Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 968: On top of Ledao, a new peak emerges

Tianwaitian, participating in the war has its benefits. Even if you don’t want to participate in the war, there are still benefits. The temple will still give you contribution points every month. Contribution points are good things that gold and silver cannot buy, because these contribution points can be used in Wenbaotang directly purchases all kinds of cultural treasures, heavenly materials and earthly treasures. When you take these things out, they are all priced at sky-high prices!

Such a Tongtian Card was given to Luo Wuxin in front of everyone's eyes!

He was given this temple troublemaker who never followed the rules very well!

How can we be embarrassed by those who are law-abiding?

Suddenly, countless people looked at Lefeng with thoughts that maybe they shouldn't have...

However, a word from the crowd brought everyone down from their dazed state. This sentence said: It is easy to watch others do things, but it is difficult once you do it yourself! Although there are precedents of successful summits of the Holy Peak every year, but , there is an iron rule that no one has broken, that is, everyone who reaches the top is from the top literary world, and they have all left a mark on this path!

Yes, it’s easy to get carried away when looking at other people’s scenery, and it’s easy to wonder whether I can do it myself.

However, if you take a closer look, which one of those successful people is not truly the best among men? If you can't reach that level, don't even think about it...

The ethereal holy voice in the air said: Lin Su, are you ready?

Those nearby who were so excited by Luo Wuxin's successful climb to the top were suddenly startled, and at the same time they remembered that there was another person!

Lin Su!

Will he succeed too?

Ready! Lin Su stood up and walked outside the pavilion.

The holy voice in the air said: Start your journey to the top!

Lin Su bowed deeply in front of the holy peak, raised his head, and said loudly: On the Ledao, there are many sages, profound and profound, and the vast ocean is like a sea. Disciples are lagging behind in the Ledao and dare not stand on the Lefeng where the heritage of all the sages is gathered. , compete with the predecessors and sages... However, the holy words are above, and the road of the great road is all-embracing. Su Yue enjoys the road, thinking and gaining, I want to present it to the saints and sages under this holy peak for reference. , I wonder what the holy will is?

As soon as this statement came out, everyone was shocked.

Because this statement was completely beyond everyone's expectations.

Not only the entire temple knows about Lin Su's attainments in music, but everyone present or observing knows about it, and everyone can even sing a few songs or hum a few lines.

He played the flute, he sang to reach the top of the music, everyone could foresee it.

However, who would have thought that he did not intend to sing or play the flute, but to discuss music!

Moreover, these words were spoken in a sensible, humble and calm manner.

Mo Wen and Mo Mo looked at each other, and they all saw surprise in each other's eyes, especially Mo Wen. Her heart was still hanging in her throat a second before she said this. She was afraid that Lin Su would adopt a tough confrontational strategy. If he On this holy peak, using war music to compete with the war music created by Le Saint himself seems a bit like fighting for the road!

Fortunately, this shit-stirring stick seems to have come to his senses.

I don’t plan to go directly to the top to engage in confrontation, but I plan to discuss the truth.

Good discussion!

Don’t offend anyone by talking about Tao!

If the argument is brilliant enough, maybe he can get the ticket to Tianwaitian that he wants. Wouldn't it be in line with the poem he inscribed on the Zen room of Lingyin Temple: The winding path leads to a quiet place?

Good! The holy voice came from the air, and the tense atmosphere seemed to disappear instantly.

Luo Wuxin's brows tightened at the top of the mountain...

Why did he suddenly feel like he had been betrayed by Lin Su?

He invited Lin Su to Lefeng, saying that the two of them had similar spirits and were in similar situations.

His real purpose was to use Lin Su as a shield for him, because he knew deeply that if two people climbed to the top at the same time and faced the same test questions, their answer sheets would never be the same, and Lin Su would definitely be better than him. If Lin Su is more aggressive, he will definitely attract the opponent's firepower, allowing him, Luo Wuxin, to get the results he wants without showing off.

But now the script has changed.

This bastard Lin Su doesn't play by the rules.

He actually gave up climbing to the top and turned to an argument that was ten thousand times gentler. In this way, no matter how unreasonable Le Gong was, he had no reason to target Lin Su. Wouldn't all Le Gong's anger fall on his head, Luo Wuxin?

