Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 955 Traveling thousands of miles to test the edge of the sword

As soon as Lin Su's official seal was withdrawn, another communication talisman was lit. Only ten minutes later, a flying shuttle came through the sky. There was a person standing on the shuttle, with a beautiful face and a moon-like appearance, and a body that was seductive and eroding. On her face, there was still There is a red tide that is completely different from the past.

Zhou Mei!

In the past, Zhou Mei was like a demon in the night, easily concealing herself from others. Occasionally showing her presence also meant that the enemy had arrived at the Naihe Bridge. But today's Zhou Mei appeared in this post-war ruins, like the most mysterious flower, showing its face. Her most stunning beauty.

As soon as Zhou Mei arrived, she put the flying boat away and stood in front of Lin Su: I just saw the shocking battle order you issued through the official seal. I originally planned to follow the Imperial Forest Army to sweep across the capital, but I received your summons.

Lin Su smiled softly: What will be achieved by following them? You should just follow me!

Zhou Mei's eyes were full of flowers: What tricks can I do with you?

The flying boat travels thousands of miles and tests the edge of the sword against the enemy!

Zhou Mei's heart skipped a beat: I finally know the real purpose of your summoning me. Your summons to me is a lie, but summoning my shuttle is real! You must use the fastest speed to sweep across the entire land of the sky and destroy those Yuan Tian The masters should kill them first to prevent the armies from getting too damaged.

Lin Su smiled: So, you are a smart person!

This catastrophe is extremely special.

The particularity lies in the serious generation gap between the two sides.

Even though the three thousand undead souls of Jianmen came out of seclusion and killed the top figures such as the Black Emperor, the Eighteen Heavenly Kings, and the Seventy-two Special Envoys, there are still a large number of Yuantian Realm active in the forty states of Da Cang.

These powers of the Origin Heaven Realm are still at a ceiling level that is difficult for ordinary people to touch.

Even those at the bottom of the demon army, who have survived for thousands of years, are like the ceiling of the Da Cang Cultivation Path.

Under such circumstances, deploying all five armies together is actually very risky.

Therefore, Lin Su cleaned up before the five armies actually arrived on the battlefield to clear obstacles for the five armies.

Zhou Mei straightened out all this in her mind instantly, and breathed out softly: The most powerful thing about my shuttle is its speed. It can shuttle the entire sky ten times in three days and three nights. As long as it senses If the power is strong enough, all the source heaven realms in Da Cang will appear within our sensing range at some point!

That's great! Lin Su stepped onto the shuttle.

Zhou Mei said: There is only one last question left! The net to search for Yuan Tian is ready. Is the sword to kill them also ready?

Hahahaha... let's go!

The shuttle started suddenly. The start was like a stream of lightning. In the blink of an eye, it was already a hundred miles away. Lin Su stood at the head of the boat, his sensory power was fully released. With his current cultivation level, he could grasp all the abnormal energy within a thousand miles. .

Thousands of miles away, there is a city!

Above the city, an old man in black suddenly turned around!

This is probably the terrifying strength of being in the Source Heaven Realm.

As soon as he turned around, a ray of sword light suddenly fell from the sky. Phew, the old man took the center of his eyebrows as the center line and divided it into two halves. The attic where he was was also divided into two halves.

The faces of the countless magic soldiers above the city all turned pale, staring at the flying shuttle that flashed and disappeared in the air, and also at the figure above the flying shuttle that, although not tall, looked infinitely tall... …

Lin Su! A roar came from the city.

A peaceful voice came down from the sky: The only ones I killed were Yuantian and the miscellaneous fish under Yuantian. I left them to the major cultivation sects and various forces in the sky as objects of immunity. Everyone, please hurry up. Well, if the fifth army arrives and collects these trophies first, you will really have no way out!

The sound is absolutely peaceful.

There is nothing domineering about this voice.

However, the signal sent out was extremely domineering. King Wen only killed Yuantian with his sword. Even if there were Xiangtian Fadi beside the Yuantian realm master, he didn't bother to kill him!

The Black Bone Demon Clan is wreaking havoc across the nine heavens and ten lands. Has there ever been a moment when it was so despised?

