Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 942 The law breaks the rules

Lin Su smiled slightly: Sword moves are the ultimate, sword intention is the key, and the sword's heart is the king! He can teach you the rules of swordsmanship, but can he teach you the sword's heart?


This is the answer!

He Sijian's Tao realm is one level higher, Lin Su has the sword heart, and the two are even again!

Come again! He Su held his hands together and thrust his sword into the air, using the Heavenly Sword Style!

Lin Su raised her hand, and the move was almost exactly the same as hers, it was also the Heavenly Sword style!

There are layers of rules on He Su's sword, like flowers of heaven.

Lin Su's sword only had the seeds of rules, but it was crystal clear and unprecedented. This was the result of the addition of the sword's heart.

After a clash of moves, the two were evenly matched. Lin Su didn't take a step back, nor did He Su. Their hair was flying high, and the weight of the rules above their heads seemed to be shaken by this super-violent Heavenly Sword Style.

He Su took a deep breath: The way of swordsmanship can actually transcend levels. It's really strong enough. It's a pity that you don't know. I also learned one more sword than you did about the Dugu Nine Swords... The seventh form of the Dugu Nine Swords: the folding wave form!

The sword in her hand flipped violently...

A wave of swords suddenly appeared in front of Lin Su!

It's as fast as the drawing sword pose, as heavy as the heavenly sword pose, and the turbid waves flip into the air. There is no pattern at all, and it's like the broken sword pose.

This stacking sword style completely integrates the essence of the three sword moves of Dugu Nine Swords into a new sword.

The power of this sword made Lin Su change his color...

Return to the sword style!

Returning Sword Style, the most powerful defensive stance of Dugu Nine Swords, blocks all attacks no matter where they come from.

There was a loud earthquake, and the sword-returning style was smashed to pieces by the first wave of the overlapping wave style. Lin Su took a step back, and the second wave came. He took another step back, and the third wave came, boundless. The wave of swords was full of unpredictable murderous intent. Lin Su shouted loudly, raised the sword in his hand, and struck out with the Heavenly Sword style using his whole body.


The wave of the sword disappeared. Lin Su had one foot in the air and was about to fall down the steps. However, Lin Su's whole body suddenly retracted and his foot was firmly positioned. The wheel in his body was like the waves of the sea, and there was already blood. The waves were circling, and under this sword move and under the pressure of boundless rules, he was already injured internally, and it was quite serious.

Lin Su slowly raised his eyes: These are not the real last three moves of Dugu's Nine Swords. These are just his own sword moves.

So what if I create my own sword move? It's enough to kill you! He Su pointed the long sword in his hand and came out with the second overlapping wave move, which was three points more subtle than the previous one.

Lin Su said: He can create his own sword moves, and I can also... live like a dream!

The sword comes out in a sword-drawing way...

However, after the sword comes out...

The sword wave formed by He Su's stacked sword posture suddenly stopped, and above the still sword wave, a ray of floating light passed...


across He Su's throat.

He Su flew out upside down, her sword wave shattered into pieces. She held her throat and stared at Lin Su in surprise, how could it be possible?

Lin Su stared at He Su, his eyes full of surprise.

His floating life was like a dream, integrated with the laws of time and space, and successfully broke through the overlapping wave style. However, he did not cut off He Su's head, or even hurt her.

He Su slowly took off his hand and sighed: I must admit that you are a prodigy in the way of swordsmanship, and you can actually create such wonderful sword moves. However, you should have seen that you today are not at all... No chance, because my protective armor is beyond your ability to break through!

Is it just protective armor? Lin Su stared at her: Maybe there are some other trump cards?

If you want to see my trump card, you have to have extraordinary means. See you at the top! He Su stepped forward and went straight to the 80th floor.

Lin Su also took one step forward, going straight to the eightieth floor...

The power of rules on the 80th level was twice as strong as that on the 79th level. Lin Su's whole body power suddenly sank, and he was firmly fixed...

There was a laugh from the front: You finally got fooled!


A sword strikes, like a wave!

Hit Lin Su's opportunity to adapt to the power of the eighty-level rules!

