Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 951 Seizing the Sword at Yaowang Mountain

Qi Yao's face turned slightly red: Did your husband really ask you to come here to help?

That's what I told them. After Makino got married, I lost any news about him... Mingzhou is still too remote. I only found out about the break of the Da Cang Black Bone Demon Clan five days ago. As soon as I found out about it, Starry Night It’s a long journey and we’ll arrive today… Is your husband in Da Cang at the moment?”

He's not here! Some say he is in the temple, others say he went to Tiandao Island! Qi Yao said.

It should be Tiandao Island. But the trip to Tiandao Island is also over. He should...

Suddenly, a figure cut through the sky, but it was Qi Bei.

Qi Bei was very excited and shouted in the air: Sister, he is back! King Wen is back in Beijing!


Qi Yao jumped up and met her second brother accurately: Is the news accurate?

Incomparably accurate! Qi Beidao: The first thing he did when he returned to the capital was to break into Xijing and kill Ji Shang! The second thing he did was to write a poem in the capital that will be handed down from generation to generation. The former Corresponding to his astonishing ingenuity, killing Ji Shang will end the demon army's conspiracy to gather the world's literary minds in the name of the false emperor, and the latter corresponds to his astonishing literary skills. Therefore, this news must be absolutely true!

What poem? Read it and listen to it! Jiang Yun's face was also filled with red clouds.

Her military family was robbed, and she was not a literary person, but after all, she was the inheritance of a literary family, and she had a deep-rooted preference for literature. What's more, she knew that her husband was a genius of wisdom and morality, and every poem could actually convey some of his thoughts. .

Since ancient times, autumn has been a sad and lonely time. I say that autumn is better than spring. A crane lining the clouds in the clear sky brings poetry to the blue sky!

The ancient poetry that was just born in the capital was spread to the coast of the South China Sea, and bloomed with its unique appearance under the city of Ningzhou, which had just repelled the invasion of the demonic army.

A crane in the clear sky attracts poetry to the blue sky! Jiang Yun murmured: In such a situation where a large army is pressing down, he is the only one who can move up the clouds...Sister, his Is your hometown still safe now?

Sister wants to protect his hometown? Qi Yao said.

Jiang Yun nodded slightly: He is fighting at the front, and I will protect his home for him so that he can have nothing to worry about!

If it's just for this purpose, sister doesn't need to go to Haining! Qi Yao said: Haining has a guardian. If the saint doesn't come out, there will be no worries!

If the saint doesn't come out, there will be no worries. If the saint comes out, I can't stop him. Well, I'll stay at the foot of Da Cang Mountain to help you protect Da Cang Mountain!

At this moment in Yaowang Mountain, the afternoon sky is extremely high.

A few white clouds outline an elegant picture in the sky.

Su Yuanshan withdrew his gaze from the depths of the white clouds and looked at the tumbling medicine pool in front of him.

Suddenly, he seemed to catch something.

He suddenly looked up and saw a figure beside the white clouds in the sky.

This was a purple figure, which suddenly appeared above his head. He was dressed in scholarly attire, handsome and elegant. At this moment, he came through the air. The blue sky and white clouds behind him seemed to suddenly become his background, making his demeanor even more unrivaled. .

However, Su Yuanshan's pupils suddenly shrank, as if he saw a big-headed ghost: Lin Su!

As soon as the word Lin Su came out, several lofts behind Su Yuanshan were shaken simultaneously.

Su Yuanshan, I once warned you that standing in the wrong team will lead to disaster. Today, you are not only standing in the wrong team, you have directly rebelled against the forest of the human race. Yaowang Mountain will be destroyed because of you. We must not know ! Lin Su's cold voice spread throughout the mountain!

Countless attics, countless practice rooms, countless caves, almost everyone's eyes opened at the same time.

With a bang, countless cave doors burst open at the same time, and countless people ascended into the sky at the same time.

The name Lin Su is so shocking.

He visited Yaowang Mountain once that day, but after that visit, Yaowang Mountain quickly declined. Finally, when he was at the height of his power, the mountain was closed!

With this letter, Yaowang Mountain's prosperous development path was directly closed, and everyone in Yaowang Mountain was unwilling to accept it.

From that time on, the name Lin Su was the most hated name among the Yaowang Mountain tribe, but no one dared to retaliate against him.

