Brother Chen is here

"Feng Jun's Kendo level has improved so much. He and his master can do so many moves. He is a genius."

"Yes, Feng Jun, I miss you so much. The long knife you gave me when you left, I kept it in my bedroom all the time."


Chiba is a royal go, big guy finally can open, they get together, noisy chat.

For a long time, Feng Tao said with a smile, "you flew all the way from Japan to Beijing. After being busy in Beijing for a long time, you flew to me again. It's really hard."

"We are very happy to see Feng Jun again." Everyone shook their heads and laughed.

"Call West." One by one, Feng Tao patted them on the shoulder and hammered them on the chest. He said happily, "I'm very happy to see my brothers again."

"Just..." Feng Tao suddenly sighed.

"Just what?" Everyone was stunned and looked at Feng Tao in doubt.

Feng Tao waved his hand and said, "don't mention it. It's just a small problem."

"Questions?" In the crowd, a young man with broken hair frowned and said, "what's the problem? Is it hard to solve

Is that right? "

Feng Tao sighed and nodded his head in a very embarrassed way, "you can say that."

Feng Tao's words surprised other people. After all, in their opinion, Feng Tao is the leader of the black forces like the Japanese Mafia. Although he is not as powerful as the giant like the Yamaguchi group, he is also an underground vassal.

Now even Feng Tao thinks that this is a very difficult problem, which should be really difficult to deal with.

"Is the police checking you?" Someone asked, in Japan, the public security bureau is known as the police department.

"No Feng Tao waved his hand and said, "there is an asshole who beat my people, and my men are all stared at by the police. If you want to retaliate, it's really not easy."

"Whoosh, in this case, it's really a headache." A Japanese swordsman said, "however, let some people who have no contact with you do it, it should not arouse the suspicion of the police."

Feng Tao nodded and said, "that's right, so I found a killer."

"What happened?" Everyone is curious.

Feng Tao shook his head with a bitter smile and sighed, "it's really strange that I lost contact with that killer. If there is no accident, he should have failed."

"So..." everyone nodded thoughtfully. Suddenly, a young man came out of the crowd. He looked at Feng Tao and said, "elder martial brother, if you can, I'm willing to help you."

Feng Tao shook his head and said, "if you can have the help of younger martial brother Miyazaki, this matter will be solved. However, this matter is still very dangerous. How can I ignore the safety of younger martial brother? No way. "

"We are willing to help Feng Jun, too." All the people were unwilling to fall behind and said with a righteous face, "don't worry, Feng Jun. it's not a problem to deal with an ordinary person with our ability."“ I didn't expect that everyone... Really moved me. " Feng Tao's eyes reddened slightly and his voice choked.

"Where Feng Jun said, we are all the same people of Beichen yidaoliu. These things are what we should do." All the people were awe inspiring, with a straight face.

"So... Please Feng Tao tied his hands and bowed deeply.

No one noticed that in Feng Tao's drooping eyes, there was a twinkle of insidious pride.

Time passed quickly. In a flash, three days had passed. Ye Chen still played as usual in these three days, and always ranked first.

Although the distance and Zhang Baichuan's competition date is getting closer and closer, but ye Chen seems to have nothing to do with it. He doesn't care about it at all.

Standing on the balcony on the top floor of No. 98 villa in Mingyue villa area, ye Chen enjoys the afternoon sunshine. He slightly squints his eyes, looks up at the sky, takes a deep breath, and is intoxicated in the charming temperature.

"Step on it."

Behind him came the footsteps of someone walking, ye Chen's ears stirred, his brow slightly wrinkled, and then spread out again.

Since he was attacked by Song Yang at home, his vigilance has been greatly enhanced. However, he can hear the footsteps behind him. It is the owner of this villa and his confidant, Lin Wan'er.

"Ye Chen." Lin Wan'er called softly behind him, "it's going to be a match soon. Aren't you worried at all?"

Ye Chen didn't look back. He spread his arms and hugged the whole sky. He said with a smile, "Wan'er, if it's useful, I'll never do anything every day."

Lin Wan'er's show eyebrow is tiny Cu, seem to be very dissatisfied with Ye Chen this kind of dawdle behavior, but she also has no any way.

After all, for the past three days, ye Chen has gone to Ye's fast food every day to make a small building and listen to the spring rain all night. Now this dish has been stirring up the storm all over the city. Ye Chen's name is spreading all over the east city. People are qualified to be a fool.

Ye Chen turns around and looks at Lin Wan'er. Although they have been living under the same roof in recent days, every time they see Lin Wan'er, ye Chen always feels amazing.

Looking at Lin Wan'er's enchanting posture, and the two huge shirts, ye Chen can't help smacking his mouth, and suddenly some dry mouth.

Notice Ye Chen's eyes, Lin Wan'er small mouth slightly pursed, gently covered the delicate red lips, chuckled and said, "your boy is really interesting, every time you see me, it's like losing soul, but close to me, but shy like a child."

Stubborn and reluctant to admit mistakes or defeats, "is there a brother who is shy?"

"No? Little boy Lin Wan'er stares at Ye Chen. Her big eyes blink like a peach blossom in full bloom. Ye Chen is very hot and uncomfortable everywhere.

"Hum!" Ye Chen turns his head and says, "don't care about you in general?"

"Step, step"

Another person came up from the downstairs. They looked up and found that it was Yan Xiren. Although Yan Xiren had been in Dongcheng city for three or four days, and lived in Lin Waner's house like Ye Chen, she was not pleased with Ye Chen everywhere. Although they were under the same roof, they didn't even call each other when they met. Yan Xiren had long black hair. She came out of the stairs with a pair of pink cotton slippers,

First is disdain of glanced at Ye Chen one eye, then just look to Lin Wan son way, "cousin, Chen elder brother came."

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