However, Lin Su's hands moved together: Define the quicksand!

The attacking wave suddenly stopped.

The sky splits!

A small space black hole suddenly appeared under He Su's neck. The space black hole was so small that it could only swallow a small pendant, and he indeed only swallowed this pendant.

With a click, the pendant shattered!

He Su screamed, filled with endless fear, her feet went weak, and her muscles and bones seemed to be crushed to pieces by a huge mountain. The wave of the sword rolled back, taking her under the steps and disappearing.

Lin Su was stationed at the edge of the eighty steps, a mouthful of blood spurting out far away, but he firmly positioned himself and did not move at all.

In the second half of the seventy-ninth step, Lin Su deciphered a big secret...

He finally understood why He Su could climb so high and move freely and even easier than him...

Not because of He Su's own cultivation background, her background is not so high.

It's because of a pendant!

This pendant withstood the pressure of 90% of the rules for her!

Originally, Lin Su failed to notice it, but during a fierce battle, especially when he stabbed He Su with his sword, he felt the abnormal fluctuations of the pendant. Only a slight fluctuation eliminated his feeling. The power of rules contained in a sword.

He knew that this pendant was He Su's greatest reliance.

And this reliance will widen the gap between him and He Su as they climb higher. At the 79th level, neither he nor He Su can do anything to the other, but at the 80th level, he will definitely be no match for He Su. , because he needed to use all his strength to fight against the pressure of the rules, and she cheated!

He Su knew this, so she chose to go to the 80th floor to settle the ledger with Lin Su.

Lin Su took advantage of the situation and followed her.

Suddenly, he used two tricks to suppress the bottom of the box. One was Fixing the Quicksand to give himself a buffer, and the other was Cracking the Sky to swallow up the pendant.

On Tiandao Peak, the power of rules is everywhere. The pendant itself is against the rules. Logically speaking, nothing can destroy it, but the laws of time and space are laws!

Laws and rules have hierarchical differences.

Even in the place where the rules gathered, even though his laws of time and space were greatly suppressed, the laws still destroyed this pendant that specifically fought against the rules.

Once the pendant was destroyed, the pressure from Tiandao Peak itself was overwhelming. He Su couldn't resist it at all and was crushed to pieces.

The rules of Tiandao Peak are heavy, and this was originally a sharp weapon in He Su's hand, but once the pendant was lost, it turned out to be her catastrophe. This is Xiao He's success and failure in this world...

Lin Su won this battle with great difficulty. He stood on the 80th floor, but there was no joy in his heart for the rest of his life. Instead, he felt a deep sadness.

It comes from the person mentioned in their conversation just now.

This person is Li Zexi!

Li Zexi was born in the very distant past. His story has become a legend, but after thousands of years, as the dust of the story was washed away, a real and flesh-and-blood appearance was slowly revealed.

Li Zexi made a wrong step at the crossroads of life, but spent a thousand years there to repent.

Li Zexi, Lin Su felt very sad when he thought about it, but sometimes, he felt a little bit sympathetic. He also told himself that no one is a god and everyone will make mistakes. It is precisely because he took off the cloak of gods and saints , but he felt a little more close to her.

But now, these feelings have all changed.

He was just a tool used by Li Zexi to get the Wordless Sky Monument, and it was not the only tool. In addition to betting on him, Lin Su, he also bet on He Su, and he gave He Su has more stuff!

The time span of a thousand years is indeed too long.

There are still some repetitions in recognizing a person clearly.

Lin Su had seen too many intrigues and deceitful people in the world, but there had never been anyone who made him feel as sad as Li Zexi.

Lin Su stood on the eighty steps for a long time.

His injuries also healed quickly under the rejuvenating seedlings.

Of course it was just a physical injury.

About an hour later, he returned to his best condition, walked slowly to the last step, stepped on it, and Lin Su saw a whole new world in front of him.

The top of Tiandao Peak seems to be in another world.

A monument, a mirror, and half a portal.

The half of the portal was made of bronze. The lower half was gone, and only the upper half was still suspended in the void. There was the remaining power of the law of space on the portal, as well as the remaining murderous intention of the sword.

