Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 960 Luo Wuxin takes the wind and washes away the dust

Few outsiders know about the Southwest Demonic Kingdom. After all, it was only yesterday that Lin appeared in Blood Rain Pass with a peach blossom branch, and the boundless peach blossom petals fell four thousand miles into the Demonic Realm. It was just a day and a night.

However, it must be said that news travels incredibly fast in this world.

Especially such a series of shocking events.

Soon, it entered the ears of kings and forces of various countries through various channels...

In the northern corner, the Imperial Palace.

Li Chi looked at the first snowfall this winter, feeling a little cool and a little disappointed. In May of this year, when he heard the shocking news that the black-bone demon clan had reappeared, Li Chi felt very complicated. A little scared, but more of a surprise.

Yes, surprise!

Although once the Black Bone Demon Clan takes over Da Cang, it will be a catastrophe for Da Yu, but people always have a sense of luck, especially those who have fallen to the bottom of the cliff, and they will have this kind of thoughts.

The sky will not change, and the sky will not change.

He, Li Chi, could not avenge the loss of land and the shaking of the country's foundation even if he was killed.

Now that the Black Bone Demon Clan appears, this is directly avenging him.

Many people in the capital literary circles believe that the name Black Bone Demon Clan is actually a malicious name deliberately guided by the people of Da Cang. The Black Bone Demon Clan is actually an ancient alien race. They look exactly like the human race. The people among them There are also people who are proficient in literature. For example, a former magistrate of Da Cang named Qin Fangweng was a member of the Black Bone Tribe. He still picked up the literary heart and became a great Confucian.

Race and everything else are actually imaginary.

The temple teaches without distinction and has no distinction between races at all. It is something that the temple is happy to see if it can educate foreigners into disciples of the holy way like the human race.

So, why make a fuss over the other person’s origin?

Maybe, the Da Cang country next door to us can really be reasonable in the future, return the land they occupied before, and have good neighborly relations with our country?

This statement became very popular, with the addition of the most important principle of the Holy Way: There is no distinction between teachings, and it was given the aura of the Holy Way. For a while, the people in Dayu gradually became frightened, and were replaced by pride and elation.

Aren’t you, Ji Guang, awesome?

Aren’t you, Lin Su, awesome?

Now, let’s see how awesome you are?

Li Chi knew how these rumors started. He even knew that there were shadows of Yanyu Tower and Wenxin Pavilion behind them. After the headquarters of Yanyu Tower and Wenxin Pavilion were destroyed one after another at the hands of Lin Su, the remnants of these two powerful forces spread all over the world. It is difficult to take root and gradually grows into the corner.

Of course Li Chi also knew that these people were dangerous, but Ohsu was already on the verge of national subjugation, so why should he be afraid of danger? As a generation of heroes, you have to use people who others dare not use to do things that others dare not do!

I don’t know if he gathered his luck after taking this step, or if the Buddhist message has taken effect, or if the situation in Osumi is really going to be peaceful...

Da Cang's black-bone demon tribe broke the seal, Da Cang was in absolute danger, and Da Yu saw an opportunity in the crisis!

Beginning in May, Osumi mobilized his troops and generals to gather at Lingdingyang.

People from Dayu did not dare to cross south again, and there were even a large number of people who moved back from Lingdingyang.

The vast land has become a realm of chaos. Who dares to jump into this dragon's pond and tiger's den again?

As a result, the population that had been outmigrating for the past two years finally realized the reverse flow in May. With this flow, the people's hearts in Dayu gradually stabilized, and the morale of Dayu was high. Emperor Li Chi of Dayu felt that his spring had come again.

However, just entering August, the situation has changed again!

Lin Su returns from Tiandao Island!

As soon as he came back, within just one month, the Black Bone Demon Tribe was completely wiped out!

To this day, Li Chi still can't understand why the super power that almost destroyed Da Cang Jianguo could not stop Lin Su's counterattack?

This person's methods are really refreshing all the time.

Are there any new variables?

Li Chi is looking forward to new variables happening, no matter what they are...

Because if no new variables occur, Da Cang will quickly return to its original track. He can't keep the students here in Osumi at any cost. There is nothing he can do to stop the tide of people sneaking into Lingdingyang. Osumi will be there before his eyes. He is heading towards decline step by step, and the great kings of his generation may become the last kings.

At this moment, a figure fell from the sky, it was Prime Minister Wang Qunshui!

