Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 958 The Saint Slaughter Outside Blood Rain Pass

It has been half a month since Lin Zheng came back to Xueyuguan.

Hong Ying accompanied him, and accompanied him to see the remaining autumn photos of Xueyuguan, the old city of Shuaifu in ruins, the bones everywhere, and countless tombstones.

She also accompanied Lin Zheng to greet the dispersed Blood Rain Army. For ten days, less than 30,000 people returned.

The 300,000-strong army of the Ancient Nanyang Kingdom received the imperial decree from the monarch and was about to leave. The supplementary army sent by Da Cang finally arrived. They bid farewell to the army of the Ancient Nanyang Kingdom and returned to Nanyang. Hongying once again accompanied Lin Zheng to rebuild the new Blood Rain Pass. .

Lin Zheng gently touched his beloved wife's shoulder: Ying'er, please go home. Yaozong is still young, and it's not okay if his parents are not with him.

But I'm not worried about you. Although the Blood Rain Legion has been replenished and has 200,000 people, it will still take time for these soldiers to form real combat power. And over there in the Demon Kingdom, the wind and waves are high. , there are signs that the Black Bone Demon Clan is absolutely unwilling to fail, and other demon tribes, under the connection of the Tianji Dao Sect, have also reached a high degree of consensus and may make a comeback at any time. Hongying was worried about Zhongzhong.

Lin Zheng smiled heartily: It is a common practice for a general to die in front of the battle line. The enemy is powerful, so what if he dies on the battlefield? In this life, I, Lin Zheng, can have a brother whose reputation is spread throughout the world, a beauty who was born in my hometown in Haining, and a son who will continue to spread my name. My incense is enough!

Hong Ying glared at him: Husband, I traveled thousands of miles to marry you. Do you want to leave me halfway? Don't even think about it. I don't want to be a stray goose that day. I will follow you. At Xueyuguan, if we die together, we will die together. Anyway, Yaozong is doted on by his mother and protected by his two uncles with great powers, so who else dares to bully him?

Before Lin Zheng could answer, a voice came from the sky: Sister-in-law, what I said is the truth. At least I can guarantee that no one will dare to bully my little nephew!

As soon as the voice fell, Lin Su floated down, a bright peach blossom branch in her hand was as delicate as drops in the autumn wind.

Uncle! Hongying bowed deeply.

See King Wen! Thousands of troops and horses below saluted simultaneously.

Third brother! Lin Zheng opened his arms and hugged Lin Su tightly.

Brother, how is the injury? Lin Su said.

With the cultural treasure 'Moon Flower Wheel' you gave me that day, my elder brother's injury has actually been cured long ago. Lin Zheng said: Third brother, this catastrophe is thanks to you!

The last sentence made him sigh with emotion.

Since the founding of the Great Cang Kingdom, two catastrophes have occurred, all because of the Black Bone Demon Clan.

During the catastrophe of the founding of the country, Da Cang's military strength was unparalleled, and the strength of the Immortal Sect was far superior to that of today. Even in that situation, the entire Da Cang was riddled with holes and disabled.

But in today's Great Cang, the new emperor has just taken office, and the foundation is not strong.

The army had just been consolidated and totaled only three million.

After the Cultivation Immortal Sect was crippled, its strength withered.

As soon as the Black Bone Demon Tribe broke the seal, all lines were leaked for thousands of miles.

Everyone had a premonition that Da Cang was completely finished.

However, with this brother's action, the situation was reversed in just one month. Compared with the catastrophe of the founding of the country, the losses suffered by Da Cang were less than one percent!

The whole world probably has a sentiment that they want to tell Lin Su: Thank you for having you!

Lin Su smiled softly: The Blood Rain Pass has been guarded by two generations of my Lin family. It's enough. From now on, I won't guard it anymore!

Lin Zheng's whole body was shocked: Third brother, why did you say this? I, the tenth generation general of the Lin family, have the duty to guard the border for the country. How can I not guard the bloody border? As a brother, I will not go anywhere, no matter what. If you are a high-ranking official, you will not be tolerated as a brother!

What he said was very serious!

He thought that the third brother came today to change his position. This was also something that a generation of wealthy families often did. When they could dominate the court, they would take special care of their children and transfer them to a quiet and safe place. Acts as a border meat grinder.

Lin Sudao: Brother, you are wrong. It's not that I won't let you guard the border. What I mean is... I want to completely destroy the Demon Kingdom!

