
On the rooftop of a building, the expressionless wooden man stood in the night wind, his clothes dancing and his hair messy.

He raised his arm, tattooed with a lifelike blood wolf head, which represents his honor, but also represents his identity - jackal.

Jackal took out a bright pocket watch from his chest pocket. Maybe it was because he often played with it. The characters on the watch had faded, but the German letters on the cover could still be distinguished. It was a German pocket watch during World War II, and it was also jackal's favorite thing.

The hand on the dial was about to point to the scale of eight o'clock, and the Jackal frowned slightly, looking a little unhappy.

"Ta TA TA."

There was a sound of high heels trampling on the ground. The Jackal looked cold and whispered, "you're late."

Behind the jackal, a woman with heavy make-up came slowly. She was wearing a leopard print skirt with buttocks wrapped. She swayed her chest step by step and was full of coquettish energy.

"Oh, they have to make up when they go out." The woman came up behind the jackal, reached out and touched the back of the Jackal's neck. No man could bear the itching, but it seemed that nothing had happened and the Jackal was not moved.

"Hum." This woman seems to have been used to jackal's indifference, but for this man's reaction, she still has a lot of frustration, cold hum a way, "what do you want me to do?"

"Yes." Said the Jackal directly.

"Nonsense." The woman in the leopard print dress rolled her eyes. "I know that if you don't tell me."

"You know, you ask." The Jackal's face was expressionless.


The woman in the leopard print buttock skirt was speechless for a long time. Finally, she snorted and asked directly, "what's the matter with you?"

"I want you to do me a favor." Said the Jackal.

This sentence directly made the woman wearing leopard print buttock skirt frown directly. She looked like a dust woman. There was a hesitation on her heavily makeup face at the moment.

"Make it clear." Leopard print woman whispers.

The Jackal rubbed his watch and whispered, "I want you to lead a man out, that's it."

"That's it?" Leopard print woman Leng for a while, but she was soon not angry and said, "if you want me to help, it's money."

"Money is not a problem." As the Jackal said this, he threw a plastic bag in the past. He didn't know what was in the opaque black plastic bag. It was heavy and bulging.

Leopard print woman first looked at the wolf suspiciously, then subconsciously took the black plastic bag into her hand and hit her

When she looked inside, her face changed. She was like holding a piece of hot potato just out of the oven. She quickly closed the seal of the plastic bag.

Looking around, after the leopard print woman was sure that there was no one around, she couldn't care so much. She grabbed the Jackal's sleeve, turned pale and worried. She said in a hurry, "where did you get so much money?"

"I picked it up." The wolf glanced at the leopard print woman and said indifferently.

"Don't you cheat." Leopard print woman could not help but scream, but soon, her face turned pale and she did not dare to make a loud noise, for fear of attracting other people's attention. While twitching her nose, her eyes also turned red. She tried to blink her eyes, forced to hold back the tears that were about to fall, turned her head, and said in a tone with a cry, "there are at least 200000 of them, How can you find it? "“ I'm lucky. " The Jackal's face was expressionless.

"Come on, you're such a rotten life. How can you get your luck?" Leopard print woman couldn't help retorting.

The wolf didn't speak for a long time, so he kept silent, just like the thick dark night.

In the end, the Jackal lowered his head and said slowly in a tone as emotionless as possible, "your son needs to see a doctor and pay for it."

"Is that the reason you gave me?" Leopard print woman finally can't help but burst into tears like a spring.

She was sobbing, sobbing uncontrollably, with a crying voice. She was very sad, "if you want money, you don't want this kind of money. You give me 20000 yuan every month to buy medicine for moo. Do you think I don't know where the money comes from? It's nothing more than the business of being in prison. You... Just think it's for moo. Stop it. Next time, you'll have an accident! "

"Shut up! Men's business, women don't mind! " The Jackal frowned into a knot in one's heart, and he said decidedly, "if you cry like this again, I'd rather not ask you for help. I'll cut off communication in the future. Now I'll turn my head and go, and we'll go."

When I've never known you, I'm really noisy. "

The leopard print woman was frightened by the Jackal and quickly stopped her voice. Her tearful eyes were full of grievances. She just looked at the jackal, but she didn't dare to cry any more.

"If you fail and don't lead the target out, I'm finished, that's it." Jackal short cut, three or two sentences will focus on speaking.

The leopard print woman lowered her eyes and asked in a low voice, "who's the target? Why lead him out? "

"The target is a chef, ye Chen. As for why you want to lead him out, it's none of your business." Said the wolf, without expression.

"But..." leopard print woman couldn't help but open her mouth. She just wanted to say something, but she was staring at by the Jackal's eyes, and she didn't dare to say a word more.

"What should be said is finished, what should not be said is not going to be said. I just ask you, would you like to help me?" The Jackal took a deep breath, and his eyes twinkled with shrewdness and coldness.

Leopard print woman silver teeth clench, she stopped for a while, did not say a word.

For a long time, she nodded.

In the lobby of Ye's fast food, five lucky diners selected by lottery came to the table.

As the host of the event, Chen Sen specially grasped a microphone and said in a deep and magnetic voice, "Dear customers, I believe everyone is looking forward to this moment, although most of the customers failed to get it

But don't be discouraged. From today on, we have this kind of activity every day. "

"Good!" Many guests were happy and clapped their palms.

"Next, let's invite today's lucky diners to taste our famous Ye's fast food, Xiaolou, and listen to the spring rain all night." Chen Sen said enthusiastically. Five guests have been waiting for this sentence for a long time. They can't wait to pick up chopsticks, scramble to pick up a carved potato and put it into their mouth.

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