Man, are you serious

Fubo is really angry. If it's not for the sake of the other party's family, it's absolutely necessary to punish him.

What's more, the Lin family has a great career. Although Fubo is just a housekeeper, the strength of the Lin family allows Fubo to talk to Qian Fanyu like this!

Qian Fanyu suddenly rolled out like a drowning dog.

Before going out, don't forget to stare at Ye Chen fiercely, that look in the eyes seems to say, our hatred is not over!

Ye Chen is not afraid of Qian Fanyu.

"Xiao you, what's your name?" Fubo put on a kind smile and looked at Ye Chen.

Say up, Fubo really appreciate Ye Chen, if Lin Wan'er had something wrong, this responsibility must still want him to bear.

"Ye Chen." Just now Fubo helped himself out, and ye Chen had a good impression of him.

Fubo nodded, took out a card from his arms, handed it to Ye Chen, and said: "in order to express our gratitude, this is a gift from the Lin family to Ye Xiaoyou, to show our respect."

Ye Chen took the card and found that it was a black gold card with the words of Lin Group printed on it. It must be the business card of Lin family.

"This is the black gold VIP card of the Lin family. As long as it is consumed in China and the Lin family's industry, it is free of charge!" When Fubo spoke, a trace of pride flashed in his eyes. The Lin family's industry has reached a monopoly in Dongcheng city. As for the so-called Qian's fast food, it is just a dog kept by the Lin family in Donghai city.

"Well, thank you, fauber." Ye Chen is not a man of affectation. He is in a deep predicament. With this card, he will be able to help him a lot.

See Lin Wan son hasn't wake up, ye Chen and Fu Bo polite a few words to go back.

On the way back, ye Chen decided to give Lin Wan'er a diet, just to complete the task of the sky high price diet.

Although the food therapy costs one million yuan, it's just a drop in the bucket for Lin family.

Ye Chen has no choice but to shake his head. Although the price is black hearted, he can only pit the Lin family now.

In the early morning of the next day, ye Chen made a hen soup according to Lin Wan'er's situation. Although it looked like an ordinary hen soup, ye Chen put a lot of valuable traditional Chinese medicine in the soup, which cost him almost all of his savings.

If this order can't be sold, ye Chen will go back to before liberation.

Carrying the fragrant chicken soup, ye Chen came to the hospital again.

At this time, Lin Wan'er has been sober, with Fubo chatting with her. It seems that in addition to the bad look, other things don't matter.

"Thank you, ye Chen." Lin Wan'er lies on the hospital bed and shows a sweet smile to Ye Chen. When she wakes up, she is more grateful to Ye Chen after hearing about what happened last night.

Last night, she accidentally fell in the bathroom, just fell on the back of her head, leading to her coma. If ye Chen didn't come to help, the consequences would be really unimaginable.

"How do you feel now?" Ye Chen asked.

Lin Wan'er rubbed her head and said, "I feel dizzy and nauseous."

"The doctor said, it's a normal reaction. This kind of symptom will last for about a week. You should be careful, miss. You can't have a similar situation again." Fubo in a timely voice to remind the side“ I see, fauber Lin Wan'er pouts her little lips and looks discontented.

"I stewed chicken soup for you, which added a lot of valuable traditional Chinese medicine, specialized in the treatment of concussion, you try, it will have a good effect." Ye Chen takes out the prepared chicken soup and says.

"Ye Xiaoyou still knows medicine?" Fauber was a little surprised.

"A little bit." Ye Chen vague prevaricate, always can't say that this is the system to do it, afraid is ghost just letter.

"Traditional Chinese medicine?" Lin Wan'er's eyebrows wrinkled and her face was reluctant. "Chinese medicine is very bitter. Forget it."

Ye Chen smiles and says, "it's not bitter at all. I'll cook it for you. You can taste it."

Ye Chen painstakingly persuades, to put it bluntly is to sell this chicken soup.

"Well, I'll try it." Lin Wan'er reluctantly agreed.

When you open the chicken soup, a special fragrance suddenly comes to your face. This chicken soup is not like the traditional chicken soup, but full of fragrance, mixed with a faint smell of traditional Chinese medicine. After Just smelling it, the next Fubo feels relaxed and happy, and can't help looking at Ye Chen more.

After Lin Wan'er smelled the smell, she immediately moved her index finger and looked at the chicken soup in front of her eyes.

The Milky chicken soup is like jade liquid. There are several unknown Chinese herbs floating in the soup. People can't help but want to taste it.

Lin Wan'er took a sip, and suddenly felt that the taste of chicken soup was totally different from what she used to drink.

In the taste, there is the unique fragrance of chicken soup. You can even feel the fragrance of traditional Chinese medicine if you savor it carefully. Although some traditional Chinese medicine tastes bad, there is no bad smell here. After drinking it, you suddenly feel that the chicken soup has penetrated into all parts, and your whole body is full of unspeakable comfort.

Just a mouthful, I don't know if it's an illusion. Lin Wan'er felt that the symptoms of concussion were relieved a lot.

Fauber couldn't help swallowing.

"Be careful, miss."

"Miss, don't swallow the chicken bone."

"Miss, it's traditional Chinese medicine. You can't eat it!"

Within five minutes, a bowl of chicken soup was drunk clean by Lin Wan'er.

"Ye Chen, is there any more hiccups?" Lin Wan'er licked her pink lips.

"No more." Ye Chen stands helplessly.

"It's delicious!" Lin Wan'er said with heartfelt admiration, after all, she had eaten all kinds of delicious food since she was a child, but she had never drunk such delicious chicken soup as today, even better than yesterday's fried egg rice. I don't know how many times!

"Thank you, ye Chen." Not only is it delicious, after drinking this bowl of chicken soup, Lin Wan'er even feels that the symptoms of concussion have disappeared, and her whole body is full of unspeakable pleasure.

"A little help." Ye Chen is thinking about how to ask for this million yuan. After all, without this million yuan, the task can't be completed. If you can't complete the task, you will lose the function of xxoo forever.

Just when ye Chen thinks about how to get back this million yuan, Qian Fanyu, who was scolded last night, comes again. At this time, he carefully dressed up, looking like a successful person, holding a bunch of flowers in his hand, with a confident smile on his face.

After entering the door, seeing ye Chen again, Qian Fanyu's face suddenly became gloomy.

"Why are you still here?" Qian Fanyu hated ye chenya at this time.

"I've come to bring Miss Lin chicken soup."

"What kind of chicken soup do you want to send? Why don't you go after the chicken soup?" Qian Fanyu disdains the way.

Ye Chen did not speak.

"Why are you waiting for the money?" Qian Fanyu couldn't help laughing at him.

"Are you going to pay?"

"I'll pay, I'll pay. How much do you have for this chicken soup?" Qian Fanyu sneered.

Ye Chen looks at Qian Fanyu in surprise, brother. Are you serious?

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