That was the gateway to Dao Sect, which was cut off by Yan Nantian's sword a thousand years ago.

This cut cut off Daozong's claws extending to this world.

With this strike, Yan Nantian became the first generation sword god.

This beheading completely changed the fate of this legendary genius who was stunning throughout the ages.

Lin Su stared at this half of the portal, as if he had traveled through the world for eternity.

What do people want in this life?

Some people obey fate, some people defy fate and change their fate, some people are mediocre but have smooth sailing, and some people are talented people, but cut off their own path with their own hands...

His eyes slowly retracted from this half of the portal and came to the ancient mirror.

The Island of Heavenly Dao, the Mirror of the Dao Heart, is the most precious treasure of heaven and earth. It can provide insight into the shortcomings of one's own practice, and can accurately guide the direction forward.

This is a treasure that all those who go to Tiandao Island are reluctant to give up.

This is also the reason why geniuses from all walks of life strive to climb Tiandao Peak to strive for the highest.

Now that Lin Su has stepped onto the highest point of Tiandao Peak, the Tao Heart Mirror in front of him is the most cherished cultivation treasure that everyone in the world hopes to obtain.

Lin Su glanced at the Dao Heart Mirror, and the soul entered the Dao Heart Mirror silently.

The vast sky in the Tao Heart Mirror is like an endless river of stars.

Above the galaxy, there are three roads.

Three stone tablets were erected at the intersection of three roads, each with two words written on them...

The way to come, the way to go, the way to go.

Past, present and future.

Lin Su stood quietly, looking at the three stone tablets in front of him, as if he didn't know how to choose.

A voice sounded, infinitely old and timeless: Don't you understand what it means?

Lin Su raised his eyes. In the void in front of him, a white shadow appeared at some point. The image of an old man with white beard and white hair, looking extremely holy.

Know something. Lin Su replied in three words.

Tao comes!

When I step on the 'original path', my journey along the way will be reproduced again, which will help my predecessors know what kind of person I am. And when I step on the 'traveling path', the roots and feet of my spiritual practice will also be found in my predecessors. Under my control, senior will know where my practice is lacking. As for the 'way out', that is the guide for practice.

That's good. You must have the wisdom to practice. The old man smiled: Come on!

It only takes one step to step on it! Lin Su said: But this junior cannot step on it!

Oh? Why? The old man was slightly surprised.

Lin Su stared at the phantom and said slowly: An expert once told me clearly that the so-called Dao Heart Mirror of Tiandao Island is actually a scam. It is the former Dao Sect who borrowed corpses to resurrect their souls and tried to regain control through the method of soul control. Practice the path!”

As soon as these words came out, the old man's expression suddenly changed, as if he had suddenly become a completely different person...

Who made this nonsense?

Li Zexi, the legacy of Jianmen!

The old man was completely still in the air.

Lin Su was also completely still.

Everything is still.

After a long time, the old man let out a long sigh: The game of Heaven was discovered once by Yan Nantian a thousand years ago, and a second time by an unknown person a thousand years later! In this small world, there are really hidden dragons and crouching tigers!

As soon as these words came out, it announced a terrible event...

Tiandao Island, the Dao Heart Mirror that all the geniuses are fighting for, is not the ultimate treasure of cultivation.

It is a tool for the Taoist sect to resurrect the dead and regain control of the spiritual path.

How to control it?

The brand of Yuan Shen!

The Dao Heart Mirror on the seventy-two steps is an invisible mirror and a brand. This brand is directly imprinted on the Yuan Shen. According to Dao Zong, this brand can provide assistance to your practice. If you are disobedient, haha, then it will obviously be another version.

For an expert on the spiritual path, if the physical body is destroyed, it can be rebuilt, but once the soul is destroyed, it will never be restored!

There is a brand nailed to your soul that cannot be removed. It is like a maggot attached to the bone. Once activated, it will announce your death. Do you think it is good news?

