Professional arrest team members

Looking at Ye Chen, the black faced man said, "there is a young man named Yang Xin who is said to be a Sanda athlete. He is beating a young man who is brave for a just cause. I don't know if this so-called young man is you?"

"..." Ye Chen is speechless for a while, but his heart also becomes relaxed. He understands that the alarm call must have been made by the young woman just now. If the young woman testifies, he should be able to save a lot of trouble, at least clear the charge of fighting in the street.

"It's right to say that, but uncle, what's the so-called young man? Isn't he young?" Ye Chen full of resentment said, "you talk like this, will lose this baby, we can no longer play well."

"..." Ye Chen said that, but the black faced man was speechless. He scratched his head and said, "well, I'm wrong."

Ye Chen curled his lips and said, "there is no sincerity at all, uncle. However, seeing that you are making a mistake for the first time, I don't care about you in general."

"Well, thank you very much." The black faced man said casually.

"Thank you, I don't have to. This stupid big guy is so stupid that even the young female police officer dares to fight. It seems that he doesn't pay attention to the people's police at all." Ye Chen said, his face suddenly became serious.

He suddenly put on a serious look, slowly said, "to deal with this kind of criminal, social cancer, don't we

Shouldn't we fight relentlessly and resolutely? Don't we smash their criminal will with the iron fist of law? Don't we tolerate no matter who is involved? "

These three words are all said by Si Yuyao before. At this time, when ye Chen takes out these words and asks them again, he is more ashamed, and his pretty face turns red slightly.

"What is it?" The black faced man was even more surprised. He didn't know that Si Yuyao was a big mouth. The three words just put forward by Ye Chen were all the spirit of the speech made by the director of public security at an internal meeting two days ago. It's absolutely impossible for outsiders to know except the internal staff of the Public Security Bureau.

Now ye Chen can put the spirit of his speech in a decent way. The boy's background is definitely not simple. At least he has contacts in the Public Security Bureau.

"Don't worry, I swear by the national emblem on my head that I will never let any villain go!" The black faced man nodded his head firmly.

"I'll really see." Ye Chen was beaten black and blue by this tall man named Li Xin. Naturally, he would not miss the chance to watch this kind of activity. He held his arms and waited for the police to clean up Li Xin. He was very excited to see that the funeral was not too big.

The black faced man's name is Chen Jiang. He used to be the vice captain of Dongcheng criminal police team. Later, because he made some mistakes, he was transferred to the police station as the director. However, even so, some young policemen still call Chen Jiang Chen team.

The main reason is that Chen Jiang is very famous in Dongcheng city's public security team. He has cracked many big cases. There are not 500 or 480 ferocious criminals who were thrown into prison by Chen Jiang to wipe their urine. These young people are exactly the age of worshiping heroes. Naturally, they love and respect Chen Jiang from the heart.

When Chen Jiang came out this time, he took three policemen with him. One of them was just an auxiliary policeman. In addition to the rain ballad of an intern policeman, Chen Jiang had only four people to use.

This level of line-up, to deal with a drug dealer or bandit what's not even dare to think, but if the opponent is just a boor, it's more than enough.

After all, Chen Jiang is an old policeman who is used to big waves. He walked up to Yang Xin with empty hands and said with a smile, "Yang Xin, I know you. You used to have a fight with a Thai boxer. At that time, you should be only about 18 years old, because I just went to university at that time."“ What do you want to say? " Yang Xin's eyes narrowed slightly. He looked at Chen Jiang with an alert face.

Being targeted by the police, although Yang Xin is confident enough, he also knows that if he hits the police first, he will get a second. Because China is so big, millions of policemen can not be resisted by himself.

Although Yang Xin has developed limbs, it doesn't mean he has a simple mind. He knows better than anyone that if he wants to fight against the law enforcement agencies of the country, he can only rely on personal force, which can only become a joke. Then it spread to the Baidu Post Bar of Weibo and vxin, and he was laughed and scolded as silly B.

"I just want to say that it's not on the challenge arena, it's under the challenge arena. In the society, the way of communication between people is different. It's much more effective for us to communicate with words than with fists." Chen Jiang tried his best to persuade him.

Yang Xin sneered and said, "don't fix those empty ones. If you have seed, come and catch me."

Chen Jiang sneered and said, "I'll give you a chance. You don't cherish it, Yang Xin. For the sake of being a leading figure, I'll give you another chance. It's just a fight. It's nothing serious. But if you want to obstruct official business and resist arrest by force, the law won't show you respect!" Chen Jiang said in a cold, expressionless voice.

"Cut the crap." Yang Xin doesn't seem to like it. Instead, he looks at Ye Chen and says, "boy, I remember you. This time, I'll calculate the account clearly, and then write it down on your head."

Ye Chen shrugged his shoulders. He ignored Yang Xin and turned to Chen jiangdao. "Officer, is he threatening me or threatening me now? If I sue him, you have to testify to me."

Chen Jiang's face was livid, and the arrogance of the criminal made him not want to talk any more. He just waved his hand and cheered in a cold voice, "the first group is ready to catch... Up!"

With Chen Jiang's order, three young and strong young policemen rushed out without saying a word. They cooperated with each other very well and obviously had been practicing for a long time.

Before Yang Xin had time to respond, the three great guys were already in a crowd. They held Yang Xin's hand with all their might

Hands and feet. He can't move.

"Pa pa pa." Ye Chen gently clapped his hands and exclaimed, "I've long heard that the efficiency of our people's police in catching criminals is so high and effective. Today I'm destined to see it. It's really an eye opener."

Yang Xin, a big man, was pressed by three policemen and couldn't move casually. However, he was biting his teeth and yelling to struggle out. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't wring the strength of the three men. What's more, he was pressed on the ground, which made it harder to exert.

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