Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 947 Walking alone under Dugu Peak

In the catastrophe of the founding of the country a thousand years ago, no one in the world could reach the third level of heaven. But today, in the world, there is a literary genius who has not been seen in a thousand years. This may be the only place where the world is stronger than a thousand years ago.

Ji Guang saw a glimmer of new hope in Lin Su, but unfortunately Lin Su felt sad inside...

Today's Da Cang has himself. He is a regular practitioner in the temple, and he is also a genius in literature and art. Many people think that he has been favored by the saint, giving Da Cang the possibility of being infinitely close to the third heaven. Only Lin Su himself knows that the people in the temple The situation is worse than it was a thousand years ago! Thousands of years ago, there was a Soldier Saint, but now there is not even a Soldier Saint!

The temple with the Soldier Saint has never taken any action to save the catastrophe of the founding of the country. How can you expect the temple without the Soldier Saint to be different from a thousand years ago?

In fact, he had just received accurate information from an inexplicable mouth that the temple would not take action.

Yes, he could still find a way to go to the temple and even go to the third heaven to find an opportunity that was too elusive to calculate the probability. However, there was a deeper worry in his heart. These days, saints are not reliable! If he went to the third heaven at this time, he might never return!

It would be a shame not to regret his death, as the great crisis will be truly unsolvable.

However, he could not tell Ji Guang about this matter. Ji Guang only had this hope in his heart, so he forcibly cut it off. This young king who had just succeeded to the throne for only one year and three months might not be able to hold on anymore.

Lin Su slowly looked away from the distance: Okay, it's time to face something that I haven't dared to face... Dugu Xing, have you gone?

The last six words are infinitely sad.

Because he has already guessed the ending, it can even be said that this ending does not need to be guessed, it must be a fact.

Ji Guang sighed longly: Dugu is the only one with the strongest character in Jianmen! Duguxing had his meridians cut off all over his body, but he still inspired the Jianmen Ten Thousand Kills Monument. He used his head as a sword and burned together with eight powerful enemies.

Who killed him? Lin Su's eyes flashed coldly.

The Hidden Dragon Guard led by Ji Shang!

Lin Su suddenly raised his head...

Brother, I may be the culprit of this catastrophe! I underestimated Ji Shang and failed to eradicate the root cause...

Lin Su raised his hand slightly: This responsibility is not yours alone, but mine too! And... His voice paused slightly and calmed down for a moment: Where is Ji Shang?

Xijing! With Xijing as his capital, he has established himself as an emperor. All states in the area occupied by the Da Cang Demon Army regard him as their king! Ji Guang smiled faintly: He finally realized his dream of regaining the throne, even if this Dreams are based on the shattered dreams of five billion people.

This smile is infinitely sour.

Lin Su stood up slowly and put his hands on Ji Guang's shoulders.

Ji Guang also slowly raised his head and looked at him.

Brother, we have been going all the way. I don't think there is anything wrong. We have re-established the tax system and implemented new laws. The people have really seen the true face of the holy way, even if it is only for a short moment...

Yes, we are not wrong! It didn't happen in the past, it doesn't happen now, and it shouldn't happen in the future! Lin Su said: I'm going to do what I should do, and I have two poems for you!

Since ancient times, no one has died, and his loyalty will be remembered by history, right?

No, there is no way out after mountains and rivers, and there is another village with bright willows and flowers! Lin Su said: The night has come, and dawn is no longer far away!

With a swish sound, Lin Su rose into the sky. The sky was already dark, but his rising figure tore through the boundless black curtain.

Ji Guang raised his eyes and stared at the horizon for a long time...

There is no way out after mountains and rivers, and there is a bright future in every village. He is always the hand that turns things around. However, I still can't see where he can start.

Maybe there is one person! Ji Guang slowly lowered his head.

Li Zexi? Ge Xin's eyes lit up slightly.

Thousands of years ago, he did not participate in the war, and a scar has been licked for a thousand years. Now the same disaster has come again. His only junior brother died in the battle. How can he refuse to go to the battlefield again? Does he want to let himself be injured for another thousand years?

Ge Xin looked at the horizon: Then there is only one question left. How far is Li Zexi from the Saint level? Can he fight against the Black Nether Emperor?

