Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 954 The undead of Jianmen sweep the world

On the side of Nu River, Nu Mountain!

This mountain is the seat of the Heavenly Wrath Sect. Today, it is the headquarters of the demonic army sweeping across the Central Plains, with the Heavenly King personally in charge.

The demon soldiers within a thousand miles use Nu Mountain as their totem.

Within a thousand miles of the Central Plains, looking at Mount Nu is like looking at a demon in heaven.

Today's Nushan was full of storms. The Heavenly King came out of seclusion and heard the battle report from the southern border. He became furious and the three human military advisors in front of him spurted blood at the same time.

The King of Heaven stood up slowly: A ruthless human army actually blocked the front line of our troops for three months. This is a shame! Send me the order of the King of Heaven...

Suddenly, his voice stopped!

His gaze was raised and directed towards the sky!

In the bronze palace, everyone was concentrating and breathing...

With a bang, the clouds in the sky fell apart!

A horse hoof descends from the void!

The king's expression changed drastically and he suddenly raised his hand!

His palm is like a pillar holding up the sky, rising from Nu Mountain, but it is ten times larger than the entire Nu Mountain. Within a hundred miles, there is only this palm holding up the sky.


The horse's hooves stepped down hard!

The hair of the Heavenly King flew high, the bronze palace under his feet turned into powder, and the Nu Mountain under his feet was shattered into pieces. He was surrounded by tens of thousands of demon soldiers and hundreds of Yuantian masters, including more than 20 special envoys of the second realm of Yuantian. At the same time, it turned into blood mist.

The King of Heaven was shocked: Who is it?

On top of the Pegasus, a group of people lowered their heads at the same time. All of them were in ragged clothes, and none of them looked like human beings. However, a murderous aura that was so thick that it completely turned into substance still shrouded the King of Heaven through their cold gazes.

The King of Heaven roared wildly: Sword Gate!


A sword light shot down from the Pegasus, coming from the second person under Dugu Shi's seat!

The King's eyes suddenly opened wide, his whole body exploded to pieces, and a thick mist of blood filled the air for hundreds of miles...

With the second step of the Pegasus, the Nu Mountain turned into a pit of a hundred feet. The Pegasus leapt through the clouds and landed on the Xishan Mountain with the next step!

Another king-level master died under the horse's hoof, and tens of thousands of demon soldiers or demon followers died under the horse's hoof...

The third step is Dongting West!

Thousands of miles away from Dongting, huge waves surge into the sky.

Another king on the side of Dongting fell.

In the fourth step, Jingzhou, the fourth king fell.

The fifth step, Zezhou, in Zezhou City, the King of Heaven falls...

In Baiyun State, on the side of the East China Sea, on a high peak, an old man slowly opened his eyes.

As soon as he opened his eyes, it was like an endless torrent swept through his eyes. He slowly stretched his fingers into the void, pinched a wisp of wind, and rubbed it gently. The torrent in his eyes suddenly turned into a stormy sea: Dugu Shi, you actually Out of the mountains!

Retribution! A voice came from the distant void: The sword gate comes out of the mountain, the horse tramples the angry mountain, and the king of Jimu is dead!

Report! Another voice came from the far west: The sword gate came out of the mountain, the horse stepped on the cave, and the giant king died!



In an instant, the whole journey of Jianmen was gathered together, and every bit of it formed the current trend - the undead of Jianmen swept the world with the power of sweeping the world, riding horses across the six states, the bodies of the six heavenly kings disappeared, and the soldiers pointed out , Baiyun Prefecture, the base camp of the Demon Army!

Jianmen! Give him the necessary respect for his lifelong enemy! The old man said slowly: All kings and all special envoys, return to the mountain immediately! One battle will determine the outcome!

This is the Black Nether Emperor.

His royal demeanor does not allow him to be afraid. He will not say that the strength in his base camp is not enough to resist the overwhelming force of Jianmen. What he is saying is that he must gather the kings and special envoys to give Jianmen, the lifelong enemy, the biggest enemy. respect.