Lin Zheng's eyes suddenly opened wide: Destroy the Demonic Kingdom?

His voice was so loud that all the generals below were frightened.

Exactly! Lin Su said: The demon kingdom is sandwiched between the four human kingdoms. There have been two catastrophes, and the world has been upside down twice. It has invaded our borders for many years, and how many of Lin's three thousand heroes have lost their lives at his hands? How can I let him? Do they fight when they want, and retreat when they want? Today is a battle of revenge. In this battle, the demon kingdom will be exterminated, future troubles will be eliminated forever, and the border will be rained with blood. There will be no need to defend anymore!

Lin Zheng's blood boiled: The third brother said that his courage is a hundred times greater than that of his brother. The blood rain will pass the 200,000 troops, and we will act according to the instructions of the third brother!

Hong Ying was also excited: Uncle, if we want to counterattack, my sister-in-law will recall the 300,000 Nanyang army that has just left the border. Your Majesty Nanyang has spoken in advance. When and how this army will fight, they will all obey my father's orders.

The seven lieutenants and generals below knelt down on one knee at the same time: Please give the order to King Wen!

Two hundred thousand troops shouted in unison: Please give the order to King Wen!

The blood of the frontier army arose because of Lin Su's words, and the entire Blood Rain Pass moved because of his clarion call for counterattack...

Lin Su glanced at the 200,000 troops in front of him. Wherever his eyes went, he was full of excitement and excitement. All the border troops knew who was standing in front of him!

He is the one who can attack Helan City with three thousand remaining troops!

He is the man who can destroy a million troops and regain the land of Jin in one battle!

He is still someone who can withstand an army of 100,000 people on his own!

He is the one who can turn things around and bring the entire world out of a thousand-year catastrophe!

Such a person is not a human being, but a god!

Everyone who has followed him will witness the birth of miracles, and all the wars he led will be recorded in history!

Soldiers are proud to fight with him.

No matter what his next order is, it is worth tens of millions of people risking their lives!

Lin Su's eyes were also filled with relief. This was the powerful army that had emerged from the flames of war. Although their guns were just ordinary guns and their armor was just ordinary armor, they also had the added bonus of Even if there are tens of thousands of people, I will go to the battlefield. With pride, they are an elite soldier who has fought in every battle!

Lin Su slowly raised his hand: Brothers, I receive your pride! I know that no matter when and where you are, you are the backbone of my life, invincible and invincible. My mission is to Must reach!

Lin Zheng raised his arms and shouted: Every attack is invincible, every battle is invincible, and the mission will be accomplished!

Thousands of people below roared at the same time: We are invincible, we are invincible, and our mission will be achieved!

Lin Su's hand pressed lightly, and everyone was silent...

Lin Sudao: But today's battle is different from the past! What we have to go deep into is the Four Thousand Miles Demon Realm, face the thirty-seven demon clans, face the lair they have been operating for thousands of years, face their entire country All soldiers, this kind of war is not a secular war. Although I do not doubt your fighting power, although I know that as long as you step out of the Blood Rain Pass, you will definitely set off an endless wave of blood in the Demon Realm. However, if you exchange the life of your brother for the victory, Lin Suxiang will not take it! Therefore, in today’s battle, I will be the vanguard! I am also the main force! You are only responsible for cleaning the battlefield behind me!

Everyone looked at each other...

Lin Sudao: I will use myself as the vanguard to sweep across four thousand miles of the Demonic Realm. My brothers will follow closely behind and completely occupy the Southwest Demonic Kingdom. The 300,000 troops of the Nanyang Ancient Kingdom can also accompany them. After the Demonic Kingdom is captured, the two majesties can sit down. Come down to discuss and divide it together!”

Lin Zheng was anxious: Third brother, do you want to fight alone?

Lin Su slowly turned around and smiled brightly: Brother, don't worry, I'm never alone!

Lin Zheng's brows suddenly tightened, but Hongying's eyes were as bright as autumn water...

I am leaving seclusion now. You can send troops in three days. Don't be too early or too late! Lin Su said: Brother, remember it!

Lin Zheng's face was filled with confusion: Third brother, are you sure?

OK! Lin Su jumped into the air and stepped out of the Blood Rain Pass.

In the handsome manor, Lin Zheng stretched out his hand suddenly and grabbed Hong Ying: Madam, do you think the third brother... what kind of help can he have?

