Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 952 Lin Su Demon Slayer Camp

The commander-in-chief personally took action. Who would have thought that he would witness a real miracle...

King Nan and his hundreds of generals suddenly came together and turned into a giant. The giant's fighting power was terrifying, and could compete with him!

The Southern King was originally only in the Peeping Heaven Realm, which was equivalent to the Xiangtian Law and Earth. With hundreds of generals working together with him, it was not enough to resist an authentic Yuantian Second Realm, but he just blocked it.

This is the uniqueness of the Seventy-Two Parts of Cangshan.

The seventy-two parts of Cangshan can be combined!

The combination of the head, neck, and body actually has an incredible magical effect, seeming to bring back to some extent this god who fell into Da Cang Mountain in the past.

Li Xiu missed a single hit and retreated to the north of the Pearl River.

In anger, he ordered the army to cross the Pearl River. This crossing resulted in his biggest defeat since he sent out troops.

The high-level power is where the Demon Army has the upper hand.

However, how can the combat power of the soldiers below compare to the Cangshan Legion ranked first in Da Cang?

As soon as the army came into contact, the Cangshan Army was at full strength. In an instant, it was like chopping melons and vegetables, beating this group of people until they couldn't recognize their mothers. This battle was a complete defeat. The generals below looked at him as the commander-in-chief with expressions in their eyes. There was distrust for the first time...

Li Xiu paced slowly in the tent. A human military advisor behind him stared at the commander with a bit of fear.

He was worried that this military genius would make a mistake again. As a military advisor, he was not actually worried about the coach being incompetent, but he was more worried about the coach going his own way.

If there were more rounds of battles like the previous few days, all the followers of the human race would be wiped out. When there are no followers of the human race, wouldn't he, the representative figure of the followers of the human race, lose the right to speak?

Commander! the human military advisor said.

Li Xiu stopped pacing and looked over.

Commander, although the battle situation seems to be stalemate at the moment, it is extremely easy to break through. Commander, you might as well recruit another special envoy. The two special envoys will join together and kill the Southern King among the thousands of troops, just like picking something out of a bag.

Objectively speaking, these words are golden words. With the special combination ability of Cangshan Seventy-two Divisions, hundreds of high-level generals can be transformed into giants that can compete with the second level of Yuantian. However, they can only transform into one!

What if we come to the second realm of Yuantian again?

King Nan must die!

After the death of King Nan, even though the Seventy-two Cangshan tribes had hundreds of thousands of elite soldiers, they could not stop the fighting power above Yuantian. They walked around the battlefield above Yuantian and wiped out all the generals. In the blink of an eye, they raised their hands. One hundred thousand troops were wiped out.

But when he said these words, the military advisor felt that he was a loser.

Li Xiu's face darkened: You mean, I can't defeat Nan Wang's Cangshan Army alone? I still have to find helpers?

How dare you...

Get out! As soon as Li Xiu said these three words, the military advisor flew out of the tent.

Li Xiu took a deep breath: Everyone in this department obeys the order!

Here! came the response from the Baili Battalion, there were hundreds of people!

Above the source sky, target the opponent's commander's mansion. Above the law, target the opponent's military camp. The rest of the army will cross the Pearl River and kill! No retreat until the battle is over!


With a bang, Li Xiu soared into the sky...

His body directly transformed into a thousand-foot-long Dharma body!

And behind him, thirty Yuantian masters also transformed into thousand-foot-long Dharma bodies!

After that, there are two hundred Xiangtianfadi!

This group alone has blocked the sky and stopped the flow of water in the Pearl River.

What's more, there are tens of millions of troops. When the ghost wolf entered the water, the water of the Pearl River turned into pitch black. The army behind turned into a torrent in the black waves, approaching the south bank of the Pearl River.

King Nan rolled his huge eyes, and the white cloud edge in his palm shattered into pieces, and he shouted: The whole army is coming! Kill them hard!

He jumped up and went straight into the void: The bodies of the ancestors, unite!

More than a hundred people jumped up at the same time, including men and women, old and young. In a moment, they turned into a strange giant, headed by King Nan, with feet as feet, hands as hands, and navel as waist...

A ray of holy light originated from the distant Da Cang Mountain, turning this strange combination into a whole.

