Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 969: Le Sheng watched it from a distance (Thanks to Streaming 2013 for the huge reward)

The status of the Palace of the Holy Temple far exceeds that of the secular palace. As the master of the palace, he guides the world like a god. How many times have you ever been in this kind of embarrassment today?

She suddenly felt that nothing she could do was right when facing the person in front of her.

Stop him, or Le Palace may be completely destroyed.

Don't stop him, this kid preached on the spot, and the platform under his feet was benefited by the power of preaching, rising step by step, most likely to be as high as Le Feng.

The terrifying situation was ten times more terrifying than the destruction of Le Palace!

Because that means he is competing with Le Sheng, and they are evenly matched!

Either of the two situations, she, the Mistress of the Palace of Music, could not bear. However, when she hesitated for a moment, the ninth-grade Taoist platform under Lin Su's feet, accompanied by the exquisite music of Swordsman Jianghu, started to move along the way. Gao Sheng...

Until it is completely level with Le Feng!

It just so happened that at this moment, the song of Swordsman suddenly stopped, and the image of preaching in the sky completely disappeared.

By the lake, in the void, hundreds of miles away, the flutes in the hands of all the literati who were paying attention to this scene disappeared. Their eyes were finally able to move, and their minds were finally able to move. They were all as happy as drinking mellow wine.

Suddenly, they were shocked at the same time. The Taoist platform under Lin Su's feet was completely level with Le Feng. Lin Su stood on the top of the Taoist platform wearing a white coat, looking into the depths of the sky.

It seems that he is wandering far away from home.

Above Lefeng, Luo Wuxin looked at him quietly, with a somewhat complicated look in his eyes.

Under Lefeng and Daotai, it was completely petrified.

It was only then that many people realized that a terrifying thing had happened...

Lin Su's Taoist platform is on the same level as Le Feng!

He has built a new peak on top of Le Dao, which is completely on par with the Le Peak built by Le Sage himself!

This is a fight!

How dare he argue with the saint?

With this thought, 99% of the literati present were sweating profusely...

Because in this dispute, they actually participated!

It was them, tens of thousands of people, who used their hand flutes to forcefully push Lin Su to the same height as Music Saint. They became Lin Su's accomplices!

God is my witness, they don't have the guts to argue with the saint, but in fact, they just participated in the struggle!


Suddenly, the hearts of these proud men who had just learned a legendary war song and were so happy that they fell into the abyss.

Lin Su, who caused all these turmoils, looked into the depths of the sky. He was not pretending to be a pose. He used his otherworldly expression to freeze this glorious moment.

He saw a figure!

Yes, in the void, there is a pavilion, a piano, and one person!

This is a gorgeous woman!

This woman raised her eyes and looked at him!

With just one glance, Lin Su didn't know where he was. He suddenly felt as if he had taken off all his clothes and was frozen on the spot in the ice and snow.


He rose to a new peak in Ledao and became a Lesheng.

Le Sheng finally met him!

Take a look at him!

With just one glance, Le Sheng disappeared without a trace, but with this glance, Lin Suru was struck by lightning, and it was a cold, heavy thunder that went straight into the bone marrow...

Brother Lin, it's really a strange situation, isn't it? A clear voice came from above Lefeng on the opposite side.

Lin Su looked away from the sky, fell on Luo Wuxin's face, and slowly showed a smile: Brother Luo, what do you mean?

Luo Wuxin said: You and I have made an appointment to climb Le Peak together, and we have also made an appointment to meet at the top of the mountain. However, at this moment, you and I are standing face to face, but there is a chasm under our feet, which is bottomless!

Lin Su smiled and said: How can there be no gap between people? As long as we can face each other head-on and the roads are connected, it is a blessing!

Luo Wuxin smiled softly: The problem is left to Fa Gong! Is Brother Lin lucky enough to get the 'Tongtian Card' today?

The two of them were facing each other, chatting and laughing, and everyone below was overwhelmed by their aura. But when they suddenly heard Luo Wuxin's words, everyone was shocked.

Yes, can Lin Su get the Tongtian Card?

According to the rules of the temple, anyone who successfully challenges the Holy Peak of a certain palace can get the Tongtian Card coveted by the temple's prodigies - tickets to Tianwaitian.

