Deep in ambush

"Well?" Jiang xuanxiu frowned slightly. She always had a bad feeling for some reason.

Now that the deal was settled, the two of them went out of Ye's fast food through the back door, took a taxi and left.

As soon as ye Chen's car left, a black Toyota Highlander started the engine and followed the taxi far behind. The two cars, one before the other, mixed into the traffic and drove to the more and more remote West.

In the driver's seat of black Highlander, a young man in a black shirt was staring at the taxi in front of him. There were three strong men sitting in the back seat, with no expression and no words.

"Hello, Mr. Wu. Are you sure it's him?" A man on the co pilot asked. His accent is very strange. When he speaks Mandarin, it gives people the feeling of blurring and big tongue.

The driver nodded. He was Feng Tao's confidant, named Wu Yanming. The other four on the bus were Feng Tao's fellow martial brothers from Japan, a young swordsman of Beichen yidaoliu.

Sitting on the co pilot's seat is takataro Kitai. He is also the only Japanese who can speak Chinese. He once taught himself Putonghua for a period of time. Although he has a strange accent, he can barely communicate with each other.

Takataro Kitai touched the samurai sword beside the car door. Because they are foreigners and their swords have been certified by sporting goods, they are not afraid to violate China's knife control regulations.

"Mr. Beijing, brother Tao told me before he asked me to come. I'll move my hand later. Let's just discard Ye Chen's two arms

We can't make people die. " Fearing that the Japanese could not understand what he said, Wu Yanming deliberately slowed down his speech.

"Well." Kitai Kotaro nodded, "we understand, proper, have."

"Well, just a few gentlemen know." Wu Yanming was relieved when he got a reply. He stepped on the gas and kept up with the taxi in front of him.

While black hanlanda was following closely, ye Chen was sitting in a taxi, brushing his mobile phone leisurely. He was sitting on the co pilot, opening wechat and brushing his circle of friends, looking very comfortable.

Jiang Xuan, on the other hand, sits in the back seat, her chin in her hand, and her eyes look out of the car. Although her face is still very indifferent, there is a trace of worry and complexity in her eyes.

"What? Miss Jiang, what's on your mind? " Ye Chen looks at Jiang Xuan in the rearview mirror and says something casually.

"No, where?" Jiang Xuan shakes her head and denies, but her eyes blink subconsciously to hide the confusion.

Ye Chen lightly laughed to smile, don't care at all of say, "well, you say have no have no."

Jiang Xuan frowned and asked harshly, "what do you mean?"

"What I can mean depends on what you mean, Miss Jiang." Ye Chen said playfully.

Jiang Xuan was startled, but she was still calm and said with a sneer, "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Oh, really?" Ye Chen blinked his eyes, shook his head and said with a smile, "it doesn't matter. Anyway, you will understand right away."

Jiang Xuan clenched her teeth and said, "Ye Chen, if you have something to say, don't look mysterious."

Ye Chen can see Jiang Xuan's confusion at this time, but he doesn't expose it. At the beginning, he found something wrong with Jiang Xuan. When he shook hands with Jiang Xuan, he noticed that Jiang Xuan's fingers were rough, but Jiang Xuan claimed to be Lin Wan'er's cousin, which made him very suspicious. Although he doesn't know about Lin Wan'er's family background, from Yan Xiren and some photos he saw in Mingyue villa, Lin Wan'er's family must be rich or expensive. If Jiang Xuan is really her cousin, then, first of all, the skin can't have such deep traces of time.

Although Jiang Xuan has charming charm and looks like a rich family, she doesn't have any famous brand. When she goes out, she says she will take her to meet Lin Wan'er's mother, and she doesn't have a car. There are many loopholes in this. If ye Chen, like Wang Yi, only pays attention to Jiang Xuan's face and chest, she won't pay attention to these details.

However, ye Chen has seen too many beauties, especially in recent days, Ye's sisters and Si Yuyao are all the most beautiful women in the world. Compared with the beauties of their level, Jiang Xuan is not inferior, but she is still inferior.

"Miss Jiang, shall we meet the old man here?" Ye Chen looked out of the window and found that the taxi had already arrived at the beach. If you drive further, you will find the deserted grass.

Jiang Xuan calmly opened the door. She walked down from the car and said calmly, "yes, here it is."

Ye Chen shakes his head. He is conceited that with his own ability, he really doesn't pay attention to a woman. He wants to see who is behind him through this woman.

Open the door, ye Chen also came out of the car, he paid the taxi driver's fare, the driver foot accelerator left.

Seeing the orange car disappear at the end of the road in the distance, ye Chen stretched out and said, "Miss Jiang, what do you want to do? I'm really curious. "

On the desolate beach, the grass and the green and yellow reeds cut off the river water from the earth. From time to time, birds and ducks spread their wings and sing low. The river wind howls, and the reeds rise and fall like waves.

Jiang Xuan stood in the same place, just looked up at the sky and kept silent.

In a humble reed, the jackal in camouflage work clothes hides in it. He holds a dagger in his thick and rough palm and stares at Ye Chen through the fragmentary gap between the reeds, just like a real beast. The Jackal's eyes are as deep as iron, and his eyelids don't blink even when the wind blows.

Just when the Jackal wanted to start, the sound of tire braking came from the beach. In the harsh tire noise, a black Highlander stopped on the beach full of sand and stones.

"Oh, are you coming?" Ye Chen's eyes narrowed slightly. He looked at the hanlanda and clenched his fist silently. He was on guard.


A series of door opening and closing sounds, from the black Highlander, snoring down five big men, except the driver in the driver's seat, the other four people are all holding long knives, eyes as fierce as wolves.

Ye Chen's brow is slightly wrinkled. Although he hasn't met yet, the momentum of these people on the opposite side is as majestic as the river. Just standing opposite them, he has a very dangerous feeling.

"Tut Tut, there seems to be trouble." Ye Chen smacks his mouth, but his eyes are extremely alert.

"Are you ye Chen?" Wu Yanming takes the lead in opening his mouth. While he stares at Ye Chen, he also looks at the surrounding environment to ensure that after a fight, he can block Ye Chen's escape route.

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