Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 953 The Sword Gate comes out

Qi Yao suddenly raised his head, the light in his eyes floating at this moment...

Everyone in the world is faced with this question: Is Jianmen really gone? Maybe everyone will answer, of course not! In a great battle a thousand years ago, three thousand warriors of Jianmen died on the battlefield, including their headmaster Dugu Shi.

But she knew that deep in Da Cang Mountain, there was a place to confer gods!

Jianmen Dugushi and the three thousand disciples of Jianmen are all here!

It's just that they are no longer them!

This is a secret that Lin Su and she know. They may be the only two people in the world!

He means……

Lin Su slowly raised his eyes, as if he had traveled through thousands of miles of mountains and rivers, and thousands of years, and his voice came slowly: Three thousand undead have been sleeping for a whole thousand years. I think it's time to ask them a question!

With a shout, Lin Su rose out of thin air, taking Jiang Yun and Qi Yao with him.

Jiang Yun's eyes were wide open, and his heart was in a frenzy, full of disbelief...

Above the Moon Ridge, it was as calm as ever.

After Yueling, there is a cave.

Lin Su stepped into the cave, gently circled his hand, the law of space was issued, and a gap opened in front of him.

The three of them stepped into it in one step, as if they were stepping into an infinite and dusty river of history...

Black bones lie on the ground, and white bones are scattered in the forest. Demonic energy and swordsmanship are intertwined here. It seems that they are still fighting endlessly for thousands of years.

Under the back mountain is a high platform. On the high platform, six corpses stand. Below, three thousand disciples stand silently. Although they are unconscious, this military power still spans thousands of years, leaving the former grace behind. Appeared in front of Lin Su and the other three people again.

There was a flash of white light, and the Hornless Pegasus appeared on the high platform, watching them quietly.

It seems to have been waiting.

Lin Su slowly raised his hand, pointing a long sword towards the sky.

Sealing Heaven Sword!

As soon as the Sealing Heaven Sword came out, a strange air flow swept through the entire place, and countless souls seemed to be shaken.

On the high platform, a sigh came: Sealing Heaven Sword is born again, who are you?

Junior Lin Su, please see Headmaster Dugu of Jianmen! Lin Su bowed deeply.

Are you a disciple of the Sword Sect?

Although I haven't officially entered the academy, I am still deeply attracted by the character of Jianmen!

In your understanding, what is the character of Jianmen?

Don't be timid when you encounter strong people, dare to kill demons, even if the world is overturned, you will always have the right path in the world!

Well said! Dugu Shi shouted: Has the Black Nether Emperor broken the seal?

Yes! At present, the demon clan has become a major trend, sweeping the world. The righteous path has undergone vicissitudes, and the world has fallen. Dugu Xing, the elder of Jianmen, has died as a martyr. May I ask Master Dugu if he is still willing to fight again?

The next five words, one sentence at a time!

This sentence is the question Lin Su wants to ask the three thousand undead - after sleeping for a thousand years, are you still willing to fight again?

As soon as this question came up, the two women were shocked at the same time.

For many days, they imagined thousands of possibilities, imagining whether their omnipotent husband could create another miracle in the world and complete the protection of the Great Cang Kingdom under almost impossible circumstances.

They couldn't find any solution.

The spiritual path, the secular world, the temple...

All possibilities pale in the face of the cruel power gap, and turn into moons in the water and flowers in the mirror in the face of the ugly reality.

But now, a clear sign appears in front of them, that is, faced with the catastrophe of the founding of the country a thousand years ago, the three thousand undead souls asked: Are you still willing to fight again?

Dugu Shi's voice came, with infinite vicissitudes: Are you still willing to fight again? Why is the Jianmen Sect's Ten Thousand Kills Monument here? Seal three thousand murderous intentions and cut off the Jianmen's retreat. All you want... is one battle!

All three of them were excited.

Dugu Shi let out a long sigh: However, I was invaded by the demonic blood of the Black Nether Emperor a thousand years ago, and good and evil were separated in my consciousness, and they have been fighting for thousands of years. If I let go and fight, I will only fear that evil thoughts will take over my body, and I will become a man who only knows killing. Demons who don’t know right from wrong.”

Lin Su understands.

