Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 970 Shifeng’s final song

So, what they want is not just to suppress Mr. Lin, but they are not satisfied with banning him on the Tongtian Card. What they want is to destroy him from his physical body to his soul. Therefore, today, on the Shi Peak, there is a The Babel Card is waiting for him! This card has nothing to do with poetry!

It has nothing to do with poetry? Climbing the peak of poetry has nothing to do with poetry?

Luo Wuxin smiled lightly: Even if the poems written by Lin Su today are a bunch of bullshit, they will still use Lin Su's past poems handed down from ancient times as proof to prove that he meets the conditions for reaching the top of the poetry peak.

Jun Yue was stunned...

She is not stupid, she is actually wise. She not only understands the temple, but also understands the world of the lower world. However, whether in the turbulent world or the unfathomable temple, it is difficult for her to understand this logic.

In the past, Mr. Lin could have obtained the Tongtian Card, but the Dharma Palace had failed him.

Now, he is trying every possible means to give it to him.

This is due to changes in circumstances.

At that time, the temple only had the intention of suppressing Lin Su, but had no intention of murder.

Today's temple only has murderous intentions towards Lin Su, but has no intention of suppressing him.

Those who are suppressed will still be a disaster sooner or later. Only by eradicating them from the physical body to the soul can they be eliminated once and for all.

People who are about to die are also good at speaking. Correspondingly, when facing a person who is about to die, each palace will probably be more generous.

Anyway, once a person dies, nothing is left.

However, there is one thing she still doesn't understand...

Sir, if he obtains the Tongtian Card, is it really certain that he will die?

Luo Wuxin nodded slightly.

Let him go to Tianwaitian and kill him with the help of foreigners. Who knows that it will definitely succeed?

Luo Wuxin smiled: For a person who has repeatedly broken the rules, foreign lands may not be able to kill him, but when he breaks through the alien blockade and returns to the border of Tianwaitian, what kind of welcome ceremony do you think he will see? ?Flowers?

Jun Yue's heart trembled slightly: Question!

Yes, entering a foreign land without dying is something that a small literary world can do? It must be a spy! Facing spies, all palaces in the temple are familiar with the roads, and the means of handling them are so smooth...

Junyue completely understands!

Even though she was a king-level figure who traveled across the world and killed people without blinking an eye, she still felt the coldness all over her back.

As long as he steps outside the boundary of Tianwaitian, he is already destined to die.

If you die in a foreign land, you're lucky, but if you don't die, it's a nightmare!

The temple said he was a spy, so he was a spy, and so was he!

The temple's method of dealing with spies...

Kill his people, kill his soul, slander his name, destroy his clan, cut off his roots...

Lin Su didn't hear this.

He integrated the Yin and Yang Yao on the Yin and Yang Dao into the Dayan Step. With two feet, one foot was set as the anode and the other was the cathode. The yin and yang were exchanged. His Dayan Step seemed to suddenly enter the realm of Dacheng.

Initially, it has the unparalleled ability to reach up to the sky, reach down to the Nine Netherworlds, and penetrate the magic circle.

This Dayan footwork has gone a bit awry up to this point, but why is there any set rule for the great road?

On that day, Duan Muchun, with his supreme cultivation on the Tao, made the Dayan step invincible because of its purity. And Lin Su, in the Dayan step, introduced the most mysterious Yin and Yang Tao among the arts, making the Dayan step mysterious because of the fusion of Tao. Unpredictable.

There is only one person named Tianyan.

Ming Tianyan turned around, crossed thousands of mountains and rivers, and landed on Shushan. The yin and yang were flowing in her eyes, but she was confused in her mind...

There is also a figure there that changes in a thousand ways...

This figure is Lin Su!

She can integrate the Book of Changes into the Yin and Yang Yao, but that's only because she is her, the only destiny in the world.

How could Lin Su have mastered the Yin and Yang Yao to such a state after only four hours of meditation?

This realm is beyond the reach of even Ming Tianyan!

She could only see him move the first three times!

From the fourth time on, she couldn't see it at all!

This is not a pure yin and yang, there are also things that she doesn't understand at all...

Above the book peak in front, the red sun was faintly visible. A book was turned over gently. On the page, a beautiful woman smiled sweetly: Yesterday, I wanted to listen to some of his new songs, but he played a subversion. Today, a few wonderful poems came out. Aren’t you going to drop it?”

Today on the Poetry Peak, there is destined to be a happy ending. We are still here to watch! Ming Tianyan raised his hand gently, and the Poetry Palace was reflected in the lake in front of him...

