Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 949 The Sword in the Eye of Destiny

Don't be nervous. Just because you drank my wine doesn't mean you have to go the same way with me! Lin Su said: There are some bottom lines that I won't ask you to break, because I know that you can't break them at all.

What do you know? He asked inexplicably.

Lin Sudao: I know that the Holy Temple will not participate in the war, no matter what efforts I make, because it involves a battle between the avenues.

He let out an inexplicable long breath: It's good that you know.

Lin Sudao: I respect you for this glass of wine! No matter how many differences you and I had in the past, at least you stood up for me when it came to the matter of Dasumi students taking the Dacang ginseng test.

Inexplicably, the teacup in his hand was gently raised: Tea instead of wine!

The two clinked their glasses together and each took a sip.

You and I still have a glass of wine to drink!

Inexplicably: What's the point of this glass of wine?

Lin Sudao: I just learned something. In the name of a watchman, you issued a warning to the demon army in front of the demon army, prohibiting attacks on the Confucian temples in various places. In the past three months, the Confucian temples in various places have not been robbed. Thousands of literati have been saved, thank you!

There was an inexplicable complex emotion in his eyes: I did such a trivial thing to protect the students of the holy way, and you actually thanked me for this?

Lin Sudao: This matter is not trivial, because I know...there is no authorization from the temple behind this matter! Whether you are willing to admit it or not, at this special node, you have inexplicably changed from the past. different!

As the watchman of the Confucian Temple, he issued a warning to the demon army.

Attacking the Confucian Temple is prohibited.

This thing seems extremely normal, but only those who are deeply involved in it know that it is not normal at all.

Because this is not a general warning, this is a warning with huge risks.

What will happen if the demon army doesn't listen?

This will put the temple in a dilemma. The warning is issued, the demonic army breaks through, the temple does not participate in the war, and its reputation is greatly damaged. The temple joins the war... It is impossible for the temple to participate in the war anyway, so there is no what if.

Therefore, the temple would not authorize the watchman to issue such a warning.

She acted on her own initiative.

A self-assertion makes the temple feel uncomfortable.

Fortunately, so far, the demonic army has not interpreted this meaning, mistakenly interpreting the warning of the watchman as a warning from the top of the temple, and has not broken through this cordon.

Inexplicably, she finally picked up the bottle of wine that Lin Su placed next to her, unscrewed it, and took a big sip from the bottle.

As soon as I took this sip of wine, my face turned red for no reason...

This is a pretty tough drink to swallow…

The taste is really hot...

Just like her thoughts...

She took it upon herself to issue a warning, but in fact her heart was always hanging in the sky. She was always worried about the sudden change of the situation. What if the demonic army broke through the cordon? In fact, she had no idea what to do!

One day, two days, ten days and several months, my heart is hanging for a long time.

No one understands her, but today, Lin Su understands.

Don't worry, now that I'm here, the matter will be solved. I swear to you with the little innocence I have left, you will not regret this decision!

Lin Su stepped out of the Confucian Temple.

It is already dawn now, and the autumn breeze is refreshing by the Liuxiang River in the early morning.

The sky is cloudless.

The river water is as gentle as yesterday.

If I had to find something different from this familiar scenery, it would probably be the faces of passers-by reflected in the river. The faces of passers-by are all heavy and depressed.

In comparison, Lin Su was very relaxed.

Across the river, Tianyinfang is in front of you.

A tinkling sound of the piano seems to be pulling...

Lin Su slowly raised his head.

A flower that explained the meaning floated down, and a voice came from the center of the flower: Would you like to come and chat with us?

Lin Su smiled softly and blew out a breath. The Jieyu Flower rose up and returned to Tianyinfang. A voice came from the Jieyu Flower at Liu Tianyin's fingertips, full of freshness and charm: Prepare new tea, prepare What a wonderful song!”

Liu Tianyin smiled softly, turned his hand, and a small willow leaf-shaped wooden box opened, and the fragrance filled the Piano Testing Pavilion.

The figure in front of him flashed, and Lin Su crossed the nine-curved corridor in three steps and came to the piano testing pavilion.