Luo Wuxin got it.

Where is Lin Su?

Logically speaking, if he climbed up to the top of Lefeng, it would be on par with Lefeng. The difficulty was ten times, hundreds, and thousands of times higher than Luo Wuxin's, and the gold content was not comparable to that of directly climbing Lefeng. He should be able to get all the rewards, but when he arrived So far, the holy sound has not risen, and the Heavenly Plate has not fallen!

A soft sound sounded above the clouds, and a code of law clattered. In front of the code, an old man with a high crown appeared, and his face was like ice: It is the rule of the temple that those who climb the holy peak will be awarded the Heavenly Plate. Lin Su How can you get the Tongtian Pai before you even step foot on the holy peak? Put away the Taoist platform and go to rest!

As soon as the code was combined, the golden light flourished, and the Qinglian Dao platform under Lin Su's feet was dismembered layer by layer, and Lin Su fell from the peak.

On the mountain of books, on the side of the broken bridge, a strange Bagua picture suddenly hovered in Ming Tianyan's eyes. The lake in front of him was full of uncertainty, and the image completely disappeared!

She slowly raised her head: Dharma Palace!

There were only two words, but as soon as these two words came out, the entire bookstore shook, and countless classics burst into flames...

On the top of the Bai Pavilion, as soon as the chess piece fell from Lao Bai's hand, the image on the chessboard completely disappeared...

He raised his eyes and looked at Li Changsheng, the Palace Master of the Poetry Palace in front of him: Today's matter has come to an end. What does the Palace Master think?

Amazing talent and beauty! Li Changsheng said four words.

Oh? It's really rare for a four-character evaluation to come from the Palace Master, but I don't know who it refers to? Bai Lao said.

Li Changsheng said: Luo Wuxin is extremely talented, but Lin Su is extremely beautiful!

Absolutely beautiful! Bai Lao smiled faintly: Beautiful, of course, is stunning in contemporary times. I added the word 'absolutely', but I also thought about it. Does the palace master mean that he has taken a dead end?

Li Changsheng leaned forward slowly: Lao Bai, don't you think this is a dead end?

Bai Laodao said: As a man of literature and art, it is naturally a dead end to start a new peak to compete with the saints. But has the palace master ever thought about why he wants to seek death? Is he a fool?

Li Changsheng slowly raised his eyes: Every rumor about him in the world points to the genius of wisdom. He is obviously not a fool. He is ten times and a hundred times smarter than most people in the world.

Yes, such a smart person suddenly made such a stupid mistake. Has the Palace Master ever thought about why?

Li Changsheng said: Because he has to break through. He can't break through the conventional method. The only way is to get the ticket to the world and take advantage of the opportunity.

Even if he successfully obtains the ticket to Tianwaitian, will he be able to achieve the goal of becoming a quasi-sage?

Li Changsheng slowly shook his head: Even if he obtains the Tongtian Card, even if he reaches the outer world, and even if he harvests countless rare treasures, the road to the quasi-sage is obviously blocked...but maybe he doesn't understand it himself.

Because Lin Su is a person with a military heart.

Because the saint was deeply wary of the military strategist line.

Therefore, if others have the opportunity to become a quasi-sage, Lin Su absolutely cannot.

Bai Lao smiled softly: You still underestimate him! There is nothing he doesn't understand. His sobriety is comparable to that of me. He clearly knows that under the current Quasi-Saint entry mechanism, he has not entered the Quasi-Saint at all. possibility, so he has never pinned his hopes of breaking the Saint on the third heaven!

Li Changsheng's heart was slightly shaken: Then where is the hope?

The way of heaven!

Li Changsheng suddenly raised his head and looked at the sky: Quasi Saint of Heaven?

Exactly, this is his only way to get out of trouble, so he entered the literary ruins and pushed the painting way to the extreme, the ink way to the extreme, the yin and yang way to the extreme, and today he set a new peak, taking the music way to the extreme Pushing it to the extreme, if nothing unexpected happens, tomorrow, on the Holy Peak of your Poetry Palace, he will also push the way of poetry to the extreme. When he enters the temple this time, everyone is focusing on which palace he will choose as a breakthrough. , using his vertical and horizontal methods, but everything was wrong! His sight had already gone beyond the seventeenth palace of the temple. He only focused on the shortcomings of his own literary foundation. Once the nine pillars were completed, he You can transcend the third heaven and directly become a quasi-sage of heaven!

