Combat effectiveness of professional athletes

Si Yuyao moved his body a little and hummed coldly, "don't underestimate me. I'm a black belt of Taekwondo. I'm a shameless person. Look at the moves!"

As soon as the voice fell, Si Yuyao directly kicked and rushed over. Her foot was more than one meter high, her left foot was bent, and her right foot was straight to the tall man's head.

This move is a must kill skill that Si Yuyao is very proud of. Generally speaking, even if a strong man with a weight of 200 kg is kicked in the head by himself, he can't still stand.

As soon as ye Chen sees Si Yuyao's hand, he knows that this girl is going to have bad luck. How can a tall man fight? He has already deeply realized it in just a few minutes.

He doesn't think this cute little girl in a Mickey Mouse shirt who likes to eat strawberry cones can ever be a gorilla in this city Sanda Team.

As ye Chen expected, although Si Yuyao's kicking before taking off was very powerful, the range of action and the attack time of this move were very long, not to mention the professional boxers like tall men, even the little gangsters who often fight could easily escape.

The tall man just slightly bent over and easily avoided the blow of siyuyao. He jumped into the air and kicked. As soon as siyuyao landed, the tall man's fist came up in the frightened look of siyuyao.

"Shit Of course, ye Chen can't let Si Yuyao be knocked down by a big man. He bites his teeth and rushes up with the pain of his arms. But because of the distance, he obviously can't catch up with the big man before he hits Si Yuyao.

"Bang!" With a dull sound, the big man's fist hit Si Yuyao unexpectedly. However, this fist didn't solve Si Yuyao as easily as the big man and ye Chen imagined.

"Hoo Si Yuyao holds her fists in front of her small head and blocks the big man's fist. Although her arms hurt to death and her arms are bruised, she still blocks the first blow of inevitable disfigurement, which makes Si Yuyao feel relieved.

"Smelly girl, now relax, don't you think it's too early?" The tall man was obviously dissatisfied with his failure to solve the little girl with one punch. He raised his foot and, without saying a word, pushed it to Si Yuyao's stomach. The tall man made a hateful move. The professional boxer's lethality showed no doubt. If Si Yuyao was really kicked, it would be a lot of bad luck.

"Be careful!" Ye Chen has already rushed over at this time, he looks at the big man's kick, can't help but say is a pull out division rain ballad, without hesitation with his back for division rain ballad blocked this heavy attack.

Division rain ballad look big change, she was first Ye Chen from behind a pull, and then feel behind someone pounce on himself, directly put her delicate body down on the ground.

"Who is it?" Division rain ballad screams, she twist a face to see, immediately see leaf Chen complexion is very white, lie on own back

"What do you want to do, you hooligan?! Get out of here! "

"Grandma, don't be rude to me, OK?" Ye Chen's face is as pale as paper. He just took a big man's foot. God knows how strong this foot is. He kicked his five internal organs and almost broke his waist.

From ye Chen's body struggling to get out, Si Yuyao finds that ye Chen looks painful and seems to be seriously injured, while the tall man looks at them with a grim smile, his eyes full of fierce light.

"Did you save me?" Si Yuyao looks at the big clear footprints on Ye Chen's back and immediately reacts. She looks at Ye Chen with a complicated look and says gently, "although... I'm very grateful that you saved me, it doesn't mean that you can escape the severe punishment of the law, but I can plead for you and help you get a lenient treatment."“ You... Your sister... "Ye Chen shook his head wordlessly and said," boss, is elder brother long like a criminal? I've said that I'm brave for a just cause. This stupid man bullies a elder sister. I can't see it anymore. This is the only way to do it. "

"Really?" Si Yuyao looks at Ye Chen dubiously and says, "but if you are willing to save me, it also proves that your nature is not bad. Even if you do something wrong today, I will send you to the detention center for good transformation."

"Transform your younger sister..." Ye Chen only thinks that he is the first two big now. He gasps, "Oh, I've been defeated by you, elder sister. What you say is what you say, but now the most troublesome thing is to solve this stupid big one first."

"Hum!" Si Yuyao clenched his silver teeth and said with an unconvinced face, "just now I underestimated the enemy. If I fight head-on, I won't lose to him. I'm a black belt of Taekwondo."

Say, the division rain ballad put a posture, she moved her legs, will come forward again and tall man desperately.

The tall man didn't pay attention to siyuyao at all. He held his arm and looked at siyuyao's performance with cold eyes. He turned his lips and looked down on him.

Siyuyao is the school flower in the police academy. Later, she went to the Public Security Department of Dongcheng city and became a well-known police flower in the whole police force. When was she so despised and looked down upon? Coupled with the insulting remarks made by the tall man just now, she couldn't control her anger for a long time. Now, she is holding her fists tightly and will rush on without hesitation.

"Rain ballad, stop it!" Just when siyuyao wants to start again, a black faced man in police uniform strides over and stops siyuyao's behavior.

"Team Chen, why are you here?" Si Yuyao turns around and sees who is coming. He is very happy and asks with a smile.

"If I don't come, you'll have to go on fighting with others." The black faced man smiles. He first looks at the tall man, and then looks at Ye Chen with sharp eyes. There is a difference in his eyes, and he can't help saying, "interesting young man, I didn't expect to meet you again in such a place. Should I sigh that we are more predestined, or should I say that you will cause trouble?"

"Officer, I can't say that. Although I'm not afraid of making trouble, I'll never make trouble to others casually, if it's stupid

If you're willing to reason with me, it won't be like this. " Ye Chen said with a smile.

"Oh?" The black faced man frowned and said, "is that so? I just received a report that someone was making trouble at the gate of Mingyue villa. "

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