Liu Tianyin held his hands together and handed a cup of fragrant tea into his hands: How much did you get from last night's adventure?

Very few people in the world know that Lin Su entered Xijing last night. She is one of them who knows because she saw him enter Xijing with her own eyes.

The Eye of Destiny cannot see the real world. She doesn't know what happened, but she wants to know.

Three gains. First, Ji Shang is dead, and the demon clan has lost the banner to call the world. Second, I killed three thousand demon army, including six Yuantian. Third, I know the basic layout of the demon army. Including where their leader is!”

The teacup in Liu Tianyin's hand had reached his mouth and stood still. The water in the teacup did not move at all, and his whole body seemed to have become a sculpture.

Lin Su held up the tea cup leisurely, blew the tea leaves, and took a sip of fragrant tea.

Liu Tianyin breathed out softly: Six Yuantian! How far has your cultivation reached?

Currently, I am still a broken Dharma form, but my Dharma form is a bit different. I can basically kill anyone in the first level of Yuantian with one blow, and I can barely kill in the second level of Yuantian. If two of the second level of Yuantian appear at the same time, it is probably my limit. , the three realms of Yuantian appear, I have to run quickly.

If you are still a broken dharma figure, there is probably no unbreakable dharma figure in the world... Liu Tianyin said: I have been thinking about how you will place the pieces on the chessboard, and I have also thought about how the piece you dropped on the chessboard will definitely be. It’s shocking, but I still didn’t expect it to be such a shocking situation.”

It's a pity that when this stone fell, I also understood what the situation was!

It's still a dead end, right? Liu Tianyin said.

We can't talk about a dead end. There are variables, but time is a bit long. Once upon a time, time... time would also be the source of disaster for the world.

Liu Tianyin breathed out softly: I understand what you mean. You have already verified your cultivation. You can enter the upper echelons of the demon clan and use your assassination and alienation techniques. You can also display your unparalleled military skills in the demon army. As long as you avoid the Heavenly King level, your safety can be guaranteed. However, while causing massacres for the demon army, the five billion people of Da Cang Kingdom will also groan at the hands of the demon army. Every day, they are fighting a war of attrition. .”


Is there any way to speed it up?

Yes! But it is also a war of attrition!

Consuming who?

Lin Su said: Friend!

Friend! Liu Tianyin said: East China Sea Dragon Palace, Qingqiu Fox and the mermaid clan?

In addition to them, there are also some extraterritorial forces, such as the Ancient Kingdom of Nanyang, such as Mianzhou!

Liu Tianyin pondered for a long time: You are very candid today, much more candid than I expected. Why?

Because I want to know if anyone still remembers the true purpose of the Tianming Dao Sect.

Liu Tianyin gently raised his tea cup: I understand, you came to my Tianyin House today because you actually wanted something.

It's not something to ask for, but something to ask. My question just now is: Does anyone still remember the true purpose of the Tianming Dao Sect?

Adhering to the righteous destiny of heaven and killing the rebellious rebels is the purpose of the Tianming Taoist sect! Liu Tianyin said: But what is the righteous destiny of heaven? What is the renegade rebels? Under the law of heaven, who can judge the chaos? You say The Black Bone Demon Clan is in chaos, and others say that you are the cause of the chaos. If you want to get the Sword of Destiny to bring order to the chaos, I think you need to go to the holy platform of the temple to discuss the matter. As long as you can convince the sages of the temple , the sword of Tianming Dao Sect will be used for you.

Lin Su smiled faintly: Discuss the Tao on the Holy Tao Platform? Convince the sages? Are you sure that the current Holy Tao Platform can be used to discuss Tao? Are you sure that the people sitting on the Tao can be called sages? Forget it, it is better to convince them. I’ll go on a long business trip! Thank you for the tea, it’s good!”

Lin Su gently put his hand down and put the tea cup on the coffee table. His people had arrived at the pavilion.

Suddenly, a voice came from behind: Wait a minute!

Lin Su stopped, but did not look back.

Among the assists you just listed, are any of them related to a sword?


Related to swords...

A sword immediately appeared in Lin Su's mind, the God-killing Sword! Related to the burial area!

what for?