The heavenly kings and envoys are scattered in all directions, and it is not a matter of time to gather them. However, it must be said that as the top demon clan, the Black Bone Demon Clan has a deep foundation that is unparalleled.

As soon as the Black Nether Emperor's order was given, the valley was filled with black energy, and with a bang, thousands of Yuantian masters appeared at the same time.

Even though they were at the ends of the earth a moment ago, at this moment, they were gathered at the Demon Sect headquarters.

On the side of the valley, two huge black snakes suddenly raised their heads.

Their bodies were unparalleled in size. They were on top of the Cloud Peak, but their tails had already extended into the East China Sea, hovering within the dividing line of the human sea. Long Shang's face outside the dividing line of the human sea was extremely gloomy.

The body-protecting demon dragon of the Black Nether Emperor is a level nine demon beast. The demon beast appears openly and dares to follow it into the East China Sea. Is this a sword pointing at the East China Sea Dragon Palace?

The dragon shadow beside him caressed his belly: The Black Bone Demon Tribe breaks the seal, and the world will be in turmoil. Brother, please contact him quickly and see if you can get in touch. As long as we temporarily open up the human sea dividing line and allow me to land in the Dragon Palace, I Donghai may be able to help him.”

Long Shang shook his head slightly: You can't even contact him, how can you contact me as a brother? He has the laws of space, so he must have stuffed the communication talisman into the space treasure, so he cut off all contact...Sister, you are there You are pregnant, so don’t worry too much. My brother-in-law has no plans. Since it is clear that there is no need to land at the Dragon Palace in the East China Sea, he must have some considerations, perhaps because he doesn’t want his future trip to the temple to have any more variables.

The sea of ​​​​people is divided, and the Dragon Clan cannot land. This is the interpretation of the sea of ​​​​human beings divided by the Bingsheng.

If Lin Su implements cultural shielding and helps the Dragon Palace to land, the changes caused will go straight to the third heaven.

Therefore, there is no East China Sea Dragon Palace in Lin Su's counterattack plan.

This is Long Shang's consideration.

Long Ying's face was slightly red: A dragon's pregnancy lasts at least three years, and now it's only just over a year. It's still early. If my brother contacts him, don't mention it to him.

Why? Haven't you always wanted to tell him about this? Long Shang said.

Long Ying shook his head gently: There are many major events in his world, far from being as peaceful as the Dragon Palace in the East China Sea. I don't want to mess up his mood because of this matter. If he worries about his children, in the overall future, , changed the choice, it must be a hidden danger that he planted in the chess game.

The waves of the East China Sea extend all the way to the shore.

Above the cloud peak, the demonic energy is rising steadily. In the sky, the floating clouds have turned into pitch black. In the surrounding fields, all living creatures have turned into demon spirits. The cloud peak seems to be growing.

To be precise, these two demonic snakes are lying on the top of Yunfeng. Their bodies are slowly growing. Every time they grow by one foot, their demonic energy increases by three points...

With a bang, the demonic cloud, which was so thick that the sun couldn't be seen in the sky, was stepped down by a hoof, and a huge Pegasus' hoof pierced through the sky and descended.

On the top of Yunfeng, two level nine demonic snakes raised their heads at the same time and swallowed the Pegasus in one bite.

If the Tianma is said to be the horse of the Nine Heavens, then these two demon snakes are the snakes that swallow the sky.

This is the second confrontation between the two horses spanning thousands of years.

Just when the demonic energy is like glue...

Dugushi suddenly drew his sword!

As soon as Dugu Nine Swords Drawing Style came out, all the demonic energy was absorbed into it with one sword at the same time!

With unparalleled swordsmanship and the determination of thousands of years of bloody battles, he slashed down with one sword.


