Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 940 Heaven’s struggle for supremacy


That’s the word!

The geniuses Lin Su saw in his eyes all reflected the true meaning of the word struggle.

Lin Su and Yu Xiaoyao walked up side by side. With one step forward, he felt the weight of a mountain. The power formed by the rules of heaven was like a giant net, tightly binding them to the ground.

How is it? Yu Xiaoyao asked.

It's okay! Lin Su said: What about you?

There are eighty-one steps in total. I hope I can set foot on level seventy-two! You must also strive for it. Only the Tao Heart Mirror above level seventy-two can truly reflect the Tao Heart and allow you and me to understand the rules. A thousand miles a day.”

The Dao Heart Mirror is the biggest goal of entering Tiandao Island. The greatest function of this heavenly treasure is to understand the rules, and this treasure is tailor-made so that others cannot plunder it or learn from it.

This is the greatest reliance for practitioners after reaching a high level of practice.

Why are all the people who return to Tiandao Island the geniuses of their generation? Just because of this!

Why are so many people eager to send their disciples to Tiandao Island? And he repeatedly told them to cross the Sea of ​​Rules and go to the Heavenly Dao Peak whenever they had the chance, because of this!

Once you reach Tiandao Peak, you will find the Dao Heart Mirror.

Everyone has!

It’s just that the grades are different!

The lower floors have lower grades, and the higher floors have higher grades. Each step represents a grade difference.

The Dao Heart Mirrors below the forty-ninth floor have different shapes. There is a leaf as a mirror, a dead branch as a mirror, a grain of sand as a mirror, and a stone as a mirror.

These low-level Dao Heart Mirrors only have some ordinary rule projections. They are rare treasures for ordinary people, but they are of little use to the geniuses who have understood the seeds of the complete rules.

The Dao Heart Mirrors on the 49th to 71st floors are real mirrors that can reflect the shortcomings of practitioners in the process of enlightenment. That is the real rare treasure.

The Tao Heart Mirror above the 72nd floor is a magical brand. This brand can not only discover the imperfections of practitioners' understanding of the rules, but also guide people forward.

Therefore, Yu Xiaoyao reminded Lin Su that he must leave no stone unturned and exert all his potential to reach level 72 or above.

Lin Su nodded lightly: Let's work hard together!

Lift your legs up!

The ten steps below pass by in a blink of an eye...

There was a group of people on the tenth step. They were disciples from Tianling Sect, Hemen, Xueyuan, Nushan, Xuefenggu and other sects. When they saw the Yaochi Saint, a female disciple from Xueyuan bowed on the steps. Calling her a saint, she looked at Lin Su with a little doubt from the corner of her eye.

But there was something strange in the eyes of a disciple of Tianling Sect.

Others didn't know Lin Su, but he did.

Although he himself had no grudges against Lin Su, the Tianling Sect had a big grudge against this person.

However, he is not the Holy Son and is not an elder of the sect, so there is no need to provoke him at this time.

Yu Xiaoyao nodded to the female disciple who greeted him and stepped onto the eleventh step.

The back figures of her and Lin Su immediately seemed extremely distant in the eyes of all the disciples...

This is the peculiarity of Tiandao Peak. Looking at the steps below, the steps up are infinitely high. Everyone said that this is the reminder of Tiandao, letting everyone understand that above the avenue, there is a natural chasm in the realm.

Lin Su and Yu Xiaoyao took another step and completely disappeared from their sight.

A disciple of the Nushan Sect let out a long breath: Above Dao Peak, it is also such an understatement. Her cultivation level is really not the same as mine!

The woman in the snowy field said, Senior Brother Zhang, do you know who the man next to her is?

The disciple of the Nushan Sect smiled: Didn't you see the anger in Senior Brother Yin's eyes? That person is Lang Linsu, the number one scholar in the Cang Dynasty who caused the Tianling Sect to lose its troops.

The snowy woman's eyes widened: It's him! He actually went to Tiandao Island too?

The Hemen disciple smiled slightly: Junior sister Li left the Rule Palace a few days late. She probably never heard of the wonderful showdown at the Rule Sea. Lin Su beheaded a genius of the Yi Clan! The magnificence of this sword really made him proud. Our human race is proud and proud!