Liu Tianyin said: I saw a sword in the river of destiny. I think this sword should be the hope for solving the problem!

The God-killing Sword? Lin Su's heart moved slightly. He had the War Calling Order personally given to him by the Burial King. Could it be said that the Burial Area really needed to participate in the war? Does the Burial Area really have something key to changing the situation of the war?

No, it's the Heaven Sealing Sword!

Sealing Heaven Sword!

Lin Su was shocked!

This sword seemed to tear open a window all at once...

It made his heart beat at least three times faster!

Liu Tianyin looked at his changing face, and her heart beat faster: What? What good idea have you thought of?

Miss Tianyin, have I ever told you that you are beautiful?


Liu Tianyin was stunned and shook his head slightly: In such a bleak autumn wind situation, you still have the leisure to joke?

The autumn wind is bleak? Let me give you a poem! Lin Su raised his hand, took out the gold paper, put down his pen, and wrote...

Since ancient times, autumn has been a sad and lonely time. I say that autumn is better than spring. A crane lining the clouds in the clear sky brings poetry to the blue sky!

The pen was closed, the colorful light filled the air, and the colors were lingering. Suddenly, a ray of blue light came to the ground, and the green lotus blossoms in the sky formed into a huge crane, rising straight into the clear sky thousands of miles away, truly boundless style, infinite poetry...

The four-line poem soared into the sky, and under the blue sky and white clouds of the capital, I wrote this everlasting poem...

Autumn has been a sad and lonely time since ancient times. I say that autumn is better than spring... On the street, everyone raised their heads at the same time and recited this ancient poem that was heroic and profound.

When a crane flies above the clouds in a clear sky, it brings poetry to the blue sky! Who can burst out with such pride in such a situation? someone shouted.

The holy voice in the sky sounded: Autumn Since ancient times, autumn has been a sad and lonely time. I say that autumn is better than spring. A crane lining the clouds in the clear sky brings poetic feelings to the blue sky! The author of the poem is Da Cang Lin Su!

King Wen! He's back! Someone in the restaurant shouted, as if crying.

King Wen said, autumn is better than spring! The sky is saved! It is saved! Someone started crying.

King Wen is the God of War! As long as he is here, Da Cang will win!

The Great Cang will win! Thousands of people roared in unison on the streets.

The Great Cang will win! Millions of people roared in unison throughout the capital.

In Bailu Academy, almost all the students came out of the study: King Wen has returned, what are we waiting for, scholars? Respond to King Wen's call, go out of the study, pick up the gold, kill the demon army, and drive away the enemy bandits!

Go out of the study, pick up the golden hair, kill the demon army, and drive away the enemy bandits!

They formed a torrent and swept across the city.

Imperial Palace, Zijin Pavilion, Zhang Juzheng suddenly stopped at the door: This kid is back!

Ji Guang came out from inside: He came back yesterday! But he went out again that night. Does the bachelor know where he went last night?

Where? Zhang Juzheng stepped in.

He went to Zezhou!

Zezhou? Is it okay to pay homage to Dugu? Zhang Juzheng exhaled heavily: Although it is a bit stupid, it is also true!

Paying homage to Duguxing is just the beginning! Ji Guang said: Next, he did a big thing!

Zhang Juzheng's eyes moved over: What's the matter?

Kill Ji Shang!

After hearing these three words, Zhang Juzheng almost jumped up: What? Kill Ji Shang? dare he assassinate alone?

Yes, although Ji Shang is a puppet of the Demon Army, he is also an important chess piece in the hands of the Demon Army. There are really many masters around him. More than 300 of our masters were buried in Xijing, and there has never been a single one. He could get within a hundred feet of Ji Shang. But he succeeded!

Succeeded? Ji Shang is dead? Zhang Juzheng's old face suddenly turned red.

Ji Guang nodded: Exactly! He killed Ji Shang in front of the whole city of Xijing, turned Man Jiang Hong into a golden moon, and carried Ji Shang's head across the city. Everyone in Xijing knew that Ji Shang Shang is dead, and this news cannot be blocked. The whole world will know the news of Ji Shang's death, and he is also telling all followers of the Demon Army, saying, kill Ji Shang today, and kill the followers of the Demon Army tomorrow. This declaration will also be Everyone knows it.