Dugu Shi sealed the Black Nether Emperor a thousand years ago, and had left behind a backup plan. He wanted to seal himself and the Jianmen disciples to wait for the next year to fight again, but something changed. The Black Nether Emperor used the demon blood as a curse to infect them. As a result, their spiritual consciousness is no longer pure. If Dugu Shi goes to war again, his spiritual consciousness will no longer be able to suppress the evil thoughts in the sea of ​​consciousness, and he will become an evil demon who does not distinguish between right and wrong and only knows killing. Such a person Going to war will probably cause more harm to the world than the Black Nether Emperor. How can we talk about fighting against the Black Nether Emperor and writing a righteous path for the world?

Jiang Yun knew this well and frowned. The chance that finally appeared was shattered again?

Lin Su said: This junior has a way!

You said it!

Senior's spiritual consciousness only suppresses the evil thoughts in the consciousness. I use the method of seizing the body to enter your sea of ​​consciousness, and use your body to fulfill your wish!

Dugu Shi's body trembled slightly: This method is crazy! This sea of ​​consciousness cannot be controlled by ordinary people. What level is your mental power?


Thirty-level level one? Unbelievable! Unbelievable! Dugu Shi said: This strange fate is truly a blessing from heaven and earth. Come on, let me fight on the battlefield with my broken body!

Dugu Shi's cultivation level is only one step away from becoming a saint, and his spiritual power is only infinitely close to the heavenly barrier of level 30. The cultivation level of the young man in front of him is insignificant compared to him, but his mental power actually breaks through the heavenly barrier. , this is really incredible.

Lin Su's soul penetrated into Dugu Shi's sea of ​​consciousness.

Dugushi's eyes, which had been closed for a thousand years, suddenly opened.

At this moment, he is Dugushi!

Dugu Shi's cultivation was already at the top of the three realms of Yuantian. Lin Su felt that he was so powerful, unbelievably powerful. He quickly adapted to this new body and seized this rare opportunity.

A practitioner takes one step at a time.

What everyone dreams of is to accurately understand what it is like to practice at a high level. Only by understanding this can he avoid detours in his future practice.

This time, the temporary arrival of spiritual consciousness gave Lin Su the best opportunity.

He knew the route of the mana all over his body, and he knew what Fahai Reflected Stars was, which was the inner world that only appeared in the Source Heaven Realm. Originally he knew nothing about it, but now, he knew it completely, and he felt it in advance What is the source of heaven?

Dugu Shi is a sword cultivator, and his sword world has entered the middle world. This is also an area that Lin Su has never set foot in.

Lin Su's spiritual consciousness entered the world of swords. Swords formed mountains, swords formed trees, and swords formed seas. The sky was a sword, and the earth was also a sword.

Every sword is so mysterious, so incredible...

He has forgotten everything and is absorbed in...

In his sea of ​​consciousness, a person appeared, practicing swordsmanship, Dugu Nine Swords!

This is himself, but next to this person, there is another person, intertwined with a mass of black mist, this is Dugu Shi.

Dugu Shi saw him perform the Dugu Nine Swords, and he also separated a small ray of consciousness into Lin Su's consciousness to help him silently.

Dugu Shi is the most proficient in the Dugu Nine Swords in the world. With his help, Lin Su's first six moves of Dugu quickly reached perfection. This is the highest peak Dugu Shi has ever reached. In other words, in a moment, Lin Su's sword The law is already on par with Dugu Shi.

The turmoil in Dugu Shi's heart came one after another.

After a thousand years, could I have become a frog in a well?

This boy's cultivation is clearly not beyond Yuantian, but his mental power is stronger than him. In terms of swordsmanship alone, he is not inferior to him at all.

What kind of monster is this?

What made him even more unbelievable was that Lin Su's performance of Dugu Nine Swords had not stopped. He was still performing it, and it gradually made him confused.

Until Lin Su's spiritual consciousness performed the Sword-Breaking Style again, Dugu Shi was so shocked that he almost dropped his jaw and transformed into a realm! His sword-breaking style broke into the transformation state - the so-called transformation state, a special term known only to top-level swordsmen, means that this sword move has reached its extreme, and it has performed all the variables of its interpretation.

Followed by Wei Jian Shi, Wei Jian Shi also entered the realm of transformation.

Although the subsequent Sealing Sword Style, Heavenly Sword Style, and Destruction Sword Style failed to reach the state of transformation, they still took a small step above the great achievements. This small step is exactly the step that Dugu Shi could not take even after a hundred years of hard training. .

Wizard! What a genius is this?

It seems to be specially designed for kendo!

Dugu Shi seemed to see the figure of a person in him. This person was someone deep in his heart that he never wanted to think of.

Li Jersey!

