and Yu Xiaoyao's journey has been going very smoothly so far, no time was wasted, and they got everything they deserved.

However, as soon as they set foot on the Road of Bones, they felt something strange...

Yu Xiaoyao's eyes retracted from the jungle of bones in front: It's really hard to imagine that they spent such precious practice time without understanding the rules, but instead carefully prepared for the killing. Are they sick?

Lin Su smiled faintly: In a sect or a race, there are profit-seekers and contributors. The profit-seekers focus on understanding the rules, while the contributors give up the opportunity to practice and arrange killings. This can be considered a reasonable division of labor.

As soon as he finished speaking, an eagle flew up in the jungle of bones!

There was also the sound of cracking stones!

There was a light behind him, and at the edge of the regular sea, Naruto appeared in the sky!

There was a thud, like a huge object falling to the ground, and half of the sky was darkened. The two giants stood side by side, both ten feet away in height, and the two giant hammers were like two hills.

Lin Su and Yu Xiaoyao were surrounded by eleven people in an instant, including two from the Wing Tribe, two from the Fire Tribe, and two from the Giant Tribe. These were the three alien races that Lin Su had ever dealt with, except for the six of them. , and five others.

Two of them are like rocks, their exploding skin is exposed, like eternal bluestone. They are the stone tribe, and there are two people. Their whole bodies are silvery white, and the light of the frightening sharp blades shines in the sun. This is a more bizarre race of gold. The people of the Jin clan are covered with knives all over their bodies, their hands are knives, their legs are knives, and even their eyes are knives. If they have cultivated to their level, killing people with just one look is not a description, but a fact.

The last person, like a dead branch, stands on the beach of the regular sea. At first glance, it does not look like a human form. Only after a closer look do you realize how terrifying it is. This is a mysterious race, the Wood Clan, and the people of the Wood Clan. There are two most terrifying things about them. One is One is that their attacks are weird and unique, and the other is that they are almost immortal.

Eleven people surrounded them, completely blocking all exit routes for Lin and Su.

The murderous intent that was so thick and substantial weighed down the entire world.

Lin Su raised his eyes and said calmly: Twelve geniuses, covering the Wing, Fire, Stone, Giant, Wood, Metal and Shadow Clan, such a huge battle formation, are they going to take my life?

Twelve geniuses?

The end of Yu Xiaoyao jumped suddenly, she only saw eleven people!

She didn't see ShadowClan!

The Shadow Clan is the king of assassinations, is he here too? How terrifying is it that she can't even discover it?

A voice came from the air: Yes, even I can find it. He is a peerless genius, and it is not in vain for us to join forces.

As soon as the sound came out, Yu Xiaoyao's finger suddenly pointed to the void...

On her finger, light flashed and turned into a small star...

As soon as the stars came out, a wonderful secret of the Great Dao actually took over half of the sky...

The person in the sky shouted: Yaochi Seven Stars Technique?

There was a loud earthquake, and the star suddenly froze in place. In the void in front of the star, a person jumped out. His whole body was as black as ink, and even his teeth were black. He was the true form of the genius of the Hidden Clan.

Yu Xiaoyao smiled coldly: Since you know the Seven Stars Jue, you should know that it has seven stars!

The stars suddenly shook and split into seven!

The seven stars take the shape of the Big Dipper, locking the people of the Hidden Clan firmly at the core.

This lock shocked the hearts of the people of the Yin tribe: Broken!

His body suddenly expanded...

At the same time, Yu Xiaoyao also coldly scolded: Broken!

The seven stars converge toward the center at the same time...

A sound like a Yao Qin resounded throughout the world, and the genius of the Yin clan turned into a blood mist all over the sky, a black blood mist...

The other eleven people were shocked at the same time...

Yu Xiaoyao, you dare to kill me, a foreigner...

Yu Xiaoyao, you are causing trouble for Yaochi...

With a shout, the genius of the Wing Clan rushed up, and the sun, moon and stars suddenly disappeared from the sky and the earth...

A genius of the Jin clan suddenly disappeared on the spot, and a ray of golden light pointed directly at Yu Xiaoyao's eyebrows...

A genius from the Stone Clan suddenly enlarged his Dharma Body, and the five hundred-foot-tall Dharma Body reached above Yu Xiaoyao...

