Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 948 The shocking power of the three realms of Yuantian

Lin Su's thousand-degree eyes looked through the flying bronze fragments and saw a person in the deep palace at a glance, Ji Shang, who was a hundred feet away from him.

But suddenly, the bronze piece flying out was positioned in the void.

There was one more person between him and Ji Shang, a middle-aged man who looked ordinary and didn't even have a sword in his hand.

But a deep cold that seemed to come from hell instantly suppressed this world into a purgatory on earth.

Silently, the space on the left seemed to be torn apart, and another person appeared.

Almost at the same time, a person appeared on the right side and behind him.

The four people appeared together, and the pressure was like a mountain. The bronze piece in front of Lin Su clicked at the same time and turned into light smoke.

Ji Shang finally saw his face clearly and exclaimed: Lin Su!

Ji Shang, after all, you can't let go of your position as the Ninth Five-Year Plan, but have you ever thought that if you take this step out, you will not be the Ninth-Five-Year Supreme, but a dog that everyone despises? Lin Su said coldly. road.

With just one word, Ji Shang's face turned livid.

Because these words touched him where he least wanted to be.

For the sake of the Nine-Fiveth position, he, Ji Shang, worked hard all his life. He killed his brother to seize the throne, betrayed his country to seek peace, silenced his ministers, and showed kindness and win over others...

In the end, he was forced to go against his ancestor's decision and completely lost his bottom line.

He did succeed, but after he succeeded, he also found that he had lost his supreme authority. His power was given to him by the Black Bone Demon Clan. He was unwilling to admit that he was a puppet in the hands of the Black Bone Demon Clan, but he also He clearly knew that he couldn't get rid of the Black Bone Demon Clan, at least not right now.

Lin Su's scolding hit him right where it hurt the most.

Ji Shang roared angrily: Lin Su, you are responsible for all this. The great catastrophe is caused by you. You should bear the responsibility for everything!

Don't worry! I will take responsibility! Lin Su said: I will bear the responsibility of killing you! I will bear the responsibility of killing the demon army's billions! I will also bear the responsibility of killing the immortal Black Emperor! So... …Are you satisfied?”

Presumptuous! The four Yuantian masters roared in unison, because Lin Su had touched a restricted area that no one could touch, and if he dared to insult the Black Nether Emperor, he would be killed without mercy!


Lin Su draws his sword!

When he drew his sword, the four Yuantian masters around him also activated it simultaneously.

In a small space, using the combined attack technique that they are good at, even if the person coming is a person of the same level as them, they can still kill them with one blow, and they can also see that the person in front of them is not really as good as Dharma. The only one who can compete with them is his unpredictable swordsmanship.

However, no matter how magical his swordsmanship is, he will suffer hatred today!

The heritage of the Black Bone Demon Clan is far beyond what this ruined continent can match!

However, no one thought that Lin Su's sword was beyond their knowledge, or even beyond the knowledge of this entire continent...

It is not the sword drawing style where the sword comes out like a sword.

It's not a sword-breaking style where the sword breaks through all kinds of magic.

It's not the Sword Domain Micro Sword Style.

It's not the Heavenly Sword style that he's best at.

It's his own sword: floating life is like a dream!

The floating life is like a dream, which is Lin Su's real trump card in swordsmanship. He and He Su fought so fiercely that day, and he only came out at the last moment. As soon as he came out, he defeated He Su's proud seventh form of Dugu: stacking. Wave style.

But today, he used it right from the start.


Things are different!

He didn't have time to test the sword with the demons. What he wanted was to kill Ji Shang as quickly as possible and in the most abrupt way!

A flash of light passed by...

With a surprise that no one can understand, and with the ruthless feelings of time...

Chi, there was a soft sound, and four heads flew up at the same time. These four sources of heaven, until their death, could not figure out where this sword came from...


The last palace door in front of Ji Shang shattered, and Lin Su stepped in.

The moment he stepped in, the two old men beside Ji Shang stood up.

When Lin Su stood up, his feet seemed to weigh ten thousand kilograms.

Lin Su's heart skipped a beat, the second realm of Yuantian! The same realm as Donghai Longjun!