The red sun rises, and the Poetry Pavilion on the side of the Poetry Palace exudes an endless literary atmosphere in the sunshine.

Lin Su and Luo Wuxin came side by side and landed in front of Shi Ge.

This Poetry Pavilion is the Poetry Peak.

Music and Taoism are heard in the wilderness, and poems and Taoism are recorded in the pavilion.

Luo Wuxin handed over his hand: Brother Lin's feat yesterday is also the result of the Fuze Temple. I privately believe that it is completely worthy of a Babel Card. However, the Dharma Palace insists on the terms and is not biased... Sigh, I really don't know how to change it.

Lin Sudao: Brother Luo, please don't say that. The so-called law is based on rigor. If it is modified, the Dharma Palace will not be worthy of enforcing the law. I have no grudge against the Dharma Palace, but I admire them for enforcing the law like a mountain!

Luo Wuxin smiled: Brother Lin is as big-hearted as my younger brother!

I am lucky enough to enter the temple, see the legendary palaces and pavilions with my own eyes, and see the great sages with my own eyes. I am already satisfied. The so-called contentment leads to long-term happiness, and your mind will naturally open...

The two came side by side, chatting and laughing.

The students watching from all sides looked at each other, are you so humble?


Some students also secretly sent messages: Do you think Mr. Lin is a meek person? Yesterday he was like this too. He first spoke with extreme humility and did not dare to set foot on the Lefeng Holy Peak to compete with the great sages. What was the result? He You really don’t dare? He has risen to the top on his own, so why not just compete with Daxian? What he competes for is directly...

It stopped abruptly here.

Yes, those who hear it will immediately understand that the mouths of literati are deceitful. They cannot believe a word of what they say while talking and laughing...

Someone soon started a new topic: Lin Su climbed the Shifeng Peak, which everyone could accept because he did not get the Tongtian Pai in Lefeng, and he claimed to be a peerless poet and met the conditions for climbing the mountain. But what happened to Luo Wuxin? His literary heart is the literary heart of a poet. When he first entered the temple, he entered through the gate of the Palace of Poetry. If he needed the Heavenly Plate, he had already obtained it yesterday. Why would he have to go with outsiders to trample on his own family? The holy peak of the palace?

Someone has an explanation...

Luo Wuxin was quite ostracized during his stay in the Palace of Poetry, so he had no choice but to withdraw from the Palace of Poetry and enter the White Pavilion. The resentment in his heart must still exist. He just wanted to prove that he was more outstanding than the talented poets in the Palace of Poetry.

This was purely explained in terms of temperament. Soon there was an explanation that was more convincing than this explanation. A student in purple said: Luo Wuxin is good at planning. He is by no means a person who cannot stand anger, but a person with clear actions. direction person. He aspires to be a quasi-sage, but he can't get around the Shishi Peak. Why?

Because he is a literary poet, his quasi-sage needs the approval of a poet sage.

For a quasi-sage cultivated by a poet saint, the reason put on the table must be that he has outstanding poetic talent, not because he has stepped on someone else's path - of course, if a saint also has seven emotions and six desires, he has stepped on someone else's holy peak. The journey of the feet is probably a plus point in front of the saint of this family.

There are different opinions on the side.

There are countless hidden observers.

Lin Su and Luo Wuxin stepped into the Poetry Pavilion side by side in the spring breeze.

As soon as I stepped into the Poetry Pavilion, I saw an old man in front of me. The old man smiled slightly and said, In the Poetry Pavilion, you can use poems as ladders to climb all the way. I would like to remind you two heroes that only colorful poems can be used as ladders.

Yes! Lin Su and Luo Wuxin bowed at the same time.

Everything in the world can be made into a poem. From here on up, there is one image per level. The two of you write poems based on all the phenomena in the world. Each level is limited to three quarters of an hour!


The old man waved his hand gently, and the first floor of the Poetry Pavilion suddenly changed...

It was a wilderness scene, with the bright moon in the sky, the pine forest shining slantingly, and a river below. A few women were returning in a boat. It was light and melodious and extremely comfortable.

This projection also appears on the outer wall of the Poetry Pavilion, and everyone can see it.

When everyone saw it, their hearts moved at the same time. This was not a scene in the temple, but a scene in the human world below. Could it be that the Poetry Palace used this scene that was unfamiliar to people in the temple to give the two people a question?

If so, it must be a miscalculation, because the two people who entered the cabinet today are all from the lower world!

The scenes that ordinary people in the temple are unfamiliar with are precisely the most familiar to them.

