Waiting for the opportunity

Bare arm, ye Chen exposed the developed muscles of upper limbs, six abdominal muscles are clearly visible, two chest muscles are quite strong, the whole person's body presents a perfect inverted triangle, every move, can send out a strong male hormone.

Ye Chen was also very surprised at his figure. He touched the tight and hard abdominal muscles on his stomach and felt the power contained in every inch of muscles. He couldn't help nodding and whispered, "fortunately, I have Hercules pill."

The young man standing opposite Ye Chen sneered and hooked his fingers. He said with an unbridled smile, "come on, don't be afraid. Try your best to hit me!"

Ye Chen takes a deep breath and slowly clenches his fist. He is not irritated by the young man's contempt, because he knows that anger will not make him stronger, but will make him not use his brain.

Put on a posture, ye Chen is engrossed in staring at the young man, dare not have the slightest bit of relaxation, because in his view, this young man is absolutely the most dangerous person he has ever met.

"Hey, hey." The young man sneered and said, "remember my name. My name is Song Yang. If you are killed by me carelessly, you must remember that I killed you."

Ye Chen doesn't dare to be careless. He ignores Song Yang and clenches his fist as if facing the enemy.

"Ha ha ha!" Laughing, Song Yang moves. He rushes to Ye Chen with two steps, jumps up and kicks Ye Chen's heart.

This foot speed is extremely fast, ye Chen has no time to respond at all, he only feels a shadow darts to come, chest spreads a burst of pain, the whole person is kicked to fall on the floor.

Ye Chen rolled all the way on the floor and then barely stopped. He shook his body and struggled to get up. His face was ferocious and spit out a mouthful of blood foam.

"Bah!" Ye Chen clenched his fist and fixed his eyes on Song Yang. He scolded in a cold voice, "your grandson has completely annoyed your grandfather!"

"Hum!" Song Yang shrugged his lips and said, "pustules are always very cruel. Your body is not as hard as your mouth."

"Asshole!" Ye Chen takes a deep breath and presses down the pain in his chest. He raises his fist and roars. He rushes to Song Yang without fear.

Song Yang sneered, shook his head and said with a scornful smile, "don't you understand? The goat shows its horns to the tiger. It's just a futile dying struggle! "

As soon as Song Yang's voice fell, ye Chen rushed in front of him. Without saying a word, he would fight with his fist. The style of his fist rips open the air, and his power is frightening. Even Song Yang's face changed slightly, and he was amazed at Ye Chen's power. However, he didn't change his idea that he could win easily.

"Give me honest awareness!" Song Yang roars and claps his hand on Ye Chen's wrist. This is the weakest point of Ye Chen's strength. Under his hand, ye Chen's fist is directly missed. Then, in Ye Chen's eyes, he is shocked

In the light, Song Yang's elbow is on Ye Chen's chest.

"Ah Ye Chen can't help but face a white, he successively retreated three or four steps, left hand subconsciously cover chest, big mouth big mouth breathing, can't believe of say, "you... How can so fast?"

"Ha ha ha ha." Song Yang looked up at the sky and said with a laugh, "you know, what I like most is the frightened and desperate eyes of the prey. That's right. It's just like you are now. Oh, how can you be so fast..."

With that, Song Yang also imitates Ye Chen in a strange way, and immediately makes Ye Chen angry. He looks at Song Yang with his eyes full of anger. He wants to drag this guy to the ground and beat him a hundred times“ "Hu..." Ye Chen slowly breathed out a breath, he let himself become calm down, staring at Song Yang, with a straight look at his eyes, cold voice said, "you are very strong, much stronger than I am now, but I will never give up resistance because of this."

Song Yang was a little flustered by Ye Chen, but he soon got up as if nothing had happened, waved his hand and said, "don't, don't resist. If the prey doesn't struggle, then my hunting is too boring."

"Hey, hey." Ye Chen mouth corner a lie, heartless smile way, "how can, I can accompany you to fight all day like this."

Say, leaf Chen straightened a body, clench own fist tightly, dead of stare at Song Yang.

"Yes? I hope you keep your word Song Yang sneers repeatedly. As soon as his voice falls, the whole person rushes out, just like a fierce tiger in charge of hunting. He rushes in front of Ye Chen, soars into the air, and directly kicks it.

"So fast!" Although Ye Chen has long been psychologically prepared, he still takes a breath of cool air. In a panic, he crosses his hands and protects his chest. He bravely withstands Song Yang's attack. His arms are numb and painful, just like being knocked with a wooden stick. He can't make any strength immediately.

"Hum! This is just the beginning. Don't let it go. " Song Yang insidious smile, mercilessly is a punch hit on the face of Ye Chen, ye Chen now arms ache, there is no time to make block action, cheek Gang son knot solid by his this punch.

"Damn it Ye Chen scolds, his head is hit to one side, the whole head is buzzing, he opens his mouth to spit out a mouthful of blood foam, just ready to scold, but is interrupted by Song Yang's fist.

Song Yang's fist is very fast and powerful. He is very fierce. He treats Ye Chen like a human sandbag. What he beats is ten or so fists. He can only hold his head in his hands and has no chance to resist.

This storm like crazy blow, instantly put Ye Chen hit can't find East, but he just bite teeth dead support, not willing to be knocked down on the ground.

"Damn it! Damn it!! Damn it Ye Chen roars hysterically in his heart. He wants to fight back, but he can't find a chance to fight back. Song Yang is much better than Yang Xin in fighting ability.

"Go to hell!" Song Yang rises up in the air in the same place. After a short period of accumulation of strength, he kicks and kicks. The strength of this kick is very strong, which makes Ye Chen feel very dangerous.

"Ah With a low roar, ye Chen slipped back half a step in an instant, and dodged the kick.

The eye watched this foot stop in front of his own body, and finally because of the distance is too far and failed, ye Chen ha ha a smile, eyes ferocious a force, the whole body is like a mad bison rushed forward in the past, he put up his shoulder, in Song Yang's body has not landed in the moment, directly used the whole body strength hit up!

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