Kill! King Nan roared and rose into the air!

The golden ring sword in King Nan's hand was raised high and slashed towards Li Xiu.

Li Xiu held a white long sword in his hand. When the long sword made a circle, the clouds in the sky instantly dissipated. There was a loud earthquake, and the water of the Pearl River rose thousands of feet high. Almost all the people who entered the water for the first time were caught in the aftermath. It turns into blood mist.

The human military advisor turned pale and muttered to himself: Extreme martial arts, idiot in the art of military! Idiot in the art of military!

Li Xiu retreated thousands of feet, while the strange combination of Nanwang retreated even further, as if it was hit by Dacang Mountain. However, every inch closer to Dacang Mountain, the combination became more solid...

There are signs that the power of this combination is far from being fully realized.

However, the war situation has fallen into an unprecedented disaster.

Thirty Yuantian masters have arrived directly above the Cangshan Army.

The terrifying and incomparable pressure crushed the rocks below.

The Cangshan Legion formed a strange formation, with their military flags pointing to the sky. They gathered the power of the entire army to issue a powerful blow, tearing apart the huge power formed by thirty Yuantian and two hundred Dharma Primes.

There was a big earthquake, and the Pearl River stopped flowing. Thousands of people in the Cangshan Army were killed by the shock. However, this terrifying camp that came from the sky was also broken up.

Come again! a Yuantian general shouted.

Another attack came from the sky.

The soldiers below pointed their flags again, and there was another earth-shattering shock.

Thousands of soldiers were killed again.

The team of 230 people above were furious at the same time: Kill!

As soon as these two words fell, their strength suddenly doubled...

At this time, the Nanwang Combination who was beaten into Da Cang Mountain returned, and a big knife came down on the head, boom! One Yuantian and ten Dharma ministers were killed on the spot, and the opponent's power was divided into two.

The big flag below pointed directly at one of the small square formations, and the military formation with the power of the entire army was blasted out. In the small square formation, three Dharma Prime Ministers were exploded.

Li Xiu's nose almost turned crooked with anger: Kill!

The long sword in his hand shook, and then he guided the king again. The sword in the Nanwang's palm suddenly raised, and there was another big earthquake. Li Xiu was shocked back to the north of the Pearl River again, and the Nanwang was shocked back to Dacang Mountain again.

And in the land between them, all the queues were dispersed.

There were more than 20 Yuantian and more than 100 Dharma figures in the air, and their formations were gone.

The Cangshan Legion below was swaying this way and that, and was completely out of formation.

Good opportunity! Kill! A Yuan Tian in the air saw an opportunity to break the situation. He came down from the air and pointed directly at the northwest corner. There were thousands of Cangshan soldiers in the northwest corner. These soldiers could not form a military formation and could not escape his attack. With one strike, the best time for a master practitioner to face the army has arrived.

At this critical moment...

A graceful figure suddenly appeared in the sky, and in just a blink of an eye, it was in front of the Yuantian master...

A strange pot in her hand was filled with holy light, accompanied by an elegant poem: The vast world changes, and the soldiers order their troops at night!

In front of this Yuantian realm master, a golden-armored general suddenly appeared.

The golden-armored general raised his hand and faced off against the Yuantian-level master. There was a loud earthquake, and the golden-armored general was wiped out. The Yuantian-level expert was also hit into the sky by a mysterious and unpredictable force.

Almost at the same time, golden-armored generals appeared in front of all the attackers, including Yuantian and Xiangtian Fadi.

With a strike from Yuantian, the golden-armored general was wiped out in ashes, but the attack from the Yuantian realm also became invisible at the same time.

However, the masters who were in the realm of Heaven and Earth could not break through the protection of the golden-armored generals. The golden-armored generals opposite them retreated and then advanced, pestering them to continue fighting.

Li Xiu's face suddenly sank as he came from the sky: A military strategist from outside the territory?

Jiang Yun, who was holding a weapon pot in his hand, raised his eyes: The Nine Kingdoms and Thirteen States are all inhabited by the human race, so how can we talk about the inside and outside of the territory? But you, the demon clan, when you step out of the demon country, the place you go to is outside the territory!

Cangshan Army, get ready again! A voice came from the air, accompanied by a ball of colorful light, it was Qi Yao.