Could it be the undead of Jianmen? Hongying murmured.

Sword Gate Undead?

Lin Zheng's eyes sparkled...

The undead souls of Jianmen are the main force to end the Black Bone Disaster, and they are the peerless power to kill the Black Nether Emperor.

This is a completely transcendent power.

This is the only power he can accept.

Only the undead cannot be seen by them.

Only this level of undead could possibly sweep across the four thousand miles of Demon Realm.

However, the answer they thought was the only answer was not the real answer.

What Lin Su relies on is not the undead of the Sword Gate. The undead of the Sword Gate are not invisible. Moreover, the undead of the Sword Gate have truly been exterminated and dissipated in the vast world. Even the only living creature, Pegasus, has perished.

He had only one helper, and that was something that everyone saw, but that didn't catch anyone's eyes: a peach blossom in his hand.

Hongying immediately contacted her father, King Zhenbei.

King Zhenbei has just returned to Duanyun Pass with his army. Looking back, Da Cang Fuyun is filled with emotion...

Suddenly received a message from his daughter. Upon receiving this news, King Zhenbei, who was used to seeing big storms, was completely confused...

Immediately afterwards, a message was sent from his hand to His Majesty Chu Yunfei in the capital.

Chu Yunfei stood up with a swish: You said that Lin Su has already passed the Bloody Rain Pass? Want to sweep through the Southwest Demonic Territory alone?

Your Majesty, you are not alone, you are definitely not alone! There is no Confucian Temple in the Southwest Demonic Territory. His literary skills are not enough to support him, and he cannot even use his military skills. His cultivation alone is definitely not enough to sweep across the four thousand miles of Demonic Territory. He must be the Sword Sect Three thousand undead souls follow him!

Three thousand undead souls in Jianmen! Even the Black Nether Emperor can be killed. Is there any territory in the world that cannot be swept away? Chu Yunfei murmured: He personally promised that the four thousand miles of demon territory that he conquered can be divided between our country and the Great Cang?

Exactly! Your Majesty, you must quickly discuss with Lord Da Cang how to divide the Demonic Domain...

Chu Yunfei smiled: If he really conquered the Demon Realm by himself, why should the Ancient Kingdom of Nanyang be separated from him? But everyone understands what this kid means. The Southwest Demon Realm, four thousand miles of mountains and rivers, is deeply entrenched in the West Heaven Fairy Kingdom, the Southeast Buddha Kingdom, and so on. The central position of the four kingdoms of the country, Nanyang Ancient Kingdom and Da Cang. If other countries are completely excluded, Da Cang will face the three superior countries independently and will be unable to support itself. Let me accept this favor from him, share it with him symbolically, and help Let him balance the pressure from the Immortal Kingdom in the West and the Buddhist Kingdom in the Southeast! King Zhenbei obeys the order!


Chu Yunfei said: Your army of 300,000 will leave Duanyun Pass in three days, cross the Moyun dividing line, and form a pincer attack with Da Cang Xueyu Pass army. Clean the battlefield for him, manage it after the war, and use Lin Zheng is the master and you are the assistant!

According to the order!

Lin Su came out of the Blood Rain Pass, and in front of him was the abyss beneath the Blood Rain Pass.

This abyss is filled with demonic energy.

In this abyss, countless corpses have been buried for thousands of years.

This abyss is extremely special...

Lin Su looked at the abyss, the light in his eyes moved slightly: Fairy, have you heard of a legend? There is a legend about this abyss.

What kind of legend? An echo came from the flower branch in his hand.

Legend has it that as long as one's cultivation reaches the first level of Yuantian, one cannot cross the abyss. Otherwise, a blood-colored coffin will rise from below and pull the master into the coffin to keep him company.

This legend was told to him by Lin Zheng.

Lin Zheng had never seen this coffin, but legends have been circulating in this landscape.

Many people say that it is precisely because of the existence of this coffin that the intensity of the war in Xueyuguan can be controlled, and high-level monsters cannot cross the border, making this abyss indirectly become an alternative dividing line for the great blue, and the dividing line between the human sea and the sea. The functions are similar.

The flower demon smiled softly: Blood coffin? It's interesting! When I entered this world, I was actually in the blood coffin.

Lin Sudao: I have always had a question. I can accept that you entered this world with a blood coffin on you. I can also guess that Master Zhishan shattered your blood coffin, but I What I don’t understand is why you didn’t suffer the punishment of heaven?”

