Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 941 The Double Jade of Swordsmanship on the Dao Peak

The smile on Zhuge Qingfeng's face stiffened: Please!

Lin Suman chanted: A new song with new lyrics and a glass of wine. The weather last year is the same pavilion. When will the sunset come back? There is no choice but the flowers fall away. It seems like the familiar swallows return, and the fragrant path of the small garden wanders alone!

Zhuge Qingfeng was confused...

This word is unparalleled!

This word is absolutely unparalleled!

This word demonstrates the highest attainment of poetry, and is the ceiling of poetry that he has pursued throughout his life.

However, this word came out leisurely in this situation, which was a critical blow to him!

Because he understood the meaning of the words.

With a new song and a glass of wine, his life entered a new realm.

The pavilion was the same as last year, and he and he only met last year. We are still the same, but the world has been turned upside down.

He was unwilling to accept being inferior to Lin Su, but what could he do?

In terms of poetry, he is not as good as him!

He is not as good as him in the way of cultivation!

In terms of wisdom, he is not as good as him!

The words Lin Su once said turned into a poisonous snake again, firmly entrenched in his heart: Where I am, it is not your turn to guide the country! You have to accept failure and get used to it!

The three elements that Zhuge Qingfeng relied on to become famous and proud of throughout his life: the glory of poetry, the brilliance of wisdom, and the genius of spiritual practice were suppressed by Lin Su one by one. His era of Zhuge Qingfeng has passed!

This is how helpless the flowers fall!

And Lin Su, stepping into a new realm, looked around and saw that he was the only one!

This is his small garden where he wanders alone on the fragrant path!

As for poetry, different situations have different understandings.

Zhuge Qingfeng's mind was entangled in this poem, sometimes sad, sometimes lost, sometimes confused...

Lin Su passed by him and smiled softly: It's a pity that a new song Huanxisha was wasted here!

Take a step forward!

Or a new word card? What Zhuge Qingfeng had been looking for for three years was to open a new Ci Pai but could not get it. At this moment, Lin Su opened one lightly and did not care at all whether the Ci Pai was credited to his literary merits.

This last sentence shattered the last line of defense in Zhuge Qingfeng's heart.

When he was in confusion, the power of the rules seemed to suddenly increase tenfold.

With a bang, Zhuge Qingfeng retreated down the steps, ending his journey to heaven.

As soon as he disappeared, Yu Xiaoyao also stepped onto this level.

He stared at Lin Su's back blankly.

Lin Su was two steps above her.

Although he was only at level two, when Yu Xiaoyao looked at his back, he was infinitely lofty.

Two lines of poems my father once wrote: I have traveled all the way to the Cangshan Mountains, and I deeply regret that I was a hero in my life.

Now it seems to have a new interpretation in her heart.

Above the Tao realm, one level after another, he seemed to be starting to become lofty.

One day in the future, will he also enter the realm that his father deeply regretted?

A once-in-a-generation talent, standing at the top, looking around, no one can follow...

No! The self in front of me can still keep up with him.

He didn't object to following him either.

However, what he was doing was too taboo, so he deliberately distanced himself from her.

He didn't want his hunt for the alien saint son to be mixed with too many Yaochi factors, so when he opened the door to killing, he chose to walk quickly to avoid Yu Xiaoyao's companions.

Yu Xiaoyao understands this.

Lin Su has reached the sixtieth step.

On the edge of the steps above, Xue Qianxun looked at him quietly.

Grandmaster Lin, I have to thank you!

Her voice was unusually calm.

Why? Lin Su said.

Xue Qianxun said: The clever plan you set up to drive a wedge between Beihai Dragon Palace and the major alien races has initially achieved results, but your killing today will open up a completely different situation. I will obviously take this opportunity. , I will make peace with you again!

This is the thinking of a wise man!

What others saw as Lin Su's killing scene was just a killing scene, but what she saw was an opportunity!

Lin Su launched a hunting operation against the major alien races, forcing them to become his life-and-death enemies. Xue Qianxun could seize this opportunity to once again promote a grand alliance between the various races and the Beihai Dragon Palace.