His sixth disciple Li Zexi!

Li Zexi was born with swordsmanship and was born for the sword. His martial arts skills in the sword sect were very good at first glance. Even in the Dugu Nine Swordsmanship, it only took him three years to become a master.

But he……

His swordsmanship may be even more amazing than that of Li Zexi, who was born with a sword.

Lin Su, in terms of swordsmanship, is not necessarily more amazing than Li Zexi. There are two most important points. First, he has the heart of the sword. At that time, when Li Zexi accepted the inheritance of the sword, he did not have the heart of the sword, the heart of the sword, and the attitude of the sword. It has an unparalleled effect on promoting the sword's will, but few people know that even Dugu Shi still has no sword's mind to this day. Secondly, he is using Dugu Shi's physical body at the moment, which bears more or less traces of Dugu Shi's past. He uses his superior mental power to reproduce the trajectory of Dugu Shi's swordsmanship, and then compares it with his own swordsmanship. It is confirmed that the progress will naturally be thousands of times faster than his own hard work.

Time passed little by little, and in the blink of an eye it was already more than January.

Jiang Yun and Qi Yao have been staring at the high platform, taking it for granted that Lin Su is adapting to this physical body. With his cultivation, it is naturally not easy to adapt to the physical body of this top expert, and a month does not count at all. What, they have patience.

But they never imagined that Lin Su was not only adapting to his physical body, he was also honing his sword skills.

He will fight in the world in Dugu Shi's body, and the opponent he faces is Dugu Shi's old opponent.

Even though Dugu Shi was in his prime, he was only evenly matched against the Black Youhuang. What's more, he used the method of seizing the body to gain control of this body. In terms of being able to do whatever he wanted with the body, he could not adapt to it for ten thousand years compared to Dugu Shi himself.

If he just borrowed Dugu Shi's cultivation, he would not be able to defeat the Black Youhuang.

In order to defeat the Black Youhuang, in addition to Dugu Shi's cultivation, he must also have the means to be stronger than Dugu Shi. To be stronger than Dugu Shi, he must first equal Dugu Shi in terms of swordsmanship.

A full month!

The seeds of rules in his sword world suddenly broke open, and the first flower of rules bloomed!

Dugu Shi opened his eyes wide and couldn't believe it at all.

The world of swords!

He stepped into the world of swords!

From the small world of swords to the world of swords, it took Dugushi, the headmaster of the sword sect, a full hundred years, and he, one month!

The world in the sword became 10%, which meant that Lin Su not only surpassed him in the Dugu Nine Swordsmanship, but also tied up with Dugu Shi in the rules of swordsmanship. What followed was an incredible three days. In three days, Lin Su's sword world, The flowers of rules bloomed one after another, eighty-one in a row.

Eighty-one rules flowers formed a mysterious and unpredictable sword formation. Even Dugu Shi himself could not touch the edge of this sword formation.

Dugu Shi was so shocked by him that he had almost no passion to say anything to him.

Originally, if Lin Su fought on his behalf, he could also give Lin Su a big opportunity, such as giving him some tips on swordsmanship, which would benefit him throughout his life. However, Lin Su realized it on his own as soon as he came up and killed him in three blows. It's all over the place, what else does he have to say?

The wheel of time is turning in the autumn wind, and the world is already in full swing.

The forty states in Da Cang are fighting every day...

Countless literati stepped out of the Confucian Temple, which represents a protective shield, holding gold coins and gold paper, traveling around the world and killing demons!

Countless warriors waved the broken flags, fulfilling with their lives and honor the promises made by the six legions when they were founded: Warriors are born under the flag of war and die on the battlefield!

Countless practitioners use their swords to ask the way of heaven!

Countless officials hold increasingly dim official seals, their long beards are trembling, and they look to the sky with tears in their eyes!

Countless people picked up hoes and kitchen knives, and in corners visible and invisible to the world, they were engaged in a difficult struggle that may never see hope...

Countless people died, countless people were disabled, and the power of resistance had long been reduced to pieces and lost its original appearance. However, a firm belief still supported them, allowing them to look further and farther. Some……

King Wen has returned!

King Wen has been fighting!

His path is not alone!

The battle in Da Cang cannot stop!

The mermaid clan of Xizhou and the protective army composed of major aristocratic families in Xizhou, under the command of Zhizhou Ren Taiyan, were firmly anchored at Shamen Pass. The river under their feet had long been dyed red, and the city had long been in ruins. Ren Taiyan had not left the front line for three months. The whole person was as skinny as firewood. Yu Ji brought a small clam with a clear spring inside: Husband, this is the sap of the holy tree of the mermaid clan. It can support my husband for another three months.