He wanted to take revenge on Lin Su but did not dare to take revenge. This was probably the key reason why Yaowangshan finally chose to succumb to the Black Bone Demon Clan.

Because in this world, they cannot borrow the power of others.

But today, Lin Su dared to appear in Yaowang Mountain again, and directly showed his attitude of destroying the sect.

Is that okay?

Su Yuanshan looked up to the sky and laughed: Lin Su, you said that I was in the wrong team, but I also said that you came to the wrong place! Today's Yaowang Mountain is your burial place!

Really? Then let's see who is buried! The long sword in Lin Su's hand suddenly unsheathed!

As soon as the long sword came out, the entire mountain peak completely changed.

The fallen leaves are swords!

The grass is floating, it’s a sword!

White clouds drifted down from the sky, welcoming the group of elders flying in from all directions...


Almost in an instant, everyone in the Yaowang Mountain tribe who flew up died cleanly.

Su Yuanshan's expression changed drastically: Sword World!

He is Xiang Tian Fa Di, and he can only block Lin Su with three sword fruits at best. Once Lin Su enters the sword world, no matter whether his body has broken through Xiang Tian Fa Di, he will not be able to defeat him.

At this moment, ten Dharma Buddhas appeared at the same time, three in the north, three in the south, one in the west, one in the east, and two in the sky.

The two huge Dharma statues in the sky shouted in a deep voice: What a coward. I let you escape death in Xijing yesterday, and how dare you come here again today!

Lin Su said calmly: Since you know that I killed everyone in Xijing yesterday, do you still dare to appear in front of me?

When he said the first word, he was still at the center surrounded by everyone. When he said the last two words, he suddenly took a step forward!

This step is unpredictable.

Chi! The Dharma image I just talked about is divided into two halves!

No, it’s not just him, another dharma image in the air is also in sync!

The two dharma bodies were both 500 feet away, and the distance between them was at least ten miles. However, Lin Su stepped over them in one step, and there was no distance between them at all. When the two swords fell, both dharma bodies died.

Kill! A voice came from a hole, with endless majesty. Following this voice, a man in black stepped into the sky and slashed at Lin Su with a knife. The entire sky's sword rain seemed to solidify in the air, and there was only This sword was like the one that opened up the world.

Source Heaven Realm!

However, Lin Su took another step. This step, he gently and quietly escaped from the knife. The next moment, eight bloody flowers bloomed around them.

The Yuantian master's eyes widened: One step to Dayan!

Not bad! It's good to recognize this step! Lin Su raised his eyes and locked his eyes firmly: The name of this sword is 'Floating Life Like a Dream', and it is specially used to kill you group of black-bone demons. Let me tell you, Your dream of rising again after being banned for thousands of years is just a big dream after all!”

As soon as his voice fell, the sword came out from his palm!

The sword passed by, and an unpredictable light appeared!

As the sword passed by, the Yuantian master's eyes widened in complete disbelief. His head separated from his neck, exploded in the air, and his soul disappeared in the light.

Su Yuanshan's whole body tightened, as if turned to stone.

A master of the demon race in the Yuantian Realm still only needs one sword under his sword!

This person has completely jumped out of the human realm and stepped into the realm of God!

Lin Su fell in front of him: Su Yuanshan, you Yaowang Mountain don't even have a special envoy from the Demon Clan. This shows that you have no status in the hearts of the Demon Clan!

King Wen, I'm old... Su Yuanshan's back was dripping with cold sweat, and he was still struggling with whether to kneel or not.

Don't beg for mercy! Save some dignity for yourself!


A sword flew out, and Su Yuanshan and the elders behind him were all torn into bloody mist by the sword energy.

The other elders and disciples were already in mid-air and stopped abruptly, all of them like candles in the wind.

Lin Su's body suddenly shook and turned into a thousand-foot body. He raised his right hand and the water below completely evaporated. A long sword flew up from the water, which was the Sealing Heaven Sword.

The Sealing Heaven Sword fell into Lin Su's palm and suddenly enlarged!

In the process of zooming in, it seems that the power of the long sword is slowly activating, and endless sword energy spreads around in circles.

Let's go! Someone among the people below shouted loudly, and the elder and the elite disciples flew up at the same time, shooting in all directions...