Even though Li Changsheng was the Lord of the First Palace and had great knowledge, he was completely out of his mind at the moment: What is the basis for Bai Lao's judgment?

Old Bai waved his hand lightly, and a scene appeared on the chessboard...

This is the Lingyan Pavilion Waiwu Realm Platform...

The scene where Lin Su breaks the boundary is clearly shown...

The world of literature and art is based on the Nine Paths...

This scene will never be seen by ordinary people. Lingyan Pavilion is extraordinary. Ordinary people are not even qualified to enter, let alone intercept a certain image, but Mr. Bai can.

Li Changsheng's eyes were full of splendor: The Nine Paths are the basis. Ci and novels were created by him. They were originally the ultimate peak. Painting, yin and yang, ink, and music must have reached their ultimate peak. There are only three paths left, poetry, calligraphy, and military! The art of war... He is the founder of Thirty-Six Strategies, and he possesses a superb literary spirit as a military strategist, so it is no problem. Poetry is what he will focus on tomorrow. I understand what Bai Lao means, and tomorrow...

Bai Lao raised his hand gently: Don't think about how to stop him tomorrow!

Li Changsheng was slightly surprised: No obstruction?

Bai Lao smiled: I thought that the Palace Master would soon receive instructions from above, asking you to help him obtain the 'Tongtian Card'!

The hustle and bustle of the day slowly calmed down with the omnipresent music of the temple.

No matter how sensitive this unrivaled war song Swordsman was that stirred up the temple, countless students were still able to learn this song. Once they learned it, they immediately consolidated their practice. Once it was played, the calm and peaceful temple stirred up a stir. Unseen waves of stocks.

The clouds dispersed.

The sun was setting.

Luo Wuxin returned to Changxingju and accepted the comfort given to him by Jun Yue. As for whether his sick body could hold up or not, the most important thing was that Jun Yue had to appease his surging heart...

Because starting from today, Luo Wuxin embarks on his path to becoming a quasi-sage!

His path is almost without any suspense.

But Lin Su, who made the limelight ten times more powerfully than Luo Wuxin, was treated differently. He fell from the sky, and all the students below him ran away immediately. These students were far less pure than Da Cang students. Da Cang students There is still the concept of Taoist in their bones. Any Taoist who is helpful to their literary education will be regarded as a Taoist. The more sincere ones will kneel down and call them their mentors, while the more philistine ones will bend down and call them Master Lin, which is definitely not the case. Maybe you see your mentor or Taoist master falling from the sky and don't come together to do your best.

But that's what happened in the temple. Lin Su, the Taoist who had given them great help, descended from the sky, and they actually ran out of sight.

Where is Lin Su?

I was used to it, so I turned around and went home.

As for home, Lin Su's previous concept was: where there are relatives, there is home.

But now, as a guest in the temple, the concept of home has been greatly reduced. As long as you can shield him from the wind and rain of the outside world, bring him food, and show him a smile without any scheming, this regular residence can also be home.

Qingxiang came over, and Xiaoya came over. The two of them were the leaders among the girls. One brought the food, and the other brought the wine. The food used the frying technique taught by Lin Su, and the wine was from the Baiyunbian of the Lin family. , and a jug of wine. This wine was bought in a formal way and was specially bought by Qingxiang. The price is so high that it is hard to describe.

There was no discussion about the external situation. In fact, no one in this Changhang residence knew anything about Lin Su's actions when he entered the temple, and no one told him about it.

This is probably the biggest difference between the temple and the secular world.

People in the secular world gossip a lot, but people in the temple don't dare to gossip. If you do it wrong, someone will get into trouble. Therefore, when every child is born, his parents will instill in him a truth when he is sensible, which is related to important matters in the temple. , Be careful in your words and deeds.

Is this a good trend?

Objectively speaking, Lin Su also thinks it's pretty good.