Zhang Juzheng let out a long breath: With the first blow, did you defeat the evil intention of the demon army to support the puppet king, and also disrupt the traitor camps all over the world?


Zhang Juzheng raised his eyes: So, one of his poems handed down from generation to generation today also has a purpose!

Exactly, the morale of the whole city has been ignited, and the people's confidence has been reached to the extreme!

Summon him here! Zhang Juzheng's official seal flashed...

But Ji Guang blocked it: If he wants to see us, he will come naturally. If he doesn't come, maybe he has something important to do. Don't be blind!

Zhang Juzheng took back the official seal in his palm...

The huge Paiyun Crane in the sky turned slightly, collected all the green light in the sky, and flew towards Tianyinfang again...

An old holy voice came from the air: The poem has been passed down from generation to generation, and I will give you the cultural treasure 'Crane Qin'!

Qinghe dove into Liu Tianyin's Yaoqin.

This poem was given to her by Lin Su, and the reward of the Holy Path was naturally given to her.

Liu Tianyin gently caressed the Yao Qin: If a cultural treasure enters the Yao Qin, the heaven and the earth will not be divided. This unintentional gift from you makes me quite scared.

Is it unintentional? Why not intentional?

... Liu Tianyin looked up, a little confused again.

Lin Su smiled softly: There was a wonderful person who said something. It sounded a bit nonsense at first, but it turned out to be true if you listened carefully. Do you know what he said? She said, anyone who gets my Qingshi Women will fall in front of me one by one and will never recover, so you must not be happy too early, the time for you to cry may not have come yet.

Liu Tianyin looked at him with a sour expression.

Lin Su changed his smile: Forget it, don't look at me like this, I tell the truth, I am grateful to you, simply thank you! Very, very simple!

Why... why do you want to thank me? What have I done? Liu Tianyin was anxious.

You have awakened me to something, and the importance of this matter is beyond all! You deserve my best poetry, you are really worth it! Lin Su tiptoed, rose into the air, and flew into the sky again. deep.

This time Hongfei, Liu Tianyin clearly felt that he was more free and easy, as if he had really got rid of a huge dilemma.

But what's going on?

Liu Tianyin thought for a long time, but couldn't figure it out.

What did I do?

I just told him that there is a sword in the river of destiny, the Sealing Heaven Sword.

Can a sword really change this crisis?

I'll have to test it again...

Liu Tianyin closed her eyes, and the Yaoqin in her hand played softly. The sound was ethereal. Her eyes slowly opened, and she saw the river of destiny again, and saw the sword again. However, the front was blurry, and she could still see everything. Not coming out.

On the Western Mountain, beside Lingyin Temple and in front of the Poetry Wall, several beauties were quietly looking at the horizon and the direction in which Lin Su disappeared.

Cai Zhulian's feet were already halfway off the ground, but a hand pulled her down.

It is impossible for ordinary people to hold her, but this hand can, because this hand belongs to Wu Xue.

Wu Xue is already Yuantian!

Wu Xue came out of the mountain three months ago. As soon as the demon clan broke the seal, the news spread to Wushan. Wu Xue's retreat cave turned into ashes. In the mist and rain, she stepped out of Wushan and came to the capital.

Then, it was the process of getting acquainted with several beauties.

Wu Xue, Zhang Yiyu, Cai Zhulian, Zhou Mei, You Ying and two other senior beauties, Lu Youwei's mother Luo Tianyao and Zhou Mei's mother Da Yaonv. No one knows her name. This is the name she gave herself. So arrogant, called a big witch!

A few beauties had just returned from the Eastern Front and killed a bunch of people. Each one of them had a murderous aura that was incompatible with their own bodies. Suddenly, they heard the shocking news in Xijing yesterday.

After hearing the news, several women looked at each other, especially Zhang Yiyu and Cai Zhulian.