Luo Wuxin smiled slightly and picked up his pen: Sleeping in the middle of the mountain at night, listening to the sound of waves outside the embankment, I suspected that it was coming from the long river, so I asked about the person coming.

The pen falls, the colorful glow!

The whole place was shaken...

Outside a mountain forest, I heard the sound of waves and thought it was coming from the river. In fact, my poetic eye was on the pine waves!

It seems to be writing about water, but it is actually writing about wind. It seems like it is writing about sound, but in reality it is stillness.

The poetry was so sublime that it instantly impressed the whole audience.

As soon as Luo Wuxin finished writing, the waves of pine trees came, and the pine trees all over the mountain seemed to nod with joy.

Lin Su also picked up his pen and wrote...

Mountain Dwelling in the Dark Autumn After the new rain in the empty mountains, the weather is late and autumn comes. The bright moon shines among the pines, the clear springs flow up the rocks, the bamboos return to the Huannu, the lotus moves down the fishing boat, and the spring fragrance rests at will, and the king and grandson can stay.

Put away the pen, green light fills the air!

The smile on Luo Wuxin's face disappeared instantly...

People outside the circle burst into laughter: Legends to the World! Is the first poem Legends to the World?

I have read almost all of his poems, but there are very few five-character poems, and even fewer such ethereal poems. This five-character poem has straightforward words, but it is infinitely poetic. It is more like a painting than the painting in front of me. It is wonderful. !”

On the mountain of books, on the side of the broken bridge, Ming Tianyan smiled slightly: I was worried that he would really come up with a bunch of bad poems as he said, but now I'm relieved. His pride will not allow him to write poems after all. It’s embarrassing.”

Yasong didn't understand: What did you say? It's such a solemn thing to write a poem today. How could the situation you mentioned happen?

Ming Tianyan looked at her blankly and shook his head slightly: Forget it, you are an elf in a book. You should naturally stay away from the fireworks of the world. I still won't pollute this white lotus of yours.

Yasong didn't understand even more: Are you still planning to taint me? Why are you tainting me? You are a woman...

It was Mingtian Yan's turn to be confused. Oh my god, I am a woman and I can't taint you? Does it matter if it's a man? Are you an elf in a book? Why do I feel like you've been a little bit dirty? At least, you have done some research on men and women...

In the Poetry Pavilion, two ladders fell at the same time. In front of Luo Wuxin was a colorful ladder, and in front of Lin Su was a cyan ladder.

Luo Wuxin looked at him deeply: Brother Lin, please!


This glance meant that Luo Wuxin's arrogance was fully aroused.

On the second floor platform, green water and green mountains, a boat goes out through the valley, washing away the pastoral silence on the first floor, and embodying the indomitable spirit...

Luo Wuxin mobilized all his literary spirit and wrote: A boat on the Yangtze River thousands of miles away has been plundering Hengshan for three autumns...

The poems are integrated with his feelings about his hometown, and the poems are colorful and halfway into adulthood.

Lin Su took up his pen and wrote: The traveler is outside the green mountains, and the boat is in front of the green water. The tide is flat and the two sides are wide. The wind is blowing and the sail is hanging. The sea is full of sunshine and the night is gone. The spring of the river is entering the old year. Where can I reach the hometown book? Return to Ningbian of Yanhai. .”

Without warning, green light filled the air!

The second green poem!

Luo Wuxin's breathing almost stopped...

Everyone in the surrounding area almost stopped breathing...

As people in the temple, almost all the senior people have witnessed the birth of Qing Shi, but they have never seen two Qing Shi written by the same person in just two quarters of an hour!

On the third floor, a tall tower rises from the ground...

Luo Wuxin was still racking his brains, and when he had to write a green poem, Lin Su wrote it first...

Flying to the Qianxun Pagoda on the mountain, hearing the rooster crow and seeing the sun rising, I am not afraid of the clouds covering my eyes, just because I am at the top!

Another green poem!

Lin Su smiled slightly at Luo Wuxin: Little brother, go first.

He climbed up the green ladder to the fourth floor. Luo Wuxin's chest rose and fell gently. He couldn't get into the state for a long time, just because he was on the highest floor? Are you telling me that I am not worthy of walking with you on the path of poetry? Are you at the top? …

Three green poems passed down from ancient times in a row, on the mountain of books, Ming Tianyan frowned slightly: Why are you expressing hostility to Luo Wuxin at this time?

On the fourth floor, in front of Lin Su was a high platform with a phoenix pattern, and there seemed to be a phoenix hovering in the void, refusing to leave.