The old man on the left spoke slowly: What a Lin Su. It's really amazing. The old man didn't notice, and it actually led to the death of the four great sources of heaven.

The old man on the right said: It's a pity that you ended up throwing yourself into a trap after all!

Lin Su raised his eyes: Is it possible that the second realm of Yuantian is the so-called special envoy of the Black Bone Demon Clan?


Very good, you are the first batch of envoys I have killed!

Haha, you are an ant in front of me, how can you kill him? The old man on the left laughed wildly, and with his hands together, like a net from the sky, he grabbed Lin Su.

Seeing that Lin Su could not avoid it, suddenly, a layer of golden mesh appeared in front of the big hand. As soon as he touched it, half of the old man's big hand was cut off.

The old man suddenly stopped his hand and exclaimed: Killing Formation!

Another old man also exclaimed: Literary world!

You finally remember that I, Lin Su, am still in the literary world! And I can also lay out a peerless killing array in the literary world! Lin Su's voice came, which was infinitely satisfying.

The peerless killing array can't kill the second level of Yuantian! As long as you can get out of the magic array, what's the point in the literary world? The two old men shouted: Broken!

The two of them rushed out with all their strength at the same time.

With this charge, the Peerless Killing Formation withstood a huge impact. The golden patterns were cut off layer by layer like a knife, but in the end it could not chip away at the whole body cultivation of the two Yuantian Second Realm. Finally, with a click, the Peerless Killing Formation responded. The two super masters were overjoyed to escape the trap.

Although they paid a certain price, they did not escape their control after all.

However, as soon as they escaped from the peerless killing formation, they suddenly fell into a space turbulence.

Even though their cultivation has reached such a level, the turbulence in space still fragments their cultivation...

The laws of space, this is impossible...

The two old men screamed, and Lin Su pointed out, pointing in the turbulent flow of space.


Spaces intersected, and blood mist flew across the two old men.

Their souls left their bodies and crashed into Lin Su's spiritual platform at the same time.

However, this is the last resort of these two super masters. You destroy my body, and I will destroy your soul!

They had just broken in, and Lin Su's soul was waiting for them inside: Welcome to die!


A sword struck the two souls like a flying fairy from the sky. The two souls suddenly felt that Lin Su's soul was extremely tall.

Do you feel that your soul has suddenly become a god? In fact, it is not the case. It is because your soul has become smaller. Don't resist. Come on, tell me all the secrets of the Demon Army! The information in the minds of masters at your level , is my key opportunity to destroy the demon army!

Sitting on the dragon chair in the palace, Ji Shang stared blankly at the two masses of blood mist blooming in the palace, stared blankly at the literary world blooming and disappearing in front of him, and blankly watched Lin Su coming step by step.

Ji Shang, it is my responsibility to let you live for more than one year! You have reminded me just now that I should bear my own responsibility. Lin Su said: So, today's Xijing will witness that you The bullshit king’s head fell to the ground!”

Lin Su's hand suddenly stretched out...

With a bang, the top of the Golden Palace turned into ashes under the waning moon. Lin Su carried Ji Shang up to the sky: People of Xijing, listen! I, Da Cangwen King Lin Su, will kill Ji Shang on the Golden Palace today, and I will kill him tomorrow. The demon army follows the people of heaven and earth, but if there are those who follow the demon army, no matter how far away they are, Lin Su will kill them!

With their hands together, a golden moon rose through the sky, then circled down, and Ji Shang's head flew high!

Jin Yue held Ji Shang's head and walked around the city...

With a bang, a man stood up in the northwest corner of Xijing, and the whole city shook.

The next moment, the whole city was shaken, and countless masters took to the night sky.

In the south of the city, the ghost wolves all raised their heads, and their roars seemed to come from the depths of Jiuyou.

Above the western sky, a whisper: Damn it!

With just two words, the whole city was suppressed with roars. Lin Su looked to the northwest, as if he saw another world, and the endless galaxy turned around...

Three realms of Yuantian?

Demon King?

The standing order in Lin Su's hand suddenly activated, and with the holy light, he disappeared on the spot.