Yu Xiaoyao faced the full blows of the three geniuses at the same time without panicking. With a flick of her hand, seven stars appeared above her head. When the Yi Clan geniuses who covered the sky and covered the sky saw these seven stars, they immediately felt a kind of excitement. With an ominous premonition, the wing knife in his hand suddenly magnified ten million times and slashed with one strike!

The seven stars above Yu Xiaoyao's head shot up through the sky. With a click, the wing knife shattered. The seven stars broke through the encirclement and arrived in front of the Yi Clan's genius. There was no way to escape.

The whole body of the Yi Clan's genius suddenly shook, turning reality into reality.

This is the law of wind.

Once he returns to the void, he has no fear of physical damage.

However, he overlooked one thing. Yu Xiaoyao's seven stars were not actually objects in themselves, but a murderous weapon that she evolved based on the rules of peerless light. Even the wind could not escape the penetration of light.

There was a soft sound, and the Yi Clan's genius was pierced all over, and blood rained down.

The genius of the Jin clan turned his body into a blade, and it had already reached the center of Yu Xiaoyao's eyebrows. Just when he was about to penetrate the center of his eyebrows, the seven stars in the sky suddenly brightened, tightly blocking the genius of the Jin clan.

No! The genius of the Jin clan screamed and disappeared.

The genius of the Stone Clan used his huge palms to strike Yu Xiaoyao angrily with his 500-foot Dharma Body.

Yu Xiaoyao raised his eyes and raised his hand suddenly!

When she raised her bare hand, it reached a height of a thousand feet!


With a palm flying down in the air, the five-hundred-foot body of the genius of the Stone Clan was turned into powder. Yu Xiaoyao flicked his hand lightly to brush away the dust in the air, and said lightly: Do you think I only have the Seven Star Art? Compared to Dharmakaya, I have never been afraid of anyone.

In the blink of an eye, Yu Xiaoyao caught and killed four of the twelve alien geniuses.

The other aliens had also launched their attack on Lin Su. During the little time between Yu Xiaoyao's battle, they had launched at least a hundred moves against Lin Su.

Lin Su was surrounded by them, but he was walking leisurely in their encirclement. No matter how fierce their attacks were, Lin Su only needed to take one step to get out of their encirclement in a strange way.

In the Great Evolution, after Lin Su broke into the realm of Xiangtian Dharma and Earth, he seemed to have entered a new realm, initially showing the mystery and mysteries of the heavens and the realms, one step at a time.

At this moment, Yu Xiaoyao has finished.

Lin Su finally drew his sword!

Sword drawing style!

Hey, the whole body of a Jin clan prodigy was turned into powder. This sword slashed his throat, but with one slash, his whole body felt like it had been slashed by thousands of swords at the same time.

The blood mist drifted away, suddenly transformed into a sword shape, and struck a Fire Tribe prodigy between the eyebrows with one sword.

Broken sword style!

Even the blood of the enemy is turned into a sword in the world of Lin Sujian!

The genius of the Yi Clan was shocked. This man's swordsmanship has reached such a level? Go now!

The rules of his wind will atomize as soon as he is lucky!

However, with a flick of Lin Su's finger, the entire space he was in seemed to be caught in the turbulence of time, and for the first time in his life, his atomization could not be completed.


A long sword passed by his neck at not very fast speed.

The head of the Wing Clan's genius fell.

A big tree suddenly appeared on the beach of Rules. It was the genius of the Wood Clan who launched his attack. As soon as he activated the Rules of Wood, he transformed into a big tree, and its branches and leaves were full of sharp blades.

It is most domineering when used on the battlefield.

But when Lin Su took one step forward, the whole body of the wood-type prodigy suddenly tightened. He suddenly felt that his wood-type rules were out of his control. What was going on?

With a swish sound, the branches of the tree suddenly tightened, tightly restraining the wood-type prodigy himself. He suddenly changed from a state of teeth and claws to another strange state, with his arms folded across his chest and his face turned pale green...

Lin Su slashed with his long sword!

Phew, the wood-type prodigy split into two, like two pieces of wood falling into the sea of ​​rules.

There is also the last genius of the giant race.

This person suddenly expanded, and his body that was originally ten feet tall suddenly expanded to a height of a thousand feet. At the same time, his whole body turned into a piece of earthy yellow. This person cultivates the rules of the earth system. Once he grows to a thousand feet tall body, he will truly be as tall as a thousand feet. There are huge mountains and huge mountains, and the weapons are completely intact.

