Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 959 A bouquet of peach blossoms destroys the demon kingdom

There are two differences. First, the Yangtze River is not outside the pavilion. Secondly, listening to the two poems Butterflies in Love with Flowers on the river pavilion turned into two other poems, one is Lang Tao Sand. Gurgling Rain Outside the Curtain by Lin Su, and the other is Spring River Flowers and Moonlight Night.

These two poems are both ancient poems handed down from ancient times. They are one level higher than Butterfly Loves Flowers on the Tingjiang Pavilion. Under the powerful interpretation of the Flower Demon Holy Dao, they also present endless wonders.

Half of the spring river, half of the spring rain.

She transformed into the beauty who combined the advantages of all Lin Su's daughters-in-law, and sat on the side of Chunyu. However, there was no sound of rain in Lin Su's position. Behind him was a bright moon and thousands of miles of spring river.

How do you plan to harvest? Lin Su raised his hand and took out a tea set.

The plate is made of ebony, the teapot is made of blue and white, the top-grade Cangshan Yunwu Tea, the power of fire surrounds the teapot silently, and in a moment, the water is sizzling...

Sit in the pavilion and watch the moonlight on the spring river, smell the spring rain and spring breeze behind you, and watch the falling reds fly in the troubled times! The flower demon flicked his fingers, and sixteen peach blossoms flew up at the same time!

As soon as the peach blossom blooms, one part is divided into two, two parts are divided into three, and three parts are divided into millions!

Millions of peach blossoms turned into hundreds of millions in an instant, like a rolling spring tide, sweeping through the mountains and rivers of the Southwest Demonic Realm four thousand miles away!

Lin Su sat in the pavilion and saw with his own eyes that the spring tide of peach blossoms covered a mountain hundreds of miles away. On the top of the mountain, there were all demonic armies and monsters. But when the peach blossom tide arrived, all the demonic armies turned into white bones and all the magical beasts turned into white bones. There was no resistance at all, no room for resistance at all. Even if they were in heaven or on earth, they were all completely destroyed by this shocking spring tide.

How? The flower demon raised his teacup.

Lin Su also raised the tea cup: Luohong is not a heartless thing, it turns into spring mud to protect the flowers!

The Flower Demon chuckled: Well said! The four thousand miles of Demonic Realm are filled with hundreds of millions of creatures. Once the red falls, all of them turn into bones. They seem heartless, but in fact they are also sentient! From now on, the Four Thousand Miles of Demonic Realm will belong to the great heaven, and it will be decided by you. The national policy we implement will truly protect the future flowers of this world! This poem was written by you for me. Today, I repay you with this falling red. Let me tell you, am I a sentimental person? A righteous flower demon?

There is some ambiguity in what you said...

What does I repay you with a falling red mean?

However, he gently shook his head to throw away these things: Only now do I truly believe that the power of a saint is really immeasurable. In the past, the Confucian saint sealed the evil valley of three thousand miles with a white paper, but today you seal the evil valley with a piece of falling red. Destroying four thousand miles of demon territory is another legend of the Holy Path.

This is inside the petals of the flower demon, listening to the spring rain, looking at the spring moon, sipping the best tea, and chatting about the most indulgent topics...

What about beyond the petals?

The Four Thousand Mile Demon Realm has never been as beautiful as it is today, but it has also never been as dangerous as it is today...

Beauty comes from beautiful appearance.

Billions of peach blossoms cover all corners of the four-thousand-mile Demon Realm. The sky is brilliant, the ground is bright red, and along with the fragrance of peach blossoms, peach blossoms are everywhere.

The danger comes from the original attributes of peach blossoms.

This peach blossom is not for you to smell, nor is it to add color to the demonic realm where the devil is everywhere. It is a life-threatening flower!

If any monster collides with it, all the energy and blood in the body will be instantly drained and turned into bones!

No matter you are an ordinary demon soldier or a demon king, there are no exceptions!