Lin Su smiled: Since you can see it, do you think I can see it?

Xue Qianxun's heart skipped a beat...

Lin Sudao: You must be thinking, since you can see it yourself, why do you do this?

Xue Qianxun nodded: Yes, why?

Because the situation is always changing! In the past, I hoped to separate you from Beihai Dragon Palace and the Eighty-Seven Clan, but now, I no longer care!

Don't care? Xue Qianxun's white clothes suddenly didn't move at all.

Yes, after the journey to heaven, I will step into the temple. When I return, I will no longer care who is behind you. There are seven major alien races. I will destroy the seven major alien races. There are eighty-seven races. I You, Xue Qianxun, can take the gamble to destroy the Eighty-Seven Clan! The Eighty-Seven Clan can also take the gamble!

His voice was extremely calm and calm.

However, this calmness made Xue Qianxun and the other people standing on the same platform with her feel turbulent...

After his journey to heaven, he will enter the temple!

No one can control the journey to the temple!

Looking at the saints of ancient and modern times, his literary skills were far inferior to those of his youth!

Is it possible for him to become a saint?

What if he returns as a saint?

Xue Qianxun's heart felt cold...

She lost another round!

She imagined that Lin Su had beheaded three foreign saints today, and cut off the rest of the four tribes from the heavenly path. She was in conflict with these seven foreign races. She could plan a clever plan to unite vertical and horizontal lines. In the context of this great hatred, past suspicions were eliminated, and the alliance between Beihai Dragon Palace and the seven alien races was formed.

However, Lin Su's understatement cast a heavy shadow over her big plan before it was even announced.

His words were useless.

His words are known to everyone in the world.

Those foreign races will definitely be frightened by it.

They are not afraid of Lin Su in front of them, but they are afraid of Lin Su in the future. If they dare to join forces with Beihai Dragon Palace, the day Lin Su becomes a saint will be the day when their clan will be exterminated!

Do they dare to put the fate of the entire clan on Xue Qianxun?

Everything in this world is all about weighing, choosing the lesser of two evils.

As long as Lin Su is still alive, as long as he still has the possibility of becoming a saint, none of these aliens dare to go too far!

This is the strong message Lin Su sent to the world today by taking advantage of the opportunity of talking to Xue Qianxun. This signal is so shocking that it is unparalleled.

Thousands of thoughts were running through Xue Qianxun's heart, and she let out a long breath: Then we'll see!

Take one step backward and exit the final journey.

Of course she also knew that as long as Lin Su stepped onto her level, he would still kill her with one sword!

Lin Su stepped up to this level and received a lot of hateful looks...

This is the look in the eyes of the five great alien geniuses...

The twelve alien races and the seven major alien races no longer dared to show up in front of him, but the other five alien races naturally dared to do so. They had no rules for assassinating Lin Su on the seaside, and Lin Su would not be able to attack them no matter how unreasonable he was.

However, the battle in the East China Sea that day still left a deep mark between them and Lin Su, which now turned into eyes of hatred.

Lin Su ignored these hateful looks and stared at the three graceful figures in front of him.

Yes, wonderful!

Even if one of these three people is a man, it is still a bit graceful.

Because they are a magical race, the Eldar.

There is no distinction between male and female in the spirit race, they all have a grace that is different from the worldly ones.

The three Eldar also stared at him with good intentions in their eyes.

The woman in the middle smiled slightly: Mr. Lin, we are from the Ling clan! My name is Lingzhi, and these two are named Ling Jiuye and Ling Ling'er.

Lin Su bowed slightly: I've met three of them!

He should bow, because that day at the seaside, this Lingzhi told Xue Qianxun face to face: Don’t include my own clan among the thirteen alien races you mentioned. This clan did not participate in the East China Sea Dragon Palace, let alone win the treasure. The dirty business of killing people.

The Spirit Tribe did not participate in the siege of the East China Sea. She even directly defined the siege of the East China Sea by the 870 Tribes as a dirty act.

This is the position!

This is opening a rift within the thirteen alien races!