Suddenly, there was a boom, and the holy light around him swayed. Lin Su almost fell out of the holy light channel, and the energy and blood all over his body surged.

With a thud, Lin Su fell heavily to the ground. In front of him was the gate of the temple.

Lin Su raised his hand and looked at Chang Xingling in surprise.

A crack appeared clearly in the standing order.

Lin Su's heart was pounding. Is this the strength of the King? He even almost left the temple's standing orders behind?

The standing order of the temple incorporates the true power of the holy way. Once activated, no one can intercept it. This anyone does not include the three realms of Yuantian?

In Xijing City, the sky full of overturning galaxies suddenly positioned itself above Xijing.

A pair of eyes appeared in the galaxy.

This pair of eyes was the only thing everyone could see.

But under these eyes, all the masters in the city knelt down, even half of the city's ghost wolves knelt on the ground, and a huge force of pressure enveloped the entire Xijing.

See the King of Heaven! Four voices in the city came from the four corners of the city.

See the King of Heaven! Countless people knelt down at the same time.

The eyes in the sky turned slightly, the stars were flowing, and the earth was rippled. An old man strolled down from the void, stepped out of the sky in one step, and stepped into the palace twice. He stood on the top of the palace and turned around slowly: Who is this person?

Five words, without any emotional changes, but everyone can smell the eternal murderous intention behind these five words.

A figure stepped out of a restaurant, came to the top of the restaurant, and bowed slightly toward the palace: This person's name is Lin Su, and he is the biggest variable in Da Cang Kingdom.

Variable? As soon as the word Tianwang came out, the old man was lifted up by an invisible force and lifted directly from the ground to his feet.

The old man slowly raised his head, with a look of fear on his face, because when this king took action, he was like a god with skills that were truly unheard of. But soon, his face calmed down: Lin Su is the best at... It is impossible to create miracles everywhere. Ji Guang won the throne. Everyone said that it was a 100% success. The Lin family had 80% of it. In fact, it was conservative. Ji Guang won the throne. It was almost single-handedly given by Lin Su. It is not an exaggeration to say that it was a 100% success.

So what? The King of Heaven said calmly.

The old man said: Lin's attack this time was unexpected, precise, and strange. As soon as he appeared, he had cut off the nobles' plan to unify the world. The king of heaven was not worried that this son would ruin the nobles' great interests. situation?

The king's expression slowly changed.

Present yet abrupt, killing yet precise, distant yet strange, just twelve words, this is the entire portrayal of Lin Su's first attack on the demon clan today.

This is where the King of Heaven feels frustrated.

Especially the second point, kill with precision!

When the demons invade the land, they cannot kill everyone. They have to have people who can help them. If these people want to help the demons, there are obstacles to overcome, that is, they must have a reasonable reason.

Ji Shang has such a reason.

After all, he was once the king of Da Cang. He was the king and commanded the world. Those who had no choice but to surrender to the demons had an answer on the table: surrender to the late emperor!

Submission to the late emperor has nothing to do with character or character, but only with political position - look, isn't this reason less shameful?

Today, Lin Su faced the demons for the first time and killed Ji Shang with the first blow!

If Ji Shang's banner falls, how can he still command the world with imperial orders?

That's why the old man told the king that Lin Su was a variable. He was best at breaking the situation from impossible places. This first blow was accurate and cruel, which was proof.

The King of Heaven slowly lowered his head: Tell me, how will this son cause trouble for this clan?

The old man said: Lin has two characteristics. One is that he is best at the art of war, and the other is that he is good at linking up and taking advantage of the situation. The so-called art of war, only with soldiers can there be methods. He has no soldiers to use, and what he can do is extremely limited. For the time being, Ignoring it, the focus needs to be on his borrowing power. From the perspective of the King of Heaven, what kind of power will he borrow?

The King of Heaven said: In the current situation, throwing away conventional power is like throwing rubble into a long river. It will not change the general situation at all. Only the temple! This son is a literary genius, and the power of the temple is his real power. You Do you want to tell me that the temple will be moved because of him?

The old man shook his head gently: The power of the temple will definitely not be affected by him. Don't worry about this level, the King of Heaven.