Wang Qunshui's expression was very strange, and Li Chi's heart skipped a beat. He caught the sign of something changing...

Wang Qunshui entered Li Chi's small hall and knelt down to report: Your Majesty, Lin Su went to the Bloody Rain Pass yesterday and swept across the Demon Kingdom of Four Thousand Miles alone!

Alone? Sweeping? Li Chi's heart almost stopped beating.

Wang Qunshui's face was as pale as paper: Yes, the thirty-seven demon clans in the Southwest Demonic Kingdom have all been exterminated. The four thousand miles of mountains and rivers are lifeless!

How... is this possible? The undead soul of Jianmen has left with the Black Nether Emperor. What kind of trump card does he have? Li Chi's face turned pale.

A peach blossom, this peach blossom is a super demon, suspected to be a saint!

Demon Saint... Li Chi trembled all over.

Farther away in the North Sea, Xue Qianxun came out of seclusion, and the gains from Tiandao Island were truly transformed into her combat power. She was originally complacent, planning to take advantage of her newly achieved breakthrough, taste the special drink of Beihai Dragon Palace, and listen to the tragedy of her opponent. After three drinks (the so-called tragedy is naturally the news she received after returning from Tiandao Island - the Great Cang Black Bone Demon Tribe broke its seal. This tragedy was a catastrophe for Lin Su, and a mixed blessing for Li Chi. For her, Xue Qianxun, was only happy but without worries, because no matter how tyrannical the Black Bone Demon Tribe was, it would not become the nightmare of Beihai Dragon Palace).

Suddenly she heard two pieces of breaking news that completely confused her...

Three thousand undead souls will be removed from the black bones, and a peach blossom will quell the demonic realm! Xue Qianxun slowly raised his head: Is there any limit to this person's ability?

Above the North Sea, the first snow of this winter is falling, feeling helpless and helpless.

Xue Qianxun suddenly felt like the tide was coming and I was like an ant. God testifies, she, a genius of wisdom and virtue, has never felt like this before.

But today, she has it!

Because she suddenly discovered that her old rival suddenly jumped out of her chessboard and took advantage of the general situation to smash her chessboard into pieces. No matter how clever Xue Qianxun was, they were just the tricks of this small world in Beihai. But he has already stood on a higher platform - a platform that can compete with the holy level!

The Black Youhuang was the pinnacle of quasi-saints, one step away from becoming a saint, yet he was killed with force.

The Southwest Demonic Kingdom, known as the Quasi-Sage, entered with a branch of delicate peach blossoms and directly destroyed the Southwest Demonic Kingdom.

I'm afraid only a saint can block his way!

Beihai Dragon Palace is extremely cold this winter, because both Xue Qianxun and Beihai Dragon Lord have smelled a cold breath. If Lin Su can destroy the demon kingdom, can he destroy Beihai Dragon Palace?

If he comes with this bouquet of peach blossoms, how can Beihai Dragon Palace compete with him?

In the far south, there is a sea named Dinghai. The waves are not visible and the waves are not alarming, so it is called ding. However, this is just an appearance. The real meaning is that there is a clan in this sea, the Yi clan, and the Yi clan is known as the wing clan in the sky. Overlord, it is his duty to rule the world. Today, the leader of the Yi Clan convened the seven surrounding foreign races for a discussion. The target of the attack has been directed at Lin Su, the culprit who killed the genius of the seven tribes. All decisions have been made.

However, news from the Southwest Demonic Kingdom suddenly came, and everyone froze at the same time.

A peach blossom destroys the demon kingdom!

This extremely elegant peach blossom, connected with him in this way, instantly became a big mountain above the heads of all races. This mountain was filled with gloomy winds, and this haze penetrated straight into the bone marrow!

As long as they dare to move, they will definitely attract Lin Su's iron-fisted revenge!

Lin's revenge was so decisive?

Within the Demonic Domain, within the four thousand miles of mountains and rivers, thirty-seven major races were all exterminated!

How cruel is this?

This has nothing to do with the literati’s benevolence!

He is not a scholar!

He is a demon!

The kind that is unparalleled throughout the ages!

Is this kind of person worthy of the human race's literary master? He... he is not afraid of bearing the evil fire of the literary master Qinglian? The leader of the Stone Clan sighed with stone dust all over his body.

The whole place was silent.