Black Bone Mountain!

The base camp of the Black Bone Demon Tribe!

More than three hundred masters of the Demon Lord and Demon Emperor level who had just returned from Da Cang returned to their ancestral land and received a hero's triumphal ceremony. However, the ceremony was not enthusiastic because the Black Nether Emperor they had high hopes for died in a foreign country. .

This group of heroes escaped, rather than welcoming the tribesmen as victors into the human country they occupied.

In this way, the glory of the ceremony is greatly reduced.

However, the heroes who fought in foreign lands thousands of years ago and stirred up troubles in the world finally gave the Black Bone Demon Clan a shot in the arm.

Most of the masters of the Black Bone Demon Clan were taken away by the Black Nether Emperor, and the strength left behind was a bit weak. They have not been doing well in the Demon Realm these years. The sudden increase of so many high-level forces has greatly increased the confidence of the Black Bone Demon Clan. Relying on this power to unify the Demonic Realm, and then using the power of the entire Demonic Realm to fight again, has become the common tone of the top management at this moment.

However, at this moment, peach blossom rain fell from the sky!

The sect-protecting formation buzzed open!

A piece of peach blossom fell on the formation, and the formation suddenly shook.

The second peach blossom fell on the formation, causing cracks all over the formation.

The third peach blossom fell, and the formation exploded.

What's going on? The leader of the Black Bone Demon Clan suddenly raised his head and stared at the billions of peach blossoms floating down from the sky.

Report to the Patriarch! An old man suddenly appeared in front of him, his face full of horror: It's Lin Su! He just appeared at Blood Rain Pass, holding a peach blossom branch in his hand, and he had already used the power of heaven's punishment to cut off the abyss. The one in...

The patriarch's hair suddenly exploded: Slaying the Saint?

There was a soft click, and in the middle of the mountain behind the clan leader, a stone wall suddenly lit up and was instantly divided into countless pieces. Inside were the images of the leaders of various demon clans...

Chief of the Black Wind Clan! You, the Black Bone Clan, have brought great disaster to our Kingdom of God! A white-bearded demonic figure shouted sternly.

Lin Su has entered my demonic realm, and the peach blossom branch in his hand is the peerless demon saint!

There is no Demon Saint in our Kingdom of God, what should we do?

It's all your Black Bone Clan. I've said it a long time ago, you are a group of troublemakers who fail to achieve anything but fail!

Exactly! Our Kingdom of God actually has the tacit approval of the Holy Temple. As long as no big trouble occurs, we will definitely not suffer such an unprecedented disaster. It's all because of your Black Bone Clan, and you are overestimating your capabilities...

Taking turns to curse, the Black Wind Clan leader had black lines flowing across his face.

In the Demon Realm, which one of your clan is willing to be trapped in a corner?

Which of your tribes has never invaded the borders of the human race?

Which of you has never had human blood on your hands?

When they invaded Da Cang, the Black Bone Demon Clan was the commander-in-chief of the three armies, and all of you Demon Clan were pawns. When the war was going well, any pawn of our Black Bone Demon Clan could say a casual word, and all of you would be moved. , and now, the Black Bone Demon Clan’s Dingtianliang Black Youhuang has died in battle, and his strength has been greatly reduced. It’s your turn to come out and accuse.

However, this is definitely not the time for internal strife among various races...

The leader of the Black Wind clan shouted in a deep voice: Lin Su invaded, but he is only one person! He has a peerless monster in his hands, but this monster has not yet truly become a saint. Have everyone lost confidence?

The sound is deafening!

All clan leaders were silent at the same time...

The leader of the Black Wind Clan said slowly: Our God Clan invaded the Great Cang. During the two wars, the Great Cang was able to reverse the situation. What? It was our turn to be invaded by the God's Kingdom, and just two people made all the major God Clan feel depressed? Don't want to resist, just want to blame?

The leader of the White Demon Clan nodded slightly: This is what I said...

