What do you mean?

Even if these guests are all rushing to the small building to listen to the spring rain all night, as long as half of the guests come to the store for consumption, Ye's fast food will be refreshed to a new height this month.

"Wang Yi, is boss ye here?" Chen Sen asks Wang Yi standing beside him in a low voice.

Wang Yi is also here to help.

"Well." Wang Yi nodded. When he saw so many guests coming in, he blushed with excitement and said, "just now I sent him a wechat, and he said that he would be there soon."

"That's good." Chen Sen nodded and said, "so I can rest assured."

Compared with the hot scene of Ye's fast food, Qian's restaurant is much more deserted at the same time.

Qian Fanyu, the boss, was standing in front of his office window. He looked so gloomy that he was about to squeeze out water.

"Boss." Hu Feng's face was not very good-looking. He stood behind Qian Fanyu and said in a voice, "I didn't expect that the Jackal had failed. What's more, I didn't expect that the appeal of Tiantian food and Dongcheng TV station was so strong."

Qian Fanyu snorted coldly. His eyes twinkled with Mori's cold light. He said, "don't worry, the prey identified by jackals will never give up easily. As for Tiantian food and Dongcheng TV station, hum, if Bai Menghan can hold Ye's fast food once, he won't necessarily hold it." I didn't expect that the propaganda power of the network is so powerful. " Ye Chen touched his nose and said that the beautiful image of Bai Menghan suddenly appeared in his mind. Especially after seeing the four words of delicious food every day, the figure fluctuated in his mind. No matter what, it couldn't go away.

Three people are standing in front of the door to admire unceasingly, a thin and tall ran to come over, a grabbed Ye Chen, can't help but say to pull to the store.

"Ye Chen, hurry up. What time is it? The guests are waiting."

It's Wang Yi who pulls Ye Chen. He was chatting with Chen Sen at the front desk just now. Suddenly, he catches Ye Chen standing outside the door and immediately runs out to catch people.

"Oh, Wang Yi, what's your hurry?" Ye Chen said with a wry smile, "how can you catch a thief like that? You're so tight, and you're afraid I can't run away?"

It's OK not to mention this. As soon as we talk about this, Wang Yi complains, "you still have the face to say that although Miss Lin told you to let us help, but you are always the master in a blink of an eye. People don't know where to go. I'll hang a lock on your neck later to see where you go."

Si Yuyao sees that Wang Yi drags Ye Chen away, and she is not happy. She is still waiting for ye Chen to give him a chance to taste. How can she give up so easily.

"Ah, ye Chen, don't go. Who can I go to if you run away?"

The division rain ballad quickly runs past to grasp the leaf Chen's another arm, two words don't say to oneself this side pull.

"It's OK." Ye Chen gives a bitter smile. He enjoys the mutual pulling of Si Yuyao and Wang Yi. He assures Si Yuyao, "don't worry. Since you have to eat this dish, I will let you eat it today."

Si Yuyao's face brightened at first, but then turned white. Ye Chen looked at him and said, "you can brag about it. I have only five places to enjoy spring rain all night. I don't want to ask for more. In this way, I'll be thankful if I can be ranked three days later."

Ye Chen is a Leng, he just remembers, this is the decision that he discussed with Lin Wan'er.

"Brag?" The bitter smile on Ye Chen's face, can't help but be more thick, oneself cook to who eat, oneself all can't manage?

Did not wait for ye Chen to have time to speak, from afar suddenly came a voice of disharmony, "rain ballad, unexpectedly you also came here, what a coincidence."

Ye Chen and others all looked back, only to see the man tall and straight, dark skin, sharp eyes and God, wearing a tailored American suit, the whole person looks double spirit.

"Qin Kun?" The division rain ballad willow eyebrow tiny wrinkly, she can't help but some angry blame way, "are you following me?"

The smile on Qin Kun's face was slightly stiff, but then he returned to normal again. He said with a smile, "Yuyao, you are really joking. How can I follow you? I just heard that ye's fast food is very famous, so I came here to have a look."

"Is it?" Si Yuyao obviously didn't believe it, but she didn't have any evidence to prove her guess, so she had to give up.

Qin Kun's eyes move from the body of Si Yuyao to the body of Ye Chen. To be exact, they move to Ye Chen's arm.

At this moment, Si Yuyao still holds Ye Chen's arm, which makes Qin Kun's chest burn up a group of nameless anger.

"Er..." Qin Kun took a look at Si Yuyao and asked tentatively, "Yuyao, what do you mean by holding this... Er... This friend's arm?"

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