Ren Taiyan took it and drank it all in one gulp. His pale face was filled with red light: In the world, I am probably the only one in Xizhou who has the resistance to hold on to my own defense line.

The ability to hold this line of defense depends on my husband's strong protection, and also on General Cai Lie's rectification of the officialdom in the past two years. If it were Xizhou in the past, facing this kind of series of attacks, it can be said that it would not last a day. Can’t keep it.”

Ren Taiyan shook his head gently: The difference in strength cannot be reversed by faith and the desire to serve the country. Xizhou can defend this territory in the turbulent waves, thanks to the help of the mermaid clan and the Qi family! Who can I thought that the Qi family, which was pinned down by the false emperor Ji Shang on the side of the West Sea in the past and was in danger, actually had such fighting power.

Speaking of the Qi family, Ren Taiyan is very passionate.

Because Qi Yanran from the Qi family is so amazing.

More than a month ago, the demon army launched a large-scale attack. The commander was a special envoy from the second realm of Yuantian. Originally, neither the mermaid clan nor the Xizhou army could stop them. At this moment, a girl from the Qi family suddenly appeared, a wisp of The moonlight covered the battlefield, and millions of ghost wolves were wiped out. The commander of the second realm of the Demon Army, Yuantian, fought with Qi Yanran. It was like a battle between gods. After one day and one night, the commander was killed by Qi Yanran.

This blow caused the frontline demon army to retreat three hundred miles.

This battle also made the Qi family of Xihai, who had been suppressed by Ji Shang, famous all over the world.

On the mountain peak that Ren Taiyan was looking at, there was a woman in white clothes, looking at the vast land of Zhongzhou in the distance. The moonlight was floating in her eyes. She was Qi Yanran!

However, she is not Qi Yanran, she is Yueying!

His eyes turned to the northwest land.

The front of the demon army finally crossed Yanmen Pass and pointed directly at the land of the old Jin Dynasty.

Just as they crossed over, a large army appeared in front of them. Facing the overwhelming wolves and the miscellaneous troops all over the mountains and plains, the commander of the army, Li Xiaotian, shouted: The killing formation, start!

Golden light intertwined, and a hundred thousand demon army kicked up an iron plate!

Li Xiaotian used the peerless killing formation left by Lin Su as a pioneer to catch the demon army off guard.

However, the distribution range of the demon army was still too wide. After all, there were more than ten demon army generals outside the formation. They took action at the same time, passing by the edge of the formation, trying to eradicate the thirty-six military formations.

At this moment, a beautiful shadow flew into the sky, accompanied by a clear voice: Nirvana!

The ten demon generals who had reached the late stage of Xiangtianfadi were wiped out with one sword.

A figure appeared in the sky, like the king of the dark night, she was the dark night! The dark night of practicing swordsmanship and mastering the sword in Baishazhou, filled with holy ideas!

On the other side, several demon army generals were about to succeed when another phantom appeared out of thin air. The shadow passed straight through the eyebrows of several demon army generals. Several demon army generals were stunned at the same time. Their souls suffered a heavy setback. After a delay, the dark night passed across the sky, and all the generals of the demon army were wiped out.

A woman fell out of the air.

An Ye stretched out his hand and caught her.

She was Bi Xuanji, whose face was as pale as paper.

Her shadow skills have been perfected, and she has officially broken through Xiangtianfadi. However, just now, she made a desperate move and single-handedly defeated the nine Yuanshenju Xiangtianfadi, and her Yuanshen was severely damaged.

Ms. sir, I don't know where you are. Looking at the horizon in the dark night, a faint voice came.

A trace of red appeared on Bi Xuanji's pale face: That's your husband...

I'm also the brother-in-law of you two sisters! No arguments allowed! You need to recover! An Ye reached out and held Bi Xuanji's mouth. Bi Xuanji wanted to bite her.

Endless killings, endless injuries, endless expectations, endless flow of blood...

In the land of the great blue, the killings have entered the deep waters.

However, above the Yangtze River, it is still peaceful during this season, even more peaceful than in the past.

A river of autumn water flows eastward. Even though corpses are thrown into it every day, the Yangtze River is still unhurried and uses its rhythm to wash away the blood of the world.

On September 19th, the gate opened.