The King of Heaven raised his eyes, as if he was taking a serious look at the old man in front of him for the first time: Tell me, why are you so sure... that the temple will not be moved because of him?

When the Black Bone Demon Clan invaded Da Cang, one of the biggest internal debates was whether the temple would be moved.

Some people say no, because it has not been touched thousands of years ago.

Some people say that we cannot be so optimistic. Thousands of years have passed, and no one can tell the current situation clearly.

Precisely because of the controversy, the Black Bone Demon Clan is currently quite cautious in its actions. They try their best not to touch the bottom line of the temple...

But now, the old man in front of him actually told him something very certain: the temple will definitely not be moved.

He wanted to ask why.

The old man in front of him smiled softly: This matter is related to the biggest dispute in the temple! Confucian saints have always had a great wish, that is, to implant the roots of the holy way into the hearts of all major foreign races, even monsters and demons, and to spread the teachings of the holy way. Planted in all races, including the demons, the Soldiers Saint killed all the demons and monsters. The two holy paths collided fiercely, leading to the biggest split in the temple thousands of years ago. The Soldiers Saint was defeated, and Confucianism The Temple family is the only one. If the Temple takes action against the nobles today, it would be tantamount to violating their own principles, so they will definitely not take action!

The king's heart is filled with waves...

It can be said that all races of humans, demons and demons are aware of the great schism in the third heaven of the temple.

But few know the real reasons for this most taboo of schisms.

Now the old man understands, this is fighting for the way!

Confucians firmly believe that demons and aliens can also be civilized, while military strategists insist on suppressing these demons and aliens. The two sides are irreconcilable and eventually split.

If the military strategist wins and the Black Bone Demon Tribe invades Da Cang today, the Holy Temple may take action.

But if Confucianism wins, the Holy Temple will definitely not take action today.

Because if the temple kills the demons, it will be a slap in the face, and it will be an admission that their way is wrong. Who can bear the serious consequences of this admission?

Even the Confucian sages couldn’t stand it!

In this way, there will be no obstacles to the Black Bone Demon Clan's domination of the Cang Country. Not only will the Holy Temple not stop it, but they will even use the power of this demon clan in the Cang Kingdom to truly implement their plan of all races co-religion The ultimate holy way!

The road to the Black Bone Demon Clan suddenly opens up!

The King of Heaven beamed with joy: Who are you, sir?

The old man bowed: Qu Feili, the senior elder of Lao Chan's White Deer Academy, and Qu Feiyan, the former dean, is Lao Chan's brother. Lao Chan has another identity, which even my brother doesn't know about.

His voice was somewhat mysterious, and it successfully piqued the interest of the King of Heaven: What kind of identity?

When Lao Chan traveled around the world when he was young, he was destined to enter the Wenxin Pavilion. He is worthy of being the brother of the master of Wenxin Pavilion. Therefore, he also holds the title of the top elder of Wenxin Pavilion. Today, Wenxin Pavilion has been destroyed, and Lao Chan is probably the only top Wenxin Pavilion elder left in the world.

The King of Heaven stared at him for a long time: You show your vision and throw out this dual identity, presumably because you want me to support you. I can promise you that you will serve as my staff. If you can really make achievements, you will have what you need. , I agree to all of them!

People of the literary and Taoist tradition, who are pure-hearted in meditation and indifferent to fame and wealth, don't care about glory and wealth? What I want is nothing more than a clear path to the holy path.

Haha... the holy path is open! The King of Heaven laughed: When the matter is completed, the dean of White Deer Academy will be yours!

Qu Feili also smiled: I have to thank the King of Heaven for leaving a top institution of the Holy Path for the Great Cang!

The King's smile faded: Now you can tell me, what kind of power can Lin Su Xiao'er borrow?

Qu Feili just said that Lin Su is best at taking advantage of situations.

And he also said that Lin Su couldn't borrow the Temple, a force that everyone almost recognized.

So where does he want to take advantage of?

Qu Feili said: There are several forces that the King of Heaven has to guard against. One of them is a person, Li Zexi! This person has a good relationship with me. Once he appears, with his swordsmanship, he may be three-thirds of the power of a saint!

The King of Heaven nodded slightly: Go on.