Lin Su's body also suddenly expanded, and in the blink of an eye, it was a thousand-foot long Dharma body.

His hand suddenly stretched out, and a huge fist like a mountain struck out hard, boom!

The mountain collapsed, the giant's body shrank sharply, and the whole person fell into the sea of ​​rules.

Lin Su retracted his body and landed lightly on the top of a mountain.

The wind was blowing around him, and Yu Xiaoyao fell beside him: I just blew a cowhide, and it was punctured in the blink of an eye.

What? Lin Su looked over.

I just said that when it comes to Dharmakaya, I am not afraid of anyone. This is just because my initial Dharmakaya is six hundred feet long, not to mention unprecedented and unprecedented, but my mother firmly believes that I can conquer an era. In the blink of an eye, Just use your Qianzhang Initial Dharmakaya to turn my mother’s bold words into a joke.”

Lin Su smiled softly: There is no need to compare between you and me. We have our strengths and weaknesses. It is best to complement each other, just because we are not enemies at all, but comrades-in-arms.

That's right! Yu Xiaoyao smiled softly and said, Have you gained anything from today's battle?

Lin Sudao: These are not top geniuses, what can you think of them?

I have insights! Yu Xiaoyao said: It's terrible to apply the wisdom path to the practice path.

Why did you suddenly realize this? Lin Su said.

The people who came today are all here because of the shortcomings you exposed on the beach of rules. Did you see that?

Lin Su understood what she was referring to...

Lin Su fought for more than a hundred rounds with a prodigy from the Wing Clan at the Sea of ​​Rules. His fighting skills were exposed in front of everyone, and a consensus was formed in everyone's mind. Lin Su's cultivation was not deep, but his footwork was amazing. , so to hunt him, it is best to have more people, just like today.

Today there are the Winged Clan in the sky, the Giant Clan on the ground, the Stone Clan, the Fire Clan, the Wood Clan, and the Hidden Clan that specializes in night assassination. There are all these magical races with different characteristics but that can complement each other gathered together. This can greatly limit the use of his footwork and form an effective surround for him.

This is a killing move tailor-made for him.

However, two key points jumped out from their predictions.

First, Yu Xiaoyao, the saint of Yaochi, was with him. This in itself is very unexpected. Entering the sea of ​​rules, everyone can only see themselves and not others, unless you deliberately implement interconnection in advance. Geniuses like them have their eyes set above the top and are used to being alone. Under normal circumstances, it is impossible to connect to the Internet, let alone in the sea of ​​rules. In the sea of ​​rules, there is competition for rules and opportunities. Everyone is a competitor of another person. How to connect?

Secondly, they never expected that Lin Su's cultivation would take a crucial step in the sea of ​​rules. He broke into Xiangtianfadi, and he was no longer what everyone saw on the regular seaside.

Two unexpected events declared their first round of hunting plan against Lin Su a complete failure.

Yu Xiaoyao's eyes passed over his face: Have you ever thought about a question, was there anyone behind the assassination of these seven alien races? Is this person's surname Xue or his surname Zhuge?

A smile appeared on Lin Su's face: Zhuge Qingfeng is really a very strange person. He looks handsome and handsome, and his words are gentle. Even if he harms others, he puts on a mask of harmlessness. However, everyone People can see through his mask and see his true nature as a conspirator, it’s really...

His voice suddenly stopped.

Yu Xiaoyao's eyes fell on his face: What's wrong?

Lin Su slowly raised his eyes: There is a qi force, have you sensed it?

Yu Xiaoyao's eyes were like spring waves. Suddenly, the blue waves were completely still: A very ancient qi machine contains terrible pressure. If this is what they arranged, then this assassination is extraordinary!

With a bang, the valley in front suddenly exploded, and a person strode out.

As soon as this person came into Lin Su's and Yu Xiaoyao's eyes, both of them were shocked at the same time.

This is not human!

At least not a living person!

He didn't even have any flesh on his body, just bones. The bones were covered with Dao patterns, full of Dao mysteries. A terrifying energy shot straight through the void, still a hundred feet away from Lin Su and the others, but within this hundred feet of void, Extremely depressed, Yu Xiaoyao's hair floated slightly, and her heartbeat accelerated: Taoist is this possible?

