Get out of here

Ye Chen, who is out of the villa, has another problem. Because he is sneaking, others can't see him, and Lin Wan'er, who is in a coma, can't call a taxi by himself. At this time, it's late at night. A taxi by the side of the road occasionally passes by, but ye Chen, who is desperately waving, can't be seen at all.

"System, do you have a way to get me off stealth?"

"Just repeat the formula."

"Damn, why didn't you say that earlier?"

"Did you ask the system?"

When ye Chen breathlessly sent Lin Wan'er to the emergency room, the emergency doctor, after seeing Lin Wan'er's condition, ordered someone to prepare for the operation, and said to Ye Chen: "fortunately you came early, if you come a minute later..."

"What will happen?" Ye Chen some nervous ask a way.

"I'm about to leave work."

Ye Chen rolled a white eye, talk not pant can die?

The doctor smiles, seems to be deliberately ease Ye Chen nervous mood, said: "don't be nervous, just a simple slight concussion caused by coma, do a small operation to wake up."

Hear this words, the heart that leaf Chen hangs just calculates to put down.

Outside the operating room, ye Chen takes out Lin Wan'er's mobile phone and finds the phone of a man named Fu Bo from the recent conversation. Lin Wan'er has been talking to him recently, so it must be Lin Wan'er's family.

Ye Chen dials Fubo.

"Miss." When you get through, the other person's voice comes respectfully.

"Hello, I'm a friend of Wan'er's. she's injured. Now she's in Dongcheng hospital. Come quickly."

Ye Chen's words are simple and clear.

"What?" The man named Fubo seemed very surprised. He quickly said, "OK, I know. I'll be right there."

Hang up the phone, ye Chen again curious place to open Lin Wan'er's mobile phone.

I found that there were several unread wechat messages on it, one of which was Ye Chen's. obviously, when Xiao Hei went to find Ye Chen, Lin Wan'er was already in a coma.

As for the other unread wechat, they were all sent by a person with a remark called Sha Dabi. They were all flattering words.

Ye Chen opens the head of Sha Dabi and finds that it's Qian Fanyu himself.

Seeing this remark again, he couldn't help laughing.

Half an hour later, a man in his fifties came over.

"Are you a friend of the young lady?"

Ye Chen looks up. This is a middle-aged man in his fifties. He looks worried. It's obviously the man named Fubo on Lin Wan'er's mobile phone.


"How is the young lady now?" Fauber kept rubbing his hands and pacing back and forth.

"The doctor said it's just a slight concussion, a small operation, and it'll be fine soon." Ye Chen said truthfully“ That's good. That's good. " Fauber was relieved.

After a while, Lin Wan'er was pushed out of the operating room.

"The patient is still in a coma because of congestion in his brain. He needs to rest in bed for a while before he can go down to the ground." The doctor, wearing a mask, said sternly.

"Go to the patient's family and pay the fees." The nurse on one side handed over the list.

"OK, OK, I'll go, I'll go." Fubo took the list and went downstairs to pay.

After Lin Wan'er was sent to the ward, the doctor simply told her to go out.

"Bang!" The door of the ward was pushed open and a young man came in.

Ye Chen raised his eyes and saw that it was Qian Fanyu.

"Why are you here?" Qian Fanyu saw Ye Chen at a glance.

Looking at Lin Wan'er who is still in a coma, Qian Fanyu grabs Ye Chen's collar and says in a cruel voice: "say, did you hurt Wan'er?"

Ye Chen looked at Qian Fanyu coldly and said in a cold voice, "let go!"

"What the hell do you think you are? Something happened to Wan'er. I want you to look good!" Qian Fanyu looked down on Ye Chen, especially in this case, even let him meet in the hospital, immediately out of breath.

No, we must make a fool of him today!

Qian Fanyu thought about it a little, then came up with a way.

"This is the VIP ward. People from the countryside are not qualified to stay here. Please go out!" Qian Fanyu said with disdain.

Ye Chen doesn't pay attention to this guy, his going or staying is not what he can decide.

"Can't you hear me tell you to go out?"

Qian Fanyu said with a cold face.

"Nurse, nurse, come on!" Qian Fanyu called the nurse.

"Less money." The nurse knew Qian Fanyu and bowed respectfully after entering, while ye Chen chose to ignore him.

"I'm going to let you get rid of this guy now!" Qian Fanyu pointed to Ye Chen and said arrogantly.

"This..." the nurse was in a bit of a dilemma. This person didn't violate the regulations of the hospital, so it seemed unreasonable to drive people away.

"What's this? Don't I have the right to order you?" Qian Fanyu interrupts Ye Chen's words, his voice is very cold, "he is just a poor loser who runs a fast food restaurant, what qualifications and Wan'er stay in the VIP ward."

The nurse bit her lip and was caught in the middle.

"Well, Qian's 30 million annual sponsorship to the hospital has been cancelled." Qian Fanyu waved his hand and used his mace.

"No, I'll let him go." Nurses know that Qian's contribution to the hospital, if they offend the little money, they will lose the sponsorship fee of 30 million yuan a year in vain, I'm afraid they can't afford it.

"Sir, please go out." The nurse walked up to Ye Chen and said.

Qian Fanyu sneers at Ye Chen, a poor loser. What do you want to fight with me? How dare you attempt Waner?


"Wait!" Don't take ye Chen to talk, a person comes in outside the door.

It's Fubo who just went out to pay for it. Before he came in, he heard that someone was going to drive Ye Chen away. He didn't get angry.

Fu Bo looked at Qian Fanyu with a gloomy face and said, "what did you just say?"

Fubo is the housekeeper of the Lin family and one of the most respected people in Wan'er's life. Naturally, Qian Fanyu didn't dare to offend Fubo, so he said with a smile, "it's nothing. Fubo is just a loser. What's the fuss?"

"Loser?" Fulberton was angry and laughed. "I think you're like a loser."

"Fubo, this is..." Qian Fanyu was stunned. He couldn't figure out why Fubo spoke for this loser.

"If it wasn't for this little brother, Wan'er didn't know whether she was alive or dead. You not only insulted the young lady's benefactor, but also wanted to drive him away. Mr. Qian Fanyu asked you, what's your peace of mind?" Fubo hated Qian Fanyu very much

There must be something wrong with people. He has always known Qian Fanyu. He is narrow-minded and will repay him for his evil deeds.

Otherwise, Qian Fanyu would confine the Lin family to an unjust situation!

They saved their young lady, but without a word of thanks, they were driven away?

How can the Lin family gain a foothold in Dongcheng city in the future?

"Fauber, but..."

"Get out of here!"

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