Recovery Potion

Task introduction of sky high price medicated food: Please sell a medicated food successfully within 4:00, and the price should not be less than 1 million.

One dose of mental recovery potion will be awarded for successful mission.

If the price of one million yuan is removed, this task can be justified. However, a medicinal meal will sell for one million yuan?

Do you really think rich people are fools?

Or is this bullshit system fooling itself?

"Can I give up the task?"

"Yes, if you give up the task, the host will lose the xxoo function forever!"

"Damn, you're cruel!"

But then again, what's that recovery potion?

"The so-called mental recovery potion means that every dish made by the host will consume a certain amount of mental power. If the mental power is consumed and the host's mental power is restored, the system will not be able to provide dishes for the host."

"Is this a mental drain? How much do I have now? "

Ye Chen finished, and soon found something similar to the property page in the corner.

Host properties:

Name: ye Chen

Gender: ominous

Age: 18

Grade: 1

Mental strength: 7 points

Personality charm: 3 points

Experience: 700 / 1000 points

Your sister, what's wrong with sex?

I'm a serious man!

"These are all judged by the system and have nothing to do with the system."

Ye Chen is too lazy to care about these things with the system. Through understanding, he finds that there are only ten points of mental energy. Every time he makes a dish, he will consume a little mental energy, and he can only recover a little mental energy at most every day. Because he has made three fried rice with eggs today, ye Chen has consumed three points of mental energy.

And tomorrow, ye Chen will naturally recover a little mental strength.

As for the following experience, when ye Chen's experience is full, he will naturally upgrade. After upgrading, his upper limit of mental power will also be increased, and his daily mental recovery will also be improved.

After understanding these, ye Chen gradually understood, it seems that cooking also has a degree, just a day to restore a little mental power, if this goes on, ye Chen can only sell one dish a day.

That's a hammer!

There is no more guest in the shop all day, and ye Chen is too lazy to care about it. He closes early, and his more thought is to research the system.

Staying up late is a must-have for every young person, and ye Chen is no exception. The research system can't work out for a long time. However, he simply takes out his mobile phone and plays the king pesticide.

At the end of the middle of the night, I heard a dog barking at the door. Ye Chen is familiar with the sound, but he is not sure.

I thought something was wrong, so I opened the door and saw that it was a white pet dog.

It's Lin Wan'er's little black.

Ye Chen has a look at the time. It's one o'clock in the morning now. It's time to go to bed at this time. How come it's midnight

You're here?

After small black enters the door, encircles the leaf Chen to revolve unceasingly, is biting own trouser leg to pull outward unceasingly.

Ye Chen felt a little strange, so he sent a wechat to Lin Wan'er, waiting for five minutes, but there was no reply.

He suddenly realized that something might have happened to Lin Wan'er.

He followed Xiao Hei out of the door in a hurry. Xiao Hei was running in front of him. From time to time, he turned back and called Ye Chen twice, as if to let him follow.

One man and one dog, running fast at night.

A few minutes later, they went to a villa area, which is a famous villa area for the rich in Dongcheng city. Unexpectedly, Lin Wan'er lived here. It must be a rich family.

Just about to go in, a security guard comes out and stops Ye Chen.

"For what?" Security up and down looked at Ye Chen, now it is late at night, see ye Chen this dress, obviously not like the villas.

"There's something urgent at my friend's house. I'll go." Ye Chen anxiously explained.

"Your friend?" The security guard takes a serious look at Ye Chen again. He doesn't look like he has money. Can he know the people in the villa?

"I think you want to steal, don't you? Sneaky The security guard looks down at Ye Chen.

"I'm really in a hurry. Let me in."

"Get out of here, or I'll call the police!" The guard growled impatiently.

Ye Chen looks inside. There are many patrolling security guards. He must have broken in by force, but he can't deal with them. He can only stamp his feet on the ground.

All of a sudden, ye Chen touched the sneak Rune in his pocket, and then went to a corner where no one was, and used the sneak rune.

Originally follow own small black, immediately start to look around, obviously can't see ye Chen.

"Woof, woof!" Xiao Hei called twice, as if calling Ye Chen.

"Little guy, I'm here. You're leading the way!" Ye Chen gives a voice to remind a way.

Xiao Hei seems to be able to understand Ye Chen's words, but he takes the road ahead.

When passing by the door, security really did not stop Ye Chen.

It seems that ye Chen, who used the stealth talisman, can't be seen by others.

But before leaving, ye Chen didn't forget to kick the security guard's buttocks. The dog's eyes were on the low things, which delayed the good deeds of the master!

"Who, who is kicking me?" The security guard looked around in horror, and found no one to kick him“ You're sleeping in a fuckin 'nightmare, aren't you With a cigarette in his mouth, the security captain stretched out his head from the guard box at the door and scolded.

Following Xiaohei all the way to Lin Wan'er's villa, there is a red Audi sports car in the yard. Ye Chen's eyes are burning. He can't see how rich the girl is!

After walking to the door, Xiao Hei barked at the door twice, and the door opened automatically.

Ye Chen sees of secretly how tongue, this door or voice control? Can dogs recognize their voices?

Grandma's rich people are really good at playing. I can't imagine that I'm not as good as a dog.

After entering the room, Xiao hei and ye Chen go directly to the second floor. The door of the bathroom is wide open. A section of white arm is exposed on the floor of the door, and a few drops of water are standing on it.

Ye Chen went to see, found Lin Wan'er wearing a loose sleepiness, even so, lying on the ground of her figure is still exquisite visible, see ye Chen can't help but swallow saliva.

But there was a pool of blood in the back of her head, lying on the ground, unconscious.

"Woof, woof, woof!" Xiao Hei's cry pulled Ye Chen out of YY.

Can't delay, send the hospital as soon as possible!

Ye Chen picked up Lin Wan'er's mobile phone and rushed out of the villa.

Because ye Chen is sneaking, so others can't see him.

But it doesn't mean you can't see Lin Wan'er in a coma.

A pair of patrolling security guards look at Lin Wan'er flying in the air. It seems that she is being held, but

A security guard rubbed his eyes. It was this woman floating in the air.

Ye Chen's speed is very fast, a few seconds disappear from this pair of security guards.

"What did I see just now?"

"A beautiful woman can fly by herself?"

"Hallucination, it must be hallucination!"

Several security guards comforted each other and continued to patrol.

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