At this moment, a peach blossom petal fluttered down. The Black Wind Clan leader suddenly raised his hand, and with a soft chirping sound, the Black Wind Clan leader's whole body turned into blood mist!

This scene fell in the eyes of all the demon lords, and the leader of the white demon tribe shuddered: ...this statement... is pure fart! How can all the tribes share the trouble caused by the black-bone demon clan? Grandmaster Lin! We are willing Let’s work side by side with you to eliminate the Black Bone Clan that is causing trouble to the world!”

His cry echoed through the sky.

The other clan leaders also shouted at the same time.

The stance was confirmed at the same time, and he was willing to cooperate with Lin Su to complete the complete eradication of the Black Bone Demon Clan!

Listening to the rain in the pavilion, the flower demon smiled happily: Facts have proved that when facing the crisis of annihilation of a race, cartilaginous insects are indispensable. More than thirty demon clan leaders are vying to serve you and me, and they must shoulder the responsibility of extermination. Isn’t it ironic that the Black Bone Demon Clan has such a heavy responsibility?”

That's quite ironic! Lin Su looked at the sky and said: It would be even more ironic if one day, a certain human organization jumped out to question me because of the cruel tricks I did to the demons today. Got it!

A certain human organization? A temple? Flower Demon said.

Don't tell me the truth, I am still a regular in the temple! Lin Subai glanced at her.

Yes! If you don't rebel against the temple in the future, I, the flower demon, will be reincarnated for another ten thousand years!

Lin Su's eyes widened...

You little girl is quite unscrupulous!

Even if you become a saint in the future, you probably won’t be a serious saint!

No one knows that in these words, the life and death of hundreds of millions of demons in the entire Demon Realm has been decided!

Wherever the peach blossoms bloom, they turn into bones!

The Black Bone Demon Clan was the first to be exterminated...

The second one of the Bone Demon Clan...

The culprit of the invasion of Da Cang is gone.

The Bone Demon Tribe who swore allegiance and planned to be a second devil is gone...

All demons have no way out...

Fight back!

However, in the face of absolute strength, counterattack is meaningless!

In the afternoon, peach blossoms are flying!

The sun sets and the peach blossoms fall!

The boundless falling red has become the background color of the entire demonic realm!

Under the falling red, the entire Demon Realm was buried!

The demons in the hinterland of the Demon Realm have no chance at all, but the demons on the border of the Demon Realm have glimpsed another opportunity, which is to cross the borders of the Xitian Fairy Kingdom, the Southeast Buddhist Kingdom, and the Nanyang Ancient Kingdom, and escape under this terrible red fall. Born in heaven.

The ancient kingdom of Nanyang was well prepared, and several large-scale charges by the demon army were all beaten back. This time, as the peach blossom petals fell, they never had the chance to charge again.

On the other side of the Xitian Immortal Kingdom, the Demon Army made a desperate move and rushed out tens of thousands of masters.

The frontier troops of the Western Fairy Kingdom were broken through with a single drum, and tens of thousands of Demon Emperor and Demon King-level monsters went straight into the hinterland of the Western Fairy Kingdom. There was a different kind of expansion in the hearts of all of them. Do you want to take over the Western Fairy Kingdom?

Soon, a team arrived and killed their ambitions on the spot.

Yaochi takes action!

As soon as the Yaochi masters arrived, they crushed the fleeing demon army in terms of strength!

When Li Daochang displayed his sword, a large number of people at the level of the Demon Emperor were killed. Even a Demon Lord who was comparable to the Origin Heaven Realm would turn into a ghost if he bumped into him alone. Facts have proved that as long as it does not involve Zhidao, Li Daonian is still very reliable.

And Yu Xiaoyao, the saint of Yaochi who parted ways with him as soon as he came out of the mountain, showed another side: a mysterious and stunning side.