Whether he can fight or not, he is the only significant target. In this battle, conventional force is simply not enough to reverse it.

Although it is not enough to turn things around, they have all made a difference. Your Majesty, do you know that there is a female demon hunting team that left the capital ten days ago, and they are using their blood every day to defend the bloody nature of the world?

Ji Guang's heart skipped a beat: Women's Demon Hunting Team? Who are there?

Wu Xue, Zhang Yiyu, Caizhulian, Zhou Mei and her daughter, Lu Youwei's mother Mrs. Tianyao, and Youying are all among them!


Yes, Princess Yufeng is in Xishan. She said that she does not need any protection. Shadow must go out to fight. If you can kill ten demons, you are not allowed to kill only nine! If you can kill a thousand demon beasts, you are not allowed to Only nine hundred were killed! In fact, there were more than tens of thousands of people like them? The territory of Da Cang has long become a bloody performance field for Da Cang. Deng Taiyan, the governor of Xizhou, escaped death three times and lost an arm but still did not leave the front line. Lin Jialiang, the magistrate of Quzhou, led all the great scholars from Haining Academy out of Haining. They were bathed in blood on the battlefield. Chen Geng of White Deer Academy was discussing Taoism at Bo Yuntai, the front line of the Demon Army, and the students under Bo Yuntai died one after another. , Zhang Juzheng has not been to the front line for two months. Even those court officials regard the front line as their court and killing demons as a state matter...

Ji Guang murmured: Before we reach the water poor, we don't know people's hearts. The catastrophe in Da Cang Country has allowed us to see the dirt hidden in the ditches, but we also see the character of Da Cang!

Your Majesty, it's been a long time since you called yourself a widower or me. Ge Xin said.

Ji Guang smiled softly: As an emperor, who knows how many days I have left to live? What is there to worry about?

Ge Xin shook his head: Your Majesty, you are wrong! I tell you these touching stories because I want to tell you that there are so many heroes in Da Cang Kingdom. They do it out of recognition for Your Majesty and the path of King Wen. , He did not hesitate to sacrifice his life on the battlefield. Your Majesty is still the orthodox king of the world at this moment. He needs to establish the confidence of the king. He needs to be like the most solid iron nail, firmly nailed to the dragon throne. With you, you have this orthodox position. Because of this, all the hard work is truly meaningful!”

Ji Guang's eyes shone brightly: Well said, even if I am the last king of the Ji family, I am still an orthodox king! In the midst of chaos, I am sitting on this dragon chair, gathering all the blood of the world!

Under the night sky, the cold moon and the remaining stars.

The capital is still crowded with people, several times more than before.

The whole world is unsafe, but Beijing is a special case. Therefore, entering Beijing as soon as possible has become the common wish of everyone.

However, once you leave the city, it is a different scene.

Green Willow Villa is in ruins, with all the courtyard walls collapsed, and not a single century-old willow tree left. In the desolate garden, there are only a few lanterns. This is the forefront of the demonic army's first invasion.

It was precisely because of this blow that the entire capital understood how cruel the war was. Even half of the top Green Willow Villa in the world was destroyed, and hundreds of people died.

Thousands of miles away from Green Willow Villa, Lin Su's heart tightened. This was not an area occupied by the demon army. It was just a transit of the demon army. All the houses were destroyed, and black blood stains still remained on the ruined bricks and tiles. White bones are exposed in the wild, there are no roosters crowing for thousands of miles, the smell of corpses is in the air, and half-rotten corpses are still hanging on the bare branches.

The mountains and rivers are broken, the homeland is sad, and the wind has traveled thousands of miles without ever returning...

At some point, the song Liu Tianyin once sang echoed deep in Lin Su's mind...

That was the first time he saw Liu Tianyin. Liu Tianyin was supposed to sing an elegant song, no matter how elegant it was, Lin Su could accept it, but instead, she sang this tragic song of her motherland.

Lin Su thought she was from the previous dynasty, and he thought this song was a painful memory of something in the past.

However, Liu Tianyin told him that this was not a song from the past, but a song from the future!

She looked at it with the eyes of destiny. One day in the future, it would be exactly the same as what she sang in the song.

Now, it’s come true!