After all, he doesn't like being in his own home, telling the girls about his great achievements, and accepting the girls' adoring looks. The gold content in his eyes is still a bit low. This is the look of a bun, and this is the look of becoming the first grandmaster of Qinglian. In their eyes, in their world, there is not much difference between making steamed buns and learning...

However, this also conveys another meaning.

The temple is a complicated place.

The key reason is that there are too many Bodhisattvas sitting on top, and each Bodhisattva has its own taboos. To please Bodhisattva Zhang will offend Bodhisattva Li. Therefore, being a mute has a better future than being a debater...

After dinner, Lin Su came to his bedroom. He was not used to going to bed so early, but there was no interesting nightlife here. Do you want to develop one or two exciting points?

Lin Su sat in front of the window and looked at the girls outside. Qingxiang's breasts were quite big. The key was that this girl was very lively. In addition to being very polite in front of him, she basically ran around outside. This time she ran When I got up, there were flowers on my chest. It was very interesting...

Look, it's a bit crazy, isn't it?

Suddenly, black and white light flowed in front of my eyes...

Someone suddenly appeared in front of Lin Su!

Ming Tianyan!

Lin Su's heart skipped a beat when Ming Tianyan appeared. What kind of movement technique was this? Even his space laws are elusive. You need to know that his space laws are already in three-dimensional space. His attainments are not even comparable to those of the Air Demon bloodline Wei Yu. However, faced with Ming Tianyan's sudden appearance of movement skills, he still can't figure it out. The trajectory is unclear.

Are you a literary person or a spiritual person? Lin Su stared at Ming Tianyan.

I don't know how to practice Taoism. This is the 'Yin and Yang Yao' on the Yin and Yang Tao. It anchors a certain point in the world and is set as the anode. I use myself as the cathode, and then use the 'change' in the Book of Changes, the exchange of yin and yang. I have truly reached the Yang Pole! Ming Tianyan's wonderful eyes fell on his face: You, the master of Yin and Yang who wrote the Book of Changes with your own hands, didn't study this?

Lin Su frowned: It seems that I am still a theoretician who only talks about words. I have never studied this practical skill.

Ming Tianyan smiled softly: Come on, your practical skills are very powerful. Even if they are not powerful, as long as you calm down and study them, you will master them immediately... Come tonight, I have something to ask you!

When she said the last sentence, her face became extremely calm.

Sit down and have a cup of tea!

Lin Su raised his hand and poured a glass for Ming Tianyan.

Ming Tianyan sat down, held up the tea cup, and raised his eyes: Today, we will reach another peak on the Ledao. Do you know that this is a dead end?

It's a dead end, but it's not a dead end! Lin Su also held up the teacup.

Dead end, dead end... different?

Of course it's different! The dead end represents determination and the only one, while the dead end represents the end! Lin Su slowly stretched his legs: I'm not dead yet, and the matter is not over yet!

How can you survive in the face of a saint's struggle? Ming Tianyan frowned.

There are three endings when facing a saint's struggle! You can analyze them one by one! Lin Sudao: The first outcome is that the saint kills me personally! Is it possible?

Ming Tianyan shook his head gently: What high-level officials do is not about ability or inability, but worthiness or unworthiness. With your current title and status, it is obviously not worth it!

Exactly! The saint personally took action to get rid of me. Even if she can hide it from everyone in the world, she may not be able to hide it from saints of the same level. In order to eliminate me, a despicable literary world, she bears the risk of her own stigma being recorded in history. , is it worth it? The answer is obviously no. Lin Su said: The second scenario is that she instigated Le Gong to use the power controlled by Le Gong to smear my name, fabricate evidence, and kill me. Is it possible?

Ming Tianyan nodded slowly: Yes!

Yes! Yes! Lin Su said: But this involves the issue of ability. There will be countless variables in the process, which may be harmful to me or to her. I think such a long-lasting and completely The person above is not willing to play an uncertain game.

Ming Tianyan agreed: You also missed one point. Your game method is enough to make things without any suspense become suspenseful. If there is a better way, no one is willing to play such a same-level game with you. …Tell me about your third possibility.”