When the Cangshan Legion below saw Qi Yao, they were all excited...

Arrange your troops and fight on the battlefield again! As soon as these eight words came out, the Cangshan Army's flag waved, and the power of the Cangshan Army reappeared.

Li Xiu's cold gaze shot towards this area...

The fast-flowing black torrent on the Pearl River is already close to the shore, but whether to get ashore or not seems to be a tangle...

In the Nanwang camp, a military strategist suddenly appeared. The weapon pot is a sacred weapon, and it is a sacred weapon that defies heaven. When used on the battlefield, it is truly unfavorable...

Li Xiu waved his hand suddenly: Retreat!

The demon army that had reached the shore turned back again...

In the air, the source of heaven, the image of heaven, and the law of earth are flying away...

Jiang Yun, whose face was as calm as ever, trembled slightly, and a pair of hands reached out from behind and grabbed her shoulders, but it was Qi Yao.

Jiang Yun let out a long breath: This is probably my limit. If they don't retreat, the Weapon Pot can't stop so many Yuantian.

The military-pointing pot is a sacred weapon of the military. The summoned pot generals completely surpass Jiang Yun's own combat power. However, there are limits. In its heyday, it could summon nine gods in the three realms of Yuantian. However, it is not in its heyday now. The source inside the pot is damaged, and Jiang Yun's body cultivation level is not high. Summoning one statue of the second realm of Yuantian is its limit. Summoning up to nine statues of the first realm of Yuantian.

Today, the Dianbing Pot actually broke through the limit.

Therefore, it cannot add the power of Wen Dao and Qing Ci, as before, and add a fatal fire on the basis of reciprocity.

Moreover, when facing the Source Heaven Realm, the Pot General was also completely destroyed.

However, the reputation of the Dibing Pot was too great. Li Xiu suddenly saw the Dibing Pot, and then saw the Cangshan Army regrouping into formation, and seeing the strange combination of Nan Wang go and come back. He knew that if he continued to fight, he would ask for help. It didn't work, so he withdrew.

After this retreat, the next step is probably to seriously consider the dog-headed strategist's proposal and summon a special envoy to come over and combine their efforts to truly end the Great Cang Army.

He was unwilling to make this decision.

Because the Black Bone Demon Tribe has so many things to do, each of the seventy special envoys has a lot of missions. The missions of people at the level of kings are even more high-end. As special envoys, they should be like gods in this place of decline and cannot be defeated. It is quite shameful to ask for help from others.

However, it would be even more embarrassing to be unable to defeat the Cangshan Army.

Weighing the pros and cons, military should come first.

Just when he decided to make his decision, suddenly, his eyes raised...

In the distant sky, white clouds passed by, and a figure suddenly appeared...

The man took one step, and with just one step, he flew across a hundred miles of void and appeared in front of a large number of Yuantian and Xiangtian Fadi who were defeated on the battlefield.

Li Xiu's eyes were firmly fixed on the sudden appearance of the figure, and his heart skipped a beat...

The man looked at him, smiled slightly, and said four words: Welcome to die!

The golden light between his brows...

A literary world bloomed like lightning...

Li Xiu saw two peaks, a city, and countless soldiers above the city...

Lin Su! Li Xiu shouted.

What answered him was a wonderful piece of music...

The sound of the music was unparalleled, and the sound was extremely weird. With Li Xiu's cultivation, he could feel the energy and blood surging all over his body. The faces of the twenty-nine Yuantian masters around him changed drastically.

But the more than one hundred masters of Heaven and Earth were motionless, as if they were sealed in the void. Behind them, a strange scene appeared.

Thousands of miles of ice!

Lin Su's voice came: The black-bone demon clan has entered the world again. Lin Su has no respect for you. I will send you all on your way with a song Swordsman and a legendary poem Qin Yuan Chun Snow!

A sword flew up in his hand...

The sword comes out with unparalleled beauty.

The sword came out with the most complicated mystery of time and space.


The heads of more than a hundred Xiangtianfadi masters flew up at the same time...

The souls were flying all over the sky, and the magic door between Lin Su's brows opened, and all the souls were like moths flying into the flame...

Seeking death! Ten Yuantians flew up beside Li Xiu at the same time and shot at Lin Su.

Lin Su smiled faintly: Seeking death!