But why?

In the second stage, Liu Tianyin did see that Da Cang would change because of Ji Shang. In order to cut off this root of evil, he and Liu Tianyin traveled thousands of miles to Qianfo Temple and killed the old thief Fuyun. When Liu Tianyin looked at the destiny again, Da Cang The evil of Cang has been eliminated.

Therefore, they were relieved.

But now, it is clear that this disaster has not disappeared!

Which part went wrong?

A group of people came in front, a human patrol. Lin Su moved his feet, and Dayan took a step forward. In the blink of an eye, he crossed the patrol. In front of him was the front line of the human and demon tribes.

Almost all of the Imperial Guards in the capital are here, totaling over one million people. A large part of them are obviously those who have just joined the army and are undergoing the most basic marching drills.

Lin Su saw many literati in this team, including students from White Deer Academy.

Although these students did not obtain the rank of Confucian scholar, they still gave Lin Su great relief by enlisting in the army as scholars.

Da Cang's writing style has changed.

It is remarkable that scholars can take off their scholarly clothes and join the war as ordinary soldiers in the face of national crisis.

If he showed up, he would obviously see a bunch of acquaintances, and Zhang Haoran and others might also be here. However, Lin Su did not alert them and passed over the heads of the defenders, disappearing into the night sky.

Opposite is the Demon Army.

The total number of demonic troops was not large, only a million. The most eye-catching ones were the ghost wolves, which were densely packed into all the spaces.

There are constant battles between these two armies, but neither of them is determined to attack Huanglong, because both sides know that there is no way to attack Huanglong. Even if the demon army kills all the defenders in front of it, it will not be able to do so. If you dare to enter within ten miles of the capital city rashly, once you enter this circle, Lingyin Temple's ultimate killing move will be activated. Once the golden body of the Supreme Goodness comes out, no one but a saint can compete with it. And what about the Beijing Guards? There is no way to attack Huanglong directly. Even if they kill the demon army in front of them, what can they do? Can we still penetrate deep into the area controlled by the demonic army? That's a proper delivery of food.

Therefore, we can only maintain a stalemate. Such a stalemate is extremely detrimental to the defenders of the capital.

The area controlled by the demon army is not peaceful. Countless people are resisting. Under the siege of the demon army, these people will eventually be annihilated!

Once they are completely wiped out, the demon army will have no worries and will concentrate all their strength to capture the last few strongholds.

What's more, the Black Nether Emperor is currently in seclusion. When he comes out of seclusion, he will most likely have become a saint. Once he becomes a saint, the golden body of the Supreme Master will not be able to stop him!

The entire capital city will fall.

Lin Su passed by in the sky, and the thoughts in his mind kept flashing like lightning.

However, he still did not choose to take action.

The current game is the most important game in his life. He must be organized and not mess up even half a step.

Outside Xijing, there is a vast expanse...

There used to be countless high mountains, but now they have all been flattened. In the past, under the Dugu Peak, vultures circled low in the sky, and after a shrill cry, they left with a piece of rotten intestines.

Thick fog filled the air, and there was a feeling of evil energy spreading among the ruined rocks and tiles.

A deep trench appeared on the ground, as if a huge demonic mouth wanted to choose people and devour them.

Lin Su fell from the air and landed on the edge of the deep ditch. He closed his eyes and fully activated his mental power, chasing a wisp of familiar energy.

Several vultures regarded him as a corpse, fell from the sky, and grabbed him with one claw.

Lin Su's eyes suddenly opened and he suddenly shot down into the deep ditch. Several vultures turned into blood mist out of thin air...

Under the deep ditch, Lin Su raised his finger, the rules of earth!

Under the deep ditch, the soil surged and spread to both sides. On top of a huge rock, with mud and sand underneath, a headless corpse stood on the stone, standing upright.

In his hand was the rusty sword that Lin Su was familiar with.

He was also wearing the tattered robes that Lin Su was familiar with.

Lin Su slowly stepped forward and gently pressed his hand on the corpse's shoulder.

Suddenly, with a click, the upper body of his corpse's cassock turned into a butterfly, rising gracefully. On Dugu Xing's chest, a blood line circled. This blood line was a sword shadow, an extremely stunning sword shadow, completely unpredictable.