Senior Brother Yin of the Tianling Sect's face suddenly darkened: Wherever this son goes, lives are destroyed, and his hands are stained with the blood of the human race. He also angers foreign races at every turn, making it difficult for our human race to survive. You can't see that he is the leader of our human race. A disaster for the fetus? How ridiculous is it that you are still making false claims to be proud of the human race?

As soon as he said this, a voice came from below: He killed a few scum of the human race, so his hands are stained with human blood? He killed hundreds of thousands of demon troops in the border city, why can't you see the blood on his hands? Demonic blood?

Senior Brother Yin turned around, and saw a man with a naked upper body holding a big knife, staring at him coldly.

This person is completely different from the ordinary people who practice the sect. The ordinary people who practice the sect are also very polite, especially those at the level of genius, who walk around the world with the same grace as a scholar, but this is not the case with this person.

He is like a butcher who kills pigs.

If you meet a person with this image in the outside world, I am afraid that none of these geniuses will look at him seriously, because in their dictionary, this kind of person is at best a casual cultivator, because his whole body reflects the unruly and irregular world. gas.

But here, it's different.

Because if you are not a true genius, you won’t be able to get here.

Who are you? Senior Brother Yin asked coldly.

That day in the border city, the crazy sword that killed demons side by side with Lin Su!

Crazy Sword? Senior Brother Yin laughed loudly: The third person on the Lingyun List is really crazy. Do you know that the Lingyun List is a second-rate list that we don't even bother to leave a name on?

Really? What about today? You and I might as well compete to see who can climb higher! Crazy Blade said: Don't ever say that you don't even bother to climb this peak!

As soon as the voice fell, he strode up and reached the eleventh floor in one step.

Senior Brother Yin's face suddenly darkened, and he gathered his cultivation and took one step forward. Under his guidance, the entire team sped up.

Level eleven, level twelve, level thirteen...

With a click, there was a sudden sound on Senior Brother Yin's body, and his expression changed drastically.

Crazy Blade laughed: I seem to hear the sound of bones breaking. If it doesn't work, don't hold on, and don't fart if you don't understand!

Accompanied by the sound of wild laughter, the Crazy Saber stepped twice in a row and disappeared from everyone's sight.

Senior Brother Yin took a deep breath and adjusted his breath slowly, not daring to move even a little further.

Junior Sister Li from Xueyuan stepped onto the fourth step, slowly adjusting the chakra in her body that had been hit by a huge impact, and turned her gaze to the disciple of Hemen: Senior Brother He is well-informed, do you know where Crazy Sword came from, and why he has such a strong foundation? , seems to be even better than us.

The He Clan disciple sighed: Kuai Dao has no roots and no foundation. He doesn't even have a sect. How can he have any great background? He is just killing and killing on the battlefield. After the Yaochi meeting, he has always been Fighting in border towns, perhaps this unscrupulous method is the biggest shortcut on the path of spiritual practice.

Border town...Lin Su has been there, Crazy Sword has been there...killing demons in actual combat, without skills is the greatest skill. Does Senior Brother He have any intention of entering the border town?

Junior sister Li also has this intention?

There are already hints of unintentional disasters. I'm afraid practitioners like us will not be able to escape our fate after all. Since we are destined to fight bloody battles on the battlefield, it must be good to be familiar with the sceneries of the battlefield in advance.

As soon as Junior Sister Li said these words, Senior Brother He from Hemen and the disciple from Nushan suddenly stood in awe, and they all sighed: Although Junior Sister Li is a daughter, she is not as heroic as I am. After this trip to Heaven's Way, , we are going to the border town!

Kuang Dao chased all the way, and he also had a goal in mind. He wanted to catch up with Lin Su and meet this friend who had truly unveiled Wu Dao Mountain and became a good friend.

Unfortunately, when he reached level 30 or above, his pace involuntarily slowed down.

The heavy pressure of the mountain brought him back to reality, who was a little hot-headed.

Let him understand that this is not a place to rush.

This is not a place for friends to gather.

He needs to adjust his whole body's Qi, and he needs to use his best condition to climb higher step by step, haste makes waste!

Lin Su has reached level 49 and above.

Level 49, a natural chasm that is difficult for ordinary geniuses to touch, but for him, it is only a step away.

And beside him, Yu Xiaoyao was in a more chic state than him.

Level 50!

The two of them stepped on it at the same time. There were two unusually bright bald heads in front of them, from Thousand Buddha Temple.