The third possibility is... let me obtain the Tongtian Card, go to Tianwaitian, and use the hands of foreigners to get rid of me! Only in this way can the possible stains on these big shots be washed away to the greatest extent, and only this way This method can completely eliminate me as the cause of trouble! At the same time, this is the only method that is most consistent with their past ways!

When he mentioned the words the way of the past, Lin Su's tone was full of sarcasm.

Ming Tianyan was completely stunned...

In the room, the only sound was Lin Su's tea tasting...

Ming Tianyan breathed out softly: So, today you deliberately inspired her murderous intention!

Lin Sudao: When the rules are completely controlled by the opponent, something that seems to be taken for granted will become extremely difficult. For example, an ordinary Tongtian card, Luo Wuxin can get it, but I just take it. No! Even if Luo Wuxin and I do exactly the same thing, I still can’t get it! However, I can force them to give me this Babel Card!

There is also a skill in stimulating the murderous intention of someone above, and then carefully preparing a way out for her. This Babel Card has become the access card for this way out! Ming Tianyan murmured.

That's it. If nothing else happens, on the Poetry Peak tomorrow, even if the poems I write are terrible, there will still be a Babel Tablet waiting for me!

Ming Tianyan didn't know the emotion in his eyes: Isn't it a bit ironic?

That's quite ironic!

Ming Tianyan gently held up the tea cup: What you are doing now is a step further than Li Tianlei in the past!

But I'm not Li Tianlei! I'm not... that one either! Lin Su said: I'm not better than them, I'm just a little more sober than them. I don't have any illusions about certain people!

Eight hundred years ago, I also walked the same road as others, which left me with unprecedented trauma. Today, I am walking the same road. I hope things will be different! Ming Tianyan said.

Don't worry, it will definitely be different!

I will still be there tomorrow!


Ming Tianyan put down the teacup. As soon as the teacup reached the table, her person disappeared out of thin air.

There was no sound of wind, no air leaking out, nothing, she just disappeared.

Lin Su stared blankly at the teacup on the table and murmured: The Yin and Yang Yao... As God testifies, I can accept the blooming of a hundred flowers in the literary world, and I can also accept that I am not omnipotent. But the Yi Jing on the Yin and Yang Road was written by me. I can't let this flower bloom in other people's homes, and I can only smell it, right?

He just sat on the coffee table, motionless...

A quarter of an hour, two quarters of an hour, three quarters of an hour, three hours, Lin Su's eyes suddenly opened. The next moment, he passed through countless wall partitions and appeared in a room. In the room, the fragrance was sleeping quietly.

The next moment, Lin Su crossed his usual abode and appeared in another room. When he saw the two bodies entangled on the bed, Lin Su closed his eyes and disappeared without a trace.

Luo Wuxin's eyes suddenly opened, somewhat surprised. Maybe it was the sensitivity unique to high-level literati, or maybe it was the intuition developed from walking on a tightrope for many years. He felt as if someone had entered the room, but upon closer inspection, there was no strange smell at all. machine.

What's wrong? Jun Yue also opened his eyes.

I seem to feel someone entering the room... Luo Wuxin said.

No, Chang Xingju has the protection of the temple's cultural protection. Only quasi-sages can't break through. Even if they are quasi-sages, I still have them. I don't feel anything strange. Jun Yue sat up and said, It could be Tian It will be clear, the overall situation will begin, but your heart is not yet decided.

There is no overall situation! What happened today is actually just a formality. Luo Wuxin said.

Jun Yue was slightly startled: Just going through the motions? This... how is this possible? Yesterday, the Dharma Palace did not give Lin Su the Tongtian Card. Although he had his reasons on the table, he was still questioned. Today, Lin Su Ruo changed his method. , no longer unconventional, using real materials to go straight to the Poetry Peak, it will be even more difficult for the Dharma Palace. I predict that the Dharma Palace will use the rhetoric of the day again. Lin Su has an affair with a foreign race, killing human races, even if he climbs the Holy Peak , still no luck with the Tongtian Card.

Luo Wuxin shook his head slightly: You know a lot about the methods of each palace in the temple, but it is still not deep enough. You underestimated the seriousness of the twin peaks yesterday.

Jun Yue's eyes slowly opened wide: So?

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