Lin Su also breathed out softly: I'm sorry I lied to you! The Tao Heart Mirror is a tool to control the world's spiritual practice. It's just a faint uneasiness in my heart that no one really sees through. But it doesn't matter anymore. Now you have everything admit!

The old man suddenly raised his head, his gloomy eyes firmly locked on Lin Su: Make up a lie to get secrets?


Why such vigilance?

Two reasons. First, in this world, Dao Zong has worked hard for thousands of years. Yan Nantian broke up Dao Zong's conspiracy with one sword. If Dao Zong is really as powerful as the legend, there is definitely a way to counter it. But I didn’t see any counterattack, Tiandao Island has been operating as usual for thousands of years, this is not logical!”

Look at the essence through the phenomenon! He is indeed an amazing talent! The old man marveled: What is the second reason?

The second reason is that I am a special case on the spiritual path. Everything in the past is really not allowed to be pried into. When faced with the 'origin', my thoughts will inevitably be more complicated, so I made up a lie and implemented a small It was a small blackmail, but I didn’t expect that it would actually lead to such a big secret.”

The old man looked up to the sky and said: To reach the eighty-first level without using the 'Heaven Key' means that your cultivation background is comparable to that of the eternal genius. To cheat such a secret based on only an inner worry means that your wisdom has reached the pinnacle. Unfortunately, you You still misjudged the situation and entered the Dao Heart Mirror. No matter what you know, it is useless, because you cannot get out of the Dao Heart Mirror, and you cannot change any process. Your soul will be destroyed here, and you will enter the Tiandao Island and your whereabouts are unknown. The thirty-third one!”

The thirty-three people who entered Tiandao Island and whose whereabouts are unknown? Lin Su murmured: Faced with a fatal situation, there are only thirty-three people who choose not to surrender in a thousand years?

Very little?

It's really missing!

That's quite a lot! On the path of spiritual practice, you have the opportunity to be glorious for eternity, but you foolishly end up destroying yourself. No one is too much! said the old man.

That's true! Lin Su said: Can I ask if there is a person named Li Chunhe who left his name on the kendo monument? Is he among these thirty-three people?


Did you kill him yourself?

Yes! the old man sighed: This son's qualifications are only above average, but I still remember the words he said before he died. He said that his master has a sword heart. Even if he doesn't have a sword heart, he can't He has no Taoist heart, and as soon as he speaks out his generous words, I will shatter his soul to make him Taoist!

Lin Su looked at him quietly: Okay, I have already asked what I wanted to ask, and I can send you to hell!

The old man laughed loudly: Send me to hell? Do you know what level I am at? What kind of divine realm are you in?

As soon as the voice fell, a flower suddenly appeared on his head!

As soon as this flower emerges, the entire soul space is directly transformed into a holy space. This soul has become a saint!

Lin Su stared at the flower: The soul of the saint?

Exactly! Yuanshen Realm, what kind of waves can you make?

I'm just a small Xiangtianfadi. I'm in the Yuan Sheng Realm. In theory, I can't make any waves, but... Lin Su said leisurely: You might as well sense it. Your holy realm is here again. Where to stay?”

As soon as his voice fell, a sudden change occurred in Dao's mind mirror.

A gray mist enveloped the entire Dao Heart Mirror. Once the gray fog enveloped the Dao Heart Mirror, it immediately became dim...

This is just a peripheral perspective.

In the inner space of the sanctuary, the old man's face suddenly sank: The power of the lawless!

Yes, the power of Wu Dao is being used on Tiandao Island. Does the old man feel that it is quite subversive?

That's quite subversive! The old man's soul suddenly expanded. Once it expanded, it seemed to occupy the entire space. The amoral power that penetrated from outside the space was immediately fragmented. However, the Dao Divine Flower above the old man's head But it also swayed suddenly.

The power of no way is poison when faced with the power of heaven.

However, it is not absolute!

Lin Su's Wu Dao power was only in the sixth realm, while the old man's sanctuary was in the ninth realm. The difference was huge. Even poison could not invade.

However, the old man has no body and no roots in his soul. After thousands of years of consumption, his power has been greatly reduced. It is not easy to resist this unjust power.