With the Yao Qin in her hand, a familiar sound wave turned into flowing water and came out. On her strings, Swordsman was filled with Lin Suwendao's powerful murderous intent!

And when she played the piano, the light covering her body was ten times more powerful than when she fought against the Taoist corpse on Tiandao Island. As soon as the rules of light came out, the demonic energy of dozens of Demon Emperors separated and disappeared!

In the Xitian Immortal Kingdom, the monastic and authentic court armies surrounded them, and almost none of the demonic troops who escaped from their gap slipped through the net.

But over there in the southeastern Buddhist country, it was a different story...

There were also tens of thousands of demons who crossed the border and entered the Southeast Buddhist Kingdom, and then...

No more then!

They remained silent and disappeared...

In the Tingyu Pavilion, Lin Su slowly raised his head: Outside the pavilion is the Southeast Buddhist Kingdom.

Yes! It's over! Flower Demon said: There is something very interesting!

What's up?

The flower demon said: There are a large number of demons in the territory who have fled in three directions, with three different endings. In the direction of Nanyang Ancient Kingdom, it is blocked; in the direction of Xitian Fairy Kingdom, it is killing. However, in the area of ​​Southeast Buddhist Country, thirty thousand people are fleeing. The devil crosses the boundary and disappears without a trace like water dripping into a river or a river into a river!

Lin Su smiled softly: So, don't be blinded by the Buddhist will of the Supreme Master. Not all bald heads are the same as Supreme Master, especially the bald heads in the southeastern Buddhist country!

The flower demon's eyes flashed: Do you suspect that the Buddhist sect of the Southeast Buddhist Country is having an affair with the devil?

It's not doubt! It's certainty!

The flower demon said: What should we do? Let's go through the Southeast Buddhist Kingdom again and let all those temples bloom with peach blossoms?

Lin Su glanced at her: You always say that I am unscrupulous, but I think you are the real unscrupulous person! Do you think these Buddhist sects are so easy to destroy? The foundation of Buddhism is unfathomable. There is great goodness in the sky, so you are so sure of yourself. In the southeastern Buddhist country of the Three Kingdoms, there are no monks who have attained the realm of the Great Vajra, such as Supreme Perfection?

That's true, after all, I haven't become a saint in front of me, and this world can't help me being too wild. Okay, let's do something a little bit wild, and then I will enter the Wuxin Sea from the Xitian Fairy Kingdom!

Relatively little wild thing...what? Lin Su didn't understand.

The flower demon smiled softly: Don't you see that I already have a physical body?

Lin Su's eyes focused on her, and his heart beat faster. Only then did he truly realize that the flower demon in front of him had changed a lot. Her face was white and rosy, slightly different from the pure shadow, and the moonlight floated , there was also a shadow behind her, which was different from before.

She gathered the boundless flesh and blood from the four thousand miles of mountains and rivers in the Demon Realm to create her physical body.

She finally had a physical body.

The flower demon rubbed his hands gently: We made an agreement a long time ago, have you forgotten it?


Lin Su's throat slid slightly: What?

A bold statement that shook the world and made the gods cry came to his mind. This bold statement came from the flower demon. The flower demon told him bluntly, before I set foot on the westward journey, I must try that feeling with you. I don't understand two people. Organ friction, why are all your women moaning and giggling with joy?

The flower demon chuckled: Your expression tells me that you already know! Come on!

Really coming?

What's real or fake? The flower demon waved her hand gently, and Tingyu Pavilion transformed into another image, a big bed. Her clothes floated up like petals, forming a strange cocoon...

In the cocoon, there is gentle wind and drizzle, violent storm and rain, flower demons flying in the sky, and Lin Su lying prone in the sky. From the setting sun in the west to the rising sun in the east, the flowers finally bloom in layers, revealing two figures hugging each other tightly.

The flower demon took a long breath: My question has been answered. This taste is really unparalleled. It is so exciting and delicious that I can't bear to let it go, let alone those human women? After all the hard work to obtain this body, It’s worth it to have such a night of spring.”