For a moment, Luo Wuxin was full of tangles in his heart.

Anyone who interacts with me, Luo Wuxin, has to get used to being betrayed by me, but why did you betray me?

Lin Su faced the void and bowed again, then spoke...

The Holy Sayer: To govern the people in peace, one must not be good at etiquette; to change customs, no one is good at music. This holy saying is explained in this way: Music is the body of heaven and earth, and the nature of all things. It must be combined with its body to obtain its nature. It will be harmonious; if it is separated from its body and loses its nature, it will be good. In the past, the saints who played music would have a body that conforms to the heaven and earth and become the nature of all things...

As soon as he said this, golden lotuses suddenly bloomed at Lin Su's feet, and Taoist flowers bloomed!

These are the words of a sage, but they are also added with Lin Su's own annotations. This annotation is so subtle that it can cause the Taoist realm to bloom.

Everyone listening nodded in unison, praising this opening.

Lin Su changed the subject: Happiness is both about the top and the bottom. It cannot only be about the top music but not the bottom music. The way of music is all-encompassing. It is as high as the white snow in the spring, but also as real as the lower Liba people, and as pure as the stars in the sky. There is a vast world of complexity, and the sounds of the high pavilion are difficult for ordinary people to learn, understand, and even more difficult to transmit. Therefore, it is difficult for the superior music to reach the homeland, and it is difficult for the inferior people to recognize the superior sounds. Su has an improved method that can make the sacred music like the stars in the nine heavens. Shining light on all living beings...

As soon as these words came out, everyone was shocked.

Lin Su's words pointed out a thousand-year-old problem of Le Dao, which is that Le Dao is difficult to learn, master and understand. Some people may say that Le Dao is just like spring and snow. No one understands it, which is a sacred thing. There are more people who understand. However, this statement is inconsistent with the nature of happiness.

The sage said that the essence of happiness is to educate the people and change customs.

Ultimately it corresponds to all sentient beings.

Only when sentient beings understand this can the essence of happiness be reflected.

In addition to this, there is another thing that cannot be ignored by all Taoists, and that is the number of groups that believe in your Tao, the more the better! If your path is too obscure and difficult to spread, your audience will naturally be very narrow. Who wants to have few fellow travelers on his path?

Therefore, each palace strives to expand the outer edge of its own path, and it is best to make everyone in the world believe in your path.

This is true for musicians, this is true for painters, and this is true for Confucianism.

Therefore, the knowledgeable people among the Le family's predecessors are also working hard to explore how to make Le Dao accepted by more people. Unfortunately, they have not been able to find a good way. Today, Lin Su opened his mouth and directly said that he has an improvement. Law!

What method?

Everyone was highly focused, and the whole place was silent...

Su used the Da Cang number talisman as a carrier, intercepted one to seven, and turned it into the seven notes of the music, and then subdivided it into a twelve-note scale. Even a person with no music background can play the beautiful music in just a few days. Note……

With a flick of his finger, the Arabic numerals 1234567 appeared in the air...

This is Duo, this is Lai, this is Mi, this is Fa...

A music class that has never been seen before in this world begins...

Mo Wen's heart suddenly jumped: The extremely complicated Gong Shang Jiao Zheng Yu was turned into a simple and easy-to-remember Da Cang Shu Fu. It cut into the seven-note era in a moment, and it could also be extended to the twelve-note scale. This is the way of music. An unprecedented feat!

There was a soft bang, and the layers of golden lotus under Lin Su's feet turned into a third-grade Taoist platform!

Oh my God, a third-grade Taoist platform! someone shouted from below.

Whenever the Dao platform appears, it means a big breakthrough! This person Yu Ledao, does this mean he has a breakthrough?

I must admit that this recording method is indeed easy to record and spread. I am not a music practitioner, but I can still understand what he said. One person said.

Lin Su's fingers trembled slightly, and she drew a piece of music score in the air. There were numbers from 1 to 7 on it. Some numbers had a horizontal line below them, some had an arc above them, and some had a horizontal line after them. Some clicked a little.