All the Black Bone Demon Clan were furious, but despite being furious, they also felt cold inside.

The sects, major sect masters, and masters who followed them all panicked. Although they already knew that there was a big problem at the top of the Black Bone Demon Clan, they still had a glimmer of hope because they saw the power of the demon army with their own eyes. , simply unstoppable.

But now, King Wen sailed across the sky with a boat, killing Yuantian among thousands of troops. He looked down upon the heaven and the earth, and he made it clear in his words that this was something left to the major sects and clans as an excuse for their sins. This is completely ignoring the demon clan.

This contempt was received by all sects.

Has the general trend of the world really changed?

Is it really time for us to make a choice?

Several sect leaders looked at each other in confusion, and glanced at the demon army leaders from the corner of their eyes...

Two thousand miles away, the second Yuantian died under Lin Su's sword, and Lin Su's gentle words floating down the sky remained unchanged...

Three thousand miles away, there are two Source Heavens. Lin Su is on the shuttle. Without moving his feet, the sword light rises and the two Source Heavens are destroyed together...

Four thousand miles away, five source heavens are discussing matters!

Lin Su finally left the boat. Dayan stepped out and reached the room. Phew, an incomparably gorgeous sword light stunned Qixing City. His heroic words centered on Qixing City, a stronghold of the demon army, and moved at the speed of light. Spread in all directions!

Five thousand miles away, in the south, the commander of Yancheng has escaped!

With the dignity of Yuantian, he was thousands of miles away in the blink of an eye. However, a flying shuttle behind him was ten times faster than him. Phew!

Yuantian fell, and the sword in Lin Su's hand was sheathed.

A cup of tea was handed to his hand: The first crossing has now reached the end, and the eleven origin days have fallen forever with this trip. But what I saw is not only a glorious achievement; I saw a plan.”

What's the plan? Lin Su took the tea and took a sip.

You could obviously clean up these Xiangtianfadi, but you didn't kill them. There is only one reason: you use these demon masters as whetstones to reactivate the bloody nature of these sects.

That's right! Lin Su sighed: This catastrophe has allowed us to truly see Da Cang's cowardice and weakness. The total number of the demon army is only more than four thousand. No matter how tyrannical it is, it only has four. Thousands of people! A mere four thousand people stepped into the forty states of the country and faced five billion people in the country. How could a small drop of water in the pond allow them to go smoothly and dominate the world? The fundamental reason is still there It depends on the character of the people! The four thousand demon army absorbed more than 40 million Da Cang cartilage in the blink of an eye! Our army fought bloody battles, but the people who were injured were all Da Cang people! How sad? If this traitorous culture cannot be rooted out from the root Even if this catastrophe is averted, there will still be endless troubles in the future, so I don’t plan to sing all the songs, I want to leave these demonic armies as whetstones to inspire the true bloody nature of the great Cang!”

Zhou Mei said slowly: Leaving such a group of demonic troops as a whetstone, and at the same time leaving a chance for these sects to take their lives, can indeed hone the bloody nature of hundreds of millions of people, but in this way, Once it comes, the damage will be huge.”

Lin Sudao: There are five billion people in the world. Even if a catastrophe swallows up half of the dregs, the bloody light left behind in the end can still illuminate the mountains and rivers for hundreds of millions of miles in the world for thousands of years! This is called : Although it is hard work with thousands of hammers and hammers, you can only achieve gold by blowing away all the sand!

Zhou Mei raised her eyes: Maybe until this moment, I really believed that your way is not in the temple.


Because your words are not in line with the benevolence of the holy way.

My words are not in line with humaneness, but the actions of a wise man who talks about benevolence are not in line with humaneness. Do you know what benevolence is called when words and deeds are not consistent? Hypocritical benevolence! Do you know what a saint is called when words and deeds are not consistent...

Zhou Mei stood up suddenly: Shut up!

Lin Su smiled faintly: I know you will jump, but I don't care. Do you know why?

Zhou Mei looked around, the clouds in the sky were still clouds...

The autumn light all around is still a peaceful autumn light...