Destroying mountains and annihilating sects is inhumane, but it is a necessary outcome for you unrepentant bastards. In your next life, join a more reliable sect! Lin Su's voice came down from the air.

Accompany him with a sword!

This sword was issued using the Sealing Heaven Sword as a carrier.


All seventy-two peaks of Yaowang Mountain were razed to the ground!

No matter the elders or disciples who escaped, no one could escape from the mountain gate!

Hundreds of miles away in the north, a streak of demonic energy soared into the sky. The next moment, a pair of eyes appeared on the ruins of Yaowang Mountain. However, Lin Su was already thousands of miles away.

The prestigious Yaowang Mountain was reduced to ashes in less than half a quarter of an hour under his hands.

Lin Su stepped on the spring river and walked south step by step. After three steps, he had reached the boundary of Chujiang River.

Suddenly, he stopped.

Slowly turning back, staring at a mountain peak behind him: Su Rong, there is something you need to express your condolences to. I have destroyed your sect. No disciple of the sect can escape. It is ten times more decisive than the Bishui Sect; your father, I have already killed him! I killed him with my own hands!

On the top of the mountain, suddenly the birds stopped chirping and the insects stopped chirping, as if they had fallen into a dead silence.

Lin Sudao: There is another thing that is very regrettable, that is...if you want to avenge your father, I will definitely kill you without mercy!

On the top of the mountain, a gust of wind blew by, as if completely alive, and a voice came softly: After the demonic battle, I will fight with you!

On the top of the mountain, a package came from across the sky.

Lin Su stretched out his hand and wrapped the void in position. The outer cloth was separated, and there were three heads inside. The neck bones were pure black.

Lin Su's eyes flashed with excitement: Okay, after the magic battle, I will give you a chance to fight, and you choose the way to fight!

Su Rong, he saw her again.

The most outstanding disciple of Yaowang Mountain gave him an unexpected answer.

It was impossible for her to regard Lin Su's destruction of Yaowang Mountain and her father's death as a breeze, but she did not follow the same path as other sect disciples.

She handed Lin Su three heads.

The head of the Black Bone Demon Clan.

What does this mean?

It means she is killing demons!

The sect surrendered to the demons, but she was killing them.

The endless entanglement between the two will be left behind after the magic war!

In front of them, they each divided their things and went their own way in their own way.

Lin Suping was one step ahead of Qingyun and integrated into Dayan. His speed was truly legendary.

He did not return to the capital, nor did he return to Haining.

Logically speaking, he has been away from home for so long, almost the longest time he has been away from home in the past years. He should go home and take a look.

Logically speaking, in such a difficult and critical situation, he should meet with his family members as soon as possible to comfort their hearts and bring them the hope that only he can bring in troubled times.

But none of this makes sense.

The Black Bone Demon Clan broke the seal, and the whole world was in chaos. The forty states of the Great Cang fell into the hands of the demons. Every day there was killing, and the world was so big that there was almost no peace.

Although he is only one person, he is the hope of the entire world.

He doesn't want to analyze the cruel reality over and over with his friends. He doesn't want to see panic or despair on the faces of women. He needs to really turn things around!

No one can follow this path of turning things around!

Including His Majesty, including the Dragon Clan, including the Buried King, including Dark Night, and all the major Holy Families.

Going down the Spring River and merging into the Yangtze River, there was demonic energy on both sides, mountains of corpses and seas of blood on both sides. Lin Su stepped on the blue waves and looked into the sky. He seemed to have experienced the state of mind of Yan Nantian in the past. The shadow has disappeared without a trace, and the people who have stepped on the Cangshan Mountain are far away. I deeply regret that I was a hero!

His path has become transcendent, and his relatives and friends can no longer follow him.

It's not that he doesn't want someone to follow him, he dreams of having a fellow traveler in this situation, but no one can follow him.

The Black Nether Emperor was only one step away from the Saint level a thousand years ago.

Now it can almost be seen as a holy level.

Each of the eighteen heavenly kings under him are in the three realms of Yuantian.

His seventy special envoys are from the second realm of Yuantian, and each of them is a figure comparable to the Dragon King of the East China Sea.

Even if the ordinary Yuantian ranks at the fourth level in the Demon Army, it is almost difficult to find one in the entire world.