The power of the lawlessness suddenly surrounded, like maggots attached to the bones, tightly surrounding the old man's spirit. The old man's sacred flower of the avenue flourished with holy light. The power of the lawlessness was like snow drifting into the sun, quickly melting, but, The front melts, and the back continues to penetrate, extremely tenacious.

One minute, two minutes...

Lin Su stood in front of the Dao Heart Mirror, sweat dripping from his forehead...

It seems that Lin Sudao is trapped in his heart. In fact, he is not completely trapped, only half trapped...

He has two souls, one soul is trapped in the Tao Heart Mirror, facing the most terrifying enemy in his life...

Another soul-dominated physical body stands in front of the Tao Heart Mirror.

If he was facing an ordinary enemy, this soul could obviously work, such as breaking through from the outside with a sword. However, facing the Dao Heart Mirror, he could not implement the same method as facing the Wenxin Pavilion people. This enemy was invisible. Moreover, he is inside the Dao Heart Mirror, and he cannot penetrate the Dao Heart Mirror through physical means.

Only the power of Wu Dao!

He had exhausted all the Taoist power, a taboo technique that was at the bottom of the box, and still could only cause a little trouble to this holy soul. This soul had shrunk by one-fifth, and that was all.

The last ray of lawless power was completely dissolved by this soul. The old man roared, and the soul grabbed Lin Su with one claw.

At this moment, he had truly begun to murder!

The tricks Lin Su played made him really fearful!

It seemed that Lin Su could not escape the disaster after all, but suddenly, another change occurred, which made this holy cultivator who had experienced endless years completely unable to believe it...

A literary world appeared in front of him!

And it was a literary world he had never seen before!

Two peaks stand side by side, and a city is filled with strong soldiers. There is music coming from the sky. The magical and strange power in the music makes his soul force want to separate...

Literary world, this is impossible!

Yeah, I don't think it's possible. I guess the people in the temple think it's even more impossible, but it's possible... Only halfway through his words, all the attacks in the literary world started at the same time.

The song Swordsman is like a mudslide that spreads thousands of miles.

On the top of the peak, all the words flew up at the same time, killing, wounding, rocks, rain... all were killing moves.

The sound of the bowstring was like a thunderbolt, and the golden arrow flew across the sky and pointed directly at the old man.

The golden moon fills the ground, and the killer weapon of Amazon Red unfolds simultaneously.

And the yin-yang fish under the old man's feet was delivered, and with a mysterious rotation, half an inch of the old man's soul was cut off...

So what about the literary world? The old man's head suddenly lit up with the magic flower of the Great Dao: I am a saint!

With a bang...

Lin Su's literary world was in tatters. The two peaks were flattened, and the city was flattened as well. The three powerful attack weapons of Man Jiang Hong, Broken Array, and Swordsman failed at the same time, and all the words were turned into smoke...

However, the golden light suddenly bloomed in the sky, and a strange formation fell from the sky. It was the peerless killing formation!

Is there another formation? the old man shouted: Boy, what other skills can you use to suppress the bottom of the box? Use them all!

Rushing up suddenly, the peerless killing formation broke through, and the sacred flower of the avenue above his head was officially annihilated...

As soon as he rushed out, a sword came towards him. This sword had no power and seemed light and soft. However, when it hit the old man's head, the old man let out a scream that shook the earth: No...

Just annihilated.

Ordinary people would not feel this shock at all, and the geniuses who were working hard to climb up Tiandao Island would not feel it at all. However, there were a few people who felt it. One was He Su and the other was Li Daonian. They had both climbed to the 70th The characters on the second floor, their souls have entered the coveted Tao Heart Mirror, and are comprehending the mysterious and profound principles of the Tao.

Suddenly, it seemed like a big wave came from inside the Dao Heart Mirror, and with a bang, their souls were shaken out of the Dao Heart Mirror.

In shock, they raised their eyes and were surprised to see that the Dao Heart Mirror in front of them had changed its appearance, with cracks all over it.

They tried to integrate the soul back into it, but unfortunately, they could no longer get in. (End of chapter)

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