Lin Suti wrote:

The phoenix travels on the phoenix platform, the phoenix leaves the platform and the empty river flows by itself. The flowers and plants of the pastoral palace are buried in the secluded path. The clothes of the eight generations are made of ancient hills. The three mountains are half-cast outside the blue sky. The two rivers are separated from the rain island. There are always floating clouds that can block the sun. The Huayang does not make people see it. worry.

This poem suddenly jumped out, and Ming Tianyan's expression suddenly changed!

The whole person bounced!

Outside the Poetry Palace, tens of thousands of people were also shocked!

Looking at this wonderful poem in the air, everyone lost their ability to express themselves in words...


Because this poem is extremely taboo.

Mu Palace is the name of the former Military Palace.

Eight generations of clothing and attire, after the military sage became a saint, the military strategist happened to have passed eight generations.

Huayang is another name for the former hometown of military strategists.

This poem, without a doubt, is in memory of the military strategist!

Do you dare to do this?

Do you dare to publicly summon the souls of military strategists while the entire temple is watching?

Above the Bai Pavilion, the chess piece in Lao Bai's hand suddenly shone with light. Opposite him, the Palace Master of the Poetry Palace, Li Changsheng, frowned suddenly: This kid is acting like a monster again!

Bai Lao exhaled softly: You have to get used to his style. When you can be a monster, how can you not be a monster?

When you can become a demon...Does Mr. Bai think that today is the time when you can become a demon? Li Changsheng asked: He has seen through the plans of the superiors. No matter how he messes around, the superiors will watch, so he is unscrupulous?

It's not just that, the key is that the point he chose is quite mysterious. Bai Laoyan: Although the military strategist is taboo in the temple, but on the table, it is still the right path of the holy way. The destruction of the military palace, the military strategist The destruction of the world is also a sigh among all people in the holy way. If others can sigh with regret, why can't he?

Of course I understand this, but this move by this son will definitely cause more dissatisfaction from the top management.

Bai Lao smiled softly: Does he care about attracting more dissatisfaction? For him, what is the difference between a high-level dissatisfaction and a bunch of high-level dissatisfaction? But he can use this poem to express his will and in exchange for The favor of some people in the top management. Nothing to lose, nothing to gain, this kid weighs the pros and cons and plays it very smoothly...

What Mr. Bai said makes it very clear...

Lin Su had already offended Le Sheng to death anyway, so he didn't care about offending other saints.

This is called no gain or loss.

And he might gain something.

What's the point?

In the third heaven, there are saints who have good relations with the Soldier Saint. Although they chose to stand by and watch when the Soldier Saint was robbed due to the general trend a thousand years ago, they still feel guilty after all. Today, Lin Su Lai's move, if these saints are touched by him, they will be It is possible to protect him!

There was a soft buzzing sound, and green light filled the top of Lin Su's head. It was another green poem recognition!

Everyone outside the pavilion looked at each other. Can such a poem be a green poem?

What happened to Yuewen Palace?

A smile appeared on Lin Su's lips. He was finally sure that Yue Wen Palace was trustworthy!

This poem slightly violates taboos, but he is not afraid of violating taboos if he has a way out.

This poem is also the ultimate test. He wants to see if Yue Wen Gong dares to designate it as a green poem. If he dares, Yue Wen Gong will be his comrade on the same boat from now on. If he doesn't dare, there will be variables.

Now the answer is out, Yuewen Palace dares!

On the fifth floor, Lin Su faced the boundless river snow and wrote the world-famous poem River Snow. Birds flew away from thousands of mountains, people disappeared from thousands of paths, and a lone man in a boat and coir raincoat fished alone in the cold river snow.

There is no suspense about the green light filling the air.

On the sixth floor, Lin Su sat alone on a mottled ancient platform and wrote a poem that seemed to represent his final song in life:

I have never seen the ancients before,

He was never seen again,

Thinking of the leisurely time of heaven and earth,

I was so sad that I burst into tears!

Green lotuses bloomed, green light filled the air, and Lin Su stepped onto the seventh floor.

With a soft buzzing sound, a token came from the sky and fell into his hand, accompanied by the old holy voice: Lin Su, based on six green poems, set foot on the poetry peak, according to the rules of the temple, I’ll give you the Tongtian Card!”

Lin Su bowed: Thank you, elder! Thank you, saints!

The whole place was silent, and then the whole place was boiling.

There will always be one or two poems that reach the peak in a few years, but who can have six poems passed down to the world like him?

At this moment, the light of Lin Su’s poetry was overwhelming!

At this moment, he created a monument in the history of the temple!