The two ninth-level demonic snakes had their heads in different places at the same time. The Pegasus stepped down, and the demonic snakes and demonic pills exploded. An extremely powerful shock wave swept across the land thousands of miles away, and thirty-one of the thirty-one cloud peaks collapsed.

There is a deep ditch thousands of feet deep, with sea water pouring in like a waterfall.

Countless demonic shadows soared into the sky, carrying bodies of thousands or hundreds of feet.

On the back of the Pegasus, three thousand undead souls from the Sword Sect all drew their swords, and in a blink of an eye, they turned into bodies of thousands or hundreds of feet, and faced them head-on.

Demonic soldiers of the level of Heaven and Earth immediately turned into blood mist as soon as they hit the undead of Jianmen.

The demon general in the Yuantian realm collided with the Jianmen disciples, and they were all killed and injured in a moment.

Only those in the second realm of Yuantian who are at the special envoy level can compete head-on with the disciples of the Sword Sect.

Of course, there are also the Ten Heavenly Kings!

These were the only ten people in the Heavenly King group. When they faced the five direct disciples of Jianmen, for a moment, wherever the sword light touched, it was a human cemetery.

In this situation, Lin Su could only bully those in the second level of Yuantian.

But he made a big move in one step, and he was able to do it with ease in this situation.

On top of the main peak of Yunfeng, the Black Youhuang stepped forward, and the main peak of Yunfeng behind him turned into ashes and was swept into the void.

The strongest enemy has appeared, and Yunfeng no longer needs to exist.

Dugu Shi takes a step forward, and two sworn enemies who have spanned thousands of years face each other again.

Dugu Shi, I never thought that you would appear again.

The Black Youhuang's voice was filled with a deep chill that sounded like it was coming from the depths of hell.

Dugu Shi slowly pulled out the Sealing Heaven Sword: Three thousand heroes died on the battlefield, I will write the sword gate with my blood!

Haha, I haven't seen you for a thousand years. Dugu Shi, you have also learned how to draw text. Unfortunately, your blood has already solidified!

The solidified blood can be rekindled by today's war! The Heaven Sealing Sword rose and pointed at the sky angrily: Heavenly Sword Style!

This sword is truly groundbreaking!

This sword is the true Heavenly Sword style!

Go forward indomitably, kill gods when you meet them, kill Buddhas when you meet them!

The Black Nether Emperor held his hands together and pointed a big sword straight at the sky. All the magic fog in the sky was removed. The clear sky instantly turned into an endless night. There were stars in the dark night, but the starlight was also removed by his sword.


With them as the center, a super powerful shock wave split the earth in two, and a huge deep trench with a width of a thousand feet was formed. This small world seemed to be unable to withstand such an impact.

The Black Nether Emperor retreated a hundred miles away: Heavenly Sword-style transformation! You actually took this step!

Dugu Shi laughed loudly: Black Youhuang, do you think everyone in the world is as rubbish as you? You haven't made any progress in a thousand years!

Black lines flowed across the face of the Black Youhuang. A thousand years is quite a long time. It should be used to make some achievements on the spiritual path. However, the situation is different. I am trapped in the Sealing Heaven Realm without any vitality. , what can you use to increase your cultivation? But shouldn’t it be the same for you alone? Why can you improve your cultivation? No, it's not the improvement of cultivation itself, but the improvement of swordsmanship.

Kendo can really be improved, because kendo relies on enlightenment and does not rely on vitality.

However, as a tycoon of the generation, how could Hei Youhuang be hit with words?

He shouted angrily in a deep voice: It is true that your swordsmanship has improved, but your soul is weak! Your burial place is within this Emperor's Demonic Domain!

As soon as the voice fell, he and Dugu Shi seemed to be brought into a mysterious space.

Mountains are in the sky, clouds are on the ground, mountains are like giant beasts, clouds are like whirlpools, this is his chaotic demon realm.

In this kind of demon realm, the most important test is the precision of the soul. If there is a slight deviation, it will be death.

He was targeting Dugu Shi's shortcomings.