A layer of golden grid appeared out of thin air, and ten Yuantian bumped into it, turning into blood mist.

The remaining ten Yuan Tian all changed their colors: Killing Formation!

Yes, as Yuantian, you can enjoy my killing array in the cultural world, you should feel lucky!

As soon as Lin Su's voice fell, the killing array appeared, surrounding Li Xiu and more than ten people, and the song Swordsman became more melodious at this moment. The area around Li Xiu was no longer green river water, but ice. In Fengzhijiang, heavy snow fell from the sky, and it felt chilly to the bones when it fell on my body.

Lin Su, a person from the literary world, has also opened up the world of swords. Such a talent is rare even for our God Clan! Li Xiu said: Your Excellency, you really don't want to consider joining our God Clan?

Joining the demon clan? What are the benefits? Lin Su said.

Li Xiu's eyes suddenly brightened: Since Your Excellency has this intention, everything will be easy to handle! No matter what the conditions are, I will agree to them one by one!

Although the conditions are open, he really seems sincere. Lin Su gently touched his chin: Let's do this, you send a message to the Black Nether Emperor and ask him to kneel down and kowtow to me three times, and I will think about it again. Make your proposal.

Li Xiu's whole body suddenly became motionless: If you dare to insult my emperor, then you will cut off all escape options! The Lin family is full...

Lin Su interrupted directly: You idiot, now that I have taken this step, there is no way out! You don't have to think about the Lin family, including you, your demon clan, including you, including that bullshit Black Nether Emperor of yours , I will kill them all for you!


Li Xiu roared angrily, and Swordsman came to an abrupt end.

The thousands of miles of ice beneath his feet turned into angry waves.

Li Xiu raised his right hand fiercely, and the sword in his hand passed through the peerless killing formation and slashed towards Lin Su.

Lin Su raised his finger slightly, and the tip of the sword that passed through the formation was accurately pointed on his fingertips. The smile on Lin Su's face remained: It seems that you still know nothing about the Peerless Killing Formation. Did the weapon pass through it? The question is, the cultivation energy you carry has been completely swallowed up, how can you kill me with this sword that can’t even be pierced?

Li Xiu also had a strange smile on his face: Do you think this sword is just to kill you? I am just testing it!

Then what? Lin Su stared at him.

Your killing array can't kill me! At most it will only hurt me!

With a bang, Li Xiu's whole body suddenly turned into pitch black, and his pitch black body was like a sky-opening blade, crashing into the peerless killing formation.


It’s finally out!

Although the killing formation cut off half of his cultivation level, he still succeeded in highlighting the scope of the killing formation.

However, what greeted him was a strange space.

The law of space... Li Xiu screamed and was torn into pieces. His soul rushed left and right, dangerously traveling through the endless cracks in space. It was truly heartbreaking.

Lin Su's voice seemed to come from a distant outer space, full of weirdness: I don't know how to evaluate you, a king-level figure. You clearly knew the cause of death of the two special envoys in Xijing, but you didn't inform all parties about the military information. Admittedly, It is embarrassing for the demon envoys to be frustrated, but for the sake of face, putting all the envoys in danger is stupid in the military! It can be seen that you, the black-bone demons, are far from being as strong as you think!

The sound went back and forth a thousand times, and the space changed again. With a twist, Li Xiu's soul was crushed to pieces, and his consciousness died.

Before he died, he might have been wondering about one thing. Was the King really wrong?

If all the methods used by Lin Suxijing to kill the special envoy were made public to the world, people in the world would be more responsive when encountering him. The demons were unwilling to spread the news out of concern for their face. However, just as Lin said that when these envoy-level figures met him, it was basically equivalent to meeting a ghost.

The remaining dozen Yuantian masters were trapped in the killing formation. As the killing formation gathered together, they all took to the road.

At this moment, on the south bank of the Pearl River, Jiang Yun formally paid a visit to King Nan...

Seeing the extremely grateful looks in the eyes of everyone under King Nan, Jiang Yun felt unaccustomed to it. She was really not used to receiving heartfelt thanks from such a group of people.

However, the next script deviated...

As soon as Nan Wang heard her announcing her family status, he burst into laughter: It turns out she is the fourth lady of Makino Villa, she is not an outsider! You and my Yao'er were hooked up with that brat. You two sisters are one family. people!