Even if they are the absolute direct descendants of Lin Su's faction, the three big bosses Zhang Juzheng, Chen Geng, and Qu Wendong looked at each other in confusion, and their thousands of words converged into one sentence: Cook the demon to defeat the thief! This can be regarded as the reason why he was born in Haining, The most orthodox inheritance, but this time, there are a few high-level demons and a few level thieves...

Qu Wendong sighed deeply.

Chen Geng said: The pacification of the Southwest Demonic Kingdom will have a far-reaching impact. I am really worried about what kind of storm he will endure after making such a big fuss.

Zhang Haoran, who was pouring tea for them next to him, said: Although he used a more decisive approach when killing the demons, and he lost some humanity by killing all the women and children, but after all, exterminating demons and defending the way is the orthodoxy of the temple, and no one will stand against it. Are you going to come out and make things difficult for him?

The three big bosses gathered their gazes together, and Chen Geng shook his head gently: Mr. Zhang San is young after all, and there are some things that he has not yet seen through. Why do you think the Southwest Demonic Kingdom can survive for thousands of years? Although the Demonic Kingdom is powerful, it is not unparalleled in its high-end , a saint can easily destroy the entire Demonic Realm. The four countries join forces, surround the army on all sides, and push forward with all their strength. As long as they are willing to pay a sufficient price, they can eventually destroy the Demonic Realm. Why don't they move?

Zhang Haoran was slightly shocked: Yes, why?

Chen Gengdao: Because of the Taoist dispute in the temple! Thousands of years ago, the military strategist and the Confucianist had a fierce debate over whether the Demon Realm should be destroyed, and the three heavens were officially torn apart. The military strategist insisted on destroying the Demonic Realm, and the Confucian scholar insisted on destroying the Demon Realm. There is no distinction between education and discrimination. He wants to implement the path of enlightenment for all things in the world, and this demonic realm sandwiched in the center of the human world is his field of experiment. Today, Lin Su, with lightning speed, has no chance of concealing himself. Destroying the demon kingdom without warning is a relay with the military strategist. The military strategist proposed the idea, and Lin Su implemented this idea with practical actions. This indirectly caused the dispute between the avenues!

Zhang Haoran's face turned completely pale.

Zhang Juzheng slowly withdrew his eyes: If you get involved in the dispute between the avenues, you will be doomed. He is also smart and will not fight at all! What a fool! After doing this, the temple became lively. Everyone has been arguing about things for thousands of years, but this kid has nothing to do with it. If you don’t report after asking for instructions, it’s a fait accompli! I’m afraid all the big shots will be stunned...

The clouds are misty.

The Zen bell is long.

The world is like a chess game, no one can know what kind of storm will arise next, and which wave people will be involved in...

Temple Tianxia Pavilion.

An old man in white clothes with white hair and a white beard, and an old man in purple clothes with black hair and black beard, were playing chess with their pieces on the high pavilion.

Although the wind was light and the clouds were calm, with every move they made, the void appeared in various shapes within a radius of thousands of miles.

The person with white clothes and white hair is the master of Bai Pavilion, Bai Lao.

The man with purple clothes, black hair and black beard is the master of the temple.

Palace Master, do you know what happened in the Demon Realm today? Bai Laozi landed in the northwest corner, and a gap opened in the northwest corner. The Southwest Demon Realm was all in it, and there was deathly silence.

The master of the temple dropped a sunspot, and the demonic realm suddenly disappeared. He raised his eyes: I already know it!

This piece has just entered the temple! Bai Lao dropped another chess piece, and Lin Su's figure appeared outside the temple.

This time, the palace master did not use the black chess piece to destroy him. He picked up the black chess piece and hung it in the air: What do Mr. Bai think of these major events?

Old Bai gently raised his hand, and threw a white stone into the chess pot next to him. He stretched out his hand, took off a teapot, poured two cups of tea, handed one cup to the palace master, and held the other cup in his hand: The great catastrophe, he has not yet Ask the temple for help!”

Yes! He probably also knew that even asking for help would not help, so he did not ask for help. The palace master said.

Asking for the temple will not help, but asking and not asking are completely different! Bai Lao said.

The palace master's eyes narrowed: What do you mean?

Bai Laodao: Asking for help means that the temple still has a place in his heart. Not asking for help at all means that he has no intention of relying on the temple. A standard temple is always running, but there is no temple in his eyes. What does the temple owner think this means? ?”

The palace master pondered for a long time...

Bai Lao stood up slowly: If the prediction is correct, he came here with the intention of actually jumping out of the temple!