The melon seeds in their heads are already bright, but they are even brighter here.

Yu Xiaoyao stopped next to them: Brothers Huizhen and Huijie, right?

The two monks stopped at the same time and raised one palm to calm the blood boiling throughout their bodies.

There is a message that you need to bring back to Thousand Buddha Temple! Yu Xiaoyao said: Your Buddhist son Kong Lingzi is dead, and he died in a disgraceful way. He was killed by the backlash of using the magic of the Buddha's heart.

Amitabha! The two monks chanted the Buddha's name simultaneously, their faces instantly as expressionless as stone sculptures.

Yu Xiaoyao said: It's indeed a bit strange. Why are the geniuses selected by Qianfo Temple from a bunch of monks, including Xumizi before and Kong Lingzi now, all of them have an affair with the demons? Could it be that except for the demons, your ancient temple , you can’t find a normal human race?”

Amitabha, the donor still hopes to have some moral integrity...

Yu Xiaoyao raised her hand to stop: I won't mention anything if I leave something, but you Qianfo Temple should leave some bottom line!

Lifting his legs, he reached the fifty-first level.

On the fiftieth step, the two monks stood still and seemed unable to move forward any further.

Yes, they have endured a huge impact, and their Zen mind is difficult to stabilize. In this case, disrupting their Zen mind basically cuts off their way out.

Lin Su smiled: You have subverted my impression a bit.

Is it because I deliberately cut off the escape path of two disciples of Qianfo Temple? It doesn't fit my image as an otherworldly fairy?


I also want to be a fairy, but my mother told me something.


Her contemporaries, those who fought side by side with her, as long as they held the thoughts of compassion and forgiveness, all died miserably! Yu Xiaoyao sighed: So hold good thoughts to observe the way of heaven, and hold evil thoughts to deal with the enemy. , is the correct way to start walking in the world.

Lin Su sighed: Salute to your mother! Your mother is really wise. It seems that I have to learn from your mother the grudges and grudges in the world.

Yu Xiaoyao looked over with a pair of wonderful eyes: Come on, your purpose has always been to have grudges and destroy the clan and the country. You still need to learn from others about grudges and grudges?... That's not right. You suddenly do this now, What's the meaning?

Lin Su raised his eyes and smiled slightly.

Yu Xiaoyao raised his eyes and his heart skipped a beat...

She saw someone!

There is a person on the fifty-fourth step!

This person is not from the human race, but from the Wing Clan, and he is the Saint Son of the Wing Clan, Ren Tianfeng!

Yin Tianfeng suddenly turned around, his sharp eyes like an eagle firmly focused on Lin Su who had stepped onto his level platform.

Lin Su!

The two words were spoken through gritted teeth.

He naturally knew that the two geniuses of the Wing Clan who he sent out to kill Lin Su had also died.

Of the eight people from the Yi tribe who entered Tiandao Island this time, three died at his hands. This was a bitter hatred. He didn't take action immediately because the place was wrong. If he were in the outside world, he would have taken action long ago.

Lin Su smiled faintly: Ren Tianfeng, you foreigners have become a little restless in recent years.

hehe! Ren Tianfeng sneered: So what?

Need to teach a lesson!

That's right! It's time to tell the human race that with such a lowly bloodline, you are not worthy of having a prosperous country. I will make arrangements after I return! Ren Tianfeng said.

Lin Su smiled: No need! You can't go back!


A sword cry!

Ren Tianfeng's eyes suddenly opened wide, completely in disbelief...

Yu Xiaoyao had just stepped onto this platform when she suddenly saw this scene. Her expression suddenly changed, her energy and blood were in chaos, and she almost stepped down the steps.

Oh my God, on this Tiandao Peak, he actually drew his sword!

And he cut off Ren Tianfeng's head directly with one sword!

This is the Holy Son of the Wing Clan!

This is the most important person in the Yi clan’s trip!

This killing will truly start the Wing Clan's full counterattack against him...

The consequences of this killing were completely out of control!

Ren Tianfeng's soul left the body, but an empty soul was not enough to break through the regular circle of Tiandao Peak, and was directly pressed to the ground. The soul quickly melted as soon as it came into contact with the floor.

Ren Tianfeng screamed miserably: Lin Su, you... dare to kill me, the Wing Clan will destroy all nine of your clans! I guarantee that your life will be worse than death!