It looked like reading a book from heaven, but Lin Su raised his finger and explained: This song is Folk Song Like Spring River Water composed by Su. Su plays a song for everyone based on the keynote he just set. You will know it as soon as you hear it!

When his flute moved horizontally, the first syllable sounded, and the music score in front of him also moved accordingly. Whichever syllable he played, which number flashed with golden light. During the transition, the golden light moved across the horizontal line...

This piece of music was played by Lin Su when he fell from the sky today. Everyone only knew the beauty of the music when they first heard it. Now when they listen to it again with the score, they have a completely different feeling...

At the end of the song, the score shone brightly, and the Taoist platform under Lin Su's feet was raised directly to the fifth-grade Taoist platform!

There are some symbols in this music score. Su will explain them to everyone one by one. This is a whole note, this is a two-note, this is a four-note, this is an eighth-note... This is a rest, this is...

As he explained, the Taoist platform beneath him rose step by step, fifth grade, sixth grade, seventh grade...

His figure also followed, ten feet, twenty feet, thirty feet...

Luo Wuxin was suddenly startled, and his whole body was shaken...

Talking about Taoism and building a platform to build a new peak?

Mo Wen also stood up suddenly at almost the same time: Oh my god, he didn't give up on reaching the top of Lefeng, but he changed his way and climbed up the mountain to be on par with Lefeng!

Ninety-nine percent of the people in the field plunged into the explanation of music, and were deeply attracted by this simple and magical music. They were filled with emotion for Lin Su's step by step improvement. However, After all, a few people jumped out of the Taoist forum and thought of something extremely terrifying.

That is, as Lin Su rises up the Taoist platform, he gets closer and closer to the top of Lefeng!

He is here to climb to the top today!

He has already said that he will not compete with the Le Dao sages, so he will not climb this Le Peak.

However, he changed his way to board!

He talks!

As long as his Taoist platform is high enough, he can be on the same level as Lefeng. He did not climb Lefeng, but the gold content is far beyond that of climbing Lefeng, because he took another more difficult way, above Ledao. , stand on your own feet!

What is this?

This is called competing with Lesheng for the top!

The Holy Peak of Le Palace was built by Le Sheng. Lin Su refused to step on the peak built by Le Sheng and built his own peak. If it can be equal to the peak built by Le Sheng, who do you think he stepped on?

On the mountain of books, on the side of the broken bridge, Ming Tianyan's eyes were shining. She waved her hand gently, and there was a soft buzzing sound, and a shielding dojo enveloped her and Yasong. Her voice came, quite excited: Reject the path of Lesheng and raise a peak! The Taoist struggle actually started on the side of this Lefeng without any warning?

Yasong's eyes were bright at this moment: Why Le Sheng? What kind of relationship does he have with Le Sheng?

Of course it’s Hei Lao!

Ming Tianyan interpreted this information immediately, it was Hei Lao!

Hei Lao was destroyed by Le Sheng, which aroused Lin Su's anger. This anger finally turned into a boundless wave, rushing towards the third heaven!

However, even if these words were shielded by literary standards, she would never dare to say them directly, so she could only express them in another way.

Unknown, but there must be his reason! Previously, he said so humbly that he did not dare to compete with the sages. I thought he was timid. Now it seems that he is tougher than ever!

She has this understanding, and Luo Wuxin also has it!

The information she interpreted was also interpreted by Luo Wuxin!

As soon as he understood it, Luo Wuxin's heart had not been beating fiercely for a long time, and it was beating so fast...

Lin Su, I really didn't expect that you would dare to do such a disobedient thing and directly compete with the saint in the entire temple and in front of everyone!

I must feel lucky that all the side effects of my challenge to the Holy Peak of Le Palace no longer exist. Compared to the anger of the temple that you inspired, I, Luo Wuxin, am simply a good boy when I challenge the Holy Peak of Le Palace.

However, I also seem to feel frustrated because I can't do what you do, and I don't dare to do it at all.

These geniuses saw the clues one after another, and the Palace Master of Le Palace could see it even more clearly. There was a cloud between her eyebrows and she was motionless.

Palace Master, this boy is so bold and has the appearance of fighting for the truth! The elder next to him said in a deep voice.