This is blatant support for Lin Su.

Therefore, Lin Su owed her a bow and a thank you.

Bowing now, but not thanking him, because he couldn't let her get too involved.

Lingzhi smiled softly: Master Lin, I wonder if you know that you have a close relationship with our Spirit Clan?

Lin Sudao: The girl is referring to...

Jiang Yun has half of the spirit clan blood in him.

Lin Su knew about this matter, but it was not appropriate to mention it at this time...

Lin Su hesitated slightly...

The man on the left, Ling Jiuye, smiled softly: When I entered the pass, the clan leader said that if I meet Young Master Lin, I must invite him to bring Jiang Yun to our clan at his convenience.

Join your clan? But what's the important matter?

Nothing, just a good relationship.

Lin Su nodded: Lin Su has taken note of the clan leader's invitation. Given time, he will definitely honor the contract!

Ling Jiuye smiled happily: Master, please!

Lin Su passed by them and stepped to the higher level.

The number of people above was much less.

Before the seventieth floor, there were only three or five people, one of whom Lin Su knew, Wang Fei of Broken Sword Valley.

Wang Fei stood in front of the seventy-two steps, his whole body like a sharp sword, and he slowly took one step!

With this step, he finally succeeded in reaching the seventy-second floor.

Stepping onto the seventy-second floor, Wang Fei seemed to have undergone a great transformation, and his whole person's energy and spirit were completely different.

However, at the moment when he was most proud, there was another person behind him, Lin Su.

Wang Fei stared at Lin Su with his eyes like a sword, and the satisfaction in his heart was instantly reduced by half.

The seventy-two steps were a huge barrier. He was able to step on them, even with all his strength to suck milk. Once he succeeded, he felt a sense of joy that although the world is big, I am the best, but Lin Su When you come up like this, you don't even have to be cautious.

This lightness was a heavy blow to him.

Lin Su, do you dare to compete with me for the rest of the trip?

Lin Su moved his eyes over and shook his head gently: Don't make trouble!

Take one step forward and reach level seventy-three.

The next step is to reach level seventy-four.

Wang Fei's heart felt like ten thousand alpacas rolling past...

Stop making trouble!

Commonly used words in the world are favored because of their intimacy, but these two words are not applicable to Broken Sword Valley. Anyone who dares to say these two words in front of them is an out-and-out provocation.

Why? Because their ancestor who opened the valley came to Yaochi in the past, and the Holy Mother of Yaochi said these two words to him: Don't make trouble.

Then, this arrogant ancestor flew thousands of miles away, fell to pieces with a thud, and kept his tail between his legs without straightening it until he died.

Now, at the most glorious moment of Wang Fei's life, Lin Su passed by him and said these two words.

And in the next step, Lin Su took two steps and became an unattainable dream above his Tao realm.

In the blink of an eye, Lin Su has reached level 76!

Above the seventy-seventh level, a person slowly turned around. At this moment, this person was like a big tree, growing in autumn and prospering in autumn. His whole body was filled with sword intent.

Li Daonian!

Yaochi Kendo, the number one among the younger generation!

It's good to be here! Li Daonian's voice sounded like autumn leaves falling in the sky, with a bit of vastness and a bit of detachment.

Yes, it's really good that Senior Brother Li can get here! Lin Su stepped forward and stood side by side with him.

Li Daonian put on the posture of a senior brother and said these words, which was similar to the approval of a senior to a junior. However, Lin Su's change made Li Daonian feel unhappy.

Li Daonian did not get into a verbal dispute that he had no chance of winning, and started another topic: Lin Su, you entered Tiandao Island from Yaochi this time, and faced the great geniuses and killed them. Don't you feel that Yaochi is somewhat implicated?

Lin Su said: Yaochi is afraid of being implicated?

This is another unanswerable question.

Can Li Daonian say that Yaochi is afraid? He could only say: The Yaochi stands between heaven and earth. How can you ever be afraid of trouble? However, there are rules on the path of cultivation. You can cause trouble for no reason and use your power to bully others. Yaochi has never taken advantage of it.