Among Dugu Shi's Yuanshen, there is the Yuanshen brand he placed. With this brand, Dugushi can't use the power of Yuanshen at all.

Use your own strengths to attack the enemy's weaknesses.

However, when the demon realm was over, Dugu Shi let out a long laugh: Black Youhuang, you have been fooled!

As soon as the laughter subsided, Dugu Shi in the Demon Realm suddenly brightened his eyebrows, and a mysterious portal suddenly opened. This portal was so terrifying that as soon as it was opened, it sucked in the boundless demonic creation into it. The Black Youhuang suddenly felt that his soul was unstable. This surprise was not a trivial matter for him. The power of his soul was suddenly withdrawn, and the newly developed demonic realm was destroyed by himself.

Moreover, his soul was seriously injured. are not Dugu Shi! Black Youhuang has been practicing for thousands of years, and he fought with Dugu Shi. They regard each other as their biggest rivals. How do they understand Dugu Shi? The soul of Dugushi is a sword! But today, his soul is a door! These two souls are worlds apart.

Other things can be faked, but Yuan Shen cannot be faked.

The Dugu world in front of us is not a Dugu world.

Now you finally understand, I am Lin Su!

Lin Su! A little ant is also competing with this emperor? The Black Youhuang could hardly believe his ears.


Lin Su suddenly flicked the Sealing Heaven Sword in his hand, drawing the sword!

As soon as the sword came out, the sword in Black Youhuang's hand suddenly swung back and accurately blocked it. With a bang, he was knocked back a hundred feet away.


A sword broke through the boundaries of time and space and appeared in front of the Black Nether Emperor's throat: Who is the ant?

As soon as these four words were spoken, the Black Youhuang fell back five hundred feet.

A long sword rose in the air, and the starlight in the sky that the Black Nether Emperor had gathered suddenly reappeared and merged into the long sword again!

A strange sword heart flows on the long sword...

The Black Youhuang's face changed drastically: Sword Heart!


The Black Nether Emperor flew hundreds of miles away.

Although the sword in his hand accurately met the sword, he blocked the opponent's sword, but it could not block the power of the sword at all. With Dugu Shi's cultivation level and Lin Su's sword heart, this power directly increased Twice as much!

This is the law of balance.

The energy and blood in the Black Nether Emperor's body suddenly fluctuated...

With this fluctuation, the mysterious Qi mechanism suddenly became completely unpredictable...

The mystery of Lin Sutian's sword style disappeared instantly...

The Black Nether Emperor suddenly looked extremely tall in his sight...

A voice from Dugu Shi came from the sea of ​​consciousness: The mystery of the holy way! This is a glimpse of his understanding before he became a saint. I will also help you with this understanding!

A wisp of extremely miraculous insights passed into Lin Su's sea of ​​consciousness, and the Heaven Sealing Sword in Lin Su's hand rang softly, as if the sword spirit inside was awakening again.

He felt that the Black Youhuang was once again standing on the same platform as him.

The Black Youhuang's face was as gloomy as water: You have tried your best to seal this emperor again? Don't even think about it!

You are thinking too much! Today's Sealing Heaven Sword no longer has the power of sealing, but only kills! The Black Nether Emperor, go to hell!


A sword comes out!

This sword has endless grace!

This sword seems to come from ancient times!

This sword, with its boundless beauty, explores time, space with an everlasting desolation...

What kind of swordsmanship? Two voices came at the same time.

The Black Youhuang's voice was full of fear, while Dugu Shi's voice was full of surprise.

The grand plan for hegemony is nineteen times in vain, and everything in the world is ultimately just a dream! Lin Su said: This is my self-created sword: life is like a dream!


The long sword passed over the Black Nether Emperor's neck, and the Black Nether Emperor's head flew high...

Suddenly it turned into a blue lotus. The lotus rose into the sky, accompanied by an exasperated voice: Lin Su, this emperor is...

Suddenly, a faint sword shadow struck the lotus!

