An Yulan

Although Ye Chen's words are very vicious and mean, Lin Wan'er just frowns and doesn't mean to stop Ye Chen.

"Good!" Li Mu Chen bites his teeth, he stares at Ye Chen with the eyes of floating blood, "you have seed, remember, thirty years of Hedong, thirty years of Hexi, you must not fall in my hands, otherwise, hum."

"Ouch, hello." Ye Chen's evil interest patted his chest, a pair of good afraid appearance way, "big brother, you are so fierce, people are scared of you dare not breathe."

Li Mu Chen's whole body trembles with anger. He wants to stab the bitch to death, but he can't do that. He has to turn around and go, for fear that he will find Ye Chen to do his best.

Ye Chen shrugged his shoulders and said, "Hey, I'm leaving now. I won't play any more?"

Li Mu Chen's body a stiff, but soon stuffy head not to go to pay attention to, three and two steps of go out.

Looking at Li Muchen's back disappearing at the door, ye Chen smiles. He twitches the corner of his mouth and says to himself carelessly, "this guy, I really owe you a beating."

"Why not? Are you talking about yourself? " Because it's closer to Ye Chen, Yan Xiren also heard Ye Chen's words, she said

Can't help but heart a burst of fire, angry roar.

"Hum, little girl, you know a string." Ye Chen shakes her head and ignores her.

Lin Wan'er stood in the same place with a complicated look. She didn't know what she was thinking.

"Wan'er." Ye Chen turns to Lin Wan'er and says, "who is this boy?"

Lin Wan'er shook her head slightly and said, "it's just an asshole."

Ye Chen has long had a guess in his heart. Although Lin Wan'er doesn't want to say it, it doesn't prevent Ye Chen from inferring from what happened just now. He is almost sure that Li Mu Chen is Lin Wan'er's ex boyfriend, but he doesn't know why they seem to have a huge difference.

"Well, since it's not convenient for Wan'er to say that, I won't ask more." Ye Chen nods a way.

Lin Wan'er took a look at Ye Chen and said with a complicated look, "Ye Chen, I want to go back to my room first and calm down. If I think this matter should be told to you, then I will never hide it."

Ye Chen can feel Lin Wan'er's mood at this time is very big, he nodded and said, "Wan'er, go to have a rest first, if there is any place I can help, just speak."

Seeing Lin Wan'er leave, ye Chen scratched his head. He looked at Yan Xiren and said, "Miss Xiren, I have something to do, so I'll leave first."

Yan attack talent lazy to tube YE Chen's business, cold hum a way, "love to walk, lest let people look upset."

Ye Chen shrugged his shoulders and said, "is that right? I'm sorry, but I'm not going to bother you in the future

"Hum, hooligan!" Yan Xiren's silver teeth clench. She looks at Ye Chen with hatred. She turns around and walks up to the second floor. She doesn't want to pay more attention to this annoying guy in her eyes.

Ye Chen sneered and said, "it's really an interesting girl. However, I don't care if you are the king of heaven. Even if you hate me, you can't stop me from thinking and making decisions. Hehe, I just like the way you despise me and can't stop me."

Suddenly, ye Chen's voice sank down, and he whispered to himself, "Li Muchen? No matter what you are, as long as you make me unhappy, I will never let you live happily. "..."

An Yulan is sitting on the sofa, holding her chin in a daze. She doesn't know what she is thinking. Her four-year-old son is lying on the carpet beside her feet, seriously building Lego blocks. Not far away, there is a Scottish shepherd dog lying under the table, lazily squinting and dozing.

The whole hall is decorated in European style. In front of the wide French windows, the sun shines on the wool carpet imported from India, and the stall is open

It's golden.

In an Yulan's mind, a figure is constantly emerging. The figure is a young man in sports clothes, with a grinning mouth and firm eyes. It is this man who saved her and her son three days ago. If it is not this young man who stopped Yang Xin, then

Thinking of this, an Yulan can't help but feel cold. She trembles with fright. She looks at her son in a hurry. When she sees that the little guy is still building blocks, she can't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"God bless me, if it wasn't for the young man, I'm afraid Xiaobao would be really dangerous this time. If Xiaobao has any problems, I'm sure I can't live any longer!" An Yulan still has a lingering fear.

After arriving at the hospital that day, the doctor almost scared an Yulan into stupidity and gave her a critical illness notice. If she arrived at the hospital a few minutes later, the consequences would be unimaginable.

Because of this, an Yulan was more grateful to the unknown young man. Holding her forehead, she murmured, "what's your name? Where is it? What kind of person is he? "

When ye Chen came out of Mingyue villa, it was already more than two o'clock in the afternoon. He stood at the gate and stretched out, reached for a taxi and sat in.

"Where are you going? Young man Sitting in the cab, a middle-aged man in his 30s and 40s, he asked with a smile.

"Well, go to Ye's fast food bar, anda pedestrian street." Ye Chen thought and replied.

"OK, fasten your seat belt. We'll be there in a minute." The taxi master nodded warmly. He looked at Ye Chen and said in surprise, "Hey, young man, aren't you the one who helped miss an that day?"

"Well?" Ye Chen didn't expect the taxi driver to recognize himself. He looked at the driver carefully, and suddenly realized, "you are the uncle of that day. I've been thinking about that for two days. How's the elder sister? Is the baby OK? "

The taxi driver started the car and said with a smile, "it's OK. That day, I specially helped miss an to send the child to the emergency room. The child had a heart disease. Fortunately, he was sent to the doctor in time. If he was late, I'm afraid his life would be in danger."

"Miss Ann? It turns out that the elder sister's surname is Ann Ye Chen nodded, and after learning that their mother and son were OK, he was happy for them.

"Yes, in order to thank me for my help, miss an had to give me 20000 yuan from the fortress, but I didn't want it. The most important thing to be a man is to have a clear conscience. If you can help us with this kind of thing, you will help us. If you want money, you will feel guilty and the whole person will be uncomfortable." The taxi Master said solemnly.

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