You really can't bear to let it go? Lin Su hugged her waist: Then why don't you go to Wuxinhai and live happily in the world of mortals with me.

What a small disaster. At this moment, I really had the urge to destroy the Tao... The flower demon's lips gently fell on his lips: But, no! The unintentional catastrophe is about to happen. Even if I want to follow You will fall into the mortal world forever, and you must survive this disaster first!

What is the unintentional catastrophe...?

It is a special day! On this day, the taboos on the Wuxin Sea will become invalid, and the rules of this land of heaven will also become invalid. That day will be the day when saints from outside the territory can cross the border. In the last Wuxin calamity, I was crossing the border. As a member of this unintentional catastrophe, I will be a member of the guardians! The flower demon said: Sing me a song and send me westward!

Lin Su held his hands together, and Xiaoyao Flute appeared in his palms...

A melody that had never been sung flowed out of his flute hole, and the flower demon was intoxicated...

Putting down the flute, Lin Su hugged her waist and spoke in her ear: Your body is a peach blossom, and this song is called Peach Blossom Ballad...

Peach blossoms are beautiful,

Peach blossoms,

Open in those three months,

Peach blossoms are red,

My daughter is charming,

Dreams are flying all over the sky,

Daughter’s dream,

Flying all over the sky,

Meet every year,

Flowers bring sweet fragrance to my heart,

Secretly tied to the dream,

Sweet to my heart,

Dream fate,

Thousands of miles of cutting without stopping...

The song was quiet, and the flower demon looked at him for a long time and sighed softly: The world says that I am a demon, but you are the real demon. I can sing a song for thousands of miles. From now on, my mind will probably be dirty. I can't be tired of you any longer. If you stay a little longer, you may miss my Taoist heart! I'm leaving!

When she got up, a peach blossom fell at her feet. She looked back, smiled, and drifted away. In the western sky, the clouds opened and closed, and she disappeared invisible.

The road to the west is the road that top practitioners will take.

Because there is a holy destiny on the westward journey.

Entering the sea of ​​mindlessness and becoming holy is the ultimate goal of every top practitioner.

She embarked on the westward journey, and she would definitely be a saint in the future. However, before leaving, she fulfilled the friction agreement with him!

There was another person who had frictioned with him.

That's Sun Zhen.

Was she the saint in white on the East China Sea that day?

If yes, just say if...

If it were her, the relationship she formed with him due to friction would become a thing of the past with the awakening of her reincarnation. The flower demon told him that day that her reincarnation still remembered this journey. However, the world of the saint is different from the world of the saint. Mortals are different. In the eyes of a saint, the people and things she encountered when she was a mortal are not worthy of her memory. Therefore, the relationship between them cannot be used to define him and her today.

He believed it!

Because Sun Zhen never showed up, this saint never showed up either.

Even if Haining was robbed, even if Lin Su was in a fatal situation, she had no intention of taking action.

But what about the flower demon?

She was going to be a saint soon, but on the eve of becoming a saint, she took the initiative to friction with him! This realm is a little different from Sun Zhen back then...

The world of mortals, with the departure of the Flower Demon, also closed in Lin Su's mind.

The next step is to enter the temple!

He gently raised his hand, and the Temple's standing order was activated. Although this standing order had cracks, the basic function of returning to the Temple was still there...

Just as his figure disappeared, golden light flashed in the sky, like a golden lotus opening.

A beautiful woman appeared silently where he stood just now.

Xiaoyao Saint Jade Xiaoyao!

On her fingertips is a bamboo flower, the flower of Xiaoyao Bamboo...

Yu Xiaoyao closed her eyes gently and took a deep breath: Is it you? Is it really you?

A voice came from beside him: It's indeed him! He destroyed the entire demon kingdom with one strike. It's exactly like the rumors. He won't take any losses.