The sword shadow suddenly retracted, and two big characters were written on Dugu Xing's chest: Ding Yi.

Ding Yi! Lin Su's eyes flickered: I received the message you sent to me with your last ray of soul!

The butterfly transformed from the cassock flew silently, seemingly conscious, yet seemingly unconscious...

Lin Su raised his eyes, looked at the butterflies, and smiled softly: You sent me to Yaochi, and I didn't report to you for a long time after I came back. You blamed me. This time you sent me to Tiandao Island, and I learned my lesson. I will give you a report at once. I think you are probably the only one in the world who is qualified to hear this...

The one who killed you, Ding Yi, I have seen his name on the kendo monument in the kendo rules palace. He is ranked very high, ranked first in the second row, but I will kill him because I am in kendo My name was also left on the monument, and I was in the first row, alongside Yan Nantian. Am I really awesome? I also gave the pseudonym Dao Wuchang. When I chose this name, I just felt that the Dao Wuchang was impermanent, but I didn’t expect that things in the world would become more unpredictable, and the separation we had at the beginning would actually be an eternal farewell!”

The butterfly's flight seems to be more cheerful.

Lin Su gently held up one of the butterflies: You have always wanted me to enter Jianmen, but I have never promised you, but today in front of your soul, I promised you. I, Lin Su, am a disciple of Jianmen! From now on From now on, you don’t have to worry about Jianmen having no successors. Even if Jianmen loses the sword and the door, I, Lin Su, will still be there. If I am here, Jianmen will still be there!

Sword Gate, you walk alone on the road! It seems that you have always been destined to walk alone! Thousands of years ago, when everyone retreated, Jianmen walked alone in reverse. For thousands of years, Sword Gate withered, and you walked alone. But now, you are gone, and I am still walking alone!

I know you may mention one person, your senior brother Li Zexi. You are probably also guessing whether he will participate in the war during this disaster. I have some bad news to tell you. I don't think he will! He , you have never really seen through it for thousands of years, and until now, I haven't seen it through either.

I chatted with you for a long time, and I feel much better. I will give you a poem at the end. This poem does not talk about literary talent, but only expresses my heart. It does not need glory but is true... There is so much loneliness on the road to Huangquan, and a jar of old wine. Send you off, and keep your eyes open to observe the heavenly phenomena. Don't believe in the world! On the side of Lin Su's hand, a wine jar was opened deep underground. Lin Su drank half of it in one gulp, and the remaining half turned into rain and mist. Sprinkled on the bones of Dugu Xing, and also sprinkled on the dancing butterflies.

With a chirp, the cassock butterfly turned into smoke.

In the deep valley, there is darkness.

Lin Su climbed onto the ground together. With a flick of his hand, the ten-foot-deep ditch in front of him slowly closed. He walked alone, buried underground forever, without any further disturbance.

From behind, a voice came softly: You are not the first person to pay homage to him, and neither am I! It's just that I couldn't find his body, so I can only sacrifice it with a Yao Qin song.

Thank you for being able to offer sacrifices! Lin Su bowed slightly: Thank you very much!

Liu Tianyin also bowed slightly: How do you feel about the tragic song of the motherland now?

Lin Su sighed softly: I didn't know what the song meant when I first heard it, but now I am the one who loves it!

It happened beyond my prediction. This is not normal! Liu Tianyin said.

Yes, it's not normal. What's the answer you want to tell me?

Thousand Buddha Temple misled me about my destiny with Buddhism or magic! At that time, Lin Su's Liu Tianyin went to Thousand Buddha Temple. After Master Fuyun died in response to the calamity, Liu Tianyin looked at the destiny of Da Cang again and found that Da Cang's death situation had been resolved. Therefore, the two gave up and continued to pursue Ji Shang. However, it was this Ji Shang who caused this catastrophe.

Now that I think about it, there is only one reason, and that is that someone interfered with the judgment of destiny.

Who can change the judgment of destiny?

The devil's method is to deceive the sky, and the Buddhist method is to mend the sky. They were in Qianfo Temple at the time, and the answer was one plus one equals two!

Lin Su slowly turned his gaze to Xijing: I also have this guess, but the current task is not to find the cause of the problem, but to solve the problem!