The flower demon sighed softly: Once the blood coffin is broken, you will be punished by heaven. This is the law of this world, and I cannot avoid it. However, I must say that the compassion of Buddhism leaves me speechless. On the one hand , I hate the stinking bald man Zhishan. It was he who made my life worse than death for thousands of years. But on the other hand, it was he who saved me. He replaced the punishment of heaven with his Buddhist will and allowed my remaining soul to support me for thousands of years. After hearing this After a catastrophe, his golden body also reappeared, but unfortunately, it only contained his will and not his soul, otherwise, I would have liked to meet him.

Lin Su sighed softly: Thousands of years ago, the situation has changed in all directions, and the difference between friends and foes has also changed in all directions. Thousands of years ago, you, carrying a blood coffin, were the enemy outside this world, but today, you have rescued Killed millions of lives!”

The flower demon's flower branches swayed: So what? You can't tell whether you should kill the owner of the blood coffin under the abyss in front of you or not?

Lin Sudao: I heard that for thousands of years, no one in the Origin Heaven realm of the human race was spared, even quasi-sages, when they crossed the border. However, a thousand years ago, the Black Nether Emperor led his thirty-six heavenly kings, three hundred and twenty A special envoy, four thousand Yuantian masters crossed the border to create a catastrophe for the founding of the country, but he did not move. Half a month ago, hundreds of Yuantian who retreated from Da Cang flew over here, but he did not move either.

When faced with people from the demon race, he mostly didn't move, but when faced with people from the human race, he moved every time. So, he deserves to die! said the flower demon.

The jury is still out on whether he should die or not, but after conquering the Demonic Territory of Four Thousand Miles to the Southwest, this place will no longer be a border, but will be the hinterland of the great blue! In the hinterland of the great blue, there is no room for such a monster to hide here for a long time! Lin Sudao: So, I have to wake him up and give him a choice!

As soon as his voice fell, he suddenly raised his hand!

As soon as the Heaven Sealing Sword was released from the palm, everything under the abyss seemed to be moved.

Weathered sword, mist sword, a drop of morning dew is a sword, a dead leaf is also a sword!

There was a loud earthquake, and a low roar came from deep underground, accompanied by a big pale hand. This big hand was not a real thing, but a phantom. Although it was a phantom, it was infinitely close to a real hand.

The sword light suddenly changed, and Wanliu returned to his clan!

A sword came down from the air and hit the giant hand.

With a bang, the giant hand struck the bottom of the valley, and the Sealing Heaven Sword in Lin Su's palm also let out a long roar...

Along with this earthquake, it was as if a magnitude 10 earthquake had occurred in the Commander's Mansion ten miles away. The city wall of Xueyuguan collapsed a hundred feet, and the 200,000 troops concentrated on the huge military parade ground swayed here and there.

Lin Zheng's expression changed greatly: The thing from the abyss! Third brother, he alarmed the thing from the abyss... this...

His voice stopped suddenly...

Everything seems to be at a standstill...

An infinitely suppressed energy blocked the area within a thousand miles. Everyone was unable to move, speechless, or raise their hands. As far as their eyes could see, there was only something strange...

The leaves are still in the air, and the collapsed city walls are still in the air...

Only the eyes of a person can clearly convey the fear in the heart of its owner. The stars are flickering and people are like ants...

In front of Lin Su, all the mist solidified, and a strange blood coffin rose from the ground. The blood-colored coffin seemed to turn the abyss into a galaxy thousands of miles away.

The world turned upside down, and among the stars, the blood coffin slowly enlarged, carrying endless divine power.

Lin Su stared at the blood coffin, feeling the extreme pressure brought by the mighty power of the Holy Dao. If he were still the same person back then, under this kind of pressure, all his thoughts would be in vain. However, the person he is today is not the person he was then. he!

He has seen the blood coffin many times, from the initial fright in Yandang, to the later thrills in the East China Sea, to the thrilling experience in the Beast Valley outside Yanmen Pass, to today's calm and gentle clouds...

Yes, Lin Su was unusually calm in the face of the suppressing blood coffin: Master of the blood coffin, I am Lin Su from the Great Cang Kingdom. I woke you up from your thousand-year dream just because I have something to tell you. What you are sleeping in is This place is no longer suitable for you to sleep peacefully, you need to move!

Move? came the voice of the owner of the blood coffin. It was infinitely old, but also a little novel.

