Strong enemy coming

As lucky diners move chopsticks, the onlookers can't help but calm down. They stare at the five people without blinking, and they can't help swallowing saliva in their throats.

For a long time, the five people kept their eyes closed. Their bodies trembled slightly. They didn't know what was going on.

Just when many people were impatient, these five people suddenly opened their eyes and burst into tears one by one. They seemed to think of some heartbreaking sad past, and could not restrain the surging sadness.

What's more, among the five, a young girl sat down on the ground and burst into tears. Her eyes turned into peaches and she didn't care. She sobbed and whispered, "Amin, don't... Don't leave me..."

All of them were shocked. They looked at each other and almost suspected that ye's fast food was looking for these five people. However, no matter what kind of refreshing dishes, or the recommendation of daily food, people have to be convinced.

The five raffle winners all came with friends or family. Now their friends rushed to the table and comforted them with good words.

"Is this... Is this exaggeration?" Chen Sen opened his mouth, even he was a little unbelievable. He had never heard of someone crying over what he ate after a bite of food, and he was very sad.

No one knows that in a box of Ye's fast food, Li Jiaying and Zhang Manman cry bitterly, heartbroken. On the table in front of them, they still have half a plate to listen to the spring rain all night.

The three crystal clear potato carving quietly placed on the plate, a little peach petals sprinkled on the top, silently telling their grief and sadness.

Ye Chen's villa, suddenly sounded a burst of broken glass sound.

"Who?" Ye Chen's face changed greatly.

"Hey, hey, are you ye Chen?" Standing straight from the broken glass, the man was a short young man in his twenties. He was wearing a black sportswear and a bull horn dagger at his waist. His eyes were cold and gloomy.

Ye Chen squints his eyes and looks at the young man. Suddenly his pupils shrink and swallow a mouthful of saliva. He can see that the young man in front of him doesn't seem to be easy to provoke.

"Er... I'm not ye Chen. My name is Li Gang." Ye Chen difficult of climb up from the ground, facial expression invariable negation way.

The young man was stunned for a moment, and then glanced at Ye Chen with a sneer. He said, "don't pretend to me. I look at your photos eight times a day. Now I don't even remember my mother. I just can't forget what you look like."

"..." Ye Chen scratched his head and looked at the young man strangely. "Brother, although I admit that my brother is extremely beautiful and beautiful, you can't be infatuated with him because of this. You know, my brother is not something you want to like. You can like it if you want to."

"..." the young man's speechless eyes widened. He felt a chill in his heart. He shook his head and said, "what are you talking about? I don't have that habit!"

"Oh, I'm so shy that I dare not admit it because I've been exposed a little secret in my heart?" Ye Chen narrowly looked at the young man and jokingly said.

"You..." the young man pointed to Ye Chen, but his mouth was tongue tied. He didn't know what to say.

"If you want me to tell you, you don't need to suppress your inner thoughts. You can tell me the truth and express your admiration for me. Although I will never like you, at least you won't be in a panic." Ye Chen said with a smiley face, provoking the young man to blush, angry. Ye Chen has been procrastinating since just now. As he tries to adjust his breathing, he relaxes his muscles. Facing this unknown young man, ye Chen's intuition tells himself: this man is very dangerous.

"Go to hell, you son of a bitch The young man knew that he couldn't fight ye Chen with his bickering. He stepped on the floor and rushed over like a cheetah. But in a flash, he jumped in front of Ye Chen and didn't hesitate to fight.

As soon as the expert makes a move, he will know if there is one. The young man's action is vigorous and swift, and ye Chen almost doesn't react. You know, ye Chen has the ability to subdue the dragon. Even so, his reaction ability is somewhat reluctant to deal with the young man.


Ye Chen low roar a, foot a slip, dangerous and dangerous dodge the young man's this fist, feel the young man's fist wind lift fly own hair strength, ye Chen can't help but face a white.

"Hey, hey, aren't you good at speaking? Why don't you open your mouth now? " The young man sneered and kicked out his right foot.

The speed of this foot is extremely fast, and the distance between the two people is close to face to face, so ye Chen has no time to dodge, so he can only raise his left leg in a hurry, and wants to meet the opponent's sweeping leg with his hard knee.


Ye Chen is hit by this leg directly thigh, his knee slow half minutes, can't catch this attack, huge impact force let Ye Chen face a change, to the side a few steps back to stabilize the body.

"What a power Ye Chen can't help looking dignified. It's the first time that he has met such a powerful opponent since he ate Hercules pill. Even Yang Xin, who was once a member of the city Sanda Team, has played against him. However, compared with this young man, Yang Xin is much inferior.

The young man moved his neck for a while, and his face was a little surprised. He said carelessly, "I thought that one leg just now was enough to solve you. Intelligence says that you know a set of fighting skills called Dragon subduing Luohan boxing. It seems that it's really a bit difficult

I mean, but it doesn't matter. If you finish the task easily, it's boring

Ye Chen's face more than a brain black line, now it seems that the people all over the country know that they can subdue the Dragon Luohan boxing.

But heaven and earth conscience ah, I just casually said, OK? If I knew at that time that the result was like this, I would think a little bit more when I chose a name. At least I would not choose a name that was so low. It would be wonderful to choose a bawangshenquan.

"I'm curious." The young man said with a light smile.

Ye Chen moved a shoulder way, "curious what?"

"Wonder how long you'll last under my hand?" The young man said coldly with a smile.

"Then try it." Ye Chen knows that this battle can't escape anyway. He takes off his coat and throws it on the ground.

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