Jump out of the temple and break into the quasi-sage... the temple master murmured.

Bai Lao said: Once he breaks into the quasi-sage realm, he will be on the same level as you and me. How can you control him?

The rules of the temple, there are two ways to enter the quasi-sage. Above the third heaven, if the special gate cannot be opened, there is only one way to go!

Exactly! From what I've seen, no one in the temple has ever been able to break through this road, but he has half a chance of breaking through!

Lin Su stepped through the gate of the temple and entered the temple again.

He had been to the temple several times, and he had never been as relaxed and at ease as he was today. Yes, judging from his appearance alone, he was clearly the kind of person who walked around outside and returned to the temple relaxed and comfortable.

After passing through the gate, he greeted the gatekeeper with a smile.

Walking through the nine-curved corridor in front, he would smile back to anyone who focused their eyes on his face. Although the smile was very formal and fake, no matter how fake the smile was, it was still a smile.

After passing the corridor, he turned around in the air easily and landed towards his usual residence.

The word Lin Mansion is particularly kind under the warm autumn sun.

Viewed from the air, his regular residence is the cleanest and neatest among all the regular residences. The smile on the face of the maid inside is probably the most natural among all the regular residences.

This is because of Lin's subversion.

His servants are paid wages, and the wages are extremely high!

These servants are very simple. The master of the house treats us as human beings, and we also treat this house as our own. When the master of the house is away from home, we will clean up the house to death at home. It is the mission of all of us to make the master of the house happy when he returns home!

As a result, Lin Mansion remained the same every day.

As a result, I roll my eyes every day when doing other routine things.

When Chang Xing got together, it became Chang Xing's habit to chat about poetry and scold Lin Su.

It's a pity that Lin didn't know that. He thought that he was a very friendly person and he didn't offend anyone in the temple...

Now, Lin Su is back, taking the steps of a prostitute, ready to go home.

At this moment, a voice came from the left: Brother Lin, my younger brother Qingmei is cooking wine to entertain the distinguished guests. The wine you cooked is your Lin family's Baiyunbian. Are you interested in visiting the house?

Lin Su had half of his feet on the steps of his house. Hearing this, he raised his head with a smile on his face: Brother Luo is so kind, how dare I refuse!

Brother Lin, please! Luo Wuxin bowed in front of his home. In the past, he would close the door and light a fire in the hot weather, and rarely go out. In this cold weather, the sudden wind blowing on the high platform was really difficult. Hard to find.

Lin Su stepped forward, rose into the air, and landed in front of Luo Wuxin.

Behind Luo Wuxin, the door of the attic opened, and a wave of heat rushed towards his face. In the attic, a huge fire magic stone emitted heat. Beside the fire magic stone, a woman stood up and greeted him respectfully.

She is none other than Luo Wuxin's concubine Jun Yue.

Brother Lin came out of the temple this time, but big things happened one after another. Although I didn't advance or retreat with Brother Lin, I was still in this pavilion, drinking ten altars of Baiyunbian with Brother Lin's feat every day. Luo Wuxin said with a smile. .

In Brother Luo's opinion, this little brother's nonsense is actually a feat? Lin Su sat down and took a glass of wine poured by Jun Yue.

Strengthening in the face of adversity and advancing bravely in the rapids, how can it not be a feat? Luo Wuxin raised a glass to invite him.

Lin Su raised the wine glass: Lin originally thought that there were few close friends in the world, but unexpectedly, on the first day after returning to the temple, he met a close friend. I give this glass of wine to Brother Luo!

Their glasses were empty as soon as they touched each other.

Luo Wuxin placed the wine glass on the coffee table, and Jun Yue continued to pour the wine.

Luo Wuxin slowly raised his eyes: The so-called bosom friends are based on the same views and similar circumstances. Has Brother Lin noticed that you and I... are in similar circumstances?

Brother Luo is joking! Lin Su said: Brother Luo is sitting in the temple with a fur coat and sleeping with a beautiful woman in his arms. How comfortable it is. But my younger brother is disturbing the world and sleeping in the open. It seems that his situation is completely different.

Luo Wuxin smiled softly: People in this world may seem to be in very different situations, but there are always some points where they are in similar situations. For example... you and I are both people who have no fate in the world!

No destiny for heaven and earth!

Lin Su raised his gaze, with a mysterious light in his eyes: Brother Luo's words, I am a little surprised. Although I don't know much about the temple, I also know that Brother Luo is both talented in poetry and music, and his background is unfathomable. Even the number one disciple in each palace in the temple pales in comparison in front of Brother Luo, how could a talent like yours not be destined for Heaven?