Lin Su gently held up the tea cup in his hand: Because of two things. First, I can now block anyone's detection. No matter how unbridled I am, no one will know. Second, the catastrophe that just passed has allowed people to I discovered one thing, that is, a quasi-saint who is just one step away from becoming a saint can also be killed!

Zhou Mei's heart was pounding...

The high-level quasi-saints who are just one step away from becoming saints can be killed!

So, what about the saints?

The subtext was a little too scary, and she didn't dare to think too much about it, let alone discuss the topic.

Her thoughts turned over and over again, but the topic she spoke out was another topic: Did Li Zexi take action?

When this topic came out, Lin Su's relaxed expression suddenly became uncomfortable. At least, the tea cup in his hand stopped in the air and did not move.

Zhou Mei's heart skipped a beat: Is he a taboo? His actions should not be mentioned?

In fact, she had a belief in her heart that the undead of Jianmen came out of seclusion. She did not see it with her own eyes, but she only thought it was a fantasy. Maybe the person who really took action was not the undead of Jianmen, but Li Zexi, a taboo figure in Jianmen.

The Black Nether Emperor broke the seal, and everyone in the world was analyzing ways to end this catastrophe.

There are two ultimate solutions, one is the temple. The second is Li Zexi.

Since the Holy Temple did not take action, the most likely candidate was Li Zexi. Li Zexi had the imprint of Jianmen Too Deep on his body, so it actually made sense to say that he was the undead of Jianmen.

She wanted to know if the person who fought side by side with Lin Su and really got rid of the Black Nether Emperor was really the thousand-year-old sword god Li Zexi.

Lin Su let out a long breath: I really hope that he will take action, but what is very sad is that I have known for a long time that he will not take action. What is even more sad is that he really did not take action!

No action! Zhou Mei frowned: And you knew it a long time ago?


How early?

Lin Sudao: Before going to Tiandao Island!

Zhou Mei was really shocked: The information I received is that he sent you there when you crossed Yandang Mountain. Logically speaking, your friendship is already extraordinary.

Lin Su sighed: Yes, when I first met him at Jianmen Pass, even though Dugu Xing hated him to the core of my being, I still didn't feel any hatred for him; before the Yaochi meeting, he He gave me a set of Duguzhong Three Swords, and I decided that even if the world is vast and people's hearts are treacherous, I can still trust him. However, things are always changing. During my trip to Osumi, I met He Su, her Dugu Nine Swords gave me a not-so-splendid shadow; during my trip to Nanyang Ancient Country, I met a demon clan, and her experience cast a deeper shadow on me; at the foot of Yandang Mountain, Li Zexi gave me something and made up another story, For the first time in my life, I discovered that it is sad that familiar people suddenly become unfamiliar...

His voice became softer and softer, as if he was lost in confusion...

Zhou Mei whispered: What did he give you?

Lin Sudao: A set of wonderful sword heart secrets! It contains incredible sword heart application skills.

Zhou Mei was confused: Shouldn't this be given based on his trust in you? Shouldn't you interpret his goodwill from this set of secrets that are hard to find in the world?

It's because you don't understand Jianxin! Lin Su said: Jianxin, use the attitude of the sword. The purer the attitude, the more effective it is. Purity is the biggest secret of Jianxin! Jianxin does not require skills at all, the more The more you pursue skills, the lower you will fall! From the moment he gave me the secret of Kenshin, I knew that he was not really helping me. He even had the intention of tainting my Kenshin. However, at this level, very few Someone can decipher it.”

Why? Why is this? Zhou Mei was completely confused.

Lin Su's words completely deviated from her track.

As his royal informant, Zhou Mei pays close attention to everything about him, including Li Zexi. But today, Li Zexi jumped out of her prediction and completely jumped out.

Lin Sudao: In the beginning, I was full of doubts and even self-doubts like you. But on Tiandao Island, I really understood why! Because Li Zexi's choice for me was not simple at the beginning. He has always been there. Use me, use me to pick up the Golden Token of Enlightenment, use me to go to Tiandao Island to find the Wordless Heavenly Monument for him. If I can always be in his hands, he is not opposed to continuing to cultivate me. However, he later discovered One thing is that I, Lin Su, am not the type he can control at all. I have vaguely escaped his control. So, he turned to destroy my sword heart with a sword heart secret and a replacement chess piece. As a double insurance for my journey to heaven, on the way back, he searched my whole body to find what he wanted to find. Unfortunately, I had already seen through his true face and played a game of Infernal Affairs with him...