Making trouble for no reason... Lin Su smiled softly: Senior Brother Li probably doesn't understand the real spiritual path. Do you really think that there are rules in the spiritual path? You really don't see that, Yaochi is currently following Lin Just like human beings, the trees are beautiful in the forest, and the wind will destroy them? Is it no longer possible to be alone?

Li Daonian said coldly: How many days have you entered the spiritual path? Are you qualified to talk about the general trend of the spiritual path? You...

Lin Su interrupted coldly: Senior Brother Li, you specialize in the way of swordsmanship and are not good at the way of wisdom. Lin has a message to send you. These words are related to your wealth, life, and your future. You need to remember it!

Li Daonian's whole body's energy suddenly shrank, like a sharp sword thrust upside down under the sky, and he said in a deep voice: What did you say?

This is a sign of great wrath.

Lin Sudao: I don't expect you to listen to what I say, but I hope you won't listen to other people's deceptions. Even if you can't help Yaochi revitalize, you must not become someone else's pawn to target Yaochi!

Li Daonian's whole body was filled with purple energy: Is this an insult?

Whether it is an insult or a piece of advice, you will know in the future! Lin Su said: The road is your own, and your life is your own. I'll just say this, so you can take care of yourself. Little brother, take the first step!

Lin Su stepped onto the seventy-eight steps in one step.

Taking this step, his heart suddenly shook.

From level seventy-seven to level seventy-eight, the level difference at this level exceeds all the previous level differences. It is simply a world of difference.

With such a solid foundation in his cultivation, taking this step, the world in his body was turned upside down, setting off a frenzy that almost left him unsteady.

He is like this, who else can step onto this level?

He was almost certain that Li Daonian would not be able to get in!

Sure enough, when Li Daonian stepped on it with half a foot, his whole face suddenly changed. He let out a muffled groan and fell down. This fall disappeared invisible.

He finally settled on the seventy-seventh step.

Whether he is convinced or not.

The journey to the heavenly path, here, is the real test of the top line for the top geniuses.

Lin Su walked forward step by step, like a heavy mountain, taking every step carefully. He had a premonition that the real secret of Tiandao Island lay in the next part of his journey.

This journey is not accessible to ordinary geniuses.

Only the super geniuses who dominate an era have the possibility of contact.

In this journey to heaven, who is the super genius?

Apart from him, I'm afraid there is no one!

Even Yu Xiaoyao has a high probability of not being able to climb the seventy-eight steps.

Even if she crosses it, she will never have the chance to step onto the seventy-ninth level, because on this platform, Lin Su has only taken three steps and has already reached his limit. On the same platform, the pressure is increasing with every step. Here are the rules Seems to be crazy...

Lin Su adjusted his whole body's Qi, went all out, and stood ready. He took the last three steps of the platform, stabilized his body again, slowly raised his steps, and stepped on the edge of the seventy-ninth step. He exerted all his strength at the same time. His bones clicked, and Lin Su stood firmly!

He seemed to have glimpsed another world.

The person beneath his feet completely disappeared.

The path we just walked completely disappears.

He felt like he was in the starry sky.

Suddenly, his eyes froze and stared ahead in surprise.

The person in front also opened his eyes very wide and looked at him in surprise.

He Su!

How could He Su get here?

Lin Su was really shocked.

He Su had left a deep impression on him, but it was limited to swordsmanship, not cultivation.

And today, He Su actually climbed the seventy-nine steps, and it seemed easier than him. Is this possible?

Who is Lin Su?

Every level is a perfect foundation!

He has undergone optimal evolution through the Nirvana Palace. His Divine Dragon Transformation strengthens his physical body every moment and solidifies the foundation of his cultivation to an unparalleled level. On this Island of Heavenly Dao, everyone's cultivation level can only be Like heaven and earth, in this realm, he should be an invincible existence.

But now, there is a rival!

But he is a Tianjueyuan swordsman who has never been famous for his cultivation foundation.

He Su breathed out softly: I didn't expect you to be able to set foot in this forbidden area.


Yes! Above the seventy-eight steps, it is taboo!