How do you want to solve the problem? Liu Tianyin asked.

Use my method! As soon as Lin Su's voice fell, the person disappeared. With Liu Tianyin's eyesight, he couldn't keep up with his figure at all.

Suddenly, a bloody flower bloomed in the sky three miles away.

Then, another one!

Next, a Dharma form was generated, and in the blink of an eye it was three hundred feet tall, poof!

The appearance of the Dharma has not yet been completely finalized and turned into blood mist.

In the blink of an eye, the blood mist formed a line and quickly approached Xijing City.


Liu Tianyin's heart suddenly shook...

The place he is going to is Xijing!

how dare you……

Xijing is a puppet capital!

It is the base camp of the Pseudo-Emperor Ji Shang Lingmo-occupied area.

The demons are using Ji Shang, and it would be foolish to pay too much attention to it. However, in the chessboard of the demons, Ji Shang is also a chess piece that cannot be given up. They have also been guarding against the all-pervasive demon killing team to assassinate Ji Shang. Therefore, Ji Shang is surrounded by demon masters. Any master who dares to approach Ji Shang will fall into their trap.

Lin Su, the person who is best at planning, the person who can see through other people's schemes at a glance, now steps directly into other people's traps?

The light in Liu Tianyin's eyes flashed wildly, and she activated the Eye of Destiny. However, there was chaos in the Eye of Destiny, which seemed to show infinite results...

Chaos of destiny! There is only one kind of person who can cause chaos of destiny, and that is the person who can interfere with destiny. Now he has grown to such a state?

Lin Su started from the ruins of Dugu Peak and had thirteen kills from the very beginning!

Yes, when he came to this ruins, he had actually triggered the vigilance of the demons. Thirteen masters were quietly arranged on the periphery. However, as soon as Lin Su started, they realized that they were wrong. This master was so high, It was unfathomable. In the blink of an eye, most people were already dead without even reacting.

The three Dharma Masters reacted faster and the Dharma Appearance was generated, but it was useless to generate the Dharma Appearance. Lin Su passed through and the Dharma Appearance turned into a ghost.

On the top of the city, a demon army general stood up suddenly, his sharp eyes fixed on the northwest sky. His appearance was no different from that of a normal human being, but the thousand-year ban made his eyes infinitely deep.

Once locked in this way, the world is like a land of ice and snow.

He saw a figure!

There is an enemy!

Two words came out of his mouth, and the big flag beside him suddenly didn't move at all.

But suddenly, the flag rolled back and turned into a sharp sword.


The city guard general, whose cultivation had reached the realm of Heaven and Earth, stopped him and cut him off.


A strong wind blew, all of them turned into swords, and hundreds of soldiers at the top of the city turned into blood mist at the same time.

The demon army general exclaimed: Sword World!

Yes, Qihua Sword, Fenghua Sword, is the world of swords.

Silently, the extremely distant figure suddenly appeared above his head, and with one step, the demon army general was completely destroyed physically and mentally.

This kick is also a sword!

This was Lin Su's first step into Xijing City.

More than 300 demonic troops defending the city were destroyed.

When he stepped down for the second time, he was already ten miles away. With this step, a building was torn into pieces out of thin air, and more than ten demon army generals who were drinking and having fun in the building turned into blood mist.

The third step is to reach the imperial city! Xijing is the capital and also has an imperial palace. At this moment, it is naturally Ji Shang's residence.

Hundreds of demonic troops above the imperial city turned into blood mist!

The fourth kick has arrived at Miyagi!

The guards above the palace city were even denser. With Lin Su's step, a sword world with a diameter of thousands of feet was formed. All the guards on the outer edge of the palace city were killed at this step, more than a thousand people!

As the guards screamed, Ji Shang, who was discussing with two old men in the deep palace, suddenly looked up...

It doesn't matter! The old man on the left smiled faintly: Ji Guang doesn't have anyone who can get close to the palace gate.

As soon as he finished speaking, a scream suddenly came from within a hundred feet.

The old man on the right frowned slightly: Sword World?

As soon as the three words were finished, wow!

The bronze palace door is divided into countless pieces!

It is indeed the world of swords! (End of chapter)

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