Zhou Mei's face was as pale as paper: Two elders of Jianmen, Duguxing is the true will of Jianmen, and he is so insidious and terrifying? That's why the former headmaster Dugushi decided to cut off his sword finger and expel him from the sect. .”

Lin Su raised his gaze with a rather mysterious look in his eyes: When Dugu Shi chopped off his sword finger, I'm afraid it wasn't this sword finger that he chopped off.

What's the meaning?

Lin Su looked out of the sky and exhaled softly: I'm afraid the one I killed is still a shocking secret! Dugu Shi probably hopes that his disciples will see whether the sword is white bones or black bones!

Zhou Mei jumped up and the coffee table in front of her almost flew away...

Li Jersey!

Black Bone Demon Clan?

is it possible?

The Sword Sect was wiped out because of the Black Bone Demon Clan. The Sword Sect was the Black Bone Demon Clan’s biggest enemy. Who would be the most outstanding disciple of the Sword Sect?

Thousands of years ago, the Black Bone Demon Clan broke the seal and the Sword Sect came out. Instead of fighting to the death on the battlefield, Li Zexi refused to go to the battlefield. Why? Li Zexi gave a vague answer: The sword's heart was dusty and muddy. I believed this reason at the time, because I didn't understand what the sword's heart was at the time, but now I don't believe it at all, because I am the person who owns the sword's heart. When faced with the decision of life and death, the sword's heart will only become brighter and brighter, and it will never become dusty. So, He has only one reason for refusing to participate in the war! The same reason as a demon clan I met in Nanyang Ancient Country! As a demon clan member, but raised in the human world, he could only stand by and watch as the two clans fought.

Having demon blood, but being raised by humans, Li Zexi is actually fundamentally different from other black-bone demons! Zhou Mei let out a breath.

In addition to killing Yuantian and stimulating the bloody spirit of the whole country, our trip actually also has some testing power! Lin Su said: Facing the disaster of the Great Cang Kingdom's annihilation, he did not stand on the standpoint of the human race. Above, then, facing the catastrophe of his own clan’s annihilation, I want to see if he will appear above his own clan’s position!”

Zhou Mei: What will happen if he appears?

Lin Su looked into the sky: This is really a hypothesis that I dare not assume, but I still want to believe it, and I sincerely hope that in the next battle, I will never see his broken boat... That boat, I I would rather float in the depths of my memory forever, even if it is a little desolate...


The long sword in Lin Su's hand shook, and he started his first killing mission on his way back from the southern border...

Three days in a row!

Lin Su went from north to south, and from south to north!

The shuttle flew across the sky as fast as lightning, over and over again, a full ten times!

During this trip, theoretically, as long as Yuan Tian is in Da Cang, he will be exposed to his induction. As long as he is exposed, he will be lifeless.

Under his sword, four hundred and seventy Yuantian masters died.

He also succeeded in tearing all the dignity of the Black Bone Demon Clan to pieces.

He also successfully provoked various major sects and clans to kill the Black Bone Demon Clan.

Each black-bone demon corpse represents the death of thousands of human races, and also represents the bloody return of the long-lost Great Blue. In fact, it also represents the smooth advancement of the five legions.

The advance was quite difficult at first, but then it became smoother and smoother, and then, like a strong wind sweeping away fallen leaves, the demon army's morale was gone and they could only flee. Moreover, it was extremely difficult to escape among hundreds of millions of people in the sky who were chasing and intercepting them.

In the end, thousands of black-bone demon corpses fell to the sky forever.

The remaining more than a thousand black-bone demons crossed the Blood Rain Pass and fled back to the Demon Kingdom in embarrassment.

The 300,000-strong army of the ancient Nanyang Kingdom led by Lin Zheng also arrived at the Blood Rain Pass. Once the peerless killing array was launched, the last batch of demonic troops were wiped out. Lin Zheng once again stepped onto the highest point of the Blood Rain Pass, looking up to the sky and roaring.