The top combat power of Da Cang can probably only be compared with the bottom of the demon army: the ordinary demon army, and it is not even superior. You need to know that the ordinary demon army that was able to survive the war a thousand years ago is actually not ordinary. It’s all like the realm of heaven and earth!

The realm of Xiangtianfadi is equivalent to the literary world, and is equivalent to the top immortal sect leader in Da Cang.

There are more than three thousand such ordinary demon soldiers in the Black Bone Demon Clan's team.

Most of Lin Su's friends can only compete with ordinary demon soldiers. Those who can compete are already outstanding beings, such as Zhang Yiyu, Caizhulian, Youying, Zhou Mei's mother and Lu Youwei's mother. , so their female demon slaying team is a beautiful scenery in Da Cang Capital.

And Lin Su himself, despite all his efforts, was only equivalent to the third level of the Demon Army - comparable to the special envoys of the second realm of Yuantian. This was the comprehensive combat power formed by gathering all his power, including Wen Dao.

How to make a comeback in this situation?

He looks like a little ant dreaming of overturning the giant mountain on his body!

However, Da Cang is the Da Cang of Da Cang people!

Da Cang people cannot be slaves!

Lin Su's sword heart grows slowly with the spring river...

The way of the sword is to be strong when you are strong!

The way of the sword is to break rather than bend!

The way of the sword is to do it even though you know it is impossible to do!

He went down the river, crossed the dividing line between the Spring River and the Yangtze River, and entered the Pearl River system along the Yangtze River...

Haining City has changed drastically.

The city was not damaged, and the river embankment remained. In these troubled times, Haining City was a special case. All other cities were destroyed, but it was the only one that remained!

The reason it's there is because of a big tree.

Roots implanted in a peach tree in Lin Mansion...

Everyone clearly remembers that a few months ago, when the demonic energy was rampant and the demon soldiers were raging, a small peach tree in the west courtyard of the Lin family in Haining suddenly grew up. When it grew up, it looked like a towering tree, with branches stretching across the sky. All will be turned into blood mist, no matter it is the Sky Immortal Lord like Optimus Prime or the all-pervasive terrifying ghost wolf, there will be no exception!

This blow lifted the sky for Haining!

With this blow, a scream of complete disbelief came from the demon army: Saint!

From then on, tens of millions of demonic armies wreaked havoc on the mountains and rivers for hundreds of millions of miles across the land, and they took a detour here.

And this peach tree has not shrunk. It maintains its height of thousands of feet. Its branches and leaves span the Yangtze River, covering Yishui Beichuan under Meiling, covering the Haining River Beach, and also covering Haining University. Lived in the whole Haining City.

The extraterrestrial demonic soldiers and beasts roared back and forth. It was like a giant, standing quietly in Haining City, looking down on all living beings in the world.

It also shocked the passing demon soldiers.

A holy tree protects a city and a hundred miles in radius.

Therefore, under the sacred tree, there is a safe zone!

Suddenly, everyone in Quzhou and Chenzhou came madly. Countless people died on the road, and countless people were lost in the pursuit. However, the number of people in Haining City, Yishui North Beach, and Haining River Beach was still Growing at a speed visible to the naked eye, it exceeded 10 million, 20 million, 30 million in the blink of an eye...

It must be said that all the rules in the world are based on moderation. Talking about rules regardless of the order of magnitude is purely a hooligan...

When there are more people, the past rules are completely broken.

Whether in Haining or on the river beach, the previous prosperity and tranquility were shattered to pieces, and worry appeared on everyone's faces again.

The world is in chaos. No matter how good the Lin family's products are, they have lost their sales channels.

Even if you have a large amount of banknotes, you can't buy the necessary daily necessities.

The city of Haining seems to be extremely lively and prosperous, but people starve to death every day, and dying people sleep in every corner of the Haining river beach.

Yang Wenze, the prefect of Haining, just made a difficult decision today to open a warehouse to release grain!

This opening is based on his long-term persistence in the holy way. This opening is based on his feelings of helping the people as an official for thirty years. However, he does not know whether this opening will ruin Haining's basic market... …

Lin Mansion, Mother Lin stood on the steps, looking at the sky for a long time...

She had been looking at it for a long time. She had stood here two hours ago. At that time, her face was still full of excitement. This excitement made the entire Lin family excited.