If you were looking for a word to describe their worries, this would probably be a long sigh: Looking back on those days, we could beat this kid at any time, and we actually beat him. There was a time when he couldn't beat him. , and now? It seems that we still have to look up. Ji Shang is something that we, the top female group in the world, dare not touch, and what about him? There is no group, only him! One person killed Ji Shang overnight... This is probably the most unreasonable thing in the world.

At this moment, when Lin Su returned to Beijing, Cai Zhulian's first reaction was to catch up with him, tell him about the earth-shattering things that happened during this period, and also find some earth-shattering things from him.

However, Wu Xue held her back.

He has glanced over here and has seen us. If there is anything that needs us, he will speak. If he doesn't speak, it means that what he has to do at the moment is urgent! Wu Xue said.

Indeed! Zhou Mei licked her lips: A sudden blow last night turned Xijing upside down. Today he went out of the city again, and it was obviously another situation where the situation was overturned. In this dangerous situation, although I don't want to admit that we will be a burden. , but in fact, it will indeed be a burden to him.

Don't be discouraged! Zhang Yiyu smiled softly: In the overall situation, there is no useless chess. Each of us is important. Even Youwei, who would have thought that she would become a crucial person at the critical moment. Eye?

I'm afraid the all-powerful His Highness King Wen didn't expect this. You Ying, who rarely spoke, spoke up.

As soon as she spoke, everyone's eyes turned to her: He doesn't know the inside story about Youwei becoming a monk?

A relaxed voice came from behind, but it was Lu Youwei's mother, Mrs. Tianyao. Mrs. Tianyao sighed softly: That day, I saw his suffering, and I really couldn't bear it, so I said a few more words, but I think , and he still didn’t really understand it at the time.”

The one you love wants to become a nun. No matter how smart you are, you can only feel that all thoughts are despairing, and it is absolutely difficult to think of the deeper meaning. The shadow's voice also fluctuated slightly...

Lin Su swept across thousands of miles of sky.

Soon, he arrived above Dongzhou.

Dongzhou, the demon-occupied area.

As long as the average person is not crazy, they should never enter.

However, Lin Su came.

He knew clearly how important what he was about to do was.

When he came to Dongzhou, he went to Yaowang Mountain.

Could it be that he wanted to capture the power of Yaowang Mountain in his own hands? fart! Yaowangshan has long been absorbed by the Demon Army and turned into one of their highly professional thugs.

what occupation?

A harmful profession!

Yaowangshan is proficient in medicines, and the demon army is really better at using these medicines. They often sprinkle several kinds of medicine powder into the city, and the city immediately becomes a mess. The demon army comes out to conquer again, getting twice the result with half the effort.

But Yaowang Mountain can do much more than that.

It currently also has an important mission, which is to clean a sword.

The Sealing Heaven Sword has a sword spirit, a killing spirit and a sealing spirit. The sword spirit is extremely fierce. It jumps up and kills as soon as it senses the devil's energy. It's like a madman. If they are not destroyed, there will still be future troubles. Therefore, Yaowangshan's order is to destroy these two sword spirits.

The sword spirit is not a life, it cannot be chopped off, nor can it be eliminated directly. Only the medicine can penetrate and slowly dissolve.

The clean-up operation has been underway for three months, with only seventeen days left until final completion.

After seventeen days, there is no more Sealing Heaven Sword in the world.

This sword that the demons fear and hate will enter the garbage heap of history.

This is a glorious and great mission, and everyone in Yaowang Mountain is very excited. They feel that even if they become other people's dogs, they are still relatively useful dogs.

The entire sect worked overtime day and night just to accomplish this great feat for the Black Nether Emperor, so as to gain more seats in the future power distribution.

Of course, some elders among them had objections, but after the demon envoy talked to them, they had no objections and lay on the ground very quietly.

Su Yuanshan, the sect master of Yaowang Mountain, sat on the sect master peak, staring at the tumbling medicine pool at his feet. The tumbling potions in the medicine pool were extremely specific, and the colors they emitted were changing all the time.

Sometimes it's green, sometimes it's purple, sometimes it's yellow, sometimes it's silvery white.

And his mood was like this pool of water, sometimes happy and sometimes sad.

Fortunately, Yaowang Mountain seems to have hit the right note of historical fate once again. (End of chapter)

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