Exactly! This man said that he would climb to the top of Lefeng today, but in the end he chose to discuss the Tao and rise to the heights. If it were really on the same level as the Holy Peak, the nature of it would be extremely serious! However, the method he chose is the right path. If you accuse him, there is nothing to rely on. The second elder said.

The other top elders next to them looked at each other...

Everyone saw tension and helplessness in each other's eyes...

As a temple of music, it is absolutely forbidden for outsiders to reach new heights on the music path. However, the temple's legal principles are there, and the laws of the road are there. Lin Su's entire process was faultless. He did not blaspheme the music saint, he just enjoyed the music. Expand one's own discourse, discuss Tao well, and the Taoist platform will rise step by step. This is the law of heaven. The temple is under the law of heaven. You must not kill a person just because he is brilliant in his discourse. He should only be rewarded. he.

The fifth elder sighed: This is what this boy spreads in the lower world! This is what is truly terrifying about him! No matter how disobedient he is, he always stays on the right path.

The Eighth Elder, who had been silent until now, spoke up: Don't be too nervous, everyone. Non-perfect Taoism is not enough to achieve the ninth-grade Taoist platform. Even the ninth-grade Taoist platform is only half of the Holy Peak. I categorically don't believe it. He created it himself. This music system can be perfect, but as long as there is a gap, he will not be able to reach the middle of the mountain, let alone the top.

Yes, the elders let out a long sigh, and the palace master's expression softened slightly.

They all had an insight into a terrible crisis just now, but after being reminded by the eighth elder, they knew that the possibility of this crisis actually forming was almost non-existent.

Ledao is an extremely complex system. If we continue with the current system, it will never be perfect.

What's more, throw away this system and start a new one?

Well, Lin Su is a peerless genius. He has really built such a system. However, the establishment of any system takes a long time and there will be various loopholes. Even if he has great ability, It is possible to plug all the loopholes. As long as there is one loophole, there is a possibility that his system will collapse.

The palace master slowly raised his gaze: Fourth Elder!

Here! A voice came back from the top of the peak, extremely serious.

Be prepared. As soon as he crosses the center line, use the power of Le Feng to defeat him! The happiness of the world does not allow others to have the way of a semi-saint!


The eighth elder's initial prediction would soon be overturned.

Lin Suzhi Ledao reached the ninth level Taoist platform in the first time.

The ninth-grade Taoist platform represents that this system is perfect and mature!

The completion of the ninth-grade Taoist platform has triggered the cordon of the Le Palace. People outside the Taoism will not allow the semi-saint Tao!

Above Lefeng, the waterfall suddenly changed, and the crystal jade liquid turned into sky mist, covering the sky above Lin Su.

No sound!

No vision!

Because this kind of attack is completely shameful!

Everyone in the audience was deeply moved by Lin Su's exquisite music. Even a person like Ming Tianyan failed to notice the change in Le Feng. Only one person in the audience noticed the change in Le Feng. , that is Luo Wuxin, because he is the only one who is on Le Feng at this moment and is the most sensitive to the situation around him.

As soon as he noticed the edge of Lefeng, Luo Wuxin's heartbeat accelerated instantly.

He knew that Lin Su's bold behavior finally received the retribution it deserved!

There are two quasi-sages above Le Feng, who are responsible for controlling Le Feng. One is to deal with him, and the other is to deal with Lin Su. The quasi-sage who dealt with him did not use the literary power of the quasi-sage, but simply Respond to his joyful way.

However, the attack against Lin Su at this moment was obviously not only about music, but also about quasi-sage cultivation.

The Holy Peak is a Dao Peak. Under normal circumstances, you cannot bully others with your cultivation level, but is this a normal situation?

It’s a fight for the Way!

What is the struggle? It’s digging ancestral graves! It is to cut off the root of your path!

When it comes to this kind of incident, there are no taboos in the means of counterattack. Do you still care whether there are any established rules for breach of contract?

Lin Su finally popularized the simplified musical notation of modern society in this other world, and the effect was naturally subversive. His Taoist level was undoubtedly promoted to the ninth level, and he finally officially embarked on a new journey. A great journey to test the heights of Yifeng and Lefeng...

