Go away

Li Mu Chen's face flushed with anger. His mind was like boiling a pot of water. He was almost blown up with anger. He yelled and scolded, "you son of a bitch, how dare you treat me like this? Do you know who I am? Do you know who my father is? You know... "

"I know you are spicy next door!" Ye Chen pushed Li Muchen to one side and glanced at him with slanting eyes. He didn't pay attention to the boy at all.

To be honest, Li Muchen looks like a movie star. He has a high face value. But the more he looks like this, the more angry Ye Chen is. Looking at his little white face, ye Chen wants to slap him ten times and beat him into a pig's head.

"You... You... You have no quality!" Li Muchen was almost furious. He held on for a long time and finally said, "I'll call the police and catch you! I'll go to court and sue you! "

"Is the Public Security Bureau owned by your family? Go to court and sue me for what? Will you accuse me of scolding you? " Ye Chen frowned, he faced such a person, is also the whole body strength no place to make.

Although he wanted to beat him, he was a little coward and he talked about the law. If he couldn't do it, he would catch him and throw his pigtail into prison. If he did, it would be no fun.

"You... You hooligan!" Li Mu Chen roars a way.

"Hey, there are many people who call me a hooligan. Who are you?" Ye Chen says without care.

Li Muchen where and ye Chen this little gangster has dealt with, he was Ye Chen gas of a belly of fire, gnashing his teeth for a long time, but there is no good way to deal with Ye Chen.

"Mr. Li." Lin Wan'er shakes her head and gives an order to the guests without expression. "If you have nothing else to do, please go out. After all, not everyone is as boring as you are."

"What do you mean, Wan'er?" Li Muchen even suspects that his ears are wrong. He can't believe it and looks at Lin Wan'er.

"What do you mean? What's the meaning, just one meaning, that you have nothing to do, you are bored, others have a chat, we do not have to go to work? Go away Ye Chen took out to take out ear, dismissive say.

If Li Muchen doesn't understand the current situation, he has no brain. He points to Ye Chen and Lin Wan'er, his fingers tremble and roars, "you... You..."

"You, you big head!" Ye Chen curled his mouth and said, "all said let you go, words all said not agile, also learn to send flowers, first take out the socks in your mouth and then talk, really."

"Hum!" Li Muchen stamped his foot, and he could not stay here any longer. He shook his hand and glared at Ye Chen fiercely. Then, he turned his complicated eyes to Lin Wan'er, trying to make the final effort and said, "Wan'er... I..."

"Well, don't say any more. I know what you want to say, but I still said that. We have nothing to do with each other. Please leave." Lin Wan'er's voice was cold and her face was as cold as frost.

Li Mu Chen took a deep breath. He knew that from his understanding of Lin Wan'er, even if he was kneeling on the ground and banging his head 128 times, the woman would never change her mind.

"Well, Wan'er, since you have said that, I understand what you mean. I will be in Dongcheng all the time. If you want to talk to me, I believe you know how to find me." Li Muchen gradually calmed down from his anger and shame. He gently put the flowers in his hand on the tea table and turned to leave.

"Brother Chen!" At this time, Yan Xiren, who had never said a word from beginning to end, could not stand. She took two steps forward and called softly, "don't be busy." Li Mu Chen sighed, stopped and said with a bitter smile, "Xiren, I appreciate your trust in me, but I don't need your sympathy now. I'm a man. Even if Wan'er doesn't love me, I hope to chase her back in a man's way."

Yan Xiren nibbled his lips, looked at Li Muchen and his elder sister, and finally said, "elder sister, I really can't understand what you are thinking. Brother Chen has been so fond of you since he was young. Don't you know how good he is to you? I don't know what happened between you, and I don't know why you broke up for no reason. But, elder sister, if you are just like brother Chen because of Ye Chen, I can't go down. "

Lin Wan'er's face immediately changed. She had a cold face and asked sternly, "Yan Xi Ren, do I have to get your permission to do anything? Huh? "

Yan Xiren was brought up by Lin Wan'er when she was a child. She had a natural fear and respect for her sister. In addition to Lin Wan'er's fierce and powerful female demeanor, Yan Xiren's scared face turned white and a trace of fear appeared in her eyes.

However, Yan Xiren didn't shrink back because of this. She stubbornly pursed her mouth, looked at Lin Wan'er, and said word by word, "elder sister, I'm thinking about your own happiness. I don't want you to regret it in the future!"

"Regret?" Lin Wan'er shook her head and said, "it's naive of you to hit people. If you think about it carefully, which thing did your cousin regret when she was growing up?"

"This..." Yan Xiren was temporarily blocked. She still wanted to stick to her opinion, but Lin Wan'er had lost the patience to argue with her. She waved her hand and said, "well, don't talk any more, don't talk in front of outsiders, fold your face and go back to the room."

Li Mu Chen looks at Ye Chen with an iron blue face. Although from just now on, he thinks that the relationship between Ye Chen and Lin Wan'er is so simple, but now from Yan Xi Ren's mouth, he can guess that the relationship between this little man and Lin Wan'er seems more complicated than he imagined.

"Wan'er, I didn't expect that you chose to break up with me for this man? I don't understand what's so good about this hooligan

I don't understand why you do this to me! " Li Muchen's mood is out of control, his chest is fluctuating violently, and his breathing is more and more urgent.

Ye Chen doesn't care so much. He pushes Li Muchen away for several steps, frowning and swearing, "how can you be shameless? Please go out. If you don't go out, you have to force yourself here. Do you have to have a big mouth on your face to know the pain? "

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