Ten miles outside Haining City, the river surface was filled with golden light. Longer once again stepped on a Dao Lotus and emerged from the blue waves.

There is no one on the river!

Not even a boat!

The rock where he used to stand was looming with the waves, but there was no one above it!

Long Er's eyes closed gently, and a tear was squeezed by his eyelids and flowed to his cheek: Actually, I know that you won't be able to show up for this year's appointment, but I still want to take a look and see your hometown. Mr. , has our road really come to an end?

The waves surged gently under her feet, and the Dragon Queen appeared behind her, hugging her shoulders and sighing quietly.

Mom, falling flowers and wind and rain hurt the spring even more, right? Long Er gently snuggled into his mother's arms.

The Dragon Queen slowly raised her eyes, her eyes filled with the coolness of autumn. How could there ever be spring?

Suddenly, her heart skipped a beat: The demonic energy is everywhere! Something happened to Da Cang!

Although Haining is peaceful as a whole, and although his home on the distant shore is still intact, the Dragon Queen still captures the ubiquitous demonic energy despite her cultivation.

The Demonic Way is truly incompatible with the Da Cang Kingdom.

In other countries, they may not be so sensitive, but in the Great Cang Kingdom, a wisp of demonic energy is sensitive, and now, the world is full of demonic energy.

Mom, go check out his home! I want to make sure his home is well! Long Er stepped out and left Daolian, who was already withering at his feet.

The Dragon Queen suddenly reached out and grabbed her: There is no need to look. There is a guardian there. The guardian's cultivation is not inferior to that of my mother. Even if the whole world collapses, the Lin family will definitely be safe.

Really? Long Er was so happy.

The Dragon Queen gently grabbed her hand and let out a long sigh...

She wanted to tell her daughter that you and he are not the same people after all. You will eventually see his family slowly decline in the long river of time and eventually die when you go out into the water again and again. However, she did not say this. Export, because these words are also falling flowers and wind and rain hurt the spring even more!

When the time came, Daolian took his daughter and the Dragon Queen back to Wudao Abyss.

At the last moment when the Taoist gate closed, Long Er's voice was sent into the world of heaven: Ms. sir, you will appear next year, right?

The river is long and light as a sigh

Lin Su's eyes opened suddenly, no, it was Dugu Shi's eyes!

He slowly stood up, and his body that had been motionless for thousands of years finally moved. He raised his hand, and raised the Heaven Sealing Sword high. The five disciples on the high platform also stood up at the same time, and their eyes also opened, shooting out endless waves. In the cold light, the dust on the three thousand soldiers below suddenly bounced away, and their eyes suddenly opened.

This is the power of the Heaven Sealing Sword!

Even though they have been sealed for thousands of years, when they encounter the unique energy of Sealing Heaven Sword, these soldiers are all aroused by the murderous intention sealed in their blood, and they only know how to follow the instructions of Sealing Heaven Sword and fight on the battlefield.

Go to war! Lin Su said in a deep voice.




The Pegasus flew down from the sky, its huge wings rolled up, and all three thousand warriors in the audience got on the horse.

With a bang, the ground shook and the mountains shook, the land of gods was broken, and at the very center of Da Cang Mountain, a huge Pegasus broke into the sky, like a knife blade, splitting the sky.

Da Cang, a new history was born.

On the far side of the Pearl River, King Nan suddenly turned back, and while the war flag was hunting, his eyes were filled with fear for the first time in his life.

Da Cang Mountain, what's going on?

With a shout, two figures cut through the void and appeared in front of King Nan. It was Qi Yao and Jiang Yun who had disappeared for a month and a half.

Qi Yao shouted: Father, when Jianmen comes out of the mountain, the history of thousands of years ago will repeat itself again!

King Nan's hand flew across the sky with a roar, and grabbed Qi Yao's shoulder: Jianmen?

Exactly, the three thousand heroic spirits of the Sword Sect, who have been waiting for thousands of years, have been awakened by King Wen's Heaven-Sealing Sword! Jiang Yun's quiet face also showed excitement: The fate of the world depends on his battle. Got it!

King Nan's beard trembled wildly: Jianmen comes out of the mountain! Jianmen comes out of the mountain...we...

King Wen has already explained that this is a battle between Quasi-Saints. None of us can participate. We will wait for his orders. When Queen Heiyou is killed, our Cangshan Army will attack across the board, cross the Pearl River, and regain the entire territory! Jiang Yun said The sound spread throughout the army.

Qi Yao raised her hand high: Father, he also left me ten sets of killing formations!

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