Mother! Yu Xiaoyao suddenly opened his eyes: He really destroyed the Demon Kingdom? How could this be possible?

The Holy Mother of Yaochi smiled faintly: With his cultivation level, it is naturally impossible for him to do it. However, this boy's greatest skill is to take advantage of the situation. This time he took advantage of the situation is no small matter.

Taking advantage of the situation? Are you the undead of Jianmen? Yu Xiaoyao's eyes sparkled.

The undead of Jianmen are not really undead in nature. It's just that the Black Nether Emperor infected their souls with the curse of blood and tears and turned them into living dead. Lin Su used them once, but he could only use them this time to kill them. After this battle with the Black Nether Emperor, the souls of the dead and the evil curse disappeared at the same time. How can they be summoned again? This is called the return of Quanxia, ​​and he cannot stay for a long time... This time he borrowed a piece of flower branch!

Huazhi? Yu Xiaoyao's eyes widened.

It must be admitted that he is a man of great luck, and he always encounters some legends in the world. This flower demon is named Taoyao. In the past, he fought with the Supreme Master for thirteen years, and both were destroyed. However, both of them left behind a trump card. Thousands of years later, Still entangled under Lingyin Temple, what Zhishan left behind was his golden body, while what Taoyao left behind was her demon soul. A ray of demon soul has persisted for thousands of years, and even reshaped the body, and is about to become a saint. …”

The flower demon who is about to become a saint is also used by him!

Moreover, he helped him do such a decisive thing and pacified the entire demonic realm with one move!

Yu Xiaoyao's blood boiled: Our Yaochi is still far away from each other, but we didn't know that such a big event happened in his home country until recently. If we came out earlier and fought side by side with him, wouldn't it be an opportunity?

There is still a chance to fight side by side with him! Our Lady of Yaochi said: After returning to the sect, you enter the Yaochi Ancestral Pavilion and first break into the Origin Heaven Realm. I predict that the great era for you and him is about to come!

The big era that belongs to me and him?

Why do you like to hear this so much?

Yu Xiaoyao's face turned red: Mom, is this what you saw from your destiny?

Observe the destiny? You don't know how many years your life will be lost if you observe the destiny for your mother? Do you still want your mother to observe the destiny for you and him? When you have him, do you really not care about your mother's life and death? The eyes of Our Lady of Yaochi were somewhat resentful.

Yu Xiaoyao wrapped her jade arms around her and said coquettishly: How dare my daughter ask my mother to shorten her life? My daughter just thinks that what my mother said must be accurate, and I am a little bit confused about how my mother saw it...

Even though the Holy Mother of Yaochi is unparalleled in elegance, she can't resist her daughter's hand. She waved her hand gently and locked her daughter: Don't make trouble!...Have you paid attention to it over there?

She cast her gaze towards the vast mountains of the Buddhist country in the southeast, her eyes somewhat mysterious.

The expression on Yu Xiaoyao's face suddenly changed: A full 30,000 demons crossed the border of the Southeast Buddhist Kingdom and disappeared from the world. It seems that the Buddhas in the Buddhist Kingdom are a bit hard to describe.

Our Lady of Yaochi slowly withdrew her gaze: He is also very unspeakable. If he deliberately forced these 30,000 demons into the Southeast Buddhist Kingdom, then he...

Yu Xiaoyao was startled: No! Definitely not! It's surprising enough that he can destroy the Demon Realm, but when he destroys the Demon Realm, he can plot against Thousand Buddha Temple? This is a sudden change. it a accident!

What is unexpected in the eyes of ordinary people, in the eyes of a caring person, may be a step by step! Our Lady of Yaochi said: Xiaoyao, if you want to keep up with his footsteps, in addition to greatly improving your cultivation, you must also study Yaochi intensively. All kinds of information in the bookstore must keep up with him in terms of vision and vision!

As soon as she finished speaking, her figure went straight up to the sky. A portal opened, and Our Lady of Yaochi stepped in and disappeared.

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