Because Mother Lin is a person with You Zisuo, she is the one who can sense the Third Young Master. Every time she stands on the steps with this excited expression, it means that the Third Young Master is coming back.

In troubled times, if there is such a fixed star that can make everyone feel at ease, this fixed star is the Third Young Master.

However, after standing for two hours, Mother Lin suddenly shed tears...



Qu Xiu and Yu Lou came over one after another and supported her, while Sister Chen, Lu Yi and Cui Ying were all shocked.

Mother Lin raised her head slightly: My mother sensed that Saburo was on the way home two hours ago, but... he didn't come back. He continued to go south, getting further and further away, passing through the house without entering. This... This is the first time for him!

Madam! Lu Yi took a step forward: The situation in the world is like a dead egg, and hundreds of millions of people in the world are hanging upside down. Only he can turn things around in the world, and he is doing great things.

Sister Chen said: Yes, madam, the only thing we can do is to protect ourselves and give him a stable rear area.

The lady nodded lightly: You are right! As the son of the Lin family travels all over the world, the Lin family has to stabilize his rear. Haining City, Yishui North Beach, and Haining River Beach are all his rear. Everyone in the Lin family must protect him. Yourself! When I want him to come back, I will see that everyone of you is well! Also, open a warehouse! The Lin family will leave one month’s worth of food and distribute all the remaining food to the refugees.”

Sister Chen was slightly surprised: January?

It only takes one month! Mother Lin said: Sanlang has entered the whirlpool. Whether he succeeds or not, one month is enough to tell. If he is still here, he must have reversed the situation. If he is not able to escape this disaster, It makes no difference whether the Lin family has food or not! Why not use the limited food to save a few more lives at this critical moment?

On the side of the Pearl River, the two armies faced each other.

The army on the opposite side is the Cangshan Army, the most powerful army in the Da Cang Kingdom. King Nan personally leads the army. His army is like Da Cang Mountain, standing under the sky, and the waves cannot destroy it.

And on this side is the demon army.

The demon army is a hodgepodge. Countless ghost wolves are lying on the riverside, looking across the river from a distance, their green eyes choosing people to devour.

After the ghost wolf, Baililian camp.

Seven practicing sects from the thirteen southern states gather here.

Soldiers from forty-one aristocratic families gathered here.

Countless state soldiers gathered here.

They are not the main dish, the main dish is the demon army. A special envoy of the demon army is the commander, thirty Yuantian realm masters are the generals, two hundred authentic demon soldiers are the commanders of each army, and below them are the sect masters and top elders of each sect. character, or a senior general in the original military.

This kind of camp was originally a formation that swept through all the realms of Da Cang, conquering the city and killing everyone. However, in the confrontation with the Cangshan Army, they did not take any advantage.

Ten days ago, they crossed the Pearl River, but the Cangshan Army under the Nanwang fought a last-ditch battle and beat them back. In this battle, the Cangshan Army suffered more than 30,000 casualties, while the Demon Soldiers lost half of their Youyou soldiers. Wolf, the number of casualties among cultivating disciples and state soldiers totaled 300,000!

Even the authentic generals of the Demon Army, masters at the level of Heaven and Earth, had dozens of people die.

It can be said that the war has reached this level, which was unexpected by the commander of the demon army, Li Xiu. Li Xiu is a master of the second level of Yuantian. He originally thought that if his subordinates just pull out a Xiangtianfadi, it will be enough for him. An army wanted to drink a pot, but he was wrong. The leader of the Cangshan Army, Nan Wang, was in the martial arts world, and his bloodline was extremely terrifying. When his Xiang Tianfa Di met Nan Wang, he was defeated in three moves and two moves. He beheaded.

However, he didn't care about this level of attack and defense. If he sent the Yuantian realm generals, he would definitely be able to kill the Southern King among thousands of troops. However, he was wrong again. The Yuantian realm masters passed by in the air, and the Southern King The army turned into a strange formation, and as soon as the formation came out, Yuantian master rolled and was beaten back to the north of the Pearl River.

This formation is a variant of the military formation. It is said to be the masterpiece of Qi Dong, the God of War in the South. It is a formation specifically designed to restrain super masters.

In this case, only he took action himself! (End of chapter)

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