With this cut, the lotus disappeared, and the Black Nether Emperor's soul suddenly opened its eyes wide and exploded!

Soul-killing style! Dugu Shi sighed in his sea of ​​consciousness: It's actually used in this way.

No one in the world knows the Dugu Nine Swords better than him.

Even Li Zexi is on par with his master.

However, Dugu Shi failed to grasp the mystery of the sixth form of Dugu Nine Swords.

The soul-destroying technique Lin Su used was based on his entire mental power and his entire soul. With one blow, he could truly destroy the soul!

With this blow, the Black Nether Emperor was destroyed both physically and mentally.

With this blow, Lin Su's soul that entered the Dugu World Sea of ​​Consciousness shrank into a grain of rice.

Dugu Shi's Yuanshen looked at him deeply: I don't have much time. The next battle is my turn!

Lin Su looked at the unrecognizable soul that came out of the sea of ​​consciousness: Senior, if I help you with all my strength, can I keep your soul?

No! Our souls are intertwined with evil thoughts, which is comparable to the most terrifying poison. After thousands of years, it has already changed beyond recognition. Today, when the seal is broken, the fire of life is burned out and cannot be reversed. Don't think about saving our lives, you can't. , you don’t have to stay! Sword sect disciples live for the sword, and die for the sword! Just let us die on the battlefield, please!

Lin Sudao: On this last journey, you and I will fight side by side!

His soul exited Duguxing's sea of ​​consciousness and entered his own sea of ​​consciousness.

Dayan took one step forward and stood beside Dugu Xing.

Dugu Shi raised the Sealing Heaven Sword in his hand, and slashed it down with one sword. The Heavenly King who had been fighting with one of his direct disciples for a long time turned into blood mist, and the blood mist was like a belt. He performed the Dugu Nine Swords Micro Sword Style. Within a radius of a thousand miles, everyone It becomes his sword domain. In the sword domain, whether it is the king of heaven, the special envoy, the Yuantian demon clan, or the ordinary demon soldiers, they can be wiped out with one sword.

With this sword, Dugu Shi seemed to have stepped into a new realm.

But there is only this sword.

A generation of swordsman, at this point, has reached his last step.

The surrounding fields were silent and the autumn wind was desolate. The three thousand disciples of Jianmen seemed to have regained their consciousness at the same time. They stared at Dugu Shi on the high platform, their dry eyeballs filled with excitement.

Dugu Shi slowly took three steps, faced his five direct disciples, and smiled softly: You five are my disciples. You will be with me all your life. Death on the battlefield will be your fate. In the next reincarnation, you and I will be together. We are still master and disciple, let’s go!”

The five disciples bowed at the same time: Farewell Master!

They raised their heads at the same time, and with a soft bang, their heads burst at the same time. The boundless demonic energy entangled with their murderous intentions and disappeared.

The three thousand disciples below bowed at the same time: Farewell Master!

boom! Three thousand disciples' heads were shattered at the same time, and their bodies disappeared like dust and sand.

Dugu Shi's eyes moved to the Pegasus at his feet, and his hand gently fell on its head: You and I met in the Abyss, and we have been together for two thousand years. After I leave, you go back to the Abyss!

Pegasus lowered his head, with tears in his eyes.

Dugu Shi's tearful eyes slowly moved away from Tianma and towards Lin Su: Lin Su, if there is reincarnation, I will drink three hundred cups with you!

Lin Su had tears streaming down his face and knelt down on one knee: Congratulations to the Master!

With a smile on his face, Dugu Shi slowly raised his head and looked at the sky. With a bang, his head exploded, and a headless corpse slowly turned into quicksand and slowly flowed down.

Lin Su looked at him blankly.

Pegasus also stared blankly.

A long, long time.

The wind blows, endless desolation.

Suddenly, with a roar, the Pegasus rose up from the sky and hit half of the cliff where Dugu Shi had disappeared. The entire cliff was dyed red with blood...