Is it because...the real secret of Tiandao Island is hidden on the seventy-eight steps? Lin Su said.

As expected, he is indeed a genius of wisdom. He considers everything from the perspective of exploring secrets. He Sudao: It's a pity that you can't see this secret.

Why? Lin Su stared at her.

Because of me! He Su said: And because of the blood feud between you and me!

That's true! Lin Su said: For a while in Youdu, this is a blood feud. Come on, let me see how big a surprise you can give me!

After being in Youdu for a while, the meeting time between the two people was only a short quarter of an hour, but the blood feud between the two people was very clear to each other.

Lin Su had touched all her roots, and she had guessed all of Lin Su's schemes (or rather, Xue Qianxun guessed them and told her). How she knew it was not important. What was important was that her mission was Kill him!

As for Lin Su, he already knew her unscrupulousness and her danger from the information collected by Bi Xuanji. If possible, he would kill her!

There is no room for the Holy Virgin White Lotus in the world of rivers and lakes.

Even the Holy Mother of Yaochi who looks like a white lotus above Yaochi understands this!

What's more, it's him?

There is no one in sight on the seventy-nine level platform, because this is a forbidden area, and there are signs that no one can board it except the two of them.

The two stood face to face, with long swords in their hands!

A long sword with a scabbard!

He Susu held the hilt of the sword, and Lin Su also held it...


He drew his sword almost at the same time!

The sword tips of the two men flashed an eternity of elegance that is almost hard to see and find in the way of the sword...

Her sword is like Tao!

His sword is also like the Tao!


The two sword tips seemed to have traveled through eternity and collided together in an extremely incredible way. With this collision, a circle of ripples bloomed in front of them. This was the most incredible light of kendo in the world.

Dugu Nine Swords! Lin Su stared at the tip of her sword.


The Dugu Nine Swords are swords of the extreme, but they are also swords of loneliness. If the Sword Gate is closed at this time, Senior Dugu will be extremely pleased to see such a flower of the Sword Dao blooming in front of him, and sigh that the Sword Gate has a successor. Lin. Su sighed.

Yes, but this place is not closed by the sword gate, and you and I are not from the same sword dance school. He Su said.

Although they are not from the same sect, the swords are the same kind of sword! Lin Su said: Where did your Dugu Nine Swords come from?

He Su breathed out softly: You can think of it!

Yes, I have actually thought of it a long time ago, but I have never been willing to believe it. Lin Su said.

After the Yaochi meeting, you probably set up a backer for yourself in the bottom of your heart, but the reality tells you that you are just a tool in his hands, and a tool that he doesn't take seriously. He Su's words were full of sarcasm, capturing Lin Su's attention. mood changes.

Anyone who sees this cruel truth will be disturbed, and at this moment, what she wants is his confusion.

Lin Su's expression did not change at all, and he said calmly: Yes, he values ​​you more. In addition to passing on you the Dugu Nine Swords, he also gave you a 'human race' of the sword rules that he himself established. That’s why you can break through the sword world in the outside world, right?”

Exactly! It is precisely because of this kendo rule seed that I can integrate the kendo 'celestial seed' in the kendo rule palace. My kendo rules have broken through the flower of rules! He Su gently raised the tip of his sword and smiled coldly: You What can you do to fight with me?

As soon as her voice fell, her long sword suddenly turned into thousands of swords...

Dugu Nine Swords Breaking Sword Style!

The sword-breaking style at this moment is really like a star falling nine days away, with no trace of where it landed!

The sword in Lin Su's palm suddenly shook, which was also the Dugu Nine Swords Breaking Style.

There was a loud earthquake, and Lin Su took two steps back, but it was only two steps. As He Su expected, he was not directly pierced through the heart by Wan Jian.

He Su was shocked.

Her way of swordsmanship has broken through the rules of swordsmanship. Although she has not truly achieved the world of swordsmanship, it is still the same as the world of swordsmanship. And he is just a small world of swordsmanship. He actually blocked her world of swordsmanship with the small world of swordsmanship. Dao realm without showing a bad image?

Why? (End of chapter)

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