However, no one knew that the smile at the corner of Lin Su's mouth had a completely different meaning, and he was somewhat happy, because as he stepped onto the highest point of the poetry peak, the poetry peak in his literary world rose from the ground, and he had reached the pinnacle.

The road to quasi-sainthood is progressing step by step under the eyes of everyone in the temple.

But, how many people can see through it?

When I was in the literary world, I could work in the literary world. Who could know what kind of rebellion would happen to me once I became a quasi-sage of heaven?

However, his smile was also a bit bitter, because he got this Babel Card, which meant that all his guesses yesterday were correct. The high-ranking big shot had made up his mind to give him this Babel Card, which had already cost his life. Fixed on the battlefield outside the sky!

There will be no suspense when he reaches Tianwaitian. Even if he doesn't go, those big shots will create conditions for him to go.

What happens after you go?

He was not absolutely sure.

He is sure to get out of seclusion, but who is sure that he can realize his ultimate wish outside seclusion?

The way of heaven is ethereal, the holy way is ethereal...

Everything is unknown.

However, he must go on because there is no other way for him to go.

Luo Wuxin was a bit unlucky today. With his poetic attainments, if Lin Su was not present, he would have become a legend in the temple. Especially in the fifth level, facing Jiang Xue, whom he was most familiar with, he wrote the whole story of his life. The third poem that has been handed down from generation to generation. Unfortunately, his poems that have been handed down from generation to generation have also been crushed by Lin Su's six poems that have been handed down from generation to generation.

This made Luo Wuxin itchy with hatred.

He almost collapsed in the sixth level. Fortunately, before writing the last stroke, Luo Wuxin stopped his pen, closed his eyes for a quarter of an hour, resolutely tore up the unfinished poem and wrote a new one.

This poem is simple and desolate, full of his inner emotional entanglement, and is designated as a colorful poem.

Along with a ray of colorful light, Luo Wuxin rose from the colorful ladder and stepped onto the top of the Poetry Pavilion.

Shi Feng, he was an hour behind Lin Su, but he also succeeded.

The two met at the top of the pavilion, and Lin Su smiled at him: Brother Luo, the poem I wrote when I was on the fourth floor is quite taboo, so I don't dare to implicate Brother Luo. Therefore, I have to take the first step. Brother Luo will not Do you blame the younger brother?

Luo Wuxin showed a grateful expression and held Lin Su's hand tightly: Brother Lin, how can I repay you for your kindness to me?

A beauty is easy to find, but a confidant is hard to find. From now on, you and I will walk together in the temple! Lin Su shook his hand enthusiastically.

Luo Wuxin's heart was beating a little too fast again. From now on...

From now on you and I should go our separate ways!

However, as a scheming figure for a long time, Luo Wuxin faced Lin Su's enthusiasm with joy...

The expressions of the two people in the pavilion were seen by everyone.

From the average person's point of view, it seems a bit emotional, it turns out that it is really easy to make friends with people who are of the same type.

But from the perspective of insiders, that may not be the case.

Ming Tianyan had a sour expression and murmured to himself: Can you be any more fake?

The sacred sound in the sky sounded, and Luo Wuxin was recognized as having successfully climbed to the peak. He did not need to be given the Tongtian Card anymore. However, his Tongtian Card had an extra golden thread. This golden thread represented doubling his salary!

This is the benefit of climbing two peaks.

With this establishment, he can get two salaries.

Lin Su was extremely happy on his behalf, thankful that the good friend he found in the temple soared into the sky.

Luo Wuxin naturally had to invite him to his Changxing residence for a drink.

So, the two of them descended Shifeng in a warm atmosphere side by side and flew to Changxingju, barely arm in arm.

Ming Tianyan didn't know how the meal went, but she knew that as soon as Lin Su returned to the house, the smile on his face changed. The smile at first was very formal and fake, but now, the smile is normal, especially when looking at it. When she touched Xiang'er's beating breasts, the light in her eyes was normal.

Ming Tianyan appeared out of thin air, just like last night, appearing in front of the coffee table without any warning.

What was different from last night was that she didn't treat herself as a guest. She directly picked up the tea leaves that Lin Su put on the coffee table, brewed a cup for herself first, and then brewed a cup for Lin Su.

Your judgment yesterday has come true. Ming Tianyan held up the tea cup: I don't know whether to say congratulations to you or to express my condolences.

Fairy Tianyan, your language art... is a little too much for a young student to bear. Lin Su said with a sour expression.

Mingtianyan smiled sweetly: Okay, just kidding! Are you planning to go to Shufeng tomorrow?

Lin Su's teacup had reached her mouth and suddenly stopped...

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