The second force, the Dragon Clan of the East China Sea! The Dragon Clan is not allowed to land, but we cannot use this inertia to determine the current situation. This son's literary skills may be able to block the dividing line of the human sea and help the Dragon Clan to land!

The king's heart was slightly shocked: Is there more?

The third level of power is the cultivation path! I have just received news that this son has made good friends with Yaochi during his journey to heaven. If Yaochi is used by him, a large number of sects on the cultivation path of the Nine Kingdoms and Thirteen States may send troops for this son. !”

The King of Heaven nodded: Is there any more?

Qu Feili stretched out his fourth finger: The last force is the ancient Nanyang Kingdom. The king of the ancient Nanyang Kingdom also ascended the throne because of his son. Moreover, this son just did a big thing with the king of Nanyang in the early days and has already cooperated once. The nobles need Be prepared for the Nanyang army to enter the border!

The King of Heaven slowly raised his eyes: What was originally an insignificant little person, after your analysis, turned into a force that cannot be underestimated in the blink of an eye. Yes, yes, I will accept you as an aide and follow me!

In a sudden assassination, the demons injured thousands of people, four Yuantian were killed, two second-level envoys were killed, and Ji Shang, who was heavily protected by the demon army, was killed. This is how Lin Su faced the black-bone demons. Appearance.

Chaos is the cradle of heroes, and chaos is also the cradle of counselors.

Lin Su started his new road to reversal in the battle.

And Qu Feili, the elder who had no sense of existence since his brother's unbearable death, also opened a new chapter in his life.

No one knows what this translation means.

If he was just an ordinary scholar, he might not be able to do anything, but he is not. He is still the top elder of Wenxin Pavilion. Although he is not from the head of Cangshan Mountain, and although he does not have extraordinary spiritual power, his His IQ was so impressive that even the master of Wenxin Pavilion was moved.

The gold content of the status of the top elder of Wenxin Pavilion is far higher than that of a college dean.

In particular, he specifically pointed out that Wenxin Pavilion has been destroyed, and he is probably the only top elder in the world. This is even more valuable, because it means that Wenxin Pavilion has scattered strange people and strangers in all directions, and the countless threads buried by Wenxin Pavilion , can be used by him, he is not fighting alone, there is a group of people behind him, and everyone is not simple.

It has to be said that Qu Feili is really good at seizing opportunities.

Without a chance, he creates the best chance.

His stage is here...

The temple at this time is the Tianxia Pavilion!

Lin here again!

The gatekeeper of Tianxia Pavilion looked at him, his eyes were as wide as copper bells, but he still had to bow to the Chang Xing Ling he held up: I have met Lord Chang Xing!

Ahem...I have to borrow another way! Lin Su coughed lightly and walked to the Tianxia Pavilion. The Changxing Order in his palm was shot at Da Cang Jingcheng Confucian Temple again...

Phew, he disappeared.

Two gatekeepers, you looked at me, and I looked at you: What does this mean? Are you treating the standing order as a holy boat on its way?

Looking at this posture, it's true that Chang Xingling is the only one who can play this trick.

Yes, the basic function of the Standing Order is to calm down the situation and represent status. Very few people in the world will use it as a flying boat on the road, but Lin Su just uses it as a flying boat.

Just as the front foot left, the back foot came back again, using the temple as a springboard...

But, so what?

He didn't break the rules.

Lin Su peeled off the wall of the Confucian Temple again and stared at him inexplicably: What tricks are you playing? It's fun to go in and out?

Lin Su shook his head: Fun? You can play with it and let me see! Let me tell you, I have just experienced a life and death adventure. As a fellow disciple of the temple, you should not pay attention to whether it is fun or not. You should fight side by side with me.

Inexplicably, he exhaled softly: It seems that your tension has been relieved, and you have time to say a few more words to me!

Yes! Lin Su said, Maybe we can have a drink!

There was an extra chair under him, the words he wrote in his own hand were deformed, and a bottle of Baiyunbian was handed into an inexplicable hand.

Inexplicably, she didn't answer it, but directly picked up the tea cup in her hand. The tea cup was in the shape of a pen holder, extremely elegant and elegant.

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