After all, it did not return to its birthplace, and chose to go on the road with its owner.

Everything is gone.

Lin Su still knelt on one knee, bowed his head for a long time with his sword as a salute.

There was complete silence, a deathly silence.

After a long time, Lin Su slowly raised his head and stood up. When he raised his hand, King Wen's seal appeared in his palm, slowly enlarging and getting brighter!

The whole sky, all the officials, the official seals in their hands shook together.

Detached from the body, suspended above the officials' heads.

The image of Lin Su appeared in the official seal, with the blue sky above his head, his feet on the battlefield, and behind him in the distance, huge waves rolled on the East China Sea.

I am Lin Su, King Wen of Da Cang, and my official seal is a letter to inform the world! Lin Su said slowly: The Black Bone Demon Clan is raging in Da Cang. The three thousand undead souls of the Sword Sect have returned and have destroyed the Black Nether Emperor. Eighteen of his subordinates The King of Heaven and the seventy-two special envoys have all been destroyed! The great catastrophe has ended here!

Ren Taiyan's eyes suddenly opened up, and he shouted like an ape in the wilderness...

In the Zijin Pavilion, Ji Guang's whole body was shaken, and all the portraits of the Ji Dynasty behind him were rattling at the same time...

Zhang Haoran flew into the sky and collided with Qiu Mochi who was rushing towards him. The two court officials hugged each other and spun in the air...

King Nan holds the official seal in his hand, fixed in the void, his eyes are as big as cowbells...

The government offices in the forty states were completely petrified, and all the officials who worked for the demons had no blood on their faces...

Lin Sudao: Your Majesty, if I want to issue a military order, I need your Majesty's authorization!

Ji Guang's voice came: Everyone in the country and all types of people must obey King Wen's military orders and must not violate them!

Lin Sudao:

Order! The Cangshan Army will leave Ningzhou, cross the Pearl River, and clear out the thirteen southern states. Anyone who dares to resist will be killed without mercy! Anyone who has any connection with the demon army will be killed!

According to the order! King Nan's voice sounded like a rolling wave rolling over the official seal.

Order! Divide half of the Feilong Army out of Jin, pass through Yanmen Pass, and go from north to south to wipe out the remnants of the Demon Army!

According to the order! Li Xiaotian's voice came, with extremely murderous intent.

Order! Lin Zheng, the commander of Xueyuguan, leads the Nanyang Ancient Kingdom's army back to the southwest, seizes Xueyuguan, and clears away the demons of Luzhou, Bingzhou, and Yongzhou!

According to the order! In the distant ancient country of Nanyang, at Zhenbei Palace, Lin Zheng and Hong Ying stood side by side in front of a large army.

Order! Deng Taiyan, the governor of Xizhou, leads the army of Xizhou and the mermaids to sweep from west to east!

According to the order! Deng Taiyan's voice became hoarse.

Order! The entire Imperial Guard Army of the capital is dispatched, radiating in all directions, to clear out the twelve states surrounding the capital!

According to the order! The commander of the Royal Forest Army under Ji Guang took a step towards the north and responded loudly.

Post notices in various places in the name of the government: In the early days, sects or various forces participated in the Black Bone Demon Clan's rebellion and committed treason. They should have been punished by death, but His Majesty's grace allowed all major sects to perform meritorious service for their crimes. For sects or forces with less than 1,000 people, one black-bone demon corpse will bear the blame. For sects or forces with more than 1,000 people, three black-bone demon corpses will bear the blame. The innocent sect or individual will have to obtain the black bones of the Origin Heaven Realm. Those who acquire the demonic corpse will be given the title of Hero of the Great Cang, and will be given an additional ten thousand taels of gold; those who acquire the black-bone demonic corpse under the Origin Sky will be given the title of the Hero of the Great Cang, and will be given an additional five thousand taels of gold!

A series of instructions were issued, announcing that the great catastrophe has undergone a bizarre change...

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