Lin Su put his foot on the soul: Stop it, you can't guarantee anything, just go into reincarnation with peace of mind! As for your Wing Clan, if they can get a warning from you, it's because they understand things, so it doesn't matter if you don't get a warning. , I just happened to be bored, so killing a foreign race can be considered a pastime!

With a tap of his toes, he climbed the fifty-five steps!

On the fifty-fifth step, a giant's eyes widened. Above him, on the fifty-sixth step, there was another person who also turned around suddenly at this moment...

The giant clan also needs a warning to assassinate me on the regular seaside!

Lin Su Youran's voice came out.

The giant prodigy roared, shaking the entire Tiandao Peak: Little Lin Su, you dare to kill people on Tiandao Peak. This just gives me a reason to kill you...


The two giant hammers fell at the same time. Even if the rules of heaven were heavy, they were not enough to restrain the two giant hammers. The giant hammers were still like mountains and rivers turning upside down...

Lin Sujian together, chi!

The giant's head fell to the ground!

The soul was sucked into the floor and struggled desperately, but in the end it was to no avail.

On the fifty-sixth step, Ji Wen!

His face was pale!

Lin Su raised his head and smiled at him. Ji Wen was shocked all over and jumped down the steps. The moment he jumped down, he disappeared into thin air.

This is the rule of Tiandao Peak.

As long as you take a step back, it means that your path to heaven is over.

The road ahead is not yours, but the rewards that should be given will still be given to you.

Ji Wen was never one to shrink from battle.

He is a man of great perseverance.

He has never been so timid in his cultivation journey, but two reasons made him run away today.

The first reason is that Lin Su really dares to kill someone! He has already killed two foreign geniuses in a row.

The second reason is that Lin Su can really kill people! These two alien prodigies were definitely not inferior to Ji Wen in terms of cultivation, they were even above him. Under Lin Su's hand, they cut off their heads with just one move. What does that mean? This shows that the current Lin Su is definitely no match for him! Even if he has no literary skills, he can still surpass the top geniuses with his sword skills.

If there is a third reason, Ji Wen has a firm understanding of it.

It doesn’t matter whether Lin Su has murderous intentions when he meets others, but when he meets Ji Wen, he 100% has murderous intentions.

If there is a fourth reason, it lies in what Du Jin told him before he set off: If you meet Lin Su during this trip, you should never meet him alone before you are absolutely sure.

The four reasons were all listed together. Ji Wen, a genius of a generation, was forced down the stairs by Lin Su's look.

There are a lot of people on the steps above...

The Holy Son of the Wood Clan’s face was ashen!

The eyes of the Holy Son of the Fire Tribe were full of flames!

Zhuge Qingfeng next to him frowned deeply...

On the first step in front, a figure that seemed to be invisible at any time was still at this moment!

An oppressive wave swirled around this square inch.

Zhuge Qingfeng raised his eyes and looked at the seemingly endless steps above. A voice came to the Holy Son of the Fire Tribe: Brother, there is something very important. You must answer it truthfully.

The Holy Son of the Fire Tribe moved his eyes towards Zhuge Qingfeng and nodded slightly.

Seventy-two steps, how long will it take you to reach them?

Estimated...ten hours!

It's too late, hurry up and leave!

The Holy Son of the Fire Tribe’s heart skipped a beat: “Just because of one…”

Senior brother, he killed Tianfeng with just one move! You should understand that even if you join forces with Yi Yang of the Wood Clan and Ying Xiangxi of the Shadow Clan, you are still not his enemy, and the most terrible thing is that on this Tiandao Peak, you You can't outrun him! Leave immediately! Immediately!

The face of the Holy Son of the Fire Tribe suddenly changed, and he staggered back. As soon as he retreated, he disappeared out of thin air.

The Holy Son of the Wood Clan was shaken all over, his heart was shaking violently, and heaven and man were fighting...

There are only less than ten levels left before level seventy-two. Just because a person is coming and you are afraid of being targeted by him, do you want to give up this cultivation treasure that is so close at hand?

How can it be?

I am the Holy Son of the Wood Clan, not a rotten wooden pile that can be manipulated by others!

Just when he was hesitating, a person stepped on the platform below, it was Lin Su!