Luo Wuxin sighed softly: Brother Lin, didn't you write a magnificent article about the dilemma of talents? If the trees are beautiful in the forest, the wind will destroy them. They will be piled up on the shore, and the current will be turbulent. If you walk higher than others, everyone will reject them. ...Although I dare not say that I am a good person, I have done something disobedient after all. The world of literature and education is not allowed to be tolerated by the world.

The world of literature and art!

Lin Su's heart skipped a beat...

He knew the details of Luo Wuxin. Luo Wuxin was an expert in poetry and music. On the day he entered the temple, he also lost two palaces to receive envoys. Before Lin Su defeated nine palaces in a row to accept envoys, he was also an alternative in the temple. , Le Palace suppressed.

But he really didn't know that Luo Wuxin was a scholar of literature and art.

Now it seems that he is more subversive than originally expected and more in line with the concept of Mu Xiu Yu Lin.

Lin Su held up his wine glass: Now it seems that you and I are in quite the same situation. Brother Luo specially invited me to come over today, but he didn't know...

Luo Wuxin said: We have no chance to live in the outer world. In fact, you and I have no chance to enter the wonderful realms of various temples. If we don't think about changing, after a hundred years, we will probably accomplish nothing. Therefore, today I take the liberty of inviting Brother Lin to come to the house to ask for change. Of the policy.

Lin Su narrowed his eyes slightly: Brother Luo has probably already thought of a contingency plan. I want to ask for advice!

Luo Wuxin said: There is only one way, you and I might as well break into the 'Holy Peak' of a certain palace!

Holy peak!

What is a holy peak?

The so-called holy peak, the peak of the holy way!

It represents the highest level of literature in the seventeenth palace of the temple. As long as you pass the holy peak of this palace, it means that you have a literature that is comparable to this palace. According to the iron rules of the temple, you can obtain Heaven Beyond Heaven. Ticket.

What's more, you also have the prerequisites to become a quasi-sage.

The temple can recommend you as a quasi-saint.

Of course, whether or not you will be approved in the end depends on the saints in the third heaven, but at least you have cleared all the obstacles to becoming a quasi-sage.

Lin Su smiled softly: If the elders don't give us tickets to Tianwaitian, we will use the iron rules of the temple to get it! Very good! Very good! Brother Luo is indeed my close friend, but I don't know what Brother Luo envisaged. Which palace is the holy peak?

Two palaces! The Palace of Poetry and the Palace of Music!

Lin Su laughed loudly: Shi Le's romantic affair is the happiest thing in my life! How wonderful! Brother Luo, please wait for me for a few days. I will make some preparations and charge into the battle for Brother Luo at any time!

Luo Wuxin laughed heartily: Brother Lin is too modest, it's my younger brother who should be the one to charge into the battle for Brother Lin!

Lin Su held up his wine glass: Here's to your trip to the temple!

Do it! The two of them clinked their wine glasses, and they were all in high spirits.

At least, in Jun Yue's view, he is high-spirited...

Lin Su put down his wine glass and said, I'll say goodbye for now. We'll meet again tomorrow!

Brother Lin, let's go! Luo Wuxin bowed and said goodbye.

Lin Su walked away in the air, knocked gently on his door, and returned home handsomely...

Luo Wuxin relaxed his hand lightly and closed the door curtain.

As soon as the door curtain closed, the cold air outside was sealed in, and the warmth flowed indoors. Luo Wuxin held the wine glass and slowly sat down. Jun Yue gently gathered his mink fur and said in a leisurely voice: Master, today we have achieved this Does the consensus mean that you two geniuses have officially joined forces?

Luo Wuxin smiled: Joining forces is natural, but each of us also gets what we need.

In fact, he has long disliked these two palaces.

Luo Wuxin said: Although he has only lived in the temple for a few days, his ears and eyes have already been set up. He can clearly see the attitude of each palace in the temple towards him, whether it is the Palace of Poetry or the Palace of Music, they are all his targets, so , my proposal is exactly what he wants.

Does he have the same plan as the young master, using the other party to divert the anger of these two palaces and share the pressure of these two palaces?

Of course! Luo Wuxin said: I use him, and he uses me. This is a normal behavior. The overwhelming power is difficult to support alone. He is a good fulcrum, and so am I! (End of Chapter)

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