Help from fuber

Ye Chen's in the mind seem to have ten thousand grass mud horse to run wildly but pass, immediately slant on the back seat, fell into the chaos of extreme insecurity.

"Deng Deng Deng."

Suddenly, the sound of knocking on the window came out of the window. All the people in the car looked up and found that it was a policeman in police uniform.

Although the policeman was wearing an ordinary black police uniform, his whole spirit was different from that of the ordinary policemen. He was a big man with dark skin and strong eyes.

"Qin Kun?" Si Yuyao frowned slightly and said politely, "why do you have time to come to the police station?"

"Well... Well, I'm just here for a walk." Standing outside the window, Qin Kun is obviously embarrassed. His eyes seem to take a casual look at Ye Chen in the back seat, and his pupils shrink slightly.

Ye Chen scratched his head and didn't know why. Although he and Qin Kun met for the first time, Qin Kun's eyes just made him feel a faint hostility.

"Oh." Si Yuyao nodded casually. She was in a hurry to go to the food Square to watch the excitement. Naturally, she didn't want to pay more attention to Qin Kun. She said in a hurry, "then you can go for a walk first. I have something to go first."

Qin Kun didn't know what to say. He opened his mouth and couldn't speak for a long time.

"Boom!" As soon as siyuyao loosened the clutch, he put up the second gear and left, leaving Qin Kun with a cloud of tail gas. He tugged at the corner of his mouth and waved his hand awkwardly, "bye... Bye..."

When he could no longer see the red Mazda tail lamp, Qin Kun's face was overcast. His eyes were full of evil fire. He clenched his fists silently and whispered to himself, "Si Yuyao, you completely annoyed me."

The red Mazda of siyuyao is parked in the parking lot of the food plaza.

With Ye Chen walking into the food Square, Si Yuyao and Zhang Manman are obviously not the first time to come. The two little girls buy two strings of marshmallows and lick them in their mouths. They eat while walking. They are very happy.

"Ye Chen." Si Yu said suddenly, "Your Dragon subduing Luohan boxing practice is not bad, little gangster don't say, even Yang Xin you can have two moves with him, this proves that your boy is not simple."

"What's not simple? Just practice casually, but not on the stage." Ye Chen modest two, casually perfunctory in the past.

Si Yuyao raised his head and said with pride, "if you don't say anything else, you have a lot of self-knowledge. However, although you can't compare with elder sister's taekwondo black belt, you don't need to be discouraged. Elder sister recommends a place for you to ensure that you will become a real man."

"..." Ye Chen has a black line in his head, but he is used to the little pride of Si Yuyao, so he doesn't say anything, just casually asks, "where is it?"

"Hey hey, as long as you can let me taste the spring rain all night, I will send you in."

Ye Chen heart a burst of speechless, send a hair, send in, you say half a day elder brother don't know what ghost place you say, two words will send in, neuropathy, who want to go.

However, these words in the heart think enough, ye Chen also didn't have the courage to say, and this little policewoman fight, oneself absolutely force will suffer a loss.

"Come on, let's eat first. We'll talk about it later." Si Yuyao pulls Ye Chen to leave. She also raises the marshmallow she hasn't finished eating and asks Ye Chen, "I want to keep my stomach for a while to eat. Do you want to eat marshmallow?" Ye Chen shook his head and waved his hand. "Who wants to eat what you have left?"

"Hum!" Si Yuyao said with a shake of his head, "I don't want to give it to you."

After entering the field, the game has begun.

Ye Chen of course is needless to say, directly won the first place in this food competition, including many experts including chongtian were all chopped in the horse.

The individual game is not over yet. There will be more cruel games tomorrow.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, ye Chen left the meeting.

As soon as he stepped down, siyuyao said with surprise, "I didn't expect you to be ye

The chef of fast food

"Didn't you ask?" Ye Chen shrugged a way.

Si Yuyao said with a small mouth, "I don't care. You don't have gentlemanly demeanor. No matter what happens today, you must get me a small building and listen to the spring rain all night!"

"Then come back to the fast food restaurant with me." Ye Chen shrugged a way.

Although it is nearly 8 o'clock in the evening, the guests still block the door of Ye's fast food.

All the seats are full, not to mention the chairs waiting downstairs have been occupied, and even the people waiting in line have been lined up on the street.

Chen Sen with a few staff busy sweating, some people in the crowd yelled, "I want to eat a small building all night to listen to the spring rain!"

Chen Sen is a young man in a suit. He was sent by Fubo to help. The Lin family recruited a talent who has been famous for a long time in catering management.

When someone takes the lead, naturally someone follows suit. For a moment, the crowd full of people explodes, and almost all the guests are shouting the name of a dish - a small building listening to spring rain all night.

"Cough." Chen Sen, who has rich experience in hotel management, certainly knows that at this time, the first task is to pacify all the guests. Otherwise, it will be a great blow to the reputation and profits of the store.

With a dry cough, Chen Sen stepped on a stool and pressed his hand down to make everyone quiet.

"Please don't worry. Our chef will be here soon, just like our previous activities. After listening to the spring rain all night, we will select five lucky diners for tasting by lottery." Chen Sen preached aloud.

"Now, please check again whether you have really paid attention to our official account of Yip's fast food, and the raffle is about to start. Before we can pay attention to the friends of the official account, please scan the code of any two dimensional stickers in store to pay attention to avoid the activities after that.

Imperceptibly inviting Chen Sen, official crowd gradually quieted down, everyone was waiting for the arrival of the activity time. By the way, the publicity of other dishes in the mobile phone's official account was unconsciously.


Chen senchang breathed a sigh of relief. Looking at the dark crowd, he was overjoyed and secretly said that he didn't expect that the influence of daily food was so great, and he didn't expect that just one dish would attract so many guests. At the same time, Chen Sen also began to celebrate Fu Fu Bo's decision. If Fu Bo hadn't asked him to bring his staff to help the store, the store would have been overturned by the hungry people.

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