Are you happy

Ye Chen immediately reveres the warm-hearted uncle. He places his head heavily and says, "uncle, you are a good man."

"What kind of good man am I? It's just an ordinary person. I believe that even if it wasn't me at that time, if it was someone else present, it would have done the same thing. " The taxi driver waved his hand and said with disapproval.

Ye Chen said, "uncle, if everyone is the same as you, there won't be so many disgusting things."

They talked and laughed and had a good time. When ye Chen got off at anda pedestrian street, they exchanged their mobile phone numbers and agreed to have dinner together.

All the way to the door of Ye's fast food, ye Chen just wanted to enter, the phone rang.

"Hello." Glancing at the number on the screen, ye Chen's face changed and looked around. He found a place where no one was and picked up the phone.

A man's voice came from the receiver, low and powerful. It was Song Yang who chose to stand in a line with Ye Chen, "someone is staring at you."

"Who?" Ye Chen doesn't make a sound color, low voice asks a way.

"I don't know, but it should be Feng Tao's people, because I got the news that the people of the black dragon club are collecting your information, and many small groups have received the wind, and they want to keep an all-round eye on you."

"Ha ha, I knew that Feng Tao would not give up, but is he coming at last? That's what I want

Ye Chen's words surprised Song Yang on the other end of the phone. Although he knew that ye Chen was a black fish, he was still not optimistic about the current situation.

In Song Yang's eyes, no matter how ye Chen is, he is just a cook. If he wants to fight against an underground tycoon like Feng Tao, it's like beating a stone with an egg. There's no chance of winning. He can't figure out where ye Chen's confidence is.

However, ye Chen didn't explain to Song Yang. He said with a smile, "Yang Zi, I'm going to hurt you to be my ear and eye now. If there's any news, please contact me at the first time."

Song Yang sighed on the other end of the phone and said, "I will, but I still want to persuade you that if you don't have much hatred with Feng Tao, you'd better admit your mistake and be soft. After all, Feng..."

Ye Chen frowned and directly interrupted Song Yang's words, "if you are soft, don't say it later. It's impossible. As for what Feng Tao wants, it's his business, and what I want, it's my business. If he wants to play with me, I will definitely play with him."

"Well, good luck." Song Yang knows that he can't persuade Ye Chen, so he just doesn't talk, so he raises his hand and hangs up the phone.

Ye Chen takes a deep breath and puts his mobile phone in his pocket. Suddenly, he has a sense of urgency.

In the past few days, he has offended some of the most troublesome people in the city, and now he is getting deeper and deeper, and things are getting more and more troublesome. The endless crises make ye Chen feel insecure. In his opinion, unless he can enhance some of his strength, he can only plant here.

The easiest way to become stronger is through the magic Taobao store, such as Ali boxing experience advanced chapter. But now my merit value is only 50 points. It's not enough to buy an inflatable doll, and I have to make a fart boxing experience to enhance my strength.

Standing on the street, ye Chen's face is uncertain. After thinking about it, he takes out his mobile phone and finds a person's name in the contact column and makes a phone call.

After waiting for the sound for a long time, someone finally picked up the phone“ Hello

There is loud music on the other side of the receiver, and the noise is loud.

"Brother Huang Mao, have you been playing hi recently?" Ye Chen laughs jokingly.

It's Huang Mao who answers the phone. He hears Ye Chen's voice. His hand holding the mobile phone is wet and he licks his lips involuntarily. He looks around warily. Seeing that no one pays attention to him, he goes to the bathroom.

"Brother Qiang, you really have seed? Now the whole black dragon society and even the whole Dongcheng city are looking for your bad luck. You dare to call me now. " Squatting in the small squatting room of the toilet, Huang Mao carefully whispered.

Ye Chen didn't take it seriously. He grinned, "why don't I dare to call you? You have the guts to fuck fengtaote's mother. If I don't even have the guts to call you, it's too empty."

"You... You threaten me!" Huang Mao was stabbed to the pain by Ye Chen. All day long, he was worried about the video in Ye Chen's hands. If Feng Tao knew about it, he would bear the most heartless anger of the black dragon conversation. It was two things to say whether he could live.

"There's no threat." Ye Chen shook his head and denied, "you know, I've always been very trustworthy. We agreed that day to cooperate with each other, but now you haven't contacted me for a long time. I thought brother Huang Mao was a noble man and forgot everything. I can't remember my loyal partner."

Thinking of Ye Chen's methods, Huang Mao can't help getting cold all over. He shivers. In his opinion, the most important thing now is to seize the video in Ye Chen's hand. Even if he can't, at least he should ensure that it won't be spread by Ye Chen. Otherwise, his life will be lost.

"What do you want me to do?" Yellow hair was pinched to a disadvantage, the whole person is decadent blunder, dare not have what offend Ye Chen

I'm afraid that I'll annoy the other party and put myself in a hopeless situation.

Ye Chen said with a smile, "it's very simple. I want you to report the latest trend of the black dragon club every day. In addition, if I feel that you have cheated me, or that I'm not satisfied with your report, then I can only regret to tell you that there will be a small U disk on boss Feng Tao's desk. Believe me, it will definitely interest boss Feng."

"You..." Huang Mao felt that he was in a dilemma, and the whole person was stiff. He licked his dry lips and murmured, "isn't this the spy? It's absolutely impossible for me to do such a thing. Moreover, I'm just a bottom-level member of the Black Dragon Society, and I can't get any useful information at all. Therefore, what you asked me to do is of no value at all, so... "

"There's nothing to do with that." Ye Chen leisurely said, "it's your business to be a spy or not, but if you don't be a spy, I won't be happy. If you don't make me happy, I won't make you happy."

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