The Holy Son of the Wood Clan was filled with green light and punched out!

This punch was like a thousand troops rolling out at the same time, devastating Lin Su with the force of a tidal wave.

The long sword in Lin Su's palm shook, and thousands of cold stars suddenly appeared in the jungle, illuminating the entire jungle. The cold stars moved toward the middle, chi!

The big tree is broken!

The Holy Son of the Wood Clan fell straight down like a rotten wooden stake. When he fell, his flesh and blood turned into pieces, as if he had been chopped into pieces by a thousand knives.

However, his soul did not fall on the platform, but fell to the bottom of the steps along with his head.

This time, he escaped!

The wood clan has the most tenacious vitality. No matter what situation they are in, there is always a way to escape.

The entire platform was as quiet as night.

On the steps above, the shadow disappeared again!

Ying Wushuang, the Holy Son of the Hidden Clan, was not invisible, but jumped down the steps!

If he were to switch places with Yi Yang, the Holy Son of the Wood Clan, he would also choose to attack. If Yi Yang attacked, Yi Yang would be gone! He is still here, not because he is much better than Yi Yang, but because he has gone one step further than Yi Yang.

Just this step gave him time and space to wake up.

He's awake and he's running away!

At this moment, the pride of the genius and the glory of the saint are all bullshit, life is the most important thing.

On the sacred Tiandao Peak, Lin Su Xiaoxiao bared his fangs.

Starting from the Holy Son of the Wing Clan, kill three people of the Holy Son level of the foreign race in a row.

No worries!

And when facing a prodigy of this level, he would only use one sword!

This determination, this magic, declares two things: First, after he breaks through the realm of Xiangtian Law and Earth, he is actually not on the same level as these holy sons of the same level. He can almost sweep away those in the realm of Xiangtian Law and Earth. ! Secondly, he didn't care at all when facing these saint sons with huge forces standing behind them. Killing one person was killing, and killing a bunch was killing. As for whether all those alien races would be angered, he didn't care at all, and he also made it clear. , I am so bored that killing a foreign race is considered a pastime!

If most people say such nonsense, it would be arrogance, but what about him?

Who dares to say that he can't do it? Yanyu Tower, a thousand-year legend, was destroyed by his hands.

The Wenxin Pavilion crisscrossed the battlefield, penetrated the court, and penetrated the spiritual path. Although it did not have a thousand years of history, it was as popular as the Yanyu Pavilion. Under his hands, the pavilion was destroyed and people were killed.

Regardless of whether he can really pose a fatal threat to foreigners in the eyes of others, the key is that Lin Su's own confidence is very inflated.

When he expands, it will be fatal.

Currently, those alien races on Tiandao Peak are in big trouble.

The physique and combat power they were proud of were suppressed in this damn place. The combat power they could exert was only 10% of what it used to be, but Lin Su, a freak, seemed to be able to give full play to it.

The madman Lin Su didn't care at all about their proud family background.

Then their lives become a big suspense...

Based on this, the Holy Son of the Fire Tribe escaped.

The Holy Son of the Hidden Tribe escaped.

As soon as they escaped, the seven clans that participated in the siege of Lin Su at the beach that day, and all the rest, as long as they were still above Lin Su, all escaped...

Those under Lin Su who had fought hard to reach level 72 did not dare to fight anymore. They were worried that before they reached level 72, they would bump into this madman and receive a box lunch...

Not to mention these seven foreign races who had direct conflicts with Lin Su, Zhuge Qingfeng was actually sweating on his back.

He was frantically thinking about the possibility of Lin Su attacking him.

Before he could draw an accurate conclusion, Lin Su had already stepped onto the level he was at.

A smile appeared on Zhuge Qingfeng's face: Brother Lin has made another breakthrough in his cultivation?

Lin Su also laughed: Brother Zhuge, have you always been deceived by appearances, thinking that my cultivation level is on the same level as yours? You actually ignored that the basic point that I am on the same stage as you is based on my own cultivation level. Under the premise of Dao Fruit?

Zhuge Qingfeng's stomach was full of bitterness, but his smile remained calm: Brother Lin means...from now on, we will no longer be on the same platform?

Yes, many things in the world are so helpless. Your life and mine are intertwined like this, which makes people feel a lot! Lin Su said: Let me give you a poem. This poem is probably something you can relate to. ceiling!

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