This laughter covered a wide area and was extremely penetrating. The entire Da Cang Army heard it. Those iron-blooded warriors who faced the enemy without blinking opened their mouths one by one. Oh my god, there was no warning. Eating a super big melon is related to King Wen, the privacy of Prince Nan's Mansion, and even the privacy thousands of miles away...

Qi Yao could not wait to step forward and hold her father's mouth.

Jiang Yun, on the other hand, soared into the sky, and in the suffocating environment, he did not intend to say another word to this reckless man who spoke freely.

However, just when she looked towards the north bank, she suddenly saw the holy light of Wen Dao, oh...

With a cry, Qi Yao soared into the sky and appeared beside her: Literary world!

It's not an ordinary literary world. This world is filled with waves of smoke. It's him! Jiang Yun's face suddenly turned red, as red as fire.

She is a member of the Soldier Saint Family. Although she does not practice literature, she is extremely familiar with it. She has seen a lot of the literary world, but at the moment, the literary world on the north bank of the Pearl River is the top one, with the Holy Wave of Lingyan!

This mysterious and unpredictable stream of light represents that the literary world is not formed in the secular world. Only those who achieve the literary world in the Lingyan Pavilion of the temple will have the Lingyan Holy Wave.

Among the people she knew, there was probably only one person who achieved success in the literary world at Lingyan Pavilion.

That's him!

Ms. sir? Qi Yao's face suddenly turned red.

Jiang Yun nodded.

Ah, let's go!

Qi Yao rose through the air, and Jiang Yun followed step by step. The Baili Pearl River reached the middle of the river in the blink of an eye, and the demon army camp opposite was completely changed.

A rain of swords fell from the sky.

The flag turned into pieces in the wind, the tent turned into pieces, and the people turned into...blood mist.

The blood mist rolled up and turned into a huge palm, boom!

The hundred-mile battalion of the demon army is all within the palm of this hand!

As soon as the huge palm was closed, the floating clouds rolled away, and a figure took a graceful step and reached the center of the river...

Ms. sir! Qi Yao turned into a ray of red light and ran into Lin Su's arms. Lin Su circled her arms and held her in his arms. The princess happily turned her hands up and hugged Lin Su's arms. neck.

Lin Su's eyes turned to the river.

On the surface of the river, a woman was a little shy and a little happy, but overall she was relatively calm. However, the river under her feet was making silent ripples. These ripples were probably the agitation in her heart, which was overwhelming. Uncontrollable excitement.

After traveling thousands of miles, I finally met him!

Meeting is still such an embarrassing situation...

Qi Yao jumped out of Lin Su's arms and left: Sister Yun, it's your turn!

Jiang Yun's face turned red.

Lin Su stepped in front of her, a smile slowly appeared on his face: I didn't expect you to come!

I came a little late. I got the news six days ago and only entered the country yesterday. Jiang Yun said.

Qi Yao said from the side: Mr. sir, you may not know that Sister Jiang just entered the country yesterday, but two battles have already been rewritten because of her. She brought the military's holy treasure, the Point of War Pot!

Jiang Yun shook his head gently: I have figured out the limit of the weapon pot. It can only prevent the loss of one place, but cannot save the fate of the world. My husband... Looking at this catastrophe with a military mentality, I can't see it. I hope, but I don’t know if you can see it.”

When Jiang Yun asked this question, his heart felt sad.

Because she is a military strategist herself.

What makes military strategists different from ordinary people is that they have a broader vision and can more accurately take stock of the general trend.

On the way to Da Cang day and night, she repeatedly weighed the forces of all parties and finally gave her an infinitely pessimistic answer.

She saw no hope.

From a military perspective, we really can't see any hope. Lin Su said: But we can look at it from another thinking dimension.

What dimension of thinking? Jiang Yun's heart skipped a beat.

Looking at it from a historian's perspective! Lin Su's gaze slowly fell: During the catastrophe of the founding of the country a thousand years ago, the power of the Black Nether Emperor was not what it is today, but why was he defeated?

That's because there is a sword gate! Qi Yao said: But now, there is no sword gate!

Is the Sword Gate really gone? Lin Su stared into her eyes and said slowly.

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