As God testifies, when everyone faced him, the last words they could utter were all single-syllable words of disbelief: Ah...

But today, a young man named Lin Su who was bold and dared to show his sword in front of him actually asked him to move!

This is a ghost, a big-headed ghost that has been around for thousands of years!

Lin Su nodded: I'll give you two choices! First, take your ridiculous coffin and run all the way back to Wuxin Sea. From now on, never enter this world again! Second, die and disappear. , go to the Nine Nether Hells to sleep!

Seeking death! The blood coffin suddenly spiraled up. This spiral was magnified tens of millions of times, like the Nine Heavens Immortal Mountain, coming down from the sky, trying to crush Lin Su into dust!

Lin Su sighed softly: As evidenced by the law of heaven, I gave you a choice! If you are seeking death on your own, then no wonder I have no mercy!

He raised his hand and flicked the flower branch in his palm!

When the flower branches emerge, they are as light as catkins.

However, above the flower branches, the mighty power of the Holy Way suddenly emitted, like a furious wave in the sea!

There was a loud earthquake...

Lin Su held the flower branch and retreated thousands of miles away. Wherever he went, mountains collapsed and ground cracked, rivers vaporized, and a big hole seemed to be punched in the void. The invisible air flow was like the most powerful sword, sweeping across thousands of miles of rivers and mountains outside the pass!

As for the blood coffin, it only hit the abyss less than a hundred feet away!

However, it was opened with a gap!

As soon as the mouth of the blood coffin was opened, the energy leaked out...

The owner of the blood coffin yelled, full of endless fear: Damn it!

The blood coffin burrowed straight into the ground, escaping at an unparalleled speed...

At this moment, the surroundings suddenly solidified!

Above the sky, a huge hand takes shape!

Even though the speed of the blood coffin was unparalleled, at the moment when the Palm of Heaven was formed, all the rules were completely ineffective. The blood coffin looked like it had flown away for a hundred thousand miles, but in fact it was still in the same place. The Palm of Heaven slowly penetrated into the abyss and slowly closed. .

A horrified cry came from the blood coffin: Ah...

The cry stopped abruptly...

The palm of heaven returns to the sky...

The white clouds are floating again...

The broken city bricks of Xueyuguan fell to the ground at this moment. The tea cup in Lin Zheng's hand had actually been crushed, but the tea was just flowing...

Outside the pass, Lin Su stared blankly at the giant palm of heaven in the sky, and exhaled for a long time: Although I have seen this spectacular sight once, it is still thrilling to see it again. The way of heaven is like a curtain, and all living beings in the world are the way of heaven. Even saints are not immune to ants!

Although I have seen you naked many times, it is also the first time for me to be so arrogant and arrogant when you are completely naked! The flower demon's voice came to my ears.

Lin Su lowered his head suddenly and said I C!

All the clothes on his body were gone, even the belt that Sister Chen made for him in the first place was gone...

He stood majestically on the top of a mountain, with the fur below fluttering in the wind and swirling...

The blow just now sent Lin Su flying thousands of miles away. Although the flower demon protected his whole body, I don't know whether she did it intentionally or not. Anyway, she didn't protect his clothes.

The mighty forces of the Holy Way collided, and the unprotected clothes, no matter what they were made of, were all turned into ashes. The generation of King Wen, who was famous all over the world, became the configuration of his newborn.

Lin Su put on a set of clothes quickly with his hands together, somewhat angrily: I kind of doubt you did it on purpose!

The flower demon laughed happily: Giggle, I did it on purpose. You use me as a tool, why don't you want me to bring some personal goods?

This is a real deal!

She did it!

Fortunately, Lin Su was not wearing Yunyi yet. If the Yunyi that Long Ying made for him was ruined by a little prankster, it would be a huge disaster.

Lin Su's eyes fell back, and her thoughts instantly went astray: You...your flower is missing one!

One flower is worth the death of a saint! The flower demon shook the seventeen flowers on the branch: Don't worry, this is just the damage to the demon essence. Soon, I can make up for it. You don’t have to join the war during the trip, just drink a cup of tea with me and play some music at my ‘Tingyu Pavilion’!”

A flower flew up out of thin air and turned into a pavilion.

This pavilion is a replica of the Lin family's Tingjiang Pavilion.

The style of the pavilion is the same as that of Tingjiang Pavilion.

However, there are some differences.

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