His wife, Hongying, was by his side.

Lin Zheng burst into tears, and Hong Ying also burst into tears.

In Zezhou, on the flying boat, floating clouds were floating, and Zhou Mei's clothes were flying. In just three days, she seemed to have gone through a long, long period of time. At this moment, the floating clouds dispersed, and the sky once again showed its wonderful sunset.

It's over! He didn't show up! Zhou Mei's voice was as light as a sigh, as if she had taken off her heavy winter coat.

Lin Su also had a smile on his face.

Influenced by him, Zhou Mei's voice became much lighter: Next, will you readjust your relationship with him?

There are three kinds of relationships in the world. Some people are enemies at first and then become friends. Some people are friends at first and then become enemies. But more people are like meteors colliding with each other. After the collision, each goes his own way. , we are strangers to each other from now on! He and I hope it is the third type!

Zhou Mei's eyes turned slightly: It makes sense for you to position yourself as a human being, but have you positioned yourself for another kind of relationship?

What kind?


Lin Su looked at her with obvious heat in his eyes. Is your little girl's true nature sprouting? In the tense battles in the past, you suppressed me. Now that the battle is over, I feel like you are seducing me again...

Zhou Mei rolled her eyes at him: Don't look at me like that, stop tempting me, I'm not talking about me at all, it's Lu Youwei!

Lin Su was slightly startled...

Lu Youwei...

Zhou Mei said: There is a reason why Lu Youwei became a monk! Buddhism really has magical powers. It can predict the catastrophe of the people in advance and plan the strategy to awaken the golden body of the Supreme Master in advance. They use the Buddhist 'nine-ring buckle', which has one ring. , it can only be activated by a flawless and inactionless woman with extraordinary spirituality. This link is 'inaction'. Therefore, her becoming a monk has completely subverted everyone's imagination. It is not because of the pressure of the secular world. Of course, it is also a lie to say that it is not the case at all. , at least Lu Youwei took this step and played an irreplaceable role in promoting the return of the Golden Body of the Supreme Good. Her achievements are enough to remain in the annals of history forever. Her previous serious crimes committed by the Lu family have stained the descendants of the Lu family. With her, An unparalleled miraculous feat, transformed into nothingness!”

Lin Su's heart was in a state of shock.

It was not that he didn't see the problem with Lu Youwei's becoming a monk.

Because the look in Lu Youwei's eyes at that time was not at all like a look that was about to step out of the world of mortals and despair.

Because Mrs. Tianyao, Lu’s mother, is not the type to give in under pressure at all.

It’s also because Mrs. Tianyao said something at that time: I’m not injured, so don’t get hurt either...

However, he still didn't expect that it would be because of this catastrophe!

Lu Youwei just has her own place in this catastrophe!

Her becoming a monk is not a monk at all. Her becoming a monk is the most important action!

Zhou Mei's eyes seemed to see through his agitated mood: I have to praise you. You have preserved her innocence until now. This restraint can also be recorded in the annals of history. If you had made her no longer flawless on a whim, It is really difficult to find a suitable candidate for this strange position of 'Wuwei'.

The position of Wuwei requires extraordinary spirituality, which immediately eliminates 99% of women.

It also requires people who are inaction, that is, they cannot have any cultivation skills, which also eliminates Bi Xuanji.

It also needs flawless people, and I have to thank Mr. Lin for this. (Privately, I may also have to thank my readers. If you hadn’t chased me and scolded me all the way, saying that I was messing around, Mr. Lin might not have been so restrained. )……

Lin Su looked at her with a sour expression...

Zhou Mei said: Okay, now she has left Lingyin Temple and lives in the mountainside where you used to seduce Bi Xuanji. You can go and meet her. There are signs that the position of 'Wuwei' probably does not require her. You are in power for the second time, so your policy tonight can be very relaxed...

Lin Su stepped out of the shuttle in one step...

Zhou Mei shouted from behind: Damn! Have you set the bottom line? I've been with you for three days and three nights. Shouldn't you sing a song for me before running away?

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