Dao corpse!

The corpse of a monk!

But here, it's anything but that simple!

The Taoist corpses on Tiandao Island can definitely be regarded as horror-level existences. They are people who died on Tiandao Island several years ago. These people died here, their consciousness was eliminated, and their corpses evolved through thousands of years of rules and turned into rules. skeleton.

Every inch of their bones is filled with various rules. No matter what means you use to attack them, there will be corresponding power of rules to resolve them. They are invulnerable. The top Taoist zombies among them, even It can be said that under the law of heaven, nothing can hurt you.

The corpse suddenly raised its gaze, and its two empty eyes were firmly locked on Lin Su and Yu Xiaoyao on the mountain peak.

Lin Su's thousand-degree eyes looked directly into these empty eyes, and his heart suddenly moved...

And Yu Xiaoyao had a cold sweat on his back: What should I do?

Lin Su took a deep breath: According to legend, Taoist corpses are unconscious and will not actively attack people. Have you ever thought about why today is abnormal?


Lin Su's eyes shot out a cold light: I saw two Buddha figures in the eyes of this corpse, a sitting Buddha and a reclining Buddha!

Yu Xiaoyao's heart skipped a beat: Kong Lingzi of Qianfo Temple! Magic rules planted in Buddha's heart!

She thought of the scene at Thousand Buddha Temple that day...

Lin Su, Feng Wu, and Liu Tianyin visited Qianfo Temple to find Master Fuyun, but Kong Lingzi, the disciple of Qianfo Temple, blocked the way.

Lin Su and Kong Lingzi had a fierce battle, and Kong Lingzi was beaten until her nose was bruised and her face was swollen...

In the eyes of ordinary people, Kong Lingzi was defeated, but Yu Xiaoyao saw that Kong Lingzi still had a trump card that he had not yet used...

Afterwards, she and Lin Su analyzed it, and the two came to a common conclusion: Kong Lingzi should not lose!

He originally had a trump card that he could use, and both of them could feel that this move would be earth-shattering, but Master Fuyun stopped the battle.

The only thing Lin Su felt was that Kong Lingzi was facing a life-and-death crisis. The two Buddha images in his eyes, one sitting Buddha and one reclining Buddha, were very special. He told Yu Xiaoyao about this vision, and Yu Xiaoyao promised him to return to Yaochi to check it out. material.

She found it.

This special performance is very consistent with a strange magical power, which is the magic principle of the Buddha's heart.

This law has both Buddha nature and demonic nature. The Buddha nature lies in its ability to save gods and ghosts, while the demonic nature means that it can implant souls into ownerless corpses and control them.

Lin Su suddenly raised his eyes: Kong Lingzi, are you here? Come out and see me!

With the sound, the mountains roared.

Behind him, the mountain suddenly collapsed, a Taoist corpse flew into the sky, and a rusty bronze sword seemed to split the world.

The sword was thousands of feet away, and he and Yu Xiaoyao seemed to have fallen into the cold winter together...

He didn't call out Kong Lingzi, but called out another Taoist corpse...

And his shout also officially started the way for the Taoist zombies to attack them...

The Taoist corpse in front suddenly opened its right hand, like a huge golden mountain pressing down on its head, and there was no gap between the fingers. Lin Su and Yu Xiaoyao opened their bodies at the same time, and both of them were thousands of feet tall.


Lin Su struck the Dao Zhi's palm with a Heavenly Sword move, and an unparalleled force knocked him back. Lin Su's huge body fell back thousands of meters away.

As for Yu Xiaoyao, seven huge stars came out together in the shape of the Big Dipper, locking the Taoist corpse that had just flown in. With a sudden movement, the stars shattered into pieces. Yu Xiaoyao's mind was shaken, and the body of the law suddenly shrunk by half, and the breath in his chest roll.

These corpses are all geniuses from ancient times. Their own cultivation is compressed in this skeleton in an incredible way, and the power of the fusion rules is emitted. Even though she and Lin Su are both the geniuses of this generation, facing this fundamental injury The Taoist corpse who couldn't survive suffered a secret loss the first time he met him.

What's even more terrifying is that the mountains shook and more Taoist corpses appeared.

One, two, three...

There were nine Taoist corpses in total, surrounded on all sides, and Yu Xiaoyao was sweating on his back.

This may be the first time in her life that she has truly sweated...

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