However, as soon as the faint mist filled the air, Lin Su's heart skipped a beat...

My day!

You Le Gong is here to do this?

Ignore the rules of the Holy Peak and attack directly? Is it still the most lethal war song Quicksand Song in its first release?

Lin Su raised his hand and raised his jade flute in the air. His eyebrows lit up and a golden music score was projected in the air. It was his most mysterious musical weapon, The Swordsman.

The four golden characters of Swordsman appeared in the air, and the whole audience was in commotion at the same time!

This is a war song!

In Le Dao, war songs are extremely rare. Each one is tightly controlled by the Le Palace, and non-Yue Palace disciples will not teach it. Therefore, although people outside the palace are extremely envious of the magical power of war songs to change the world, they still Nothing can be done.

And today, Lin Su actually released Swordsman that can compete with the top war song Song of the Quicksand to the public!

What's even more outrageous is that Lin Su spoke directly: Today's world is full of chaos, and we, the literati, should also have weapons for self-defense! This Swordsman was created by me, and it is made public today. All disciples of the Holy Way can Learn how to use it. If you are willing to learn this war tune, get yourself a literary flute and play it with me!

As soon as the voice fell, countless literary flutes appeared around him, flying to all directions like flowers scattered by a goddess!

As for himself, he held the flute horizontally in his palm and landed on his lips. A flute sounded, and the score was filled with golden light. The sound waves came from bottom to top, tearing open a crack in the Quicksand Song that had silently enveloped his Taoist platform above!

How dare you resist! Damn it! The fourth elder cursed in his heart, and the power of the quasi-sage suddenly increased, amplifying its power tenfold!

At the same time, Feng Yang, the son of Le Sheng, stepped forward, and the countless literary flutes released by Lin Su that reached Le Palace were wiped out!

However, he could only block the Wen Di fired at Le Palace. People by the lake, people in the air, and even people a hundred miles away all had Lin Su's Wen Di in their hands.

They already knew the secret of the simplified music score just now. Now that they have obtained the Wendi, who is willing to miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to learn war music?

In an instant, hundreds of people raised their flutes at the same time and started playing along with Lin Su's score!

The Swordsman played by an ensemble of hundreds of literati was more than ten times more powerful than the one played by Lin Su alone?

With a soft sound, the Quicksand Song that had enveloped Lin Su's head was shattered for the second time.

The Master of Le Palace’s face was as gloomy as water: “Preach on the spot!”

This kid is so vicious. He actually used the opportunity of preaching to hijack everyone present! The Fourth Elder can't handle so many people alone! A voice from the Great Elder came to the top of the mountain: Seventh Elder, help me!

The two quasi-sages on Lefeng Peak activated at the same time.

The peak's attack is doubled again!

However, the number of people below increased even more. Just a few hundred people picked up the palm flute, and a moment later, there were thousands, tens of thousands of people!

The Mistress of Le Palace moved her fingertips, and her hair rose up without the wind, showing an extremely special look.

The Eighth Elder was startled: Palace Master, you must not do this! If the Palace Master takes action personally, it will be our Le Palace that uses the power of one palace to stop people from preaching.

The palace owner's hair was frozen in the air.

Not moving at all.

Her face was as dark as water.

The Eighth Elder is right. No matter how wild Lin Su's intentions are, what he is doing now is the right way and preaching!

The holy way is prosperous, and preaching is the most important thing.

Unless what you are preaching is a crooked way, no one can stop the Taoist master from preaching!

Lin Su was discussing Taoism on the spot, and he was talking about the ninth grade Taoist platform. Who dares to say that his Taoism is wrong?

Since the Tao is right, then his preaching is also the right way, and it also fully reflects his humility and his benefit to the literary world. At most, Le Gong can only make a small stumbling block in secret, and absolutely cannot stop him head-on. Once he stops him head-on, Le Gong will It loses its orthodoxy! And you will also bear the accusations of thousands of people - those temple literati who were about to receive the war song inheritance, but were abruptly interrupted by you, don't the disciples of the various palaces hate you to death? Why don't we launch all offensive attacks against you? (End of chapter)

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