How to drop it?

"Who?" Lin Wan'er didn't seem to react for a moment. Her face turned white suddenly. It seemed that for her, this person in Yan attack population had extraordinary significance.

"Who else can I call brother Chen?" Yan Xiren said, "of course it's your boyfriend, Li Muchen."

"Boyfriends?" Ye Chen is stimulated by Yan Xi Ren's words, and some of his brain is confused. He doesn't know why, but his heart is worried. For a moment, the whole person becomes lost.

It turns out that... Wan'er already has a boyfriend, but ye Chen, does it have anything to do with you if they have a boyfriend? What kind of crazy are you smoking? Why are your mood affected?!

Ye Chen's heart is at sixes and sevens, the whole person's brain is like stewing a pot of porridge, however, Lin Wan'er sisters did not notice this.

"Xiren, I remember I told you a long time ago that I have nothing to do with Li Muchen. He is him and I am me. Don't you understand?" Lin Wan'er sighed.

Yan Xiren obviously expected that her sister would answer like this. She sneered and hugged her shoulder and said, "of course I know what you mean, but I don't understand your heart. Brother Chen is sitting in the hall now. If you have any words, you'd better speak them face to face."

In order to meet Lin Wan'er today, Li Mu Chen made a special preparation. He wore Armani's custom-made floral shirt. Before he came here, he went to a famous barber to make a haircut for himself. He sat on the sofa with a handful of heart-shaped roses in his arms.

Glancing at the Omega mechanical watch on his wrist, he nodded to his mother Zhang, who was pouring tea for him, with great gentlemanly demeanor. His warm smile was well controlled by him, giving people a feeling of spring breeze.

"Mother Zhang has been working in our family for a long time, hasn't she?" Li Mu Chen seems to regard himself as the master of the family. He asks with a smile.

Zhang Ma was obviously stunned, but then she reacted. She was too embarrassed to say anything. She had to follow the guest's words and said, "well, yes, I've been serving miss for more than 20 years."

"Oh." Li Mu Chen nodded and said, "I have to thank mother Zhang for taking care of my home Wan'er. Although Wan'er is usually very gentle, sometimes she is really not easy to get along with."

"Er..." Zhang Ma doesn't know what to say. Since he came into the house, this man has treated himself as a man's master's style. Besides, she doesn't treat himself as an outsider.

"Step, step."

At this time, footsteps came from the stairway, and Lin Wan'er came down the stairs. They looked different, but Lin Wan'er's face was expressionless, which made people can't guess what she was thinking.

"Ah, Wan'er, you've come down." Li Mu Chen saw Lin Wan'er at a glance. He was very happy and welcomed him with a light in front of his eyes. "At that time, you were more and more beautiful. You don't know how much I miss you since you left."

Lin Wan'er's eyebrows slightly frowned, and there was a trace of disgust in her eyes. She said coldly, "Li Muchen, what else do you want to do?"

"Er..." Li Muchen is in full swing. Lin Wan'er's words are like pouring a basin of cold water on his head. He stares, as if he can't believe that he will be asked in such a cold voice.

"Alas." With a long sigh, Li Muchen said affectionately, "Wan'er, there are many misunderstandings in the past. I don't want our feelings for so many years to end in such a muddle headed way, and I don't want us to regret this misunderstanding. You know, I love you more than anyone else!" For some reason, Lin Wan'er listened to Li Mu Chen's affectionate confession and looked at his face. She felt a pang of nausea in her heart. She turned her eyes in a hurry and waved her hand. "Don't talk, don't talk soon."

Li Muchen didn't know what Lin Wan'er was thinking. He thought his affectionate offensive was effective. He quickly took advantage of the heat to hold his flowers in his hands, knelt down on one knee and said affectionately, "Wan'er, no matter who was right or wrong before or what kind of misunderstanding between us, let's start again, Wan'er, I love you

"I'm sorry." Lin Wan'er covers her mouth and almost doesn't spit it out on the spot. In Li Mu Chen's unbelievable eyes, Lin Wan's mouth is full

"I'm allergic to pollen," he said, waving his hand. "Please take this crap away."

If Li Muchen doesn't understand Lin Wan'er's attitude now, it would be too insulting to his intelligence. He bit his lip gently and said with his last effort, "Wan'er, have you forgotten our days in France? Have you forgotten our vows under the Paris tower? Is it... "

"Get out of your mother B, don't force me if you have nothing to do!" Ye Chen, who has been standing behind Lin Wan'er for a long time, is not pleased with this guy, but because of Lin Wan'er's face, he is not easy to attack. Now he knows Lin Wan'er's attitude, how can he tolerate it any more? He grins and scolds.

"Who are you?" Li Muchen just noticed Ye Chen's existence. He was stunned and speechless. He had received higher education since he was a child. Where did he deal with Ye Chen, a street swearing gangster.

"I'm your father!" Ye Chen snatched the rose in Li Muchen's arms. Without saying a word, he fell on Li Muchen's face and said with a sneer, "if you want me to say, you're also cheap, don't you hear me? People have said that I'm allergic to pollen, so I have to take it up and hit you in the face. Do you know that you want to take this crap aside? "

Li Mu Chen gets angry. He stands up from the ground and points to Ye Chen's nose. "How can Wan'er and I not know if she is allergic to pollen? What's more, what's the matter with you when I talk to Wan'er? "

Ye Chen shrugged, looked at Li Mu Chen contemptuously and said, "you ya quite know that this is a speech? What's the matter? You don't know it's right for you to stay here until you're kicked out? You don't know people hate you until they hit you? "

"It's really interesting. You're so shameless. People's meaning is very clear. You're still stuck here. Is it interesting or not? What's more, I'm the old man. I